How to write to the employer about the results of the interview. What is the correct way to write a letter to the employer after the interview? Example. Confidence that you will be taken

Communication after the interview is important, but this part of the job search process is often overlooked. It allows you to thank the employer for the time allotted, remind you of your interest in the job and your potential, which will help you make a positive contribution to the development of the company. At the same time, post-interview communication is a delicate process, and the wrong approach to this question can really diminish your chances. This article will go over the most appropriate post-interview reminder techniques to help you stand out from other job applicants.


At the end of the interview

Don't avoid sending a reminder email or phone call. Some people mistakenly think that they should just wait for a decision and not bother the interviewer. This is the wrong tactic. Many companies deliberately wait to see who, after the interview, will prove themselves at a high professional level, and who really wants to get this position. As long as you follow the Rule of Three Strikes, a reminder letter is a positive strategic step that can play an important role in securing your position with the company.

How to ask the employer about the results of the interview?

    It is considered good form (when it comes to a serious position) to write and send a letter the next day after the interview, in which you briefly thank for the invitation to the interview and confirm your interest in the proposed position. This is the maximum that is allowed on your part, it is not accepted to call and ask about the results. A decent employer, firstly, will tell you by what time he will make a decision, and secondly, he will notify you of any result, negative or positive. Unfortunately, only a few people follow this rule, and most companies will simply remain silent if you are not approached.

    Unfortunately, in our country there is no formal rule on how employers and job seekers should contact each other. In many cases, the employer does not even notify the applicant of his decision to refuse. It is silent for one simple reason: in the refusal it is necessary to indicate a formal reason, and it takes some time to spend and energy ... No, employers will not deal with unsubscriptions.
    The job seekers pay with the same coin; if they refuse to work, none of them will even think of explaining themselves. So we have complete agreement on this issue. I remember how I got a job the last time (from an acquaintance). My fate was decided for several months and no one thought to explain to me what was the reason for the delay, they were silent and that was all. I myself, by hook or by crook, found out the reason, it turned out to be simple, but they were too lazy to tell me (my candidacy was considered in Moscow, and there they generally do not rush anywhere if money doesn’t it smells like;). So it's too early to talk about what is accepted and not accepted here. You can ask during the interview when you can find out about the result and how to do it, this will not cause bewilderment to anyone, we are all busy people and wait for by the sea of ​​weather in our time it is not accepted.

    Do not forget that an interview is a two-way procedure: not only the employer evaluates you, but also you - the employer! Therefore, the most correct option would be the following algorithm:

    • upon completion of the interview, specify the name of the personnel officer, if you did not remember when meeting, thank him for the pleasant communication and demonstrated competence: Thank you, Larissa, it was very nice to meet you, judging by our interview, thanks to you excellent work in your company specialists! I even got confused a couple of times, you are great! Well, I wish you a good day, goodbye! '' By what and how Larisa will answer, it will already be possible to understand something.

    • leave the office and write down what the name is Larisa, so as not to forget. The next morning, write a letter to the company - to the HR department or potential direct supervisor, saying that you liked the company and the competence of its employees. For example: Hello Sergey Ivanovich, I want to say that according to the results of yesterday's interview I really liked your company, I especially want to mention the recruiting manager Larisa, she asked very competent questions and showed herself excellently. I see that your team has very qualified specialists, and I would be glad to cooperate. Best regards, Gennady Krokodilov
    • sip a delicious cup of tea and head off to a new interview. Firstly, it will distract you from worries about the results of the first, secondly, it will give confidence, and thirdly, more interesting proposals may appear.
    • if you don't receive an answer within a week, forget it. An interested candidate is answered very quickly, often at the interview itself. If you take another job and in a month the first company suddenly answers you - well, move there if you really want to work in it.
    • You don't need to call anywhere yourself, unless you were told about it at the interview: call the day after tomorrow, Petrov will fly in from a business trip, make an appointment with him . This means that you have passed the first stage, nothing more.

