The procedure for presenting products to Quality Control Department. Presentation tests. The role and functions of the inspection department at industrial enterprises. What is the name of the inspection department section?

TO category:

Control of metal coating works

Marking and branding of products

Branding of products included in the scope of responsibilities of employees technical control, are performed during operational and final acceptance of parts, assemblies, and assemblies of assembled and tested machines.

Marking involves applying symbols to a part or a label attached to it, indicating the brand, grade, specifications etc. In most cases, labeling is a production operation controlled by quality control personnel.

The presence of a mark shows that a part or product has undergone certain operations, has been accepted by technical control and is suitable for further processing, assembly, testing or release from the factory. Branding provides for the personal responsibility of the person who placed the mark for the suitability of the product.

After certain operations, the mark is applied to the corresponding places of products and assemblies according to the instructions provided in the drawings or technological maps. The location chosen for the brand must provide a clear impression and should not be on the base surface; The mark must be retained until final acceptance and, if possible, remain exposed during assembly. Poor choice of place for the brand or incorrect use of the brand can cause defects or damage to the products.

For polished, chrome-plated, nickel-plated and painted surfaces of products, chemical branding is used using a rubber stamp. Parts that have undergone heat treatment are stamped using electrography. If a mark of one of the listed types cannot be applied to the surface of the parts, then a paper label is glued or reinforced with wire.

Very small parts, for example, in instrument or watch production, the marking of which is impossible, after control are handed over to a warehouse or for subsequent operations in special containers (boxes, bags), which the inspector seals with a mark.

Each BTK is assigned a stamp of a certain shape. Inside the outline of the mark is the number assigned to the controller. Depending on the size of the products being inspected, inspectors may be issued stamps with the same shape and number; but in different sizes.

To brand finally rejected products, special stamps (BR) with a number assigned to the controller are used. Inspectors and control foremen have rubber stamps to complete documentation. The stamp imprint may contain the following designations: workshop or department number, initial letters official (K - controller, KM - control foreman, SKM - senior control foreman of the site) and the personal number assigned to him.

In the quality control department, especially in large factories, there is usually an instrument storeroom for storing and issuing control instruments, auxiliary tools and materials that are used only by quality control department employees - In this storeroom, the storage and issuance of brands and stamps should be organized. The issued stamps and rubber stamps are recorded in the registration card and issued against receipt. It is not recommended to issue brands or stamps with different shapes and numbers to the same controller, or to different employees - the same brands or stamps.

The replacement of worn or broken stamps with new ones is permitted by an internal memo from the head of the relevant BTK, subject to the presentation of unusable stamps.

In the production of products and units responsible appointment If a brand or rubber stamp is lost, their numbers will be canceled by appropriate order according to the quality control department. To replace the lost one, they issue a new stamp with a new number. It is recommended to use duplicates of lost stamps no earlier than 6 months from the date of notification of loss. Brands and rubber stamps are subject to mandatory surrender when Quality Control Department employees transfer to another job. It is recommended to release stamps and stamps that are ready for use and released into production no earlier than 3-6 months from the date of their delivery.

TO category:

Control of metal coating works

Relationships between quality control department and workshops and departments of the plant. rights and obligations of technical control system employees

The control carried out by the quality control department does not relieve the responsibility of shop managers and foremen for the production of substandard or incomplete products. Shop managers must systematically review, together with the quality control department, the causes of defects and defects and immediately take measures to eliminate them, ensure strict adherence to technology and the serviceability of equipment, monitor the quality of products during the manufacturing process, prevent the presentation of substandard products to the quality control department and demand that the craftsmen produce the products High Quality. Shop managers and foremen must identify and indicate the specific causes and culprits of the defect.

The supply department or the department of related production and cooperation is obliged to immediately inform the quality control department about all materials, semi-finished products and other products of supplier factories arriving at the plant, presenting all accompanying documents of the supplier (invoices, certificates, test reports and passports). Materials, semi-finished products and products that do not have accompanying documents are not allowed into production.

Products arriving at the warehouse are subjected to technical acceptance by the quality control department and a report is drawn up, which is transferred to the supply department or the department of related industries and cooperation. Responsibility for the release into production of products that did not pass acceptance or were rejected by the quality control department lies with the heads of the supply department, the department of related industries and cooperation, and the warehouse. The supply department and warehouse are required to ensure compliance with the rules for storing products in warehouses, timely submission for verification and certification of instrumentation and other equipment intended for monitoring and testing suppliers' products, indicate to the quality control department the reasons and culprits for damage to suppliers' products during transportation, unloading and storage warehouses

Work orders without a Quality Control Department signature on product acceptance should not be paid for by the accounting department; the exception is orders for auxiliary and repair work that are not related to the main production and are not subject to acceptance by the Quality Control Department - Accounting is obliged to make deductions from those responsible for the defect on the basis of current regulations. Based on the defect notices issued by the Quality Control Department, the accounting department keeps a full record of the defect in monetary terms, and the Quality Control Department carries out technical accounting of the defect to prevent it and analyze the reasons for its occurrence.

