Scenario for celebrating Halloween for high school students at school - how to make Halloween interesting and fun? Halloween quest for children: script, preparation, recommendations Halloween script for girls

This cheerful and creepy holiday, thanks to its mysterious atmosphere, has managed to fall in love with both adults and children. If you have managed to retain childlike spontaneity and a love of adventure in your soul, Halloween is exactly the holiday that simply needs to be included in the set of your family traditions. Coming to us from afar, it will introduce you and your children to the festive culture of other countries, and joint preparation for it will give you many pleasant moments of creativity and communication.

Children's Halloween Party: Fun Trouble

How to decorate your house for Halloween? There are many options! And if you consider that all children are initially talented, there will be no end to interesting solutions.

Here are a few ideas to consider:

1. Decorate the walls and doors with funny signs and posters, drawn, of course, together with the children. The content of the signs may be as follows: “Door to the fifth dimension”, “Beware of hungry mosquitoes”, “No biting!”, “Don’t scare away the bats”, “Scary room”, etc.

2. Charming ghosts cut out of a sheet of whatman paper will be happy to be placed on the walls and ceilings of your home.

3. Thematic figures – bats, spiders, pumpkins, etc. You can also cut them out of colored paper and hang them around your apartment, or you can decorate the windows with them. By the way, such thematic stickers can be purchased at almost any stationery store.

4. Cut autumn branches will help create a magical holiday atmosphere.

5. A variety of Halloween figurines, purchased in a store (very cute figurines are sold in the Red Cube chain of stores) or made by yourself, will decorate window sills and bookshelves.

6. Pumpkins! The more of them there are at the holiday, the better. From a couple of large pumpkins you can make holiday lamps with funny faces, and use the rest to decorate the room.

7. It's hard to imagine Halloween without the mysterious flickering of candles. Candles create an amazing atmosphere, but be careful -... children's party Fire safety measures must be observed.

8. Autumn leaves, straw and others natural materials– the best thing you can think of for decorating your home and holiday table.

9. You can easily draw terribly cute tantamaresques depicting all kinds of monsters and ghosts yourself on a sheet of whatman paper, and then cut out holes for the face and hands. The main thing here is not artistic skill, but the love and care that you put into your creations!

10. Decide in advance how much fun your house can handle, and make cute invitations in the form of pumpkins or autumn leaves for all guests.

Children's Halloween party: festive table

“Cheap and cheerful” - a festive table draped with black and orange mesh, which can be purchased at any fabric store, will look very impressive. Make the same one, and secure all the knots and folds with decorative spiders. It is good to additionally decorate the table with a natural composition of pumpkins, leaves and candles and other Halloween paraphernalia.

The holiday menu should consist of healthy dishes from children's cuisine , decorated and named according to the holiday theme. For example: all kinds of pumpkin dishes - stew served in a hollowed out pumpkin, golden pancakes, pumpkin pie; juices and compotes are predominantly red, but you should always have an alternative option for children who do not want to eat red foods due to allergies; salads decorated in the form of shapeless monsters with eyes made of olives or peas; vegetable and fruit slices in the form of eyes, smiling jaws, etc. – there are no limits to imagination here. Sandwiches, pies, and cookies can also be decorated in the most amazing way.

Children's Halloween Party: Costumes

Any themed holiday involves dressing up, and Halloween is no exception. You can purchase ready-made costumes, or you can make a costume yourself. Anything that somehow resonates with our theme will be a suitable option: a vampire robe, a pirate outfit, a witch or ghost costume - all of this is spot on.
Take care of the attire for your guests. Of course, they will probably not come empty-handed, but just in case, prepare some elements of costumes for the invited children and adults - just enjoy the walk!

Children's Halloween: games and competitions

1. Test. When opening the Halloween party, arrange a “test” for the kids to test their knowledge of the habits of otherworldly inhabitants:
- to the most terrible howl;
- to the loudest stomp;
- knowledge of traditional scary dance (dance competition for attentiveness when repeating movements).

These “tests” will help to involve children in the festive process and activate their attention.

2. Repeated horror story. Now the guys move single file behind the leader, repeating the words and movements after him:

We are entering a dark forest ( take a few sneaking steps forward),
Where are the trees up to the sky? pull your hands up)!
Let's wander along the path ( a few more steps),
Let's wander into the thicket of the forest ( spread our fingers out to look like tree branches).
We reach the ravine ( sneaking around),
Oh, we'll have enough fear ( we're shaking):
There's a roar everywhere, a howl everywhere ( we stomp and make scary sounds) –
It's time for us to run home children run in all directions and hide in all directions, and the leader tries to catch them)!