    The main thing is not to sit on the priest evenly and do not wait, look for other vacancies: it is better to work for some time in another company than to simply lose this time.

The interviewer promised to call back after the interview, days go by, but the long-awaited call is not and is not ... But it seems to you that you have passed the interview successfully! What's the matter? First, let's analyze the progress of the interview.

"We will contact you"
“We will call you” or “We will contact you” - many interviewers end their interviews with these phrases. This is usually said to all candidates and by themselves these words do not mean anything. But if the recruiter didn’t just tell you “I’ll call you”, but named the approximate day of the call, mentioned that they were interested in your candidacy, then the result will most likely be positive. And if, in addition, you passed the test for professional knowledge and the HR manager spoke to you in a friendly manner during the interview, then the chances that you will be hired for the desired vacancy are very, very high. Please be patient and wait a few more days.

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Deleting a vacancy
A sign that you have approached this position is the removal of the vacancy from the employment site after the final interview with you. Returning home after the interview, go to the site: if the vacancy has been deleted or has stopped being updated, then most likely the company has decided on a candidate (or several) for this position. If the announcement continues to be updated, then most likely the management has decided to look at other candidates as well.

Comparisons with the ideal candidate
Usually at an interview, the interviewer lists in detail the qualities of the specialist the company is looking for, his knowledge, skills and abilities. If during the conversation you noticed that the recruiter involuntarily draws parallels between you and the ideal specialist, then the result is likely to be positive. It is also a good sign if the recruiter gives you a positive assessment during the interview.

Interview communication style
If the conversation at the interview proceeded smoothly, freely, in the form of a dialogue and did not turn into a monologue (first yours, and then the employer's), if the recruiter didn’t do with only standard questions, then the communication at the meeting was successful and you most likely passed the interview successfully.

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Employer behavior
How did the HR manager behave in the interview? Remember, if he joined in the conversation, actively responded to your answers, nodded in agreement, asked additional questions, and in general clearly showed interest in you, then this is a good sign. If the recruiter glanced at his watch, pointedly closed his notebook, putting it on the edge of the table, and with all his appearance made it clear that his time was limited, then it seems that he was not interested in your candidacy.

Length of interview
Usually, the recruiter's opinion about the candidate is formed in the first 10 minutes, the rest of the time he analyzes whether you are suitable for this position. If the interview lasted 40 minutes or more, then you are interested in the employer and this is almost a 100% sign that it is you who will be hired for the vacant position. It is much worse if the interview lasted less than half an hour.

Meeting colleagues
If the employer after the interview introduces you to other employees of the company, then this is an obvious sign of a successful interview with you.

The appointed day has come, but there is still no call
If on the appointed day there is no long-awaited call, this does not mean that you have been refused. Perhaps the HR manager is very busy or just forgot to call you. Unfortunately, this happens. Wait a couple more days, and then call the manager yourself. But your call should be laconic and unobtrusive. Ask if the management has considered your candidacy, have you already decided on the candidate for the position. Perhaps you will hear in response that you have not yet decided on a candidate. Then ask to inform you about the results by telephone or by mail. If you do not receive a call or do not send letters within a few days, then repeat your call again.

[See Why Not Calling Back After Interview, Common Interview Mistakes]

And yet, it is a very unpleasant thing to sit and wait every minute for a phone call from a company employee. In addition, not all recruiters notify applicants that they did not pass the interview, and candidates wait in vain for results, refusing other offers. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to how to behave at the interview itself in order to avoid such a situation in the future.

Usually at the end of the interview, the recruiter asks if you have any questions. This is the moment when you should politely ask how your further communication will be structured. As a rule, the recruiter, in response to such a question, says that he will contact you and report the results. In this case, specify the date of the call and ask if you can call yourself if there is no call. A recruiter will most likely answer such a question in the affirmative. Although there are times when the HR manager reports that it is not customary in the company to call in case of refusal, in other words, the absence of a call is a sign of a negative answer.