The chief technologist department develops technical control operations included in the overall technological process. Production and control operations are recorded in a single technological documentation. The tasks of the chief technologist include the study, design and implementation of mechanization and automation control means into production, as well as the introduction of new control methods in parallel with the introduction of new technological production processes. The work of the chief technologist's department to introduce new methods and controls is carried out with the mandatory participation of quality control department employees.

The design department, departments of the chief technologist, chief metallurgist and others must provide the quality control department with all the necessary instructional and technical documentation. Chief designer and chief technologist must promptly notify the Quality Control Department about approved changes and make appropriate corrections to the documentation at the disposal of the Quality Control Department. The tasks of the design, chief technologist and chief metallurgist departments include systematic work to study the quality of products produced by the plant, development and implementation of measures to eliminate defects in production and further improve product quality.

Labor Department and wages performs all work for the quality control department on issues of labor organization, tariffs, bonus payments, etc.

The Central Factory Laboratory (CPL) is obliged to conduct tests according to the instructions of the quality control department and, upon its request, submit the results of all analyses, tests and studies with conclusions on the compliance of the research objects with the technical specifications. The final decision on the degree of suitability of the tested products is made by the quality control department. In its work to study the causes of defects and develop measures to eliminate them, the CPL uses the data available in the Quality Control Department on recording and analyzing defects. CZL develops control methods for quality control departments related to determining the quality of the material, and provides the necessary instruction in the implementation of these methods. TsZL systematically carries out verification, regulation, calibration and repair of instruments for testing materials at the disposal of the quality control department.

The quality control department presents the finished products of the plant to the customer representative. All controversial technical issues that arise between the quality control department and the customer’s representative during the process of delivery and acceptance of products are resolved by the plant director together with the senior representative of the customer on the basis of the approved contract and technical conditions.

The Main Inspectorate for Product Quality provides instructions and clarifications upon requests from Quality Control Department heads regarding the organization of work of the Quality Control Department - Heads of Quality Control Department inform the Main Inspectorate for Product Quality about the implementation of measures to improve quality and eliminate deficiencies.

In accordance with current legislation, the head of the quality control department, along with the director and chief engineer of the plant, is responsible for the production of products that are of poor quality or do not comply with standards, norms, technical conditions, standards, drawings, as well as incomplete products. The head of the plant's quality control department is also responsible for organizing technical control of the quality and completeness of products, timely acceptance of products at all production sites, the correct execution of documents certifying the quality and completeness of products manufactured by the plant, and the correct assessment of product quality.

The head of the plant's quality control department has the right to: stop accepting and shipping products that do not meet the standards, technical specifications, drawings and established completeness, with immediate notification of the plant director; reject at any production site materials, semi-finished products, blanks, parts and products that do not comply with drawings, technical specifications, standards and standards; do not accept finished products that are incomplete and do not comply with technical documentation; require departments and workshops to produce high-quality products; prohibit the use of control and measuring instruments that have not passed regular verification; accept, move and dismiss QCD employees in the prescribed manner, as well as implement incentive measures for QCD employees and impose penalties on them.

The head of the quality control department is obliged to: ensure quality control, completeness and acceptance of products according to the established technological process at all stages of production in accordance with the drawings, technical specifications, benchmarks and standards, as well as the volume and rhythm of production; make the final decision on product quality; present products accepted by the quality control department to customer representatives; control the work of workshops and departments of the plant to eliminate product defects in production; inform the management of the plant, workshops and departments about all cases of defects; submit, in accordance with the established procedure, to the main department and the main quality inspection of the relevant ministry technical reports on the state of the quality of the plant’s products and on the work carried out to improve quality; If facts of mass defects and gross violations of technology are revealed, immediately report this to the heads of the main department and the main quality inspection of the ministry, as well as to the minister. –

According to established practice, the rights, duties and responsibilities of the head of the technical control bureau (TCB), the senior control foreman and the control foreman in production shops are derivatives of the rights, duties and responsibilities of the head of the quality control department approved in the “Regulations on Quality Control”.

