Regulations on the economic planning department. An effective personal work plan. Methodology leading to results

PJSC "Company"
____________ P.P. Petrov

"___"___________ G.

about the planning and economic department

1. General Provisions

1.2 The department reports directly to the director of economics of the enterprise.

1.3 The department is headed by the head of the planning and economic department (hereinafter referred to as the head of the department), appointed to the position by order of the general director of the enterprise upon the recommendation of the director of economics.

In its activities the department is guided by:

1.4.1 Charter of the enterprise.
1.4.2 These Regulations.
1.4.3 Instructional, methodological and other regulatory materials on planning the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise, the norms and rules established by the enterprise.
1.4.3 Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.
1.4.4 Orders, instructions and instructions of the general director and director of economics of the enterprise.
1.4.5 The company's quality policy.
1.4.6 Documentation of the enterprise quality management system.

2 Goals

2.1 Organization and systematic improvement of planning and economic work at the enterprise, ensuring the development and control over the implementation of promising current plans based on the maximum mobilization of reserves for production growth.

2.2 Economic planning aimed at the efficient use of all types of resources in the process of production and sale of products (works, services).

2.3 Organization and improvement of labor planning, forms and systems of remuneration, material incentives, taking into account the achievements of science, technology and best practices in order to increase production efficiency.

2.4 Compliance monitoring labor legislation, resolutions, orders and other regulations of higher organizations on issues of labor organization and wages.

2.5 Reducing production costs and increasing its profitability through widespread implementation new technology, advanced technology.

2.6 Improving the concept of planning expenses for the activities of the enterprise, investment programs.

3 Internal structure

3.1 The structure and staffing levels of the department are approved by the general director of the enterprise.

3.2 The distribution of responsibilities between department employees is made by the head of the department.

3.3 Employees of the economic planning department are hired and dismissed by order of the general director of the enterprise upon the recommendation of the head of the department.

3.4 In their activities, employees are guided by:

3.4.1 Instructional, methodological and other regulatory materials on planning the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise, the norms and rules established by the enterprise.

3.4.2 Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.

3.4.3 Orders, instructions and instructions of the general director and director of economics of the enterprise.

3.4.4 The company’s quality policy, documentation of the company’s quality management system.

4 Functions and tasks

To accomplish the assigned tasks, the Planning and Economic Department
performs the following functions:

4.1. In the field of labor standards:

4.1.1. Development and implementation of labor cost standards at all levels of production, ensuring the widespread use of technically sound production standards and service standards for workers, specialists and employees.

4.1.2.Analysis of the quality of applied norms and standards. Development, together with workshops and other services, of calendar plans for revising production standards and monitoring their implementation.

4.1.3. Management of work to revise time and service standards and replace them with new, more progressive ones.

4.1.4. Carrying out the unification of applicable standards, development and implementation of measures to introduce unified, standard and integrated time standards.

4.1.5. Monitoring the correct application of approved standards and prices.

4.1.6. Conducting an analysis of the implementation of current production standards by workshops, sections, and worker professions, studying the reasons for non-compliance with production standards by individual workers, developing proposals to eliminate these reasons, monitoring the implementation of measures to ensure the development of standards.

4.1.7. Providing departments of the enterprise with regulatory materials on labor.

4.1.8. Conducting seminars, lectures and conversations on issues of labor organization and wages for workers, specialists and employees of the enterprise.

4.1.9. Participation in the development of tasks to reduce the labor intensity of products (together with technical services).

4.2. In the field of labor organization:

4.2.1. Organizing and conducting a systematic study of the use of working time by all categories of employees of the enterprise through the use of photographs of the working day, time-keeping observations and other methods of studying working time.

4.2.2. Identification and analysis of the causes of lost working time, development of proposals for improving the use of working time and monitoring their implementation.

4.2.3. Study and preparation, together with other departments and workshops, of proposals on the most rational allocation of labor and monitoring their implementation.

4.2.4 Development, together with the relevant departments and services, of proposals for improving production management; changes in the structure of the enterprise's divisions, aimed at possibly reducing the number and reducing the cost of the management apparatus, increasing the level of its use; monitoring compliance with staff discipline.

4.2.5 Participation in the development of rational operating modes, shift schedules for teams, sections, workshops and monitoring their implementation.

4.2.6 Participation together with other divisions of the enterprise and trade union organization in the study and dissemination of best practices in labor organization (self-supporting teams, combination of professions, multi-machine maintenance, etc.).

4.2.7 Participation in the development of organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing labor productivity and reducing the labor intensity of products.

4.2.8 Participation, together with the personnel department and other departments of the enterprise, in the analysis of the causes of staff turnover and the development of measures to consolidate them.