[See What to say in an interview, and what not; Questions asked to the employer during the interview]

If the interview was carried out by several specialists of the company at once and you did not have time (or simply got confused and forgot) to agree on further communication - it's okay! There is also a way out of this situation. Count 4-5 days from the date of the interview and call the HR manager yourself, or write him a letter asking him to clarify what your status is for this vacancy. In addition, the shown activity will be your advantage when considering other candidates.

Asking questions is important

Often, upon receiving an invitation to interview, people prepare their data, describe their main advantages, personal and professional qualities. But not many people know that the feedback from the manager is no less important. For him, a suitable employee is not the one who has a good resume and knows how to look presentable, but the one who manages to communicate with his superiors, using his professionalism and other personal qualities.

The interview is not unilateral. Both the applicant and the employer should ask about the facts of interest. This is the only way to find out how suitable a person is for a vacant position. In addition, if the candidate does not ask his potential boss anything, then it seems that the job will not be interesting for him either.

It is important to show respect and show your attitude to work, own wish work. This is the only way to achieve what you want - to get a job.

What you can be interested in

There are no special questions, there is only a framework of decency that must be observed. It is worth asking the recruiter incorrectly about things of interest or showing disrespect to the company, the way to getting a position will be closed. There is only one conclusion - you can ask everything that you may need in the upcoming work. The main thing is to find out in advance what questions to ask the employer is not recommended.

You can ask a recruiter about all the nuances of work. Often asked about work responsibilities. The following information will also be helpful:

  • about the organization of work;
  • about the "life" of the company;
  • the reason for the dismissal of the previous employee;
  • about the level of wages.

It is important to ask the manager about the facts of interest correctly. Wrongly worded thoughts can be negatively perceived by potential superiors. It is best to prepare question templates, learn them, or write them down in a notebook. They will serve as a hint if a person starts to get nervous when contacting a possible boss, or they just remain a reminder in order to find out the facts of interest.


It is important to ask the right questions, which will not only help you learn more about the company and the vacant position, but also leave a good impression of yourself. The first thing to ask is about professional responsibilities. It is best to ask 3-4 questions. Examples are shown below.

  1. "Excuse me, did I understand correctly, in this position it is necessary to deal with certain issues?" (exact adjustment depends on the position, labor characteristics, etc.).
  2. "Tell us about the roles and responsibilities that need to be performed."
  3. "Are employees interchangeable in one department or another?"

It is best to add an apology before the interrogative sentence. This will indicate the politeness of the interviewer and the ability to properly conduct a dialogue with possible superiors.


The job seeker is always interested in remuneration more than any other issues. But the fact is that it is bad form to touch on this topic in interviews. It is best to ask all questions about salary only after the manager himself mentions it in the conversation. In addition, it is important to ask carefully and, after receiving an answer, not to express your emotions too actively.

It is inappropriate to ask such questions at the interview at its first stages. The point is that a recruiter may have a bad impression of a job seeker. Nobody wants an employee who only thinks about financial gain.

Labour Organization

It is equally important to check whether the organization of work is governed by all the rules and regulations that are contained in the labor code, as well as the charter of the company itself. Examples of such questions are below.

  1. "What is the order of paperwork?"
  2. "What is the work schedule?"
  3. "Are processing possible?"
  4. "How do the employees of the enterprise get to work?"

You should ask such questions no earlier than in the middle of the interview. Information about the daily routine, the organization of the workplace, as well as other features of the work are formalities that are more important for the employee than for the bosses. Open responses from potential management testify to the work organization scheme developed over the years. Under such conditions, it will be convenient to work, and unpleasant surprises are unlikely.

Information about the life of the enterprise

Every applicant can get information about the formal features of "life" at the enterprise. The main thing is to ask the questions correctly. It is best to use your past experience (if any). You can ask the employer during the interview the following questions: “Is the company planning to launch a certain project? The fact is that at the last place of work it was interesting to do such things "," Will there be trainings? It's always interesting. "

Such interview questions are rare. But getting information about the company in this way will be highly appreciated by the manager, since touching on this topic indicates a person's readiness to perform their duties: the interest in work is obvious.