3. Hungry monster. This charming monster with an open mouth must be drawn in advance on a sheet of Whatman paper and glued to a cardboard base. The monster's mouth is cut off, and a stand is glued to the back of this structure so that the cardboard can stand on the floor. You can also use a tall box, on one of the wide sides of which a monster is drawn and its mouth is cut out. The children’s task is to “feed” the monster by throwing tennis or plastic balls into its open mouth. The one who hits the target the most times wins.

4. Crossing the swamp. For this competition, prepare hummocks cut out of paper or leftover linoleum. Children will need to “go through the swamp”, stepping only onto saving hummocks. One participant is given three bumps, after completing a step, he must move one bump forward and take the next step, etc. The game is a relay race. The fastest participant (or team) wins.

5. “Take care of your eyes!” Another relay game. We will need a tablespoon and a tennis ball painted to look like an eyeball. Participants need to quickly and very carefully bring the “eye” in the spoon to its destination. The team that can complete the task faster and more accurately wins.

6. Dinner for a witch. Under the guidance of the leader, children will need to find dinner ingredients scattered and hung around the room in advance: rubber snakes, lizards, various insects, bats and spiders. The presenter reads the recipe, for example: for the roast we will need 15 bats, 2 cockroaches, 10 caterpillars, etc., and the guys look around the room for the ingredients in the right quantity. A small snack after such a competition suggests itself!

7. Path of Terror. While the children are busy in the hall, quietly lay out in the hall or corridor several cardboard boxes with different fillings that are unpleasant to the touch: wet moss, crumpled newspaper, rustling bags, a damp rag, a heating pad with warm water. When everything is ready, invite the children to walk along this scary path one by one. The main condition: the participants’ eyes must be closed and they must walk barefoot.

8. Vampires. Before the competition begins, tell the legend that we have entered the domain of a vampire lord and are obliged to follow the rules of the vampires' daily routine. Together with the guys, we remember what time of day they sleep and what time they are awake. We choose a “victim” and place it near the window. And the “vampires” - all the other children - are located on the opposite side of the room in their “crypt”. The children’s task is to move only when the leader announces the onset of night, and freezing in place at the word “day,” to try to catch the victim as quickly as possible. Whoever catches it wins.

9. Little artists. Children are given orange balloons and black permanent (others may smear) markers. You need to draw a Halloween monster on the ball. The funniest grimace wins.

10. Night rest. Do you remember the indescribable delight and horror that various scary stories caused you in childhood? Light a candle, sit the children around it and announce a competition scary stories. The candle is carefully passed from one participant to another, and the one near whom the candle stops must tell his “horror story.” The main thing here is not to overdo it and end too creepy stories on an optimistic note, causing smiles and laughter. Believe me, the amazing atmosphere, fascinating stories and the opportunity to dream a little will bring a lot of pleasure to both storytellers and listeners.

Don’t forget about the festive disco with fun dance competitions: with balloons squeezed between your bellies - for the friendliest couple, with a mop in his hands - for the most cheerful and active witch, with repetition of movements - for care and precision and etc.

And finish the competition part at a festively set table, “planting” a pre-cleaned pumpkin with all sorts of sweets suitable for the theme in the center of the table - licorice candies in the shape of worms, “scary” chewing marmalade and figured cookies.

Interesting ideas and happy holidays!

©2011 Attention! The script was developed specifically for the Prazdnodar website: encyclopedia of holidays. Full or partial reprinting of the material and its publication on other websites is possible only with the written consent of its author and the editors of the site. Attempts of unauthorized use of materials in commercial purposes are illegal and subject to prosecution.

Halloween scenario: a fun program for children on Halloween

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On the night from October 31 to November 1 in the USA and Europe, and in recent years in the CIS countries, Halloween is celebrated - All Saints Day. The Holidays Workshop has prepared a Halloween scenario that is suitable for children from 7 to 14 years old and a selection of entertainment for younger children. If you decide to try on a mystical image and have a fun Halloween, this article is for you!

This Halloween scenario does not require long and complicated preparation, and the holiday will turn out just wonderful! The hosts of the event are the Witch and the Drummer (artistic adults dress up as them). If desired, you can choose other characters. All invitees should be warned in advance to come up with images of all kinds of evil spirits: ghosts, witches, sorcerers, mummies, zombies. For greater effectiveness, you can invite a face painter to the event - he will help guests transform into the desired characters.

Themed souvenirs (eyes on springs, keychains in the shape of pumpkins, cats, witches) or sweets can be used as prizes for competition participants.

The holiday begins with a speech by the witch presenter.


Hello! Welcome to the holiday of horrors! I see that all the evil spirits have already gathered... after all, today is our day - the terrible and solemn Day of All Saints. It is on the night of October 31 to November 1 that the souls of the dead come from the other world.

Drummer (in a mysterious tone): Finally! This is going to be a night! Scary stories about coffins, creepy dances in the company of ghosts and simply terrible entertainment! You are ready? Then let's start our coven!