4.2.9. Monitoring compliance at the enterprise with current labor legislation and internal regulations.

4.2.10 Preparation, together with the trade union organization and relevant departments of the enterprise, of draft collective agreements and organizing verification of their implementation.

4.3 In the field of wage organization:

4.3.1 Study of the effectiveness of the application of existing remuneration systems, development of measures to improve the organization of wages for all categories of employees of the enterprise.

4.3.2 Development of provisions on bonuses for employees in relation to the specific conditions of the enterprise, monitoring the correctness of their application.

4.3.3 Monitoring and analyzing the expenditure of the wage fund, the correctness of the ratio in the levels of wages of workers, and compliance with staff discipline.

4.3.4 Preparation and approval in the prescribed manner of the List of professions of workers for which, for time-based wages, the tariff rates of piece workers are applied, as well as individual workers for whom monthly salaries are established in exchange tariff rates.

4.3.5 Monitoring the correct application of tariff rates, salaries, allowances, additional payments and wage coefficients, the correct tariffication of work and the establishment of categories for workers.

4.3.6 Development of staffing schedules for departments and reflection of changes in the organizational and managerial structure of the enterprise in the staffing schedules of departments.

4.3.7 Monitoring the correctness of establishing the names of professions and positions in accordance with All-Russian classifier worker professions, employee positions and wage grades.

4.3.8 Conducting an analysis of the organization and structure of wages by divisions of the enterprise, individual categories and professions of employees.

4.4. In the field of labor and wage planning:

4.4.1. Development of proposals for improving the planning of labor indicators for sections, workshops and the enterprise as a whole in the direction of more full use working hours, proper and economical use of wage funds and reducing labor costs for manufacturing products.

4.4.2. Development, together with technological services, and approval in the prescribed manner for structural units of tasks to reduce labor intensity and reduce the number of employees through the introduction of organizational and technical measures.

4.4.3. Conducting an analysis of the reasons for deviations from the designed labor costs.

4.4.4. Development of draft labor plans and delivery of approved plans to the workshops.

4.4.5. Monitoring the expenditure of the wage fund in workshops, departments and services of the enterprise; taking measures to eliminate identified deficiencies.

4.5. In the field of conditions and regimes of work and rest:

4.5.1. Participation, together with the HR department and the labor and industrial safety department, in the preparation and approval in the prescribed manner of the List of works and professions of workers paid at increased tariff rates due to difficult and harmful working conditions, especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions.

4.5.2. Participation, together with the HR department and the labor and industrial safety department, in the preparation and approval, in accordance with current legislation, of a list of workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shortened working day.

4.5.3. Monitoring compliance in production, workshops, teams with regulations, orders and other materials on issues of additional payments for working conditions.

4.5.4. Development production calendar and participation in the implementation of optimal work and rest regimes, rational organization labor, etc.

4.6. In the area of ​​planning:

4.6.1. Organization and general management of the development of projects for long-term and current plans of enterprises in accordance with target figures:

— preparation of proposals for approval by the management of the enterprise on the procedure, timing and participants (departments, services, workshops) for the development of draft plans;
- distribution production program between workshops and services of the enterprise;
— consideration of justifications and calculations of draft plans for enterprise divisions;
— ensuring consistency and mutual coordination of plans of workshops and services of the enterprise;
— drawing up draft plans for the enterprise as a whole.

4.6.2. Production planning economic activity shops and services on the basis of the approved enterprise plan, bringing annual and quarterly tasks to shops and services according to the established list of indicators.

4.6.3. Making appropriate adjustments to the plans of the enterprise and individual departments in case of changes in the production and economic situation.

4.7. In the field of organizing economic planning work:

4.7.1 Preparation of the necessary materials for consideration of draft plans, results of the work of the enterprise and workshops at a permanent production meeting and meetings of the technical and economic council of the enterprise.

4.7.2 Organization of work on rationing and pricing at the enterprise:

— systematization of standard costs for manufacturing products; drawing up standard calculations, monitoring the introduction of all current changes to them;
— participation in the development of progressive planned technical and economic norms and standards and bringing them to the workshops, departments and services of the enterprise;
— development, together with other services of the enterprise, of draft accounting prices and tariffs and submitting them for approval;
— development and submission for approval of in-plant prices;
— development of price tags used in planning and accounting;

4.7.3 Organization of the development of measures for the efficient use of production capacities of fixed and working capital, material and labor resources, on the use of all production reserves.

4.7.4 Organization of the development of measures to fulfill and exceed established planned targets.

4.8. In the field of analysis and operational statistical accounting:

4.8.1. Monitoring the implementation of annual, quarterly, monthly plans and assignments by departments and services of the enterprise.

