Documents for opening a donut shop. Donut production: a step-by-step opening plan. Market analysis and determination of competitive advantages

Finding a free place in the fast food niche and successfully succeeding in it today is not so easy, since many enterprising businessmen have long appreciated all the advantages of this direction. Nevertheless, the idea of ​​donut production is still not very popular among them, the business plan of which will be useful to those who decide to undertake to revive the taste of childhood. This article looks at an example of a possible business implementation that you can adapt to your needs, but if necessary, you can turn to experts for help and.

Business features

A notable characteristic of food production is the short shelf life of products. It is especially pronounced in the example of donuts, which can only be sold when they are fresh and hot. Therefore, when planning the launch of such a production, it is necessary first to decide on the format that it will have:

  • selling donuts in a food court, shopping and entertainment center or a specialized cafe;
  • production of pastries on a stream with further sale to retail stores.

In the second case, it is important to find customers even before the production line is launched. It will not be too difficult to do this, since, according to statistics, about 30% of stores are ready to sell goods of this order.

Company registration

The form of registration of the future company will depend entirely on the chosen direction of work. If the business plan for the sale of donuts covers individual trading in your own mini-cafe or food court, then it will be enough to issue an IP. If it is planned to sell through retail chains, then LLC will be the optimal registration form.

To open a business, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  1. Registered and agreed specifications for production.
  2. Technical instruction for the preparation of products.
  3. Recipe.
  4. SES conclusion.
  5. Fire department permit.

By virtue of individual characteristics businesses may need additional paperwork.

Choice of room and location

For a manufacturing enterprise that does not plan to open its own retail outlet, a remote area of ​​the city is also quite suitable, where you can profitably rent a suitable room. To accommodate the production line, about 120 square meters will be needed, of which about 40 will be occupied by the production tape.

A point that will be designed for the instant sale of manufactured products will look somewhat different. For her, you will have to find a place with good traffic or a large crowd of people. The main advantage of such a kiosk will be that the delicacy will be produced for a specific buyer, which completely eliminates the possibility of producing extra donuts.


A business plan for the production of donuts should provide for the cost of purchasing equipment as the main expense item. In street trading, you can limit yourself to a conventional apparatus for the production of fragrant pastries. In general, the purchase list will look like this:

For an industrial scale, you will need to purchase a ready-made line, which usually includes:

  • automatic fryer;
  • system for loading blanks from dough;
  • filling dispenser;
  • conveyor for cooling;
  • dosing station for dough pieces;
  • nozzles for making donuts;
  • trolley;
  • baking trays.

In general, a line for making donuts can cost 2,240,000 rubles. Here it is also necessary to add a refrigerator (115 thousand rubles).

You can save on the purchase of packaging equipment, since the boxing can be done manually.


Donut production technology is not too complicated and usually includes:

  • dough kneading;
  • filling preparation;
  • filling the product with stuffing;
  • roasting;
  • packaging.

At the same time, the assortment of a manufacturing enterprise may consist of the following products:

  • donuts "Berliner" (with and without filling);
  • donuts "Donuts" (with icing, with powdered sugar, without filling);
  • donuts "Kvarkini" (with and without filling);
  • "Apple snail";
  • "Kukhle";
  • Buns stuffed with apples.


A donut sales outlet can easily get by with two employees - one of them will cook the products, the other will sell them. But in order to launch a baking shop, it is necessary to hire the following staff:

  • technologist;
  • forwarder;
  • storekeeper;
  • workers.

It is better to develop a work schedule in shifts, which will allow you to start round-the-clock production. To establish sales, it will be useful to acquire an experienced sales manager who will maintain contacts with chain stores and look for private entrepreneurs who are ready to take products for sale.


To understand the holistic picture of the future enterprise, it would be quite logical to form a donut shop business plan with calculations. So, at the initial stage, to launch a small outlet, you will have to pay the following expense items:

  • purchase of equipment - 130 thousand rubles;
  • wages - 20 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises - 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - 55 thousand;
  • utility bills - 10 thousand rubles.