Game “I am the most terrible and terrible”

The purpose of the entertainment is to introduce everyone present, to liberate and create a friendly atmosphere.

Guests stand or sit around the host. The presenter takes a small pumpkin (or a soft toy) and begins the game with the words “I am the most terrible and terrible witch who...”. Then she tells what she does, for example, takes sweets from children or eats spiders for breakfast and why she chose this image. Then the presenter passes it to the first participant, who talks about himself and so on in a circle until everyone has introduced themselves.


Everyone knows that the symbol of Halloween is a glowing pumpkin. But do you know, my dear monsters, where this attribute came from?

The Legend of the Glowing Pumpkin

A long time ago, a swindler and drunkard, Jack, invited the devil himself to his Halloween celebration. After the gathering, the man bet with the guest that he would not climb the tree. The devil quickly climbed to the top, but cunning Jack drew a cross on the tree and the devil could not come down. The man then offered to remove the cross in exchange for never tempting him again.

After his death, Jack was not allowed into heaven because he was a sinner, but the devil did not allow him to go to hell, giving him only a hot corner. Jack hid the coal in an onion and has since appeared with it on All Hallows' Eve. Later in the USA, the onion was replaced with a pumpkin, and since then the glowing orange vegetable with an ominous smile has been a symbol of the Halloween holiday.

Competition "Symbol of the Holiday"

The presenters invite the children to make the main attribute of the holiday themselves. Each participant is given a small pumpkin and a black marker (if children under 10 years old) or a knife (if older children).

The task is to draw or cut out a scary face in the allotted time (for example, 15 minutes). Then the presenters determine “The most terrible Halloween symbol”, “The most original Halloween symbol”, etc. Children will be able to take their creations home after the holiday.


Oh, how many times I had to celebrate All Saints' Day... I can't even count. But one thing I remember well is that there was always a funny game with donuts!

Game "Sweet Tooth"

This entertainment is traditionally present in the Halloween scenario. For the competition you will need donuts (can be replaced with soft bagels) and two ropes or threads. Two donuts are hung on threads at the height of the participants. Then a couple is selected who want to take part in the competition.

The players' task is to eat the treat without using their hands. The one who can do it faster wins and receives a prize from the presenters.


My old friend Count Dracula gave us food for our holiday.

Competition “Feel like Dracula”

The hosts offer the bravest guests of the holiday a taste of the “blood of the old magician” (tomato or cherry juice). Everyone receives a glass with a drink and a straw. At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to drink. The first one to empty the glass wins.


My friends, monsters, witches and ghosts. Yesterday I received a letter from my nephew, Kasper. He has a lot of trouble with his horror homework. Little Casper needs to learn how to appear in public so that everyone's knees shake. And we can’t do it without your help.

Game “What a horror!”

Each contestant takes turns making a "scary and terrifying" appearance in public. You can use a white cloth or sheet for this. The winner is chosen by voting or applause.


Oh, Witch, how scary our guests are! But this is not enough, because evil spirits often have to get out of the most unexpected situations.

Fun "Magic Pumpkin"

You need to make a container out of a large one in advance, clearing out all the contents and washing it thoroughly. You should also prepare tasks for the participants - write on pieces of paper (the edges can be burned for effect) what they should do, for example:

  • Tell a scary story;
  • Remember 5 proverbs or sayings that mention mystical creatures (“the devil is not as terrible as he is painted,” “the devil is in the middle of nowhere,” “sell your soul to the devil,” etc.);
  • Dance Baba Yaga's dance with a broom;
  • Name 13 mystical characters;
  • Name 10 ingredients of a magic potion, etc.

Participants take turns pulling out a note with a task from the pumpkin and completing it. After the competition is completed, everyone receives sweets.


Although we are called not very kind, we love to have fun and dance. We invite everyone to the disco!

After the dances, the hosts offer the children festive treats. You can organize a candy bar where guests can enjoy themselves at any time during the event. Read more about how to decorate a sweet table for Halloween in an original way.

If children under 6 years old will be present at the holiday, you can make changes to the Halloween scenario by adding several entertainment appropriate to their age.

"Assemble the Monster"

Each participant receives a picture (witches, pumpkins, ghosts) cut into pieces. We need to collect an image. You can have a speed competition.

"Magic Potion"

In the room you need to scatter artificial flowers, leaves, pumpkins, rubber spiders, frogs, snakes. The children’s task is to collect the ingredients to prepare the potion in the quantities indicated by the presenter. For example, 10 maple leaves, 3 daisies, 5 frogs and 4 snakes.

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I am always happy to help in holding and organizing a holiday!

Halloween scenario.

Target: introduce pupils to the English holiday “Halloween”.