4.8.2. Organization and management of work on a comprehensive, economic analysis of the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

4.8.3. Compilation together with accounting department explanatory note to the annual report, participation in the balance sheet commission based on the results of the enterprise’s activities.

4.8.4. Preparation of documents for the monthly balance commission.

4.8.5. Submission of the necessary summarizing materials and certificates based on the results of the analysis of the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

4.8.6. Monitoring the correctness of calculations made by the relevant services and workshops of the enterprise economic efficiency introduction of new technology, rationalization proposals and other organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing production efficiency, reliability and quality of products, developing specialization and cooperation, mechanization of engineering and management work.

4.8.7. Organization statistical reporting enterprises:

— collection of necessary materials, generalization, preparation and presentation of statistical reports within the time limits and in the forms established by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation;
— control over the quality of all statistical reporting at the enterprise;
— systematization of statistical materials and preparation of certificates on statistical reporting.

4.9. In the field of methodological work.

4.9.1 Methodological guidance, development of forms and documentation, procedure and timing of work on:

— technical and economic planning;
— operational and production planning (together with production and dispatch services of the enterprise);
— in-plant economic accounting (together with the main accounting department);
— accounting and analysis of the results of production and economic activities (together with the general accounting department);
— calculations of economic efficiency;
— classification of enterprise costs;
— statistical reporting.

4.9.2 Study and dissemination of best practices in economic planning, operational accounting and analysis of the economic activities of workshops and services of the enterprise.

4.9.3 Together with the technical education and training department, organizes economic studies in order to improve the skills of employees of all economic services of the enterprise.

5 Rights
Planning and Economic Department

has the right to:

5.1. Demand and receive from departments the materials necessary for the work of the department (reports on established forms, certificates, etc.) necessary to carry out work within the competence of the economic planning department.

5.2. Give the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise mandatory instructions on issues within the competence of the department.

5.3. Independently conduct correspondence on issues that are within the competence of the department and do not require the decision of the director of economics of the enterprise.

5.4. Involve other departments and economists of workshops and services to participate in the development of the plan and individual tasks.

5.5. Check and confirm estimates, calculations of economic efficiency, calculations compiled by other departments and workshops of the enterprise.

5.6. Represent in the prescribed manner on behalf of the enterprise on issues within the competence of the department in relations with government and municipal authorities, as well as other enterprises, organizations, institutions, including trade unions, social funds and employment services.

5.7. Give mandatory instructions for workshops and departments on issues of in-plant planning methodology, economic analysis and determination of the economic effect of enterprise activities and rationalization proposals.

5.8. Request and receive reports from departments and workshops on the progress of production, labor and profitability plans.

5.9. Suspend the orders and instructions of the heads of workshops, departments and services that contradict the legislation, instructions and regulations on labor and wages, bringing this to the attention of the enterprise management to take appropriate measures.

5.10. Analyze the activities and control the workload of specialists and employees of production facilities, workshops, and departments.

5.11. Involve, in the prescribed manner, employees of departments for the preparation of draft documents on labor and wages, as well as for the development and implementation of activities carried out by the department in accordance with the duties and functions assigned to it.

5.12. Provide departments, services and workshops, as well as individual employees with the necessary explanations on issues of labor standardization and wage organization.

5.13. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise to encourage employees for active work to improve labor organization, technical standards and wages.

5.14. Make proposals on the imposition of disciplinary sanctions, as well as on holding the company’s employees financially liable for violations in labor standards and the expenditure of the wage fund.

5.15. Represent the enterprise in higher-level, trade union and other organizations on issues of labor organization and wages.

5.16. Endorsement of documents on the establishment of salaries, tariff rates, payment of bonuses, salary supplements, hiring and transfer of employees to another job, etc.

6 Relationships with other departments

6.1 With the design and technology departments on issues:

— obtaining: cost standards for materials, estimates for the development of new production, tasks for reducing losses from non-compliance, a waste plan, costs for technical re-equipment.

6.2 With the energy department, design and technological departments, capital construction department, mechanic department on issues of obtaining: data on electricity consumed, data on the costs of mechanical, electrical, plumbing repairs, estimates for the repair of buildings, structures, equipment, costs of major repairs and construction of buildings.

6.3 With accounting on issues:
— obtaining basic forms of financial statements (No. 1, 2).

6.4 With the financial department regarding:
- income plan.

6.5 With the sales department regarding:
— receiving: production plan for main and other products, data on shipment and product balances for the month.

6.6 With the quality management department regarding:
— providing documentation of the enterprise’s quality management system;
— provision of: draft documents and other documentation within the QMS.

6.7 With the shipping department on the issue:
— obtaining: data on production of products in natural
and in value terms, as well as other products;
— a certificate on the implementation of the production plan for calculating production bonuses.