We calculate the revenue part based on the productivity of the shop in 800 donuts per shift. Even if we assume that the price of one donut is 10 rubles, and its cost is three rubles, we can conclude that the net profit per day will be 5600 rubles or 168 thousand per month.

Subtracting from this amount the cost of salaries and current purchases, we get 60 thousand rubles of net income, which is even quite good for a small business selling fast food.

Business from scratch. How to Write a Business Plan: Video

Why is the fast food industry attractive to many entrepreneurs? If you locate an outlet in a place with high traffic of people, this will allow you to attract a lot of regular customers in a short time and quickly return your investment.

Among the variety of street food today it is quite difficult to find a stall or a small shop where you can always buy fresh donuts. As practice shows, the demand for such products is very high, moreover, the number of enterprises that manufacture them is small. This gives the right to believe that selling donuts as a business idea can bring a stable income and will be relevant for a long time. In addition, you can open your own business with minimum investment. Consider the features and prospects of this type of commercial activity.

How to open a donut shop from scratch?

If an entrepreneur decides to open a donut shop from scratch, the first thing to do is to conduct a detailed market analysis in the region of residence. It is worth finding out how many enterprises produce such products, their representation in the areas of the settlement, the quality of baking and the potential for consumer demand.

Donuts have always been a favorite delicacy of many people, and today this product is in great demand. The popularity of baking is explained quite simply: the affordable price of street food, the ability to quickly satisfy hunger, the excellent taste of the product and a wide range of toppings. It is important to understand that donuts are a fast food dish, which allows you to meet consumer demand in a short time. The main consumers of the product are young people under 35 years old - schoolchildren, students, workers, employees of various companies and drivers.

The business of preparing and selling donuts has a number of undeniable advantages that an entrepreneur who wants to master this niche should be aware of. These include:

  • low level of competition in the market;
  • great demand for food;
  • solvency of the target audience;
  • simple technology for making donuts;
  • chance of opening a business with minimal investment.

In addition, the entrepreneur has the right to sell ready-made donuts under his own brand. In addition, it is possible to bake products to order with delivery to all areas of the settlement, which will significantly increase profits.

Business registration

To open the production of donuts and organize their sale, a businessman will have to register his company with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To do this, you need to visit the tax office at the place of residence, write an application for opening an enterprise and submit the relevant documents.

If you plan to organize a small stall or a mobile outlet, you can limit yourself to individual entrepreneurs. The state duty for registration in this case is 0.8 thousand rubles. Document processing time is 3 days. It is better to register a large enterprise as an LLC. Mandatory documents required for registration include:

  • company charter;
  • Minutes of the constituent assembly;
  • Information about the co-owners of the business;
  • Proof of the presence of the authorized capital (10 thousand rubles);
  • Check for payment of state duty (4 thousand rubles).

As OKVED for the enterprise, you should select codes 56.10.2 "Activities for the preparation and sale of food ready to eat on the spot from vehicles and mobile shops", as well as 56.10.21 "Activities of public catering establishments with take-away service".

You will also need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, local authorities self-government, fire service and SES. Please note that each employee must have a medical book, since the duties performed are related to the preparation of food.

Premises selection

It is recommended to choose a room for a donut factory based on its format. If you plan to open a small stall, it is enough to place it in places with high traffic of people. It is advisable to establish a point of sale near educational institutions or large enterprises.

Products are baked directly at the point of sale and sold hot. To improve the quality of service and increase sales, donuts can be sold along with drinks. The mobile kiosk works in a similar way. Its difference lies in the ability to move around different areas of the city, which allows you to find the most advantageous place. It should be borne in mind that this format requires mandatory monthly investments in the purchase of fuel and vehicle depreciation.

The best option would be to open a small cafe with a production workshop. This format allows you to attract a large number of customers. In it, visitors can order wide range of baking, drinks and leave a request for delivery. There is also a donut business format, which is the opening of a large production workshop. The company's products are prepared in large volumes, and they are purchased by:

  • catering establishments;
  • production organizations;
  • the shops;
  • trade networks;
  • markets.