Why did the previous employee leave?

It is advisable to talk about vacating a vacant position if this place is not new, but vacated due to some circumstances. The fact is that often qualified specialists leave because of poor working conditions or because of conflicts with their superiors.

Even so, managers often try to hide the truth from candidates. This is something to beware of. Lies from potential bosses indicate pitfalls that a new employee may face. A truthful answer, whatever it is, is better. The revelation of the boss testifies to his directness and openness to a potential newcomer to the team.

Other questions

One of the most important is the problem of career growth at the enterprise. If the recruiter mentioned him in an interview, you need to inquire about the details of such a success story. It is also important that the employer gives examples of the rise of old employees. If the manager's response surprises you, hold back your emotions. Their vivid manifestation can play against the applicant.

Another clarification concerns the specification of the time for making a decision. It may seem that this is a formality, but it is not. The fact is that at different enterprises, different specialists are engaged in personnel search: personnel officers, a personnel manager, or the boss himself. And the simple phrase "We will call you back" does not give the applicant any hope of employment. The applicant for the vacancy has the right to ask the recruiter to report the results of the interview by phone call or e-mail. This will save time and nerves.

Forbidden topics

There are also some questions that should not be asked. They can spoil the impression of the applicant. Here is a list of questions not worth asking.

"Where is the main office?" or "How many departments are concentrated in the structure of the company?" Such questions are easy to check with Internet access. The applicant's interest shown in the interview indicates his unpreparedness for the interview. "What's your daily routine?", "Lunch time?", "How long is your vacation?" etc. This information is provided after the approval of the candidate. "What does the company do, who is the consumer of the products?" You can find out the answers to such questions yourself. There are few prohibited topics for discussion. It is important to formulate your questions correctly, as misinterpreting them can affect the impression of the candidate. Any mistakes can point to the future employee as an incompetent specialist.


When applying for a job, you can ask about everything that interests the applicant. There are few forbidden topics for conversation. The correct selection of questions regarding the organization and working conditions will allow not only getting answers, but also leaving a good impression of the candidate on the recruiter.

The main thing is not to forget about the correct formulation and formulation of questions. Inaccuracy can characterize the applicant as a non-professional, stupid person. And the bosses do not need such personnel.

How do you know if you are suitable for the desired position after the interview with the HR manager of the company? What should applicants do and should not do?

The structure of the interview itself with candidates for a vacant position may differ depending on the company, the position itself, as well as the methodology used by a particular recruiter / HR manager. As a rule, at the end of the interview, the recruiter talks about further interaction with the candidate and orientates him according to the timing of the response. The candidate himself can clarify all the points at the end of the conversation.

The best option for the applicant is to wait for the agreed period. If the representative of the employing company does not get in touch, the candidate may well call the HR specialist with whom he spoke, or write him a letter with a request to clarify his status for this vacancy.

Perhaps the recruiter does not get in touch because there is still no answer for this candidate. In this case, the applicant can, by his own initiative, confirm the desire to work in this company, which will be his advantage when considering other candidates.

Job seekers should not:

All these actions, firstly, will not speed up the process of considering a candidate, and secondly, they can be interpreted by a potential employer as incorrect and unacceptable according to the existing corporate culture. Moreover, despite the positive impressions from the results of the initial interview, such actions may even serve as a refusal of the candidate for the position.

The candidate should also be ready for a kind of "homework" - when, after the end of the interview, the recruiter gives a test / task for the next meeting. In this case, everything should be done within a predetermined time frame.

If the HR specialist informed the candidate about the refusal by phone or by e-mail, then, if desired, the applicant can clarify the reasons for the refusal. If possible, the recruiter will give him this information.

