Instagram tips for business. How to open an online store on Instagram from scratch. How to convert a regular profile to a business profile

Social networks have long ceased to be just a means of communication. Today you can use them to promote your own business. But the procedure for creating and configuring such accounts on different platforms is different. This section is devoted to the question of how to make a business profile on Instagram.

What is a business account and why is it needed

At first glance, a business account is not immediately distinguishable from a regular one; it looks about the same. But in fact, he is a personal brand of the company. For its development, Instagram provides a lot of tools and settings. If the user intends to actively promote goods or services through a social network, he needs such a profile.

It is in the presence of special functions that the answer to the question of why you need a business profile on Instagram lies. They make it possible to use the options provided to increase sales and attract customers.

If your own business “didn’t work out”, and there is no longer a need to promote posts on the social network, you can remove the business account at any time, namely, transfer it to another category and make it normal.

Consider what gives the user the opportunity to switch to a business profile on Instagram. It gets access to the following functions:

  1. Set up an account category. To make it easier for users to understand what industry the company operates in, profiles are divided into personal blogs, brands, online stores, and more.
  2. Indication of the actual address. If the organization has an office, then it will be useful for customers to know where it is located.
  3. Placement of 5 buttons. These tools are used for quick communication. For example, after installing a special key marked "Call", the visitor, by clicking on it, can immediately contact the supplier of the proposed product or service.
  4. Creation and promotion of advertising posts. This feature is considered one of the main advantages, and it is for this reason that many are interested in how to connect a business profile. In addition, you can customize the promotion of information for a specific category of users, dividing them by gender, age or location.
  5. View statistics. The account owner has the opportunity to receive information about which of the advertising posts has gained the most popularity among subscribers, how many people have visited the profile, and much more.

In addition, the development and testing of the possibility of creating online stores on Instagram is currently underway. So far, unfortunately, this function is not available in the CIS countries. When it comes into force, doing business on the social network will become even easier.

Summing up the topic, why do you need a business profile on Instagram, we can say that it is worth including it for several reasons. Thanks to the described functions, it allows you to:

  • engage more subscribers;
  • increased the number of sales;
  • analyze which advertising information works best.

And now it’s worth moving on to the question of how to register your business in a popular social network.

How to set up a business profile on Instagram

Creating a dedicated Instagram account requires the user to have a dedicated Facebook page. You need to do it in this way:

  1. Log in to your social network profile and navigate to the pages section.
  2. Click on the plus sign that says "Create", toggle the button to start the process.
  3. Enter a page name, select a category.
  4. If the company has its own website, fill in the required column, indicating its address, and if not, press the "Skip" button.
  5. Set a photo, select a picture as a cover.
  6. Save your changes.

Subsequently, if any of the entered data becomes irrelevant, it will not be difficult at all to figure out how to change them. It is enough to enter the settings again and correct the information. Photos and covers change in the same way.

Now let's figure out how to change the page status on Instagram. To do this, go to its settings and move to the account section. Here you will need to click on the switch line to the company profile.

After that, all that remains is to import the contacts linked to another page into the created business account, and you can place ads, beautiful pictures of the products offered, and so on.

I can’t connect to a business profile on Instagram: what is the reason

Sometimes there are problems when activating a commercial profile. This is due to the fact that the user does not comply with some conditions. Therefore, in case of difficulties, you should make sure that the following requirements have been met:

  1. Facebook page created.
  2. The profile is open.
  3. A public page has already been created for the business, and the user is an administrator.

If all the indicated points are completed, but access to the business page is still not obtained, you need to contact technical support. Perhaps, any conditions prescribed in the policy of the social network were violated.

How to fill out a business profile

The content posted in the account should give users maximum information about the offered product and service, as well as about their supplier. Therefore, it is required to enter all the necessary data, such as company name, actual address, etc.

In addition, it is important to consider ways feedback. The user should be able to contact the company by phone, on the website or in popular instant messengers.

Another important point are photographs, of course. If the user offers any goods, it is necessary that the corresponding pictures are placed on the page. Moreover, it is better to keep them in the same style, using the proposed image processing tools.

Is it possible to connect several business profiles on Instagram for promotion
Some users have a question whether it is possible to create several business profiles on Instagram at the same time. The social network provides such an opportunity, and the number of accounts is unlimited.