The workshop area can be at least 100 m², half of which is allocated to an automated line for the production of pastries. The premises must have serviceable electrical equipment, ventilation and exhaust systems, sewerage and water supply. Inside the workshop, utility rooms for workers and showers should be organized. In addition, you need to allocate space for storing finished products. The rental value of production facilities is about 70 thousand rubles a month. You will also have to bring the premises in line with the requirements of regulatory authorities. To do this, you need to do repair work in the shop and replace communications. Capital investment at this stage will amount to about 300 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

To organize a donut business or, for example, an entrepreneur needs to take care of purchasing the appropriate equipment. If the work of the production workshop is planned, it is necessary to include in the cost item:

  • mixer;
  • planetary mixer;
  • apparatus for loading blanks from dough;
  • dividing machine;
  • automatic deep fryer for double-sided frying of donuts;
  • conveyor with the possibility of cooling products;
  • refrigeration unit;
  • automatic dosing machine.

The purchase of a production line for the workshop will cost about 3 million rubles. The equipment will make it possible to produce up to 1.2 thousand finished products every hour. If you plan to open a small outlet with a mini-production, you will need to purchase a donut maker and dough mixer, which are easy to install even in small rooms. Their cost will vary within 120 thousand rubles. Such equipment is designed to produce 200 donuts per hour.

Formation of the assortment

It is better to form a product range based on the preferences of customers (this should also be taken into account by entrepreneurs who wish, for example,). Donuts can be stuffed, without it, as well as with a variety of powders. The taste characteristics of finished products largely depend on the quality of the purchased raw materials. It should be premium flour, margarine, eggs and yeast.

Important: You can reduce the cost of production if you purchase raw materials in bulk. It is worth considering the location of the supplier in relation to production. The farther the company that delivers the products is from the destination, the more money you will have to spend on their purchase. If entrepreneurs work according to, they receive information from a partner about trusted suppliers representing optimal conditions for cooperation.

Personnel attraction

The number of employees of the enterprise will directly depend on the chosen format. The following specialists must be invited to the production workshop:

  • managing manager - 30 thousand rubles;
  • accountant - 27 thousand rubles;
  • production technologist - 25 thousand rubles;
  • shop worker (4 people) - 60 thousand rubles;
  • shift supervisor (2 people) - 36 thousand rubles;
  • forwarding driver (2 people) - 36 thousand rubles;
  • warehouse manager - 18 thousand rubles.

In total, the salary of employees of the manufacturing enterprise will be 232 thousand rubles. The work rate for managers and warehouse managers is 40 hours a week. Shop floor employees should be offered a 12-hour schedule with two days off. If you plan to open a retail outlet with the production of donuts, you will need only 4 workers - 2 pastry chefs (salary 36 thousand rubles) and 2 sellers (40 thousand rubles) who will work in shifts. Accounting responsibilities are best outsourced. In this case, the services of remote employees will cost 5,000 rubles. The total cost of paying employees for a retail outlet will be 81,000 rubles.

Implementation of advertising

point of sale and manufacturing enterprise for the production of donuts, it is recommended to promote with the help of certain marketing tools. In the case of the workshop, even before the opening, it is necessary to establish contacts with wholesale buyers and owners of grocery store chains. It is necessary to personally interest the heads of supermarkets and markets of the city. This will allow you to calculate the required volume of output. In order for a large number of potential buyers to learn about the company, advertisements should be placed in the media (television, radio stations and print publications of the locality). It will not be superfluous to distribute leaflets and booklets in public places and transport.

It doesn't hurt to develop a website. It is enough to make a one-page page where you can place information about the company's activities, contact details, product range, prices and delivery terms. Regardless of the form of the enterprise, it is worth creating thematic groups on social networks. It is advisable to find an experienced marketer who can use, as well as targeted and contextual ads, which will ensure a large influx of the target audience. The capital cost of creating a site in the first month of promotion will be 30 thousand rubles. In the future, they can be reduced to 10 thousand rubles.