The head of the VTK, senior inspection foreman and inspection foreman have the right and obligation to: reject materials, blanks, parts and products that do not comply with technical documentation at any production site; upon detection of the first defect in the product submitted for inspection, return it for correction; do not accept products presented in the absence of appropriate documentation and completeness; require the shop manager to uniformly present products for inspection in accordance with the approved production schedule; keep records of defect-free delivery of products, technical records of defects by reasons and culprits, and also analyze defects together with technologists; together with technologists, systematically work to improve the quality and reliability of products; ensure °Formulation of operational and technical documentation for accepted and rejected products; manage the workers of the workshop control apparatus, ensure the correct organization of work in areas of technical control of product quality; periodically monitor the technological process; periodically monitor the work of performers with a personal mark.

The head of the BTK, senior control foreman and control foreman are responsible for: release from the workshop or department of products with deviations from technical documentation or incomplete products; organization of technical control at your site and the correct application of control methods in accordance with the technological process; timely and correct design documentation certifying the quality of accepted products; unreasonable assessment of work, unjustified refusal to accept products, as well as incorrect assessment of product quality; the use, when performing control operations, of faulty control and measuring equipment or equipment that does not have documents that certify their suitability for work; correct accounting, analysis and isolation of defects.

The technical control department of the quality control department is an independent department of the enterprise at the plant. All products manufactured by the plant after their acceptance by the quality control department and registration in the order established by the plant with documents certifying their quality.

The plant's quality control department employees report directly to their boss. The control over product quality carried out by the quality control department does not relieve shop managers, foremen from responsibility for production, or laboratory heads from the correctness of conclusions and analyses.

The main documents are working drawings, a reference book, document systems, maps, and various tools.

The main document is the operational technical control card “GOST 3.1502-74”, which indicates the number of the workshop where the operation is performed, the number of the “workplace” section, the number of the operation according to the route map: name of the operation, grade of material and technical conditions for the material, transition number, transition content, fixture, measuring tool, percentage of control, requirements, and controlled parameter and product sketch.

The operation sheet contains data on the number of the workshop in which the operation is performed, the name and material, the standard or technical conditions for it, the number of the site, the workplace, the number of the operation according to the route map, the name and content of the operation, the model of equipment, measuring instruments.

The technological passport “GOST 3.1503-74” is intended to indicate the content of the operations performed during the production of products, to indicate the execution of technological persons. It is an accompanying document for the entire specified technological route of manufactured parts.

The technical passport issued for each particularly important product contains, in addition to general information about the number of the workshop, workplace, name of operations, a personnel number, the performer of the operation and is signed directly by him, the site manager, the quality control inspector or the performer working with a personal stamp.

The measurement card “GOST 3.1504-74” is intended for recording the results of measuring controlled parameters with the signatures of the performer of operations, the head of the sections and the supervisory person entered in the corresponding columns of the card:

Name or designation of the controlled parameter

The nominal force limit “with indication of deviations, the value of the controlled parameter according to the drawing or standard.”

Performer's personnel number.

Date and signature of the performer.

Date and signature of the boss.

Date and signature of the controller working with the personal stamp.

Serial number of the product or measurement.

A sketch or diagram of a product with symbols.

Process control log "GOST 3.1505-75"

Control of the technical process of manufacturing the first parts or products, recording the control of the parameters of this process, as well as the signatures of the performers and managers of the control section.

The technical control operation card, the technical control operation sheet and the technical passport are a deviation from the main documents; based on the requirements set out in these documents, the controller determines the suitability of the material and products.

The measurement result, recording and storage are carried out in accordance with the rules.

Technical control ( Quality Control Department) - independent division production organization(enterprise) that independently monitors product compliance with established requirements and guarantees this compliance to the consumer. The technical control department reports to the top management of the organization (enterprise), which ensures independence of control.

Requirements for products are established in contracts (agreements), in regulatory (standards) and technical (design and technological) documentation. The fact of acceptance of products by the quality control department and the organization's warranty obligations are reflected in the product passport (or in another document replacing it: certificate, label, acceptance certificate, application manual).


  • Multicriteria control of goods as the basis for ensuring their safety and competitiveness

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    See what “Technical Control Department” is in other dictionaries:- technical control department; Quality Control Department: Manufacturer's technical control service or other service, personnel or individual specialists responsible for product quality control. [GOST 8179 98, article 3.24] Source: GOST R 52667 2006:... ...

    See what “Technical Control Department” is in other dictionaries:- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy industry topics in general EN inspectorate ...

    - (OTK) see Art. Quality control … Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    technical control department, quality control department- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics in the energy sector in general EN quality control department ... Technical Translator's Guide

    3.24 Technical control department (hereinafter referred to as QCD) is the manufacturer’s technical control service or other service, personnel or individual specialists who are responsible for product quality control.” Clause 4.1. The second paragraph should be stated in new edition:… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    technical control department; Quality Control Department- 3.20 technical control department; Quality Control Department: Manufacturer's technical control service or other service, personnel or individual specialists charged with product quality control.