Meanwhile, the applicant should not give up and immediately turn away from the employer. You can ask to add your resume to the company database. And if a specialist is really worthy, works in a "narrow" sphere or is a top manager, and has also properly recommended himself in negotiations, then he will definitely be paid attention to.

Irina Shkarovskaya
Based on materials from ""

Where and from whom to get the results?

The HR manager is almost always responsible for the selection. It makes sense to find out the result from him. If there is no such specialist in the company, then contact the person who conducted the first interview. In a small company, this can be both a potential line manager and a CEO. If there is no connection with these persons, the correct option would be to call the company, explain the situation to the office manager and ask who and how to contact to clarify the decision.

How long do they call after an interview? If there were no agreements during the interview, you will have to wait for a response from 2 days to 2 weeks. On average, the candidate is informed about the results within 2-5 days. And some employers do not even consider it necessary to inform the applicant about their decision in case of refusal.

In order to make life easier for himself, it is better for the candidate to agree in advance with the interviewer the time frame and method for obtaining the result of the conversation. If the interview is close to the end, and the interviewer has not said anything about this issue, the applicant will have to take the initiative into their own hands. It is enough to thank the interlocutor for the time spent and ask when you can wait for the result or when you can call yourself to find out.

Should you call your employer after your interview? If the candidate is interested in the vacancy and wishes to work for the company, then it makes sense to remind yourself. By doing this, the applicant will show his interest in this particular employer. Sometimes an active and persistent candidate is hired, despite the fact that he does not quite fit professionally. But it is important to be measured and correct. Perseverance should not develop into importunity and, moreover, arrogance.

How to remind yourself after the interview?

There are two optimal ways: a phone call and an email. Sending a paper letter by mail is not a good idea, because it can take a very long time even to go to the next block. It is also undesirable to use non-standard communication methods in this case - social networks, SMS messages, instant messengers, Skype.

Phone call

At the stage of inviting for an interview, the HR specialist usually leaves a phone number for the applicant. This can be a mobile phone and / or company extension number. By you can call the same number, to find out about the results of the interview. But how to ask the employer about the results of the interview? In this case, the conversation can be structured like this:

Candidate: Good afternoon, Olga Vyacheslavovna! Is it convenient for you to give me a couple of minutes?

Recruiter: Yes. What question are you on?

Candidate: My name is Maxim Pospelov. On July 29, I was interviewed at your company for the position of Sales Manager. After the conversation, I was even more interested in your vacancy. I would like to know about the results. Should I hope for a positive answer from you, or would it be wiser to continue searching?

The candidate in this appeal makes an indirect compliment to the company and shows his sincere interest in getting a job in this particular organization. Employers in most cases are very positive about such activity of job seekers.


Such a letter is somewhat inferior to a phone call, because there is no guarantee of receiving an answer. The addressee can, for example, read the letter, but get distracted and forget to answer. There is also a possibility that the letter will end up in the "Spam" folder. In this case, the addressee will not even see it. Makes sense after sending a letter additionally call the addressee and clarify whether he received it. You can use the following letter option:

Important! To improve your chances of reading your email, it should be given high priority using a special function in the mail service or mail program. In this case, the letter will be highlighted in color in the recipient's mailbox and it will be difficult to miss it.

Why doesn't HR manager call back?

The HR manager does not make a hiring decision alone and therefore has to wait for a response from the line manager and, possibly, other employees of the company. The Security Service is often involved in the selection procedure. Verification of candidates in this case can take up to a week.

A delay in the response time can be caused by a large influx of applicants. Perhaps the company has a dozen interviews scheduled within a week, and a decision will be made only after all of them have been completed.

Force majeure cannot be ruled out. The HR manager could get sick, leave urgently, quit, and during the transfer of cases, the candidate's resume was lost. Therefore, it is important to call yourself and remind yourself.

Also silence may mean a refusal, but in this case, it is advisable for the applicant to call himself and find out the reasons for the negative decision.