To connect a new profile to an existing one, do the following:

  1. Log into the social network.
  2. Move to the settings section, which is marked with a 3-dot logo and located at the top of the screen.
  3. Find the command to add a new account and click on it.
  4. After going to the established form, enter the required data.

After that, it remains only to log in to a new page, and arrange it according to own will while complying with the social network policy.

When your own business does not make a profit, and there is no longer a desire to engage in it, the user has a question of how to close a business on a social network. There are two options: you can simply delete the account, or you can change it to personal status. Let's see how to do it.

How to closeCreate a business profile on Instagram:

  1. Log in to Facebook and navigate to the page settings.
  2. Find the commercial account tab on Instagram.
  3. Click on the disable sticker.
  4. Confirm changes.

After that, the page will be closed, and all posted information will be deleted.

How to delete a business and convert an account to personal status:

Knowing how to turn off a business on Instagram, you can do it at any time. What’s more, the process only takes a couple of minutes.

The main advantages of developing your business through social networks include the cost-effectiveness of this method. Registration of the page is free, the only thing an entrepreneur can spend on is paying for and promoting advertising. But at the initial stage, you can not resort to such expenses.

Another advantage is that Instagram is a fairly popular social network with over 2 billion active users. The posted information can be seen by many people, which will attract a large number of subscribers, and, accordingly, increase the number of customers. Moreover, it is possible to increase the demand for the offered product or service without serious investments.

But no matter how convenient this way of promoting your business is, there are also disadvantages. These include the following factors

  • The need to pay for advertising. If you need to quickly promote a product or service, you will need to invest a lot of money in it. Of course, such a measure will help to significantly increase sales, but not everyone can afford such costs.
  • Visitor distrust. Many people avoid purchasing anything from unverified suppliers. It is much easier for them to buy any product or order a service from a well-known distributor. Therefore, very often at first the business does not generate income, and you have to wait for any results for quite a long time.
  • Ignoring the account by users. Most people still use Instagram for personal purposes, viewing photos and news feed. Therefore, according to statistics, they quite often “pass by” commercial pages. The only exceptions are cases when they are original and non-standard, and the posted content is interesting and informative.

Whether it is worth promoting a business through social networks or not, everyone decides for himself. It is important to realize that without investing in your business, it is impossible to make a profit. But, unlike other ways of development, this one is the least expensive, moreover, it does not require special knowledge and skills from a novice entrepreneur.

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Instagram is a platform that brings together more than 300 million people every day who want to share their photos, videos and stories. And as Instagram has been growing more and more actively in recent years, many businessmen and marketers are asking an important question:

How can we use Instagram for business?

  • Creating a "killer" profile on Instagram;
  • The importance of setting goals correctly and defining a clear strategy on Instagram;
  • Placing high-quality content on an ongoing basis;
  • Secrets that will help you build an extensive subscriber base.

Here we go?

4 tips to unlock the potential of your Instagram profile

1. Make your "biography" as interesting as possible

Forming an opinion about your brand can take as little as two tenths of a second. This means it's incredibly important to make a good first impression with your profile content and bio.

Your bio should be written with love, as it's often the first thing people notice when they click on someone's profile. It will play an important role in the decision of those who have just come to you. It can encourage a user to follow you, scroll through content, or go to your site.

A good Instagram bio should:

  • Tell something about you/your brand and what you do;
  • Be directed to your target audience;
  • Relevant to the overall theme of the brand.

An Instagram bio is the face of your blog or business account, take the time to be specific about yourself, your occupation/hobbies/professional activities, or the services you offer. The potential reader will not waste time to find out what you do. Everything should be accessible and fully described, and thus it is your target audience that will subscribe to you, and not “something from the forest”, which will hang dead weight and not bring any benefit. Create a beautiful stylish logo, a good competent description, put a link to the site, stick to the same style in posts, control the quality of the content, and you are guaranteed success.

2. Post a link

The only place on Instagram where you can leave a link is the bio. This is an extremely valuable "property" for business strategy.

Here are some working link options:

  • Most Instagram users use the link at the top to drive traffic to their site's homepage;
  • For other users, the link on Instagram leads to special landing pages or their individual parts;
  • Many brands update links from time to time to drive traffic to their new content.