    Educational – acquiring knowledge about the history and traditions of Great Britain associated with the holiday “Halloween” (through the game).

    Educational – to cultivate the ability to work in a team, attentiveness, respect and goodwill towards each other.

    Developmental – to unite the team through the implementation of common tasks, to develop the ability to communicate; develop Creative skills children; develop speaking and public speaking skills.



    Characteristics and costumes of characters: The presenter is a smartly dressed young man.The witch is young, beautiful, with flowing black wavy hair. She holds a broom in her hands. Dressed casually.

Pumpkin muzzle - a traditional “pumpkin head” for the holiday with glowing lantern eyes, dressed in a robe made of a sheet.Preliminary preparation: Before the holiday, you can announce a competition for the best carnival costume. You just need to tell schoolchildren that October 31 is the day when, according to ancient legends, evil spirits gather and have fun. It is therefore desirable that spectators come to the event dressed as fantastic evil creatures.According to the plot of the dramatization, you will need a simple treat for the audience - small canapé sandwiches, cookies, a cocktail with tomato or any other red juice, which should bear the ominous name “Blood of the Sorcerer”.

Preparation of props for magic and competitions.



Before entering the hall, children take one colored piece of paper. Thus they are divided into teams.

Music No. 1 sounds.

The Witch appears before the audience. She coquettishly waves a broom, and with a wave of the broom, alarming music begins to sound. Music No. 2 sounds. Witch: Hello! I am a witch. And it is no coincidence that I appeared here today - October 31, the Great Holiday of Horrors. Tremble, he is coming! Solemn and terrible All Saints Day! Or, as it is also called, autumn holiday evil spirits Halloween.The Leader hurriedly runs in. Leading: Who took my place as Leader, who got ahead of me? Who was going to hold today's event without such a cool Presenter like me?Witch: It's me - the Witch! (Waves a broom in greeting.)Leading: Ah, the Witch! Of course, who else could come to see us first on All Saints' Day? After all, this holiday came to us from Western Europe, and there it is associated with a number of unique traditions.Witch: Yes, for example, in Scotland there is still a belief that on the last night of October a young Witch, wanting to become a real evil witch, certainly strives to sell her soul to the Devil. And after this deal, she, joyful, goes to fly over the city on a broom.Leading: Are you from Scotland - do you have a broom?..Witch: No, I'm local. I came to see how you will celebrate a foreign holiday at your school - Halloween, All Saints Day. By the way, do you know when he appeared?Leading: This holiday appeared more than 2000 years ago among the ancient Celts. This is a night festival. According to Celtic legends, on this Great Night the souls of deceased relatives come to people, with whom you can easily chat or drink tea. But, besides these benevolent ghosts, evil spirits - a real evil spirit - crawled out of the darkness of the other world on a festive night to people.Witch (proudly): Here I am out!Leading: Congratulations. But in order not to confuse a good spirit with an evil one, the Celts lit resin torches. After all, fire drives away the evil power of darkness. When the Americans adopted this holiday, they added their own innovations to it. For example, they came up with another tricky thing to protect themselves from evil spirits.Witch: And which one?Leading: But the people themselves just need to take it and dress up as some kind of scarecrow. Then the evil spirits will accept you as one of their own and will not touch you.Witch: And what, is it working out well?Leading: (Points to the guys)

Witch, look at our viewers! They all came in such wonderful "horrible" costumes! They know that what awaits them today is not fear and nightmares, but something supernatural. Funny horror stories and unusual jokes.

Witch: Aren't you afraid that real evil spirits will come to the holiday? They will come, they will come.Leading. Let horrors and evil spirits come to the holiday, but there will be plenty of fun. And we will overcome any evil with laughter and fun. And if anyone comes to us with evil intentions, he will die from laughter. And now, Witch, let's play a little with our viewers.

So here we go.


Fun with donuts or apples.”

Hang a donut (preferably covered with icing) on ​​a long string from the ceiling. Now let your guests, with their arms crossed behind their backs and without resorting to their help, try one by one to jump and tear the donut off the thread. Another option: fill a large container or tub with small red apples. Give each guest one try, using only their mouth and teeth, to get their apple (no hands!).

Horror film".

The conditions are as follows - there are five eggs in the cassette. One of them is raw, the presenter warns. And the rest are boiled. You need to break an egg on your forehead. Whoever comes across something raw is the bravest one. (But in general, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is simply awarded to the last participant - he deliberately took the risk of becoming everyone's laughing stock).

Walk through the swamp

For this game you will need two A4 sheets. The participants’ task is to walk through the room – the “swamp” – stepping only on sheets of paper. To this end, after the first step, you need to bend down, take the sheet behind you, move it forward and take the next step. And so on until the designated point. The participant who puts his foot on the floor is pulled into the swamp and leaves the game. Those who manage to complete this difficult task win.