Business plan - donuts

To implement the project, it is mandatory to develop a financial plan for the company. To do this, it is enough to carry out calculations that allow you to find out the amount of capital investments, regular expenses and income from the sale of donuts. We will analyze how much money is required to open a workshop. One-time costs will be:

  • registration of a business (as an LLC) - 14 thousand rubles;
  • rent of industrial premises (for 1 year) - 840 thousand rubles;
  • repair work - 300 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 3 million rubles;
  • advertising campaign - 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of raw materials - 200 thousand rubles;
  • arrangement of office and industrial premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a uniform for employees - 13 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Thus, the amount of investment in the project is 4.567 million rubles. Now let's calculate the monthly costs required to maintain the company. These include:

  • utility bills - 40 thousand rubles;
  • remuneration of personnel - 232 thousand rubles;
  • tax deductions - 70 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials and consumables - 500 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 10 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for the needs of the enterprise - 30 thousand rubles.

Total - the amount of mandatory expenses is 882 thousand rubles. Now let's calculate the expected profit of the enterprise. An average workshop is capable of producing from 10,000 donuts per day. For 30 days - 300 thousand. The monthly revenue of the enterprise will be 2.3 million rubles. From this amount it is necessary to subtract 882 thousand rubles (mandatory costs), we get 1.418 million rubles of net profit. With such indicators, investments in the project will pay off in less than 6 months.

The outlet is able to sell about 20 thousand donuts per month. The company's revenue at a selling retail price of 15 rubles will amount to 300 thousand rubles. This also needs to add the sale of drinks and related products - about 70 thousand rubles. From 370 thousand, 170 thousand should be subtracted, we get 200 thousand rubles of net profit.

Donut business - reviews

Anna, 43 years old, Ryazan:
My husband and I have a small cafe that brings in more than 100 thousand rubles in net profit. We have been selling donuts for about three years. The goods, according to the reviews of regular customers, are of very high quality, and, of course, these are the best words of gratitude for our work. One thing is upsetting - they tried to change the range of products in order to increase the turnover, but the number of regular customers practically does not increase (our point is located in a busy place near the market), and the level of income remains the same. Sometimes suppliers let me down, however, I want to note the stability of this business. We plan to open another fast food restaurant, since the income allows. For beginners, I can only advise one thing - act, and everything will work out.

Nikolai, 27 years old, Ulyanovsk:
I live in the Zavolzhsky district of Ulyanovsk near IATU (Institute of Aviation Technology and Management). There was an idea to open a small stall near the university, where you can bake and sell confectionery. I already have a small grocery store where I sell donuts and other baked goods. The main buyers are students, and almost the same people take them. I'm sure it won't get stuck.

Vitaly, 39 years old, Moscow:
In just a year, he managed to open 2 stalls where girls bake and sell sausages in dough and donuts. One point is located near the school, the other - near the market. In general, I receive about 230 thousand profits every month. I want to open my own workshop, although I understand that I still have to work hard, but I see real prospects for this business.

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Donuts are one of the products that are sold in large quantities through fast food outlets. There are several formats for building a baking business. The mini-workshop brings the greatest profit.

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Despite the fact that donuts are not a traditional dish of Russian national cuisine, the popularity of these finished dough products can hardly be overestimated. There is always a demand for donuts, as they are rarely cooked at home, they are tasty and fresh, have an appetizing look and low cost. Bright, hot, crunchy and fragrant donuts are the best for a hearty snack outside the home.

Perhaps that is why the idea is so tempting for entrepreneurs - to buy a donut maker and start making money on the sale of these confectionery products.

How can you make money on donuts

The implementation of the business idea for the sale of donuts should begin with an assessment of your own resources. First of all, the entrepreneur must determine:

  • the potential of existing retail and industrial space;
  • own working capital and the opportunity to obtain credit resources;
  • availability of qualified personnel.