3. Create an Instagram Business Profile

Alexander Popov, Marketing Director of "SocialKit":

Create an Instagram Business Profile is the new feature on Instagram that everyone has been waiting for years. You get access to statistics (albeit not as powerful as Vkontakte), giving you an understanding of which audience has subscribed to you. This data will expand your opportunities in terms of offering your product. And also the “Contact” button will appear in the profile, by clicking on which, a person will be able to send you a letter to the mail or a message to the phone. This greatly increases the conversion, giving users the opportunity to quickly find out the information they need.

Instagram recently announced various business tools designed to help businesses better understand their followers and grow their business with the service.

When you convert your account to a business profile, you can add additional information to it. For example, your phone number, email address, and your company's physical address.

4. Use a recognizable picture as your main profile picture

When it comes to choosing a profile photo, you need to find one that people instantly recognize when they log into Instagram. In a business account, you can place:

  • Logo;
  • Logomark (logo without signatures);
  • Symbol.

There is no right or wrong choice in this business, you should not limit yourself to one of these or any other options. However, it is still worth thinking about what will help people to distinguish your brand from others as quickly as possible.

7 best practices for business on Instagram

5. Set clear goals for yourself

When using any marketing channel, it is important to have goals in front of you, the achievement of which is a priority for you. If you are going to invest your time and money in Instagram for business, ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve?”

Here are a few common goals that people, brands, and businesses typically choose to use for their Instagram account strategy:

Setting these goals ahead of time helps you decide on the types of content you publish on your site and how to measure its popularity.

6. Pay attention to the color palette

The owners of some of the most successful Instagram accounts tend to use a carefully chosen color palette for their photos, creating a distinct style and personality with them. An example is an account Not on the Highstreet, whose owner tends to use soft colors and light backgrounds for his photos:

Think about your brand colors and visual style of the company and imagine how they can be implemented on Instagram. Try to make sure that the content of your Instagram profile is harmoniously intertwined with the overall brand aesthetic and its corporate colors.

7. Pay Attention to Your Font Choice

The popularity of text overlays and captions on photos and videos on Instagram has skyrocketed over the last year or so. With this feature, people add subtitles to videos so that a person can catch the desired message, even if they are muted. In case text plays an important role in your profile content, you need to think about the font you will be using, as well as its aesthetic and form relationship with the font on your website or other marketing materials.

Sean McCabe ( @seanwes). He tends to use the same font for all of his posts, making them instantly recognizable.

8. Make the Most of Your Signatures

A caption is a chance to improve the content of a post, and many brands try to make the most of it. Some choose to use captions for posting, story sharing, and microblogging. Others add a short, inspiring headline to the caption. At the same time, others leave questions in the signatures to users, encouraging them to write their answers in the comments. The possibilities of this attribute are endless.

Useful information: the caption on Instagram is limited to 2200 characters, after which it is truncated with an ellipsis.

9. Post Consistently

Posting consistency and frequency will help your audience know when to expect new content from you. Maintaining a specific (overt or covert) schedule ensures you get the most engagement with your audience without periods of stagnation and lack of updates. Any Instagram strategy for business needs to be clear on how often content is updated to ensure a consistent number of views and visitors.

A study by Union Metrics found that the majority of brands post on Instagram on a daily basis. In fact, the average was 1.5 posts per day. The study also showed - and this is really interesting - that there is no connection between an increase in the frequency of posts and a decrease in engagement. That is, brands that posted more than twice a day did not see any negative effects.

10. Analyze Your Most Successful Posts

It's important to keep track of what's working and what's not working on Instagram, and one of the best ways to do this is to dig into Instagram analytics and check the following metrics:

  • Which posts get the most likes?
  • How the number of posts you publish can affect reader engagement;
  • The most commented content on your profile.

Instagram offers analytics in its business tools, and it can be extremely useful for following trends and trends.

11. Reply to comments on your posts

It is necessary to pay attention to and respond to the activity of the audience in order to encourage positive statements about your brand and attract new followers. Interestingly, a study conducted by the Internet Advertising Bureau showed that 90% of users are willing to recommend a brand to others after interacting with it in in social networks.