"Evil spirits in touch"

A game similar to "broken phone". The players sit in a line and whisper to each other a phrase invented by the leader. The participants' task is to convey the phrase with minimal distortion.

An interesting addition in the spirit of the holiday is that the game takes place in complete darkness and phrases such as: “I’ll eat you,” “Let’s go drink blood,” “Fresh meat,” “We’ll get to you,” etc. .

"Will-o'-the-wisp" (at the disco)

You will need: flashlight, music.

All participants sit in a circle. The lights in the room are turned off, and one of the players is given a burning flashlight. Soft music should be playing, preferably something creepy. A will-o'-the-wisp (flashlight) is passed from one player to another until the music stops. The player who has Will-o'-the-wisp at that moment is eliminated. The game continues until one player remains, and he wins.


You will need: a large amount of toilet paper.

This is a team game. Players are divided into teams of two. One will play the role of the Mummy, the other will be the Egyptian. At the signal, the Egyptian must wrap the Mummy with toilet paper from head to toe as quickly as possible (the eyes, mouth and nose, of course, remain “free”). The one who made the Mummy faster wins. Just be careful: if the paper tears, the team is out of the game! The Witch returns. She is carrying a bag.

Blowing the “ball”. Captains competition.

An inflated balloon is placed in the middle of the table.

The two participants are blindfolded and sit opposite each other at the table.

They are asked to compete in blowing up the ball.

However, as soon as the contestants begin to blow, the ball is removed and a plate generously filled with flour is placed in its place.

The participants are amazed, and when their eyes are untied, they usually have fun with everyone

"Dance of the Witches" (at the disco).

You will need: a broom (you can use a broom, mop, etc. instead), music.

Participants stand in a circle with a broom. When the music turns on, the witches begin to dance merrily and pass the broom from hand to hand. The witch who has the broom after the music stops is eliminated from the game (without the broom, of course). The winner is the one who ends up dancing alone with the broom.

Game "Quest" (notes)

The player bursts the ball, which contains a note on which it is written where the second note is located. If the players manage to find this second note, then in it they receive a hint where to look for the third. And so on until note 7.

Progress of the game:

The balloon needs to burst, it says:

1st note.

Play a game with me

I will lead you to the prize!

I'm lying under your feet, and you're jumping around me in circles,

You better go to the door, find the upper right corner.

And then victory is close,

The desired note is waiting there!

Answer: carpet.

2 note

Two is always a pair! Look there that there are always two and they don’t walk alone.

Answer: shoes

3rd note

It’s a difficult rebus to guess,

Find out the next step!


Answer: drying

4th note

Complete my puzzle and find the clue...

(This picture doesn’t need to be cut into several pieces; you need to assemble the picture from them and read where the note is hidden)

Answer: in the mirror

5th note

I am not a simple machine,

I'm washing your clothes.

Look into the drum

And you will see a surprise there.

Answer: washing machine.

6th note.

Go through the cave

Any room with tightly closed curtains or even a corridor (if the holiday takes place after sunset) can serve as a cave - just don’t turn on the lights, and the participants are guaranteed a scary experience).Children should be blindfolded. There is a letter hidden in every part of the body. Encrypted words - pantry and room 15

Here are the body parts of “Old Dead Joe” that you need to make and place in the “cave” in advance:
1. “Old Dead Joe’s Bones” - find tree branches of a suitable size on the street and free them from twigs and leaves;
2. "Old Dead Joe's Guts" - a large bowl filled with moist, slimy noodles;
3. "Old Dead Joe's Heart" - a very large peeled tomato;
4. “The Eyes of Old Dead Joe” - a small container filled with water in which two large grapes float;
5. "Old Dead Joe's Teeth" - a metal pot or kettle filled with small pebbles or hard candies;
6. "Old Dead Joe's Hair" - a human hair wig stretched over a ball;
7. "Old Dead Joe's Nose" - a raw potato cut into the shape of a nose;
8. Finally, "Old Dead Joe's Blood" - a pot or jug ​​filled with warm tomato juice.
Have a towel handy to dry your child's hands after he or she gets into the blood.

The keys to the rooms are held by a wizard who asks riddles. Children guess and get the key

    What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)

    It will suit the house. The day will be stolen. (night) Old lady with a black scarf. The sky was curtained.

Leading: Yes, Halloween is something like Russian carols. Well, first we invite everyone to the table for a small buffet, and then a disco.

Scenario for Halloween 2015

The scenario involves: Witch, Dracula, Isabella, Pirate

Hall decoration: the name of the holiday, holiday symbols cut out of paper, shining lamps and garlands, a fortune telling table, a music center.

Preparation : Invitations, Raffles, holiday name, holiday symbols, costumes, bag,

Introduction. The presenters stand with their backs to the audience, the lights are off. A voice reads a poem. The presenters perform a slow waltz to the melody.