6.8 With economists of auxiliary production shops on the following issues:
— receiving: reports on cost, on the use of basic materials, data on work in progress, explanations on cost:
— obtaining: cost standards of other workshops (wholesale prices of workshops), material cost standards;
— providing wholesale prices and amounts for services.

6.9 With the design and technology departments on the issue of providing: data for calculating the economic efficiency of measures for modernization and technical re-equipment of the enterprise.

6.10 With an engineer for the organization and regulation of labor on the issue of obtaining wage standards for manufactured products, the labor intensity of products.

6.11 The department interacts with all divisions of the enterprise on the following issues:
— providing: methodological instructions: classification of enterprise costs; calculating the cost of main products; determining the economic efficiency of using new technology, inventions and innovation proposals; calculating the cost of auxiliary production services; the procedure for compiling and analyzing the implementation of the consolidated balance sheet of the enterprise.
— providing instructions: on the timing of compiling a cost report; on the procedure for holding a balance commission to summarize the implementation of the technical industrial and financial plan.

7 Responsibility of the head of the unit

7.1 The head of the department bears responsibility for the proper and timely performance by the department of the functions provided for by these regulations.

7.2 The head of the planning and economic department is assigned personal responsibility for:

7.2.1 Organizing the activities of the department to perform the tasks and functions assigned to the department.

7.2.2 Organization in the department of prompt and high-quality preparation and execution of documents, record keeping in accordance with current rules and instructions.

7.2.3 Compliance by employees of the department with labor and production discipline.

7.2.4 Ensuring the safety of property located in the department and compliance with fire safety rules.

7.2.5 Selection, placement and activities of department employees.

7.2.6 Compliance with the current legislation of draft orders, instructions, regulations endorsed (signed) by him,
resolutions and other documents.

7.2.7 The responsibility of department employees is established by job descriptions.

8 Conclusion

8.1 These Regulations are drawn up in accordance with:

8.1.1 Standard provision about the planning and economic department.

8.1.2 The organizational structure in force at the enterprise;

8.1.3 Staffing table of the economic planning department;

8.2 The director of economics of the enterprise and the head of the department have the right to make proposals for its changes to these Regulations.

8.3 The date of entry into force of these Regulations is the date of approval of the Regulations by the General Director of the enterprise.

Director of Economics M.M. Mikhailov

Head of HR Department I.I. Ivanov

Head of Quality Management Department V.V. Vasiliev

Head of Legal Department S.S. Sergeev

Keep in mind that most work plans are for a specific period of time (eg 6 months or 1 year).

  • In the workplace, a work plan helps the boss know what the employee will be working on over the next few months. This plan is typically created immediately after the annual performance review or before the team begins a large project. The work plan may also be the result of a meeting dedicated to strategic planning which an organization conducts at the beginning of a calendar or fiscal year.
  • In the academic field, a work plan can help students create a work schedule for a large project. It can also help instructors plan course materials for the semester.
  • For a personal project, a work plan will help you describe what needs to be done, how you plan to do it, and by what date you plan to complete it. A personal work plan, although not required, will help you keep track of your goals and achievements.

Write an introduction and the outline of the plan. In a professional work plan, you will need to write an introduction and body. This will give your supervisor or manager the information needed to implement the work plan. Writing an outline and framework is generally not necessary for an academic work plan.

  • The introduction should be catchy and short. Remind your boss why you are writing this work plan. Introduce the specifics of the project(s) you will be working on during this period of time.
  • The premises need to highlight the reasons why you are creating this work plan. For example, lay out details or statistics from recent reports, highlight goals that need to be achieved, or list recommendations or reports you've received from past work projects.
  • Define goals and objectives. Goals and objectives are interrelated, and both of these aspects indicate the things you hope to accomplish as you complete your work plan. However, also remember the difference between the two; goals are more general, and tasks are more specific.

  • Be purpose-driven in your work plan "SMART". SMART is an acronym used by individuals who strive for more realistic, practical results from a work plan.