4 Experiments That Can Grow Your Instagram Account Fast

12. Repost posts from Instagram to Facebook

A Buzzsumo study based on more than 1 billion posts from 3 million pages across brands found that Facebook images posted via Instagram had higher reader engagement than images posted straight to Facebook:

13. Attractive and "impacting" hashtags

Hashtags play an important role in our lives: they help classify content on various social media platforms. Hashtags allow Instagram users to find interesting posts and accounts. According to Track Maven research, posts with more than 11 hashtags have much higher engagement.

Bonus Tip: Try to create a specific hashtag associated with the brand.

In the case of Buffer Social, their marketing strategy is to constantly post quality content that aims to build the uniqueness of the Buffer brand while at the same time engaging with the audience in person. As Buffer believes, one-on-one interaction has tremendous power.

It is with this strategy in mind that the hashtag was created, which allows the community to tell stories about a personal or professional hobby. The company also regularly uses this special hashtag to share stories about the team, repost interesting posts from subscribers, etc.

14. Turn on the display of faces in your messages to increase the level of interaction

And more research! Georgia Tech looked at 1.1 million random photos on Instagram and came up with an interesting pattern - photos with faces got:

  • 32% more likes;
  • 38% more comments.

That's it.

15. Experiment with Instagram Ads

Over the past year, Instagram has been actively working with various brands to optimize their advertising platform, and the results of this work seem to be impressive. Among the more than 400 campaigns participating in the Nielsen Brand Effect study, ad recall from sponsored messages was 2.8 times higher than the Nielsen average for online advertising.

With a variety of ad formats, a carousel of photo and video ads that allow brands to tell their inspiring story, Instagram is a great place to experiment with paid ads.

18. Timely and Informative Content

Do you have something interesting, trendy? Maybe a special holiday? National Pizza Day? Promote it! To stir up the interest of the audience, you can join the discussion of an unusual post you created that is related to the brand and its history. When it comes to trending items, it's important to think about how your story relates to both the trend and the brand. And whether entering into a discussion is a successful strategic maneuver.

21. Try publishing Stories in association with other brands

A social media co-op is a collaboration where you and another Instagram user or brand appear on each other's profile and share content in Stories. A co-op works essentially the same way as a guest post on your blog or an interesting guest joining your podcast.

Buffer teamed up with brands such as TrackMaven and BryanFanzo as an experiment, as part of the collaboration, they shared Stories content with each other and shared it on their pages:

Such partnerships work great when quality content is supplied by both parties and there is genuine interest in each other's audience. For example, if you're a furniture company, you could enter an Instagram co-op with a real estate company and teach readers how to create the perfect bedroom layout. At the same time, a real estate company can use your Instagram Stories to give advice about buying and selling real estate, its furnishing, etc.

22. Experiment with zoom

Instagram users can use the "pinch" to stretch and reduce the display area of ​​a photo or video. When you pinch an image or video, it expands in the lightbox area and the part you want is shown in full screen.

This tool opens up a lot of fun possibilities for posting content on Instagram. Here's an example of how Icelandic brand Reyka Vodka uses zoom to highlight some famous sights of your country :

23. Repost content from other accounts

Although reposting is not an official feature of the Instagram app and website, many users and brands are finding ways to repost. It can be an incredibly effective way to increase your Instagram followers.

A great example of good reposting in action is GoPro. GoPro is a brand built on user-generated content. Their Instagram feed regularly features posts from members of the community and showcases the amazing and beautiful images you can get with a GoPro:

24. Try Boomerang

Boomerang (boomerang) is an Instagram service that takes a series of photos and creates something like GIF files. However, there is one rather important difference between GIF and boomerang. GIF loops the video. Boomerang, on the other hand, plays the video to the end, then in reverse order, then forward again and so on endlessly until your phone / tablet is completely discharged.

25. Share "backstage"

Instagram is the perfect place to showcase the “human” side of your business, organizing a virtual backstage trip. Instagram will give your users an exclusive opportunity to look into the life of your company and feel like part of the brand.

26. Present your products/services creatively

Instagram provides you with an amazing platform to showcase your product or service with imagination and creativity. Creativity is Oreo's forte, with almost every Instagram post featuring one of their products, yet every profile photo and video looks so compelling and unique:

When it comes to Instagram for business again, try to think about how you can highlight your brand through the content on your profile. A few proven ways include:

It will take a lot of effort to bring all or at least some of the points to life, but it's worth it. Driving traffic is an important part of any online business. An effective way to attract customers is to buy posts in popular and promoted accounts. Our main growth comes from such posts.