Witch: Have a terrible evening everyone!

Dracula: Ha ha! Hello, vampires, ghouls and other not entirely pure forces. My respect to you, witch! And bon appetit! (rubs his palms)

Witch: Count, I see you have already bitten, some fresh blood?

Dracula: Come on, I’m still missing a beat!Witch, don’t you have a mug with you? (rummaging through the bag )

Witch: No…!

Dracula: Okay, then from the throat!! (Reaching out to bite the witch )

Witch: It's easier, Count, (blocks with his hand ) a witch is not a witch, but on occasion I can act so rudely that it doesn’t seem too much...

Witch: Friends, today there will be a grandiose Sabbath, which you will remember for the number of nasty things, troubles and other dirty tricks committed!!!

Dracula: So how does the Sabbath go?

Witch: On this day all harpies, witches, furies (points to the hall ) gather in one place and have... a bachelorette party...

Dracula: I didn’t ask you about March 8th!...

Witch: ( explains ) Count, I am a hereditary witch and...

Dracula: ( interrupts ) Does mom know?

Dracula: And here is the heiress of Lucifer. Vivat terrible Isabella! the most unpredictable and terribly beautiful!

(The vampire and witch bows before Isabella in respect.)

Dracula: Greetings, Isabella! You are, as always, deadly charming, like a true child of darkness.

Isabel: Have a bad evening everyone! It was no coincidence that I appeared here today - October 31, the Great Holiday of Horrors. Tremble, he is coming! Solemn and terrible All Saints Day! Or, as it is also called, the autumn festival of evil spirits, Halloween.

Dracula: Isabella, may I be curious, how many years have you been decorating this world of the living?

Isabel: More than 2000 years...

Dracula: Do you want to go into the realm of dreams? (Reaching out to bite Isabella )

Isabel: Thanks, no! When I want, then I will die, without outside help - first (fingering ) I’ll make a will, write a farewell note, wash myself, change clothes, put on makeup, hair, heels.… (thought about it ) And in general... maybe I’ll change my mind ten more times!!! (Makes eyes at anyone in the audience )

Witch: Isabella, I ask you to help me complete the assignment: your dear dad Lucifer asked me to elect the king and queen of the evening.

Isabel: I will be happy to help you choose the King of our monstrous ball!

Dracula: and here is finally my favorite activity! (rubs his palms ). With great pleasure I will choose a delicious dinner, that is, I will help you choose a worthy Queen!

Witch: And so anyone can become the king and queen of the ball. But for this you need to pass all the tests. You are ready? First competition

Competition No. 1 "Mummy"

Participants are divided into pairs, and each of them is given a roll of paper. One of the players on each team is a “mummy”. The task of the second player – the “priest” – is to make a real “mummy” out of the playing partner as quickly as possible. Those who complete the task the fastest win.

Isabel: There are still many competitions ahead of you; those who wish can come to the fortune-telling table, but not all at once. And now there is a dance break.

Dance break (2 songs)

Dracula: Witch, do you even know how to cast a spell...??? I bit someone with a cold, can you treat me?...

Witch: Easily! Garlic - in the mouth, onion - in the nose, honey - on the chest, mustard on the heels,nettle on the lower back and a huge glass of milk with honey for internal effects... _We will poison all the microbes!If you live until the morning, you will be as good as new...

Competition No. 2 "Sayings about evil spirits"

The following proverbs and sayings about evil spirits are suitable for this competition:
- the evil one dealt with the evil one, but both fell into a pit;
- you can’t protect yourself at every hour;
- fear is worse than death;
- frighten the one who does not understand anything;
- fear takes away strength;
- fear has big eyes;
- the devil is not as scary as he is painted;
- look fear in the eye, don’t blink, and if you blink, you will disappear;
- fear is the enemy’s first assistant;
- in the middle of nowhere;
- there would be a swamp, but there would be devils
- like the devil in his bosom;
- sell your soul to the devil;
- sits like a devil in a swamp
- the devil possessed him.

Each participant pulls out a piece of paper with one or another saying written on the back. Then the players must portray it, and the rest must guess and name this proverb or saying out loud.

You can also use these sayings for another game. The presenter says the beginning of the saying, and the participants must quickly continue it. Whoever guesses the most sayings the fastest wins.

Isabel: Friends, there is not much history of our holiday. You should know that All Saints' Day came to us from Western Europe, and there it is associated with a number of unique traditions.

Witch: For example, in Scotland there is still a belief that on the last night of October a young Witch, wanting to become a real powerful witch, certainly strives to sell her soul to the Devil. And after this deal, she, joyful, goes to fly over the city on a broom.

Dracula: Are you from Scotland - do you have a broom?..