Depending on all this, a businessman can either trade from a stall, or open a donut kiosk, or organize a donut cafe.

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Business from scratch

If, at the start of a donut business, an entrepreneur has neither his own premises nor large Money, no employees, then you can start trading donuts according to the most budgetary business plan: purchase an inexpensive donut machine, cook the product at home and trade from the tray.

To implement this idea, you only need your own labor and a small start-up capital (the device can be purchased for 25 thousand rubles).

At this stage, it is important to follow the recipe and sell quality goods, since a novice entrepreneur will not be able to attract buyers with anything other than delicious donuts and quality service.

medium format

If a businessman has an amount of about 50 thousand rubles. and the ability to support employees, then the format of such a business as the production of donuts for selling them from a window becomes available.

Showcases can be installed in rented areas in shops and shopping centers, or equipped with donut kiosks.

The donuts themselves can also be baked on small production lines.

The businessman's expenses are increased by rent payments and the maintenance of working personnel. But the turnover also increases due to the opportunity to profitably present your product, as well as through the sale of hot and cold drinks.

donut organization

To do business in this format, it makes sense to think about donuts.

Today, there are several franchisors in Russia, cooperation with which allows you to get good profits. These are brands such as:

  • American "Dunkin' Donuts" and "Krispy Kreme";
  • Russian "Lenchik-Donut" and "Those same donuts".

Acquiring an American franchise will cost a Russian entrepreneur $80,000. The Russian franchise will cost at least 10 thousand US dollars.

This is the amount of necessary investments, due to which:

  • employee training;
  • adjustment of all production cycles;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • production of starter marketing materials.

But even if you are ready to invest 80 thousand US dollars in a cafe, then there is a high probability that the franchisor will refuse to sell the franchise. The reason is the lack of the necessary sales market in the region.

Important! Reputable franchisors value their reputation, and if, according to their information, the donut shop cannot reach self-sufficiency within the stated period, most often it is 1.5 years, then no one will sell the franchise to the entrepreneur.

Therefore, before opening or opening your own donut shop, experts advise ordering a marketing research and only having received positive conclusions, plan investments.

Acquisition of equipment for a donut shop

Donuts are of two types:

  • rings;
  • round donuts with filling inside (Berliners);

Rings and donuts can be additionally glazed, can be decorated with a variety of confectionery decorations.

All this requires debugging production processes, which in a donut shop should be automated as much as possible.

The simplest equipment is a device for the production of donut rings.

Its cost is about 2 thousand US dollars. Capacity up to 400 donuts per hour.

Equipment for Berliners is more expensive. The production kit includes

  • industrial mixer;
  • divider-rounder, which forms blanks for berliners from dough;
  • proofing cabinet (Berliners are made from yeast dough and a cabinet is needed for the dough to rise);
  • fryer;
  • apparatus for jigging the filling;
  • glazing machine.

A complete automated complex can cost more than 1 million rubles.

Today, domestic donut equipment sets are in demand, since their prices and quality are the most acceptable for starting an independent business. But you need to purchase equipment only from trusted suppliers.

Donut business profitability

If you are thinking about how to open a donut shop from scratch, you should understand that the implementation of this project will require significant costs, despite the fact that its payback period is at least 2 years. This period increases significantly if the donut shop is opened on credit, on which interest must be paid.

To evaluate the effectiveness of this business idea, you need to develop a donut business plan with calculations. The sample data below will help you in compiling it.

Starting costs for organizing a business will be about 3 million rubles. This amount includes the purchase of equipment, renovation of the premises, the conclusion of contracts with suppliers and the purchase of the first batch of raw materials.

The monthly cost of maintaining a donut shop will be approximately 180 thousand rubles. This includes:

  • 100 thousand rubles – salary of 3 employees;
  • 30 thousand rubles. - rental of premises;
  • 35 thousand rubles. - the cost of producing 200 kg of donuts;
  • 15 thousand rubles. – and mandatory fees.