Mass following and mass liking are also great ways, and they are in high demand for a reason. They allow you to constantly interact with customers and grow your audience.

But sometimes gaining 100 or 200 subscribers a day doesn't give any positive result if you don't start working with them right away. They unsubscribe very quickly. You need to be interested in visitors, write to them in direct, involve them in content, etc.

During the development of a new functionality for sending personalized messages to direct through Instaplus, we realized that this is an almost untouched market with untapped potential. And we are very glad that we have helped and will help to increase sales many times by automating communication with subscribers. We also measured responses to our direct messages, and they were as high as 80 percent!

And yes - I would also like to note that in our experience, the involvement in video content is now much higher than in photos. Instagram is constantly inventing and introducing something new specifically for video, so you can and should experiment with it.

I wish you all good progress!


I would like to hear, or rather, see your thoughts in the comments about using Instagram for business. What are your top tips for growing your Instagram business strategy?

The functionality of Instagram allows you to form a large audience in a short time period. Its representatives constantly look through publications and photos. They are solvent and ready to make emotional purchases. The social network is an indispensable trading platform for entrepreneurs whose activities are focused on the sale of real goods, the sale of which requires a dialogue with customers.

Business on Instagram

Benefits of an Instagram store

Placement of cards with characteristics and description of goods on trading platform Instagram is profitable and effective, which is due to the convenient social network console and low costs for account promotion. Using it for business purposes, it is easy to inspire confidence in a potential consumer of the promoted products, since all customers of the store have the opportunity to freely comment on their impressions of cooperation. Before transferring money for a purchase, buyers have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the previously left reviews of users who have already used the service.

To open a clothing store on Instagram, you do not need to invest in creating, setting up and designing an online store website. Product cards can be uploaded to a social network server without the need for additional software.

A huge number of people use the social network for entertainment and shopping. With the correct presentation of advertising information, all of them can become potential buyers. After posting a publication informing about promotions or about the appearance of a new product in the store, all subscribers are notified about the event.

It is worth noting that they do not always log into the store account to see the seller's offers. Users may not even remember its existence, however advertising post will not go unnoticed and will certainly receive a response in the form of purchases from its readers. The more subscribers a seller's account has, the easier and faster it is for them to spread the word.

How to open a store on Instagram: step by step instructions

To launch the service, you need to create an Instagram profile and decide on a niche of activity. In order for trade to be conducted in an uninterrupted mode, it is necessary to find a reliable supplier who always has the right product in stock at an affordable price. Before opening a business, you need to evaluate its prospects, which is possible by comparing the size of the investment for a startup and the potential value of profitability.

Choosing the direction of trade

The direction of trade should be related to the personal interest of the entrepreneur and his ability to get the item for sale at a bargain price. You can check its relevance by evaluating the activities of competitors. By entering the name of a niche in the search engines, you can analyze the level of competition that will have to be overcome. The more advertising will be on demand, the greater the coverage of the niche, and the more funds will need to be invested in promoting the project. It is worth noting that niches for which there are no advertising campaigns may not be in demand.

Create an account

You can create an Instagram profile on a computer or through a mobile application. Business account is opened with functionality Facebook or by adjusting your regular profile settings. Registration via a computer is carried out according to the standard scheme, for the implementation of which you will need e-mail. The procedure is carried out from a personal account on Facebook or from the main page of the social network.

To create a profile via phone, you must first download the application. Registration can be done by phone number or email address. Actions can also be carried out from Facebook.

It is no secret that social networks are very successfully used by users to conduct business and Instagram is no exception. On the contrary, the specificity of the visual presentation of content allows you to present a product or idea in the most favorable light. Where there are images, there are always emotions that "force" people to commit impulsive actions. In this post, we'll take a look at the most promising ideas for business on Instagram, we will find out what is needed to make money on this social platform.

What kind of business can be done through Instagram?

There are many ways to make money on Instagram. Some require investments, but provide an opportunity to receive a very impressive income. Some can start "from scratch", although the earnings will be enough only "for ice cream". Among all the options, the most effective are:

  • sale of their goods and services;
  • trade in other people's products;
  • advertising;
  • sale of photographs;
  • account promotion.

Each of the above business options requires having a promoted account with at least 10,000 active live followers.