    • Specifics(Specific). What exactly will we do and for whom? Think about what segment of the population you will provide services for and what exactly you will do to help these people.
    • Measurability(Measurable). Can this be measured and assessed? Can you count the results? Have you structured the work plan so that "health levels in southern Africa will improve in 2020?" or have you structured it so that “incidence of HIV/AIDS among newborns in southern Africa will decrease by 20% by 2020?”
      • Remember that basic data must be quantifiable, written in numbers. Unless you know the HIV/AIDS incidence rate among newborns in southern Africa, it would be impossible to say with certainty that the rate has decreased by 20%.
    • Reachability(Attainable). Can we do it in the time available given the resources available to us? Given the difficulties, the challenge must be realistic. A 500% increase in sales is only possible if you are a small company. For a company that dominates a market, increasing sales by 500% is almost impossible.
      • In some cases, you need to consult with experts or connoisseurs to make sure that the objectives of your work plan are realistic.
    • Relevance(Relevant). Will this task be effective for the desired goal and strategy? Yes, it is important for overall health to measure the height and weight of high school students, but will this lead to directly to changes in mental health? Make sure that tasks and methods are clearly and clearly related to each other.
    • Limited time(Time-bound). When will the task be completed and/or when will we know it is done? Set an end date for the project. Designate the conditions that at a certain income, when all results are achieved, the project ends prematurely.
  • Create a list of resources. Include everything that will be necessary to complete your tasks and goals. Depending on the purpose of the work plan, resources will vary.

    • For example, in the workplace, resources may include a financial budget, personnel, consultants, buildings or rooms, and books. A detailed budget may be unnecessary if your work plan is more formal.
    • In the academic field, resources may include access to various libraries; research materials such as books, newspapers and magazines; access to a computer and the Internet; professors and individuals who can help you if you have questions.

  • * procedure for changing job descriptions
    * job description options
    * stages of development of regulations on structural units, coordination and signing
    HR department work plans, personnel movement and analysis

    Work plan of the HR department of LLC "PARUS" for the month of December 2019

    No. List of events Deadlines Attracted forces and means Execution control
    1. Preparation and approval of a new staffing table for 2020. Until 20.12 Accounting,
    2. Filling out and submitting time sheets for the month of November 01-03.12 Heads of structural divisions
    3. Preparation and approval of the OK work plan for 2020. Until 24.12 General Director (specify the main and priority areas)
    4. Prepare a report for 2007 and a work plan for 2020 on military registration Until 20.12 OK
    5. Prepare and submit an updated list of organization employees to receive new medical compulsory insurance policies 02.12 OK
    6. Conversation with department heads and assistance in working with personnel. 03.12
    Ivanov S.Yu.
    Vorobtsov D.A.
    Egorov V.S.
    Petrov A.I.
    Kuzmin N.Yu.
    Akatiev I.A.
    Reva D.V.
    7. Prepare and conduct a lesson with middle managers on the topic: “Organization of personal daily activities of the head of a department” with an analysis of work plans for the day and month 08.12 Heads of structural divisions
    8. Analysis of the work on hiring and adaptation of new employees 22.12 Heads of structural divisions
    9. Prepare and conduct a seminar with the heads of all structural divisions based on the results of work with personnel in 2019 and drawing up a business plan for 2020 in the key area of ​​department activity - staffing with qualified personnel (search and selection of new employees, training personnel reserve and career planning) Until 24.12 Heads of structural divisions
    10. Analysis of the reasons for dismissal of employees of the organization 27.12 Heads of structural divisions
    11. Coordination and approval of the vacation schedule for 2020 Until 15.12 Heads of structural divisions
    12. Development of a plan for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for 2020 and what costs will be required for this Until 28.12 Heads of structural divisions
    13. Archival and reference work on the formation of long-term storage documents for 2016-2018. Until 30.12 OK
    14. Work with the media on personnel selection and preparation of reporting documentation 02.12,
    from 10 to 11.30 h
    Labor exchange,
    Job vacancy,
    Employment Center,
    k/a "Baltika"
    15. Draw up and approve the OK work plan for the month of January 2020 24.12 OK
    16. Draw up and approve the list of OK cases for 2020 Until 28.12 OK
    17. Prepare an estimate of the necessary consumables for the months of December and January for the rhythmic work of the OK and the formation of an archive. Until 06.12 OK
    Head of HR Department T.A. Petrova

    Analysis of the reasons for staff turnover at PARUS LLC from July to October 2019