Important! If the employer does not name the reasons or they are unconvincing, and the applicant considers the refusal to be unfair, he has the right to formally demand from the employer an explanation of the reasons why he was refused. In response to a written request, the employer will also have to explain the reasons for his refusal in writing no later than 7 days. But such a development of events can negatively affect the further career development of the applicant, because other companies are unlikely to want to cooperate with a conflicted person, and information in business circles spreads with lightning speed.

How to let the employer know that you are expecting results?

If during the interview, no agreement was reached on the timing of the communication of its results, you can attach a request for an answer about the results in a separate letter of thanks. Rarely do applicants send letters of gratitude for their time right after the interview, but in vain. This tool can help not only get a current job, but also contribute to career development in the future.

After all, the business community is quite limited and today's modest recruiting manager of a small company in 5 years can become an influential HR director of a large company. It is the company to which the same applicant will send his resume, who sent a letter of thanks to the humble recruiting manager 5 years ago. Of course such letters are important (and even irreplaceable) when interacting with middle and senior managers.

Thank you letter sent to the interviewer within 2 days after the interview. The approximate text of the letter to the HR manager looks like this:

In such an unobtrusive form, the applicant hinted that it would be nice to give him an answer. The thank you letter option is always a win for the candidate. In Russia, it is not customary to send such letters and therefore they did not become routine and formal. They are surprising and memorable. In a sense, the HR specialist will feel obligated, because if the candidate takes the time to write such a letter, then the HR manager should also spend some of his time in return to communicate the decision.

How do you know that you have passed the interview? If the agreed period has passed, and there was no answer, the applicant must call the employer himself. It is better to find out the result as soon as possible and, if it is negative, to continue looking for your ideal job, than to be nervous or indulge in hopes of waiting for a call from an employer who may not be going to call.

How to inquire about the results of the interview? This is also discussed in the video.

Thank you letter is optional. Its presence or absence practically does not affect the final decision on the candidate. Rather, it is a tool of business etiquette that makes it possible to stand out a little from other candidates, emphasize interest in the company and demonstrate business communication skills. You can send a thank you letter a few hours after the meeting or the next day. If there were several people at the interview and they shared their contacts with you, you can send a letter to all participants.

The letter should not be voluminous. It is unlikely that anyone will re-read the description of your career achievements and the reasons why the company should choose you. It is better to write a laconic letter: thank you for organizing the meeting and express your desire to continue communication.

How to remind yourself

I would not recommend calling the recruiter or employee of the company with whom you spoke, if they themselves did not offer you this option for communication. Often, already at the interview, companies indicate the time frame in which they plan to return to the candidate with an answer. It will be appropriate at the end of the meeting to independently clarify the format of further interaction: when will you expect feedback and whether it will be convenient if you remind of yourself by letter or call after this time.

If a specific term has not been agreed with you or this term has already expired, it is quite acceptable to remind yourself of yourself in a polite letter. In the letter you need to introduce yourself, indicate the date of the last meeting, what position you discussed, and ask if a decision has been made on your candidacy. You can add that you do not have a goal to rush the company with a decision: you only remind of yourself, because you are very interested in a vacancy (or work in this particular company).

What is annoying and what is encouraged

You definitely shouldn't overwhelm the recruiter with letters and calls. This is unlikely to help the process, but rather hurt: it is likely that you will be considered overly intrusive. If you have agreed on the date of the next contact, you should not try to get in touch earlier.

If you call a recruiter at night on a personal number that he did not give you, you risk making a bad impression. Even if the interviews were successful before. This also includes situations where candidates come to the company without being invited for an interview. Of course, a reminder letter or a call from a candidate in work time is unlikely to cause negative emotions, especially if you agreed to do so. It is very important to correctly assess when your initiative will be useful and when not.