The first option is suitable for small shops, small manufacturers, needlewomen, artisans, owners of beauty salons, hairdressers, small bakeries. If the assortment is small, then the page on Insta can be very successfully used as a "showcase" of your virtual store.

Trade in someone else's products does not even require the presence of goods. An online entrepreneur negotiates with an online store, receives an affiliate link and recommends this product to his followers. For each unit sold, you can get a very good commission.

You can provide your Instagram account to companies and other bloggers as an advertising platform. There are exchanges that act as an intermediary between the advertiser and the owner of the advertising platform.

To be "closer to the people" large companies often resort to publishing private photographs. Take the necessary photos, publish them in your account and if they meet the requirements, then you can easily get a decent reward for them.

Account promotion is a real income for promotion specialists. Many business profile owners hire someone to work on their business idea. The average income from one account is 20 thousand rubles.

There is another type of business - the execution of tasks.

It is suitable for those who do not understand anything at all (and do not want to understand) in trading and promotion. Register in specialized services (for free), like and comment on other people's photos, watch videos, subscribe to pages and get paid for it. It is difficult to name the final amount, it all depends on your performance.

Business ideas for Instagram 2018

As a rule, ideas for business on Instagram are not original: trade, advertising. But even here you can turn around, combining "business with pleasure."

Business Idea #1 Blogging

Business Idea #2 Group Buying

You create a page with an assortment of a wholesale online store. Your subscribers gather in groups, form orders. As the “sizes” are assembled, customers pay you the wholesale cost of the goods + your 10-15% for services. You place an order in your name, and after receiving it, you send it to customers.

This is work, and a very serious one, which, by the way, with a normal approach, can bring good profits and dividends in the form of an avalanche-like increase in an active and engaged audience with all the attributes inherent in a quality account: likes, comments, reposts, etc.

Business idea No. 3 Become a "star"

There are many ways to get an impressive number of subscribers in a fairly short time. As soon as the number of followers exceeds a couple of tens of thousands, you can start advertising. What to advertise? Yes, anything! Advertisers will stand in line so that your audience gets acquainted with their goods, services, brands, etc. You can earn from 500 to 10 thousand rubles for one advertising post.

Business idea No. 4 Sale of accounts

Business Idea #5

A profile account is created, which acts as a platform for trading a certain group of goods. Users interested in expanding the audience join this community and get the right to post their posts for a fee.

How to learn to earn through Insta?

The first thing you need to make money in a social program is an idea for a million. I have an idea that needs to be implemented. The first and most important step is recruiting an audience. Here we need an integrated approach that includes the classic ways to recruit subscribers:

  • massliking.
  • mass following (see).
  • hashtags.
  • geolocation.

In order for people who follow your profile to become your followers, you need high-quality and engaging content. Where to take it? In the Internet! There you can always find a lot of questions on your subject, which are of most interest to users. Analyze the questions. The analysis will tell you what to write about in order to interest the user of the social platform. Monitor competitor content. Find out which topics get the most response and work in that direction. Track what your followers are writing and always communicate with them. Start a dialogue.

In parallel with recruiting an audience, start promoting your business idea. In the process, it can transform into something else, which is good. This is an indicator of your flexibility and compliance with the requirements of the modern market. Now the main thing. In order to make money on Instagram, in addition to the number of subscribers, you need to earn the trust of the audience.

These are the most basic things you need to know in order to earn income in a social program.

How to create a business profile on Instagram?

To monetize your page on Insta, you need to switch to a business profile, which must be correctly designed. For what? A profile is the first thing a visitor to your page encounters. It depends on the first impression whether he will become your follower or not. After registering an account, go to the settings and select the "Switch to company profile" item.

  • Choose an account name. If you represent a store, then indicate its name in English. For a personal business page, a memorable nickname in Latin letters is perfect.
  • Uploading an avatar. Ideally, this should be a company logo. If not, then the image should reflect the essence of the activity, be of high quality with large elements. Your photo is also suitable for a personal page.
  • Write down the name. This line is a search string, so enter your first and last name in Russian. You can enter the name of your business through a slash.
  • We fill out the profile. Enter information about the company: phone, address, email. e-mail where it will be convenient to contact you.
  • Specify a site. This is the only place on Instagram where the active link works. If there is no external resource - do it and specify!

After that, you can safely upload content to the page.