Witch: No, I'm local!

Isabel: Why do witches still use brooms even in the 21st century?

Dracula: Vacuum cleaners are simply too heavy to fly...

Witch: They're just environmentally friendly!

Competition No. 3 Dance with a broom

8 people are participating. You need to stand in a circle. I have one broom. To the music, we begin to pass it on to our neighbor in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the person with the broom is out of the game. The broom is passed on to a neighbor. And so on until there is 1 winner left.

Dance break (2 songs)

Isabel: By the way, do you know when this foreign holiday appeared - Halloween, All Saints' Day?

Dracula: This holiday appeared more than 2000 years ago among the ancient Celts. This is a night festival. According to Celtic legends, on this Great Night the souls of the dead come to people. But, besides these benevolent ghosts, evil spirits - a real evil spirit - crawled out from the darkness of the other world on the festive night to people.

Quiz competition No. 4

1 . Where did the history of Halloween begin?

The history of Halloween began many centuries ago in the lands of modern Great Britain and northern France.

2. What is the symbol of Halloween?


3. Halloween catchphrase?

"Candies or life"

4. What date is Halloween celebrated?

5. Where is Halloween most popular?

In the USA and Canada

6. The most important Halloween character?


7. What do you agree with? Halloween is a holiday: the gate of winter, the end of the harvest or evil spirits

evil spirits

8. On Halloween it is customary to: scare everyone, make fun of everyone, or make peace with everyone

scare everyone

9. Choose what is superfluous - something that is not related to the holiday: spirits and the dead, evil spirits or brownies and goblins

Brownies and goblins

10. Which of the following colors is not the symbolic color of Halloween? Blue, orange or black


Isabel: Gentlemen, we still have guests!

(the pirate comes out with his crew)

Dance "Monster High"

Pirate: Negative mood to everyone! Echo-ho and a bottle of poison! I have prepared a gift.My late friend Joe, a thousand devils, really wanted to go to the holiday, but on my ship and without me! That's why it arrived in parts! Ha ha ha! Who wants to get closer to him?

Competition No. 5

To participate you need 2 people. Our Joe's bones are posted all over the hall. Each bone has its own number. The task is to collect as many tiles with your number as possible and faster than your opponent.

Witch: Let's see off the Pirate with applause! (the pirate leaves )

Dance break (2 songs)

Witch: Attention!!! Attention!!! The time has come to name the king and queen of Halloween 2015, according to the jury, they are ____________________________________________

( the king and queen come out)

Dracula: The newly-crowned King and Queen must drink fresh blood!

Are the guys brought a glass of tomato juice??? And now, you faithful subjects, let out the most terrible scream!!(Scream) You are given the honorary title of holding a win-win lottery!


Isabel: Dear ladies and gentlemen, the last composition of our ominous evening sounds for you! Please do not forget the bitten victims and your body parts!Parked brooms and other vehicles left unattended automatically become the property of our school!

Dance break (3 songs)

Interesting and detailed Halloween script "Unclean Force"

This is a scenario for a Halloween costume party (corporate party, student party, etc.).

The hall is quite dark, only the stage is illuminated.

Hall decoration: paper-cut skulls and bones, bats, grave crosses, torches, etc.

The party is hosted by two people, a girl and a guy dressed as a Witch and a Leshen.

The presenters come out to gloomy music.

Goblin: O powers of darkness! Oh, unclean company! The most important night of the year is coming!

Witch: The most terrible of the worst! The darkest of the darkest! The great and terrible... HALLOWEEN NIGHT!

Goblin: And this night we will be with you, meet the beautiful Witch...

Witch: And the nasty Leshy!

Together: And we start our Halloween!

The ceremonial theme sounds.

Witch: Every year, from century to century, we gather the real elite of the glamorous unclean world to the main party.

Goblin: What, what? Translate it, otherwise I don’t understand your buzzwords! And in general, you bent: “from century to century”... It turns out that you are already such an old piece of junk?

Witch: You might think, Leshy, you’re young! Instead of being sarcastic, it’s better to announce the topic of today’s party.

Goblin: Our party... Ugh, our meeting is dedicated to a very serious matter. There are rumors that there is someone dishonest among the evil spirits!

Witch: Like this?!

Goblin: And like this! Someone has insulted our unclean thoughts and is secretly doing good deeds!

Witch: What an abomination! But how do we find out who it is? And maybe he’s not even alone?

Goblin: It is necessary to arrange tests, cruel and treacherous. In the end, kindness will come out and be punished!

Witch: Leshy, you are a genius. Begin!

Test one

Participants and participants are called, ten people in total. To the music, they walk across the stage, show off their costumes, introduce themselves (name their characters).

Witch (to Leshem): What a great company! Do you think any of them are good at camouflage?

Goblin: Let's check! Ask them questions.