I had a case when a candidate for the position of an analyst successfully passed several meetings in a company, and at the last one got nervous and did a poor job with one of the problems that the manager asked to solve. The company had already planned to refuse him, but the candidate wrote a very sincere letter on time about how important it is for him to get a job in this company, and expressed his readiness to come again to solve all sorts of problems and business cases all day long. The company appreciated the dedication of the candidate: in the end, he successfully passed the second "exam" and received a job offer.

Whether to add a recruiter in social networks

If we are talking about professional social networks like LinkedIn, there are no restrictions here. Most likely, the recruiter himself will be interested in this and will send you an invitation. Most recruiting professionals use social media as one of the tools to interact with candidates.

But before adding a recruiter as a friend on Facebook or VKontakte, evaluate the content of your profile through his eyes. Are there any photos or posts on your page that could ruin your image as a candidate? For an HR manager, your social media profile is like a business card.

You need to be prepared for the fact that some people use social networks only to communicate with friends and may ignore your invitation, especially if you don't know each other.

How to stay in sight

Even if you haven't been hired by your dream company yet, it's worth tracking vacancies in anticipation of one that matches your experience. Or periodically (once every one or two months) remind of yourself in a letter. But here it is important to observe the measure.

To respond to all vacancies indiscriminately in the hope that at least one of them will invite you is the wrong way. The company may assess this as promiscuity in building a career.

It is important to understand that neither the recruiter nor the HR manager is interested in protracted negotiations with candidates. Alas, at the moment the stage of interaction within companies (especially large international structures) is very long: there are too many participants in the process, and often many are located in different countries. It can take from a week to a month from sending a resume to the first interview, and the whole process of negotiations with a company can take from six months to a year.

Greetings, dear friend!

The mistake many job seekers make is going into standby mode after meeting with an employer. Waiting for the weather by the sea is not our method. How to remind the employer of yourself after the interview?

Let's look at the problem a little more broadly.

Reminding yourself is a good habit. In general, in life, and even more so when looking for a job. The people with whom you keep in touch during the search period should understand that you are still in the game and intend to get what you want. Otherwise, they will simply forget about you.

  • Rule of 5 touches

Serious deals are never made. Even more or less important purchases are usually not made immediately. Marketers even came up with the 5-touch rule.

Significant purchases are made after the buyer has looked at the product several times, returned, talked to the seller, how much he can be trusted. Studied other suggestions, came back again. On average, there are five such contacts.

A job offer is also a deal. And it obeys the same marketing laws. I suppose you already understand what I mean.

The five-touch rule in our job search project looks like this:

  1. Submitting resume
  2. Accompanying call to the recruiter
  3. Interviews. 2-3 meetings
  4. Post interview letter
  5. Call after the interview.
  • How decisions are made

Contrary to the academic theory, which draws decision-making algorithms based on the collection and analysis of information, in reality, decisions are made differently.

Namely, more often intuitively. The trigger for decision making is emotion. Every contact you make affects a person's emotions and moves his consciousness to the trigger.

2. Make an appointment for another interview

It is very important to agree on the procedure for further interaction during the interview. It is better not to wait for the phrase "We will call you back" and take the initiative in this matter:

“Ivan Ivanovich, when can I call to agree on further steps? Is it convenient for you on Wednesday around 15? Call yourself? Fine. I'll wait, if anything, I'll call myself. Let's exchange phone numbers. Thank you. If not difficult, your email or skype address. As we agreed, I will send additional materials on the project that we discussed. ”

Something like this. You will almost always get contacts.

3. Letter after the interview


How to write a letter correctly, look

4. Calls by phone (skype)

We discussed the topic of the call after the interview in detail in

I will highlight the main points
  • What should I say

Tell them that you have agreed to contact and discuss the results of the meeting. This is what you are doing now, keeping your promise.

If the decision is still made, you should ask when the decision will be made. Tell them that you will call back in a couple of days at a certain time.

  • Deadline

Proven trick to accelerate decision making:

It works on the principle of scarcity: take it today, tomorrow it will be too late.