The monthly sale of 200 kg of donuts (4000 pieces) will bring an income of about 200 thousand rubles. (the cost of one donut without filling is about 50 rubles). About 100 thousand rubles. can be obtained from the sale of drinks. Additional income will be provided by the service of decorating, packing and delivering donuts.

Thus, in a month, the entrepreneur will be able to earn for payment running costs, as well as return up to 150 thousand rubles, which is 5% of the initial investment. With such indicators, the business will pay off in 20 months.

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Making donuts is a responsible business, because you need to follow all sanitary standards and at the same time cook deliciously.

To prevent the donuts from spoiling, they should be sold as soon as they are made. Therefore, if you started the production of donuts, the business plan should contain an important section - implementation.

You can sell them in the same place where you cook them, to retail buyers, or you can organize deliveries to shops or cafes.

Location of the enterprise

If you sell your products to shops and restaurants, then the location of the workshop does not matter.

The price of rent is of key importance, so it is better to choose a room on the outskirts of the city.

If you plan to sell and cook at one point, then you need to choose a place with a large daily flow of people. For example, a shopping center or a kiosk at a public transport stop.

Another advantageous place is the department next to the grocery store.

The benefit is twofold: people will buy your products as they leave the store, and a delicious smell will attract customers to you and to the store.

Premises with a size of 30-40 sq.m will be enough to start a business. The rental price depends on the city and the remoteness of the premises from the center.

The most important thing is the compliance of the premises with all sanitary standards:

  • not a basement;
  • good ventilation;
  • fire alarm;
  • light tile on the walls, whitewashed ceiling.

Documents to open

The following documents are required to open a food production business:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • permission from the fire inspectorate;
  • certificates for the products from which you will cook;
  • certificates for products that you manufacture;
  • contracts with organizations for garbage collection, as well as for the treatment of premises from cockroaches and mice;
  • sanitary books for all employees.

These documents must be received after registration entity or IP and made repairs in the room.


For production in the early stages, it is better to purchase simple equipment at an affordable price.

High-quality Italian will cost hundreds of thousands of rubles and increase the payback period of the business.

It can be purchased when things go uphill, and there will also be a stable flow of customers.

First of all, you will need:

  1. Dough mixer and dough shaping machine. He makes the shape of bagels with a hole in the middle, and after that they are fried in a deep fryer.
  2. We need special heated tables so that the pastries do not cool down while they are covered with icing.
  3. Food should be stored in a refrigerator.
  4. Ready donuts will need to be laid out on 1-2 racks.
  5. You will also need knives, spoons, icing containers, spatulas, and other small inventory.

Raw material

For baking, you need to purchase quality products.

The main products you will need:

  • flour,
  • margarine,
  • sugar,
  • eggs,
  • yeast,
  • vegetable oil.

The set of products depends on the recipe. It is better to buy them from wholesale companies.

Keep an eye on the expiration date - these products do not have a very long one.


  1. The main person in production is the technologist. He comes up with recipes and oversees the donut production process. The business plan should also take into account the chefs and their assistants who will be decorating the donuts.
  2. If you are organizing the sale yourself, then you will need a salesperson.
  3. We also need a cleaning lady to keep the shop clean.
  4. The number of employees depends on the size of your production. If this is a small kiosk, then two people are enough to cook and sell. If you want to provide all the cafes in your city with your products, then it is worth hiring several chefs and assistants for them.
  5. If the products will be sold in stores, then you will need a packer and a driver who will deliver the goods to retail outlets.


You yourself must decide how you will sell your products:

  1. Sale of donuts in the mall. It could be a small section of a food court where you cook and sell donuts right away. Then you will need to include drinks and, possibly, other confectionery products in the assortment. You don’t particularly need to advertise your point, enough signs in the shopping center. Customers should be attracted to you by smiling staff, a delicious smell and a clean trading place.
  2. Sale in a street kiosk. This option is more difficult, because you need to find a place with high traffic and access to the mains. You can make products in one place, and only sell at the kiosk. The aroma of fresh baked goods should be carried around the area so that people themselves want to taste donuts.
  3. Wholesale trade retail chains, cafes, restaurants. You can negotiate with stores to sell your baked goods. This option is attractive because you know exactly how many products you need to produce per day. You won't have leftovers to throw away. In addition, your workshop can be located in any area with the cheapest rent.