Witch (to participants): Dear evil spirits, I have a very simple question for you. Remember your most disgusting disgusting thing or the most vile meanness committed over the past year!

Participants respond.

The presenters thank them and consult with the audience how many points each of them earned (for this task a maximum of three points are given - in the form of bones cut out of paper on pins, which will be pinned on the participants’ clothes).

Goblin: No, Witch, let’s come up with a more difficult second task! Look how erudite they all are!

Test two

Witch: Dear evil spirits, imagine that you are facing elections to the Unclean Duma! So, let each of you think and show us your election campaign! And we, as voters, will decide who we will vote for. Get ready, you have a few minutes.

Goblin: This is where they “split”, you’ll see!

While the participants are getting ready, some concert number is going on.

The contestants have prepared and are demonstrating their election campaign. The audience evaluates their performances. Based on the results of two tasks, one participant and one participant with the fewest “bones” are eliminated. They receive small incentive prizes.

An excerpt from the song “Work your magic” (from the repertoire of Dmitry Koldun) is played.

Witch: Listen, Leshy, it turns out that the better the applicants show themselves, the more likely it is that they are hiding something!

Goblin: That's it! You are very quick-witted, Witch. And it's time to announce the third test.

Test three

Now, after each test, two people will be eliminated, receiving small incentive prizes. By the fifth task there will be four left.

Goblin: The third test I came up with myself. This is what I love: crazy dance! Those who want can split into pairs, those who don’t want to dance alone. The main thing is to show all the madness of the soul and the boiling passion!

Witch: Everybody dance!

Energetic music plays and the participants dance. The witch also tries to dance with Leshiy, he groans and grabs his back.

Test four

Goblin: After such riotous dancing, we invite you to restore your strength with a bloody drink!

Contestants are given a glass of tomato juice. The goal is to drink as quickly as possible.

Test five

Witch: Our participants are already very few, but this means that the very, very... unclean ones remain! Come on, Leshy, next test.

Goblin: So, the fifth test is the decisive one! It will be held under the code name “Thirteen”. This is the favorite number of all unclean ones.

Contestants will have to quickly and resourcefully answer the question - to each their own.


- name thirteen signs of a real vampire,

- thirteen evil heroes of fairy tales and movies.

For participants:

- thirteen any components of a love potion,

- thirteen magical objects from fairy tales.

Based on the results of the task, the winners are determined based on the number of “bones”. In case of the same number, the audience decides everything.

Solemn music sounds.

Witch: Well, we have decided the winners! Here they are, the best of the best, the worst of the worst!

Goblin: Or maybe the most cunning of the cunning? Addresses the winners. Answer the whole truth: did you secretly do good and good deeds? Helped others? Protected the weak?

Participants say that yes, it happened.

Goblin: I told you so!!!

Witch: And you know what, Leshy... In my opinion, there is nothing bad in good deeds... This means that as long as there is good, evil will always have something to fight.

Goblin (confused): Well, if so, be it your way...

The winners of the competition are awarded prizes and titles “The Most Unclean” and “The Most Unclean.”

The presenters congratulate the winners and thank everyone for their participation.

Witch: Now I would like to make an important statement...

Goblin: You're scaring me!

Witch: But today is the worst night! Listen to the legend...

A long time ago there lived a beautiful maiden. She was so beautiful that it was impossible to look away. And a feisty, disgusting sorcerer fell in love with her. And the girl, of course, refused to marry him. Can't guess who I'm talking about? And the result is obvious: she is me now - old, scary, enchanted. And only the kiss of a beautiful prince can disenchant me!

The goblin asks someone from the audience to cast a spell on the Witch. Many people try, but nothing happens.

Goblin: Eh, guys are the wrong ones these days. As always, you'll have to do everything yourself...

The goblin gets down on his knee and kisses the Witch’s hand. Music is playing - an excerpt from the song “Oh, what a woman” (from the repertoire of the group “Freestyle”), the lights are flashing. The witch takes off her mask and rags and turns into a fashionably dressed young girl. The goblin also takes off his mask.

The presenters perform a song.

Song "Evil spirits" to the tune of the song “Black Cat” from the repertoire of gr. "Bravo"

Evil spirits roam in the forest area,

Everyone runs away from the evil spirits

They are standing up, screaming and squealing

And they are in a hurry to deal with her!

They say you won't have any luck

If evil spirits cross your path,

In the meantime, it's the other way around:

Only the unfortunate evil spirits have no luck!

Apparently, living with evil spirits is not easy:

Do not go to a cafe or to the cinema,

They don't let her into the store

They won't pour gasoline at the gas station!

Year after year on this earth

The evil spirits are crying, sobbing in the darkness.

Tired of being evil spirits - creepy.

Someone have pity on her!

Chorus The disco begins.