    Position by staffing table Questionnaires compiled Approved for review
    new period
    Of these, workers were fired Note
    Total Reason for dismissal
    1 Production site foreman 9 4 3 2 Inability to perform required functions 1 Inconsistency with the position held
    1 1 Professional role conflicts
    2 Driver 91 17 7 3 Desired salary level
    2 Lack of a fixed work schedule, a lot of overtime, technical condition ATSmeans
    1 Unfavorable working conditions (old equipment, high requirements for labor discipline, accounting for downtime and repair time)
    1 Alcohol consumption
    3 Welder 48 15 10 5 Low actual qualifications
    2 Irregularity in work, unclear work assignments, constant changes in work assignments
    2 Mismatch real earnings with expectations (there is no possibility of having a high stable income)
    1 Household working conditions (shower, hot water, meals)
    4 Electrician (electrician) 10 5 3 2 Salary (stability, opportunity to have the desired salary) 1 Changing of the living place
    1 Inconsistency of daily tasks, irregular work schedule, salary level 1 Salary level
    5 Electrical Master 9 3 2 2 Inconsistency between actual competencies and required ones. High responsibility. Lack of a fixed work schedule, long overtime
    6 Installers 25 10 3 2 Payment terms, remoteness of objects and, as a consequence, a decrease in the number of working hours 1 Truancy
    1 Work schedule, difficult working conditions, fear of heights
    7 Graphic designer 6 1 0 Irregularity of work, non-compliance with the requirements (knowledge of a plotter, ability to stick self-adhesive film in large volumes) 1 Alcohol consumption
    8 Printer 5 2 1 1 Alcohol (not going to work), low qualifications
    9 Administrator 3 3 1 1 Alcohol syndrome (after weekends) 2 Schedule, salary
    10 Accounting 4 1 1 1 Inability to integrate into a commercial structure
    11 Marker 3 3 1 1 Difficulty adapting to new working conditions. Low labor productivity
    12 Car mechanic 4 2 1 1 Working conditions, alcohol consumption
    TOTAL: 217 66 33

    CONCLUSION: The main reasons for staff turnover:
    1) Irrhythmic (emergency) method of work, leading to overload, the need to work in weekend,
    deadlines for completing work.
    2) Large processing, difficult working conditions.
    3) Goals and tasks are not clearly set and there is no constant monitoring of their implementation, as well as evaluation of the trainee’s work
    at the end of the working day or trial period.
    4) Low actual qualifications and, as a consequence, inability to perform the required functions.
    5) A thorough analysis of work assignments, standards and wage rates is necessary.
    6) Discrepancy between real earnings and expected earnings (in this mode of operation).
    7) Drinking alcohol.

    Personnel movement and its analysis

    In fact, the staff is not something frozen: it is in constant motion due to the hiring of some and the dismissal of others. The process of renewal of a team as a result of the departure of some of its members and the arrival of new ones is called turnover (turnover) of personnel. Disposal may be due to objective and subjective reasons, including: biological (deterioration of health), production (reduction of staff due to complex mechanization and automation), social (approach of retirement age), personal ( family circumstances), government (conscription for military service).
    The degree of personnel mobility is determined by the following factors:

    1. The need to change jobs, determined, for example, by dissatisfaction wages, working conditions and regime, climate.
    2. Investments related to work and living conditions (having your own farm, the specifics of the profession).
    3. The desirability of a new place of work that provides improved living and working conditions.
    4. The ease of adaptation to new conditions, determined by the associated costs, qualifications, experience, and age.
    5. Possession of information about vacancies and the degree of its reliability.