Common mistakes of doing business on Instagram

An Instagram businessman faces a lot of mistakes, each of which leads to the loss of the audience, and therefore potential customers.

  • Closed profile. People will not wait for your confirmation to subscribe.

  • Incorrect profile design. The lack of key information and an avatar will scare off a potential subscriber.
  • Monotonous photos. Instagram was created for entertainment and business is not a hindrance to this.
  • Frequent publications. A subscriber will quickly get tired of looking at your photos if they are published more than 3 times a day.
  • Refusal to communicate with followers. Talk to your audience. This builds trust and increases engagement.

In addition, the rejection of hashtags and geotags significantly reduces the influx of followers, who can later become active customers, buy, offer and recommend your products.

Auxiliary tools for doing business on Instagram

Doing business on Instagram involves using various tools that improve the quality of content and simplify its promotion.

  • Aviary is a multifunctional and simple photo editor that works on Android, IOS and Windows.
  • PicFlow is an application for creating slideshows from static photos.

  • Crowdfire is a powerful account analytics.
  • Hootsuite is an auto-posting scheduler.

In addition to third-party applications, do not forget to use the useful options of Insta itself:

  • Direct is required for mass mailings;
  • statistics available to all business profiles.

As a conclusion

In this publication, we reviewed the most popular Instagram business ideas, introduced you to some secrets that allow you to earn income from your account with little or no investment of your own funds. Today, it is much easier to make money in social networks than to do business in the classical way, since there is no such fierce competition on the Internet as in life. Each of the methods of earning we have proposed has been repeatedly tested, it is quite viable, and to be convinced of this, try them out in practice.

Thousands of subscribers and a million rubles a month: how to build a business through Instagram. How to start a business on Instagram? And how to develop it if it already brings in more than a million rubles a month? Why is it not necessary to work with one supplier and why write a business plan? How to find your client on Instagram and how to keep him? These and other questions about the Instagram business are answered by the owner of the toy store Overtake! @obgonay and twice mother Galina Protsenko.

How to get started on Instagram

A short guide for beginners: start! From something. For example, think about what you want to sell on Instagram. See who is already doing it and how. See how to work on Instagram. Ask your subscribers directly: “Friends, but if I suddenly started baking cakes and selling cakes on my Instagram, would you buy?”

Gather enough information about what you want to do. Understand where your gaps are and find ways to fill them.

I knew the specifics of the toy trade, I knew marketing and management. Didn't know Instagram. Therefore, before starting anything, I went to Instagram. There you not only start correctly, but also together with other students, and everyone supports each other.

How did I start? I came up with the concept of “Overtake!”.

I found suppliers and products that fit our philosophy, agreed on supplies. I created an account, invited my fellow students from Instaschool and friends to it. I began to make posts twice a day, according to a pre-created content plan (the secret is that the selling post should be at least every third, and all the rest should be entertaining and educational).

When the account began to look decent, I asked my friends to tell their friends about me. Then I agreed with small (and even one big) bloggers about advertising for barter - that is, for toys. Then I took the risk of buying ads. Well, it turned around.

Life hack:

1. In order not to mess things up at the very beginning, take care of learning in areas that are new to you. On Instagram it is
2. Don't invest unless you absolutely cannot do without it (for example, enter into agreements with suppliers with a deferred payment rather than an advance payment, or with a small starting order, etc.).

2. Do I need a business plan, how to draw it up?

In any business, you need a business plan, and an Instagram business is no exception.
In order not to complicate the situation, formulate answers to basic questions:
– who am I and what kind of business am I doing on Instagram?
– who do I sell to? (here in detail, you can’t sell “everything for everyone”)
Who am I NOT selling to? (to remember this when in six months you decide to launch a car rental in Novosibirsk, when your main audience is in Moscow and St. Petersburg)
– where is my audience located, what is it interested in? (Which Instagram pages is she most likely following?)
- How do I differ from other similar stores? (here the more points, the better, you need to know them by heart, and remind your subscribers about them regularly)
- How much do I want to earn? how much is it in orders/pieces/consultations?
How much am I willing to spend on promotion? (secretly, this is somewhere around 20% of your desired turnover).

In "Overtake!" once a month I return to the business plan (rather, it’s even) and check with it what I actually did this month. Sometimes I correct the actions, and sometimes the business plan.