The specific calculation of the cost of opening a donut factory depends on the city and your idea.

Here is the approximate amount of expenses (in rubles):

  • rent - 30,000 per month;
  • renovation of the premises - 100,000;
  • salary to employees - 100,000 per month;
  • equipment - 300,000;
  • raw materials - 100,000.

A total of 400 thousand rubles for the opening and 690 thousand for the first months of work.

The calculation is approximate, you need to look at the prices in your city and make a detailed one.

The easiest idea to start a donut business is to buy a franchise of an already established company.

You will not need to learn from your mistakes. The head office will ready-made schemes production and sale of products.

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The modern fast food market is replete with a wide variety of dishes: shawarma, samsa, hot dog, hamburger, french fries and so on.

However, among such an assortment, it is not so easy to find a sweet and fragrant donut familiar to all of us since childhood, which today for some reason has been undeservedly forgotten.

Therefore, now with minimal investment and excellent prospects, you can successfully break into this still relatively free niche. We propose to talk further about how to organize your business in the production of donuts. In order to take into account all the details and important points, you first need to draw up a business plan.

Donut Manufacturing: Basic

As you know, donuts are especially attractive to customers due to their aroma, splendor and freshness. In this regard, real-time donut shops will be a great success: after all, the aroma of a freshly prepared muffin will “beckon” customers from afar.

As for the variety of donuts, their filling can be cream, chocolate, caramel or berry. Such pastries can also have various names - berliners, doniki, donuts, etc. For example, in St. Petersburg, a donut is called a donut.

Options for Starting a Donut Making Business

There are two main ways of producing and selling this pastry: on the street, in a shopping and entertainment center or food court, and in a specialized cafe. In addition, you can organize the production of donuts on the stream. The first option does not require a lot of equipment and is the most affordable for beginner businessmen. The other two methods, as a rule, are chosen by large entrepreneurs with serious initial capital.

Donut production technology

The process of preparing this pastry consists of the following main stages: kneading the dough, preparing the workpiece and filling, filling the culinary product with the filling, frying it and packaging.

For frying donuts, gas or electric deep fryers are used, where donuts are cooked in vegetable oil at a temperature of about 200 degrees. It takes an average of two minutes to fry one product. In a typical machine, as a rule, about 20 donuts can be cooked at the same time. The weight of each product is from 20 to 60 grams.

After frying, donuts are allowed to settle for a while so that excess oil drains from it. Then the finished products are laid out on plates and decorated. For this purpose, powdered sugar is most often used, a little less often - icing, cream and a variety of confectionery sprinkles. The donuts are then packaged as needed and sold to the consumer.


It is impossible to start a donut business without obtaining proper permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and Rospotrebnadzor (due to the fact that you will produce food).

You will need to obtain the following documents: agreed and registered technical specifications for production, technical instructions for the preparation of products, recipes, hygienic conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station for food production. Also, depending on the individual characteristics of the project, other paperwork may be required.

How to open a donut shop in the format of a fast food kiosk

The sale of donuts is carried out under the same conditions as the sale of hot dogs, shawarma, samsa, etc. The main problem in organizing such a business is finding a place with high traffic that meets all the requirements of the SES and has the ability to use gas or electricity.

Of the equipment, you only need a donut maker. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to purchase an expensive high-performance unit: it is quite enough so that you can cook 10-15 donuts at the same time.

The indisputable advantage of this option is the possibility of frying exclusively for a specific order, which eliminates the need to throw away unsold goods.

In addition, when baking in this way, a very pleasant smell emanates from it, which has an enticing effect on potential consumers.

However, there are also disadvantages of doing business like this:

In case of bad weather, protective measures will have to be taken, as it adversely affects the properties of hot oil.