    In terms of its consequences, the process of personnel movement is far from clear. For leaving employees, the positive aspects are: expected income growth in a new place, improved career prospects, expanded connections, acquisition of a more suitable job, and improved moral and psychological climate. At the same time, during the period of employment they lose wages, continuous work experience in the organization and the benefits associated with it, incur costs of finding a new place, are subject to adaptation difficulties and the risk of losing qualifications and being left without work.
    For the remaining workers, new opportunities for promotion, additional work and earnings appear, but the workload increases, familiar functional partners are lost, and the socio-psychological climate changes.
    For an organization, personnel mobility makes it easier to get rid of outsiders, makes it possible to attract people with new views, rejuvenate the workforce, stimulate changes, increase internal activity and flexibility, but generates additional costs associated with recruitment and temporary replacement of personnel, training, disruption of communications, and large losses working hours, a decline in discipline, an increase in defects, underproduction.
    Increased personnel turnover, no matter what the reason, reduces the staffing of workplaces with performers, the effectiveness of training costs, distracts highly qualified specialists from their duties who are forced to help newcomers, worsens the moral and psychological climate, reduces labor productivity of those who are planning to leave, and as a result causes economic losses.
    In a mobile team, labor efficiency is lower than in a stable one due to the lack of established norms, the necessary mutual demands, and the unpredictability of reactions to management influences.
    There is a direct connection between a person’s length of stay in an organization and the results of his work, since if he has a lot of experience, he knows the intricacies of the place of work better, and therefore shows higher performance.
    Economic losses associated with personnel mobility are determined based on current reporting data and special surveys. They consist of losses from disruption of team stability, labor discipline, losses from increased defects, and direct losses of working time. The method for calculating their values ​​will be discussed below.
    Statistics characterize the movement of personnel with relative and absolute indicators of turnover and turnover. Absolute indicators of personnel movement are the turnover of admissions and the turnover of departures.
    Turnover by reception represents the number of persons enrolled in work after graduation from educational institutions, by organizational recruitment, by transfer from other organizations, by distribution, by referral from employment authorities, at the invitation of the organization itself, as well as undergoing practical training.
    Disposal turnover characterized by the number of people who left the organization during a given period, grouped by reasons for dismissal. Depending on these reasons, it can be necessary or unnecessary. Excess turnover on disposal is called differently staff turnover.
    Required turnover for disposal It has objective reasons: legal requirements (for example, on military service), natural factors (state of health, age), and therefore inevitable. It can be predicted, predicted and even calculated quite accurately (leaving for the army or retirement). The unfavorable consequences of such turnover are weakened by the fact that people often do not break ties with the organization and provide it with assistance and assistance whenever possible.
    Fluidity is related with subjective reasons (care for at will, dismissal for violations of labor discipline). It is usually typical for young employees and after three years of work it decreases significantly. It is believed that normal staff turnover is up to 5% per year.
    It is advisable to additionally define the following absolute indicators staff conditions:
    a) the number of replaced employees, which is the smaller number of those hired and dismissed;
    b) the number of people who worked for the entire period as the difference between the payroll number at the beginning of the period and the number of people who quit during the period. This indicator characterizes the constancy of the team over a certain period of time.
    Relative personnel turnover can be characterized using a number of indicators:
    When analyzing personnel, the composition of workers is also studied by profession, age, forms and systems of remuneration, shifts, and length of service.
    The measure of a worker's qualifications is called professional competence. It determines the employee’s ability to perform his functions efficiently and accurately both in ordinary and in extreme conditions, successfully master new things and quickly adapt to changing conditions.
    The following types are distinguished.
    Functional competence characterized by professional knowledge and the ability to implement it.
    Intellectual competence is expressed in the ability to think analytically and implement an integrated approach to performing one’s duties.
    Situational competence means the ability to act in accordance with the situation.
    Social competence presupposes the presence of communication and integration abilities, the ability to maintain relationships, influence, achieve one’s own, correctly perceive and interpret other people’s thoughts, show an attitude towards them, conduct conversations, etc.
    Requirements for professional competence largely depend on the level of management and the nature of the position. Today, for senior managers, the importance of special knowledge and skills is decreasing, but the role of methodological and social abilities in the field of communication, employee management, and the ability to perceive and interpret information is growing.
    The basis of professional competence is professional suitability - a set of mental and psychophysiological characteristics of a person necessary for the implementation of effective professional activities.
    In the conditions of the current stage of scientific and technological revolution, there is a clearly visible tendency towards rapid obsolescence of the knowledge and experience of personnel, which is expressed in the lag of individual knowledge and experience from modern requirements to position and profession.
    Age structure personnel is characterized by the proportion of persons of corresponding ages in its total number
    When studying the age composition, the following groupings are used:
    16, 17, 18, 19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54,
    55-59, 60-64, 65 years and older.
    The structure of personnel by length of service can be considered in two ways: in terms of overall length of service and length of service in a given organization.
    The level of labor productivity is directly related to overall length of service. The total length of service is grouped into the following periods: up to 16 years, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35.36, 37, 38, 39, 40 years and more.
    Work experience in this organization characterizes the retention of personnel. Statistics highlight the following periods for calculating this indicator:
    up to 1 year, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30 years and more.
    Personnel structure according to level of education(general and special) involves the identification of persons who have higher education, incomplete higher education (more than half of the study period), specialized secondary, general secondary, incomplete secondary, primary.

    The activities of any organization involve planning. A correctly and timely drawn up plan allows you to control the activities of individual structural units and take into account everything production characteristics, on which the company’s performance depends. The general plan of the organization contains separate documents that are drawn up for each department. Drawing up a department work plan is the sole responsibility of its manager.

    You will need it

    • – characteristics of the department’s work over the past period;
    • – planned characteristics set by department employees;
    • - paper;
    • – fountain pen or pencil;
    • - computer.

    Determine the perspective for which the department’s work plan is drawn up. It can be annual, involving long-term tasks, or short-term - for six months, a quarter, a month or even a week. The main document that defines the work of the department is annual. Short-term planning documents are then drawn up based on it.

    Explore analytical reports, which highlight the work of the department in past periods. To get an idea of ​​performance indicators, it will be necessary to evaluate data for two to three years. The dynamics of the unit’s work will allow us to set clearer and more realistic goals for the near future. If necessary, refer to reporting documents describing the work of the entire organization as a whole. This will make it possible to understand the performance of the department in relation to other departments.

    Interview department employees, asking them to provide characteristics of their own activities for the past reporting period. Each employee must also, without the help of others, outline work characteristics for the coming year. The identified individual characteristics will then be included in the department’s general work plan.

    Based on the data collected, set goals for the coming year. When outlining certain characteristics of an activity, be sure to indicate in the plan through what internal reserves they will be achieved. Make sure that the planned characteristics are not divorced from life, but reflect the real abilities of the department. For each specific goal, set a reasonable time frame for achieving it. With all this, it is not recommended to set deadlines for completing tasks at the end of the planned period - you should have a time period left to correct possible shortcomings.

    When drawing up a department's work plan, provide for those responsible for the implementation of its individual items, as well as forms of control. Remember that any planned characteristics mean nothing if they are generic and if no one is directly responsible for them. Include in the plan the dates for reporting by department employees for each of the scheduled points.

    Finish drawing up the plan, including in it the indispensable for everyone structural unit general activities affecting the entire organization. Have your plan approved by management. If necessary, correct any inaccuracies and enter configurations recommended by management. The drawn up plan will now be the main document defining the activities of the department.

    The department is headed by the head of the planning and economic department, appointed to the position by order of the general director of JSC Housing and Communal Services.

    The head of the economic planning department distributes responsibilities among department employees and approves their job descriptions.

    Tasks and functions of the planning and economic JSC "ZhKU":

    Formation of a unified economic policy of the enterprise based on an analysis of the state and development trends of the industry. Improving the concept of planning expenses for enterprise activities, investment programs.

    Formation and determination of the economic development strategy of the enterprise in order to adapt its economic activities and management system to the changing external and internal economic conditions in the market.

    Management of the preparation of draft current plans by divisions of the enterprise for all types of activities in accordance with orders from contractors and concluded contracts.

    Identification of unprofitable products, development of measures to remove them from production.

    Comprehensive analysis of all types of enterprise activities.

    Organization and coordination of research to determine the conditions for increasing the competitiveness of manufactured products and the development of appropriate measures based on the results obtained.

    Preparation of proposals on specific areas of market research in order to determine the development prospects of the enterprise.

    Statistical accounting of all production and technical and economic indicators of the enterprise, systematization of statistical materials.

    Preparation of statistical reports in a timely manner.

    Development and communication to the structural divisions of the enterprise of projected volumes of production (performance of work, provision of services) in conjunction with the volume of financing.

    Development of unified documentation, economic standards, implementation of mechanized and automated processing of planning and accounting documentation.

    Organizing the exchange of experience in economic work, holding seminars and meetings to improve the skills of employees of financial and economic departments of the enterprise and third-party organizations

    Economic planning and analysis of the economic state of the enterprise. Monitoring the implementation of economic legislation by business units.

    Development and preparation for approval of draft long-term and current plans for economic activity and development of the enterprise. Management of the preparation of medium-term and long-term comprehensive plans for production, financial and commercial activities (business plans) of the enterprise, coordination and coordination of their sections.

    Planning the volume of capital investments and operating funds for centralized payment for equipment and inventory based on requests from the production and technical departments of the enterprise.

    Determination of capital investment limits.

    Development of measures for the efficient use of capital investments.

    Development of measures to increase labor productivity, reduce production and sales costs, increase production profitability, increase profits, eliminate losses and unproductive expenses.

    Preparation for submission to the main accounting department, department of organization and remuneration of labor proposals for establishing (changing) official salaries for individual positions and categories of employees of the enterprise.

    Monitoring the implementation of planned targets by enterprise departments.

    Organization and methodological support development of promising programs.

    Preparation of proposals, justifications and calculations of costs for carrying out research, development, experimental work and development, major repairs of buildings and structures, communicating cost plans to the financial department.

    Determining the amount of costs for advanced training based on forecasts of the need for personnel training for the enterprise.

    Analysis of existing enterprise management structures and preparation of proposals for their further development.

    Development of methodological materials on technical and economic planning of the activities of enterprise divisions, calculation of the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and technology, carrying out organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing the competitiveness of products (works, services).

    Formation of the enterprise's pricing policy. Development of forecasts for the economic development of an enterprise in accordance with market needs.

    Development of planned technical and economic standards for material and labor costs, draft wholesale and retail prices for enterprise products, tariffs for work (services) taking into account supply and demand and in order to ensure the planned volume of profit.

    Drawing up standard cost estimates for products and monitoring the introduction into them of current changes in planned prices for the main types of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products used in production.

    Preparation of opinions on draft wholesale prices for the company's products.

    Analysis of price increases for similar competitors' products.

    Development of economic standards for the costs of operating an enterprise and submitting them for approval to the financial department, adjusting them to take into account inflationary processes.

    Development of plans for operating costs for the implementation of enterprise activities by sources of financing for the year and quarters.

    Development and coordination with the financial department and the general accounting department of calculations for the mobilization of own funds.