Yeast dough for donuts is made in advance, and therefore its shelf life is limited. Therefore, unused dough residues have to be thrown away.

There is an uneven distribution over time. So, during rush hour, the flow of customers increases significantly, and therefore it can be difficult for an employee to cope with a mass of orders alone. In the absence of buyers, dough spoils and oil burns.

The financial side of the issue

We propose to draw up a preliminary estimate for opening this business:

A new device for the production of donuts - 20 thousand rubles;

Containers for dough, butter and various ingredients - 1 thousand rubles;

Furniture for a kiosk (table and chair) - 1.5 thousand rubles;

Initial purchase of products - 2.5 thousand rubles;

Electricity wiring - 3 thousand rubles;

Buying a tent (in case you plan to trade on the street) - 2 thousand rubles;

Salary to the seller and the cook - 35 thousand rubles per month;

Other expenses (individually).

In total, if you want to start the production of donuts, then the investment will be from 65 thousand rubles. If you sell 700-800 donuts every day, then you can not only cover all expenses, but also get a net profit of 70 thousand rubles in the first month of the outlet. The profitability of this business can reach 100%.

If you decide to open a donut shop, then the costs will be correspondingly higher. However, in this case, you can count on more significant profits.

How to open a donut shop

This option is certainly more expensive than a small donut shop, but in this case, you can count on a higher income. Let's see how to organize this enterprise.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

The production line should include dough kneading equipment, fryers equipped with a proofer, a dividing and rounding machine, filling dispensers, a planetary mixer and an enrobing machine. It is best to purchase an automatic production line in order to employ fewer workers and also increase productivity.

As for the cost, Berliner donut equipment with a capacity of 800 pieces per hour will cost you about 2.7 million rubles.

In addition to production apparatuses, industrial refrigerators will also be required to store both raw materials and finished products. For this item of expenditure in the business plan, it is necessary to lay the amount of 180-200 thousand rubles.

If you are planning a large-scale production, then it makes sense to get an automatic packaging line as well. With small and medium volumes, it is quite possible to manage by the forces of workers packing products manually.

The choice of premises for the workshop

The main criterion for the premises for the production of donuts is its compliance with sanitary standards and requirements for food production. The minimum required area is 30 meters, you will also need a place for storage.


If you want your products to be in high demand and your customer service to be excellent, you need to pay more attention to the recruitment process. If you purchased automatic equipment for donuts, then you will need the following workers: manager, technologist, forwarders, workers, storekeeper, cleaner. As for accounting services, you can either hire your own accountant or use the services of an incoming specialist.


It is desirable that the production of donuts is not limited to any one or two types of this product. After all, the more variety your pastries will be, the more potential consumers you will be able to attract. Donuts may differ depending on the filling, topping, icing, size, etc.

Sales of finished products

To organize the sale of ready-made donuts, it is necessary to conclude contracts with both large supermarkets and small shops. In addition, it is worth establishing cooperation with bakeries and cafes. This is the responsibility of the manager. Delivery of culinary products will be carried out by forwarders.

Purchase of raw materials

The main products used for the production of donuts are flour, sugar, margarine, yeast, eggs, jam and others. In order to reduce the cost of purchasing raw materials, it is advisable to cooperate with wholesale companies located in your city or region.

Opening a donut factory: the financial side of the issue

Capital expenditures, including the purchase of a production line, refrigeration equipment, as well as initial inventories, amount to about 3.5 million rubles.

As for the revenue, if your workshop works 10 hours 30 days a month, then it will amount to 1.2 million rubles.

The monthly cost, including the purchase of raw materials, payment for the consumption of electricity, water, etc., as well as packaging, can be estimated at 500 thousand rubles.

Other expenses ( wage, transport and administrative expenses, rent, etc.) will amount to about another 500 thousand rubles a month.

Thus, the net monthly profit (after tax) will be about 200 thousand rubles. The profitability in this case will be at the level of 14%, and the initial investment will pay off after 20 months of work, which is a very good indicator.