  • Repulsion

Another trick from the arsenal of top-class applicants: It is used if your partner

5. If there is no phone number

For example, I forgot to ask at the interview.

No problem. As you know, there are no insoluble problems for a person with intelligence)

You can apply the techniques outlined in

In conclusion, one more trick.

The broken record rule

If you need work urgently and desperately, you can turn on

The worn-out record rule is an exceptional case. This is an exception that confirms the following rule:

All your communication is built from a peer perspective. There should not be any groveling and ingratiating themselves. If you find it difficult to enter this state immediately, practice.

Your message is: You are not asking for a job. You can help the company become a better company. If the employer does not take advantage of this opportunity, it will be worse for him.

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Have a good day and good mood!

After a job seeker posts his resume, they begin to invite him to a personal meeting. But even after that, the question of how to understand how the interview went is still open. It is worth saying that there are a number of signs that indicate that you can not think about further job search. Knowing these traits will help you stay calm and avoid looking for other jobs.

Successful interviews are the dream of job seekers looking to get a job. A number of signs indicating a vacancy include:

  • the employer talks to you about future prospects and job responsibilities... He assesses your professional and personal qualities and associates them with the solution of any task related to work;
  • the leader is interested in what level wages you are satisfied with how many offers other companies make to you, and how you see yourself as an employee of his company;
  • the conversation takes longer than the allotted time. In most cases, if the leadership does not like the candidate in person, then they try to end the conversation with him as quickly as possible. If the applicant is interested in the recruiter, then he is asked additional questions, not paying attention, for example, to the fact that the next applicant is waiting for his turn in the corridor;
  • asks questions about references from a previous job. In this case, do not lose control and panic - answer clearly and confidently. Try to immediately establish yourself as a reliable employee who can receive a letter of recommendation from your former boss;
  • after the interview, you are told the exact date and time when you will receive a positive or negative response. There are situations when the applicant is offered to pass test by a certain date;
  • there is an acquaintance with the team. This fact suggests that the result of the interview is positive, and you will 99% work in this company.

Signs of a failed interview

The interview was successful or not - this is the question that applicants ask after personal communication with a potential boss. There are a number of signs that indicate that you are more likely to be denied a job. These include:

  • communication takes place in an accelerated mode. The employer is trying in every possible way to say goodbye to you as quickly as possible;
  • the formal nature of communication. You are not told about the plans and tasks that may be assigned to you as a candidate;
  • the employer is not interested in your last place of work, hobbies and personal characteristics;
  • you are not told about the positive aspects of working for the company. The conversation boils down to a question-and-answer plan;
  • the opportunity to pass the test task is not given;
  • to your surprise, you find out that for this vacancy you do not have enough experience and qualifications;
  • there are no questions about the previous place of work and your hobbies, despite the fact that in the first part of the conversation these moments aroused genuine interest in the recruiter;
  • the employer does not care when you can give an answer about the job, whether you have any other offers from similar companies;
  • it is noticeable that the boss is not interested in the conversation. He averts his eyes, looks at the computer, or simply shifts papers;
  • during the dialogue, the manager often answers phone calls;
  • the employer looks at your resume every now and then. Experienced leaders always prepare for interviews with job seekers well in advance;
  • you are not told when you can call and find out how the interview went.

Is it worth it to find out on your own how the interview went

Whether it is worth calling the employer for an interview - this question worries applicants who are waiting for an answer on the desired vacancy. The answer is unequivocal: it is, but only if you are really interested in this work. It happens that even if a candidate does not fit the employer in some parameters, he is still taken on a trial period, thanks to his activity and perseverance.

There are two ways to remind yourself of yourself:

  • make a phone call;
  • send an email after the interview to the employer.

Whether it is worth calling back to the employer after the interview depends on the candidate's wishes. In general, the conversation should sound something like: “Hello! Can you spare me a couple of minutes? My name is Ivanov I.I. On December 27, I interviewed you and would like to know the result. Can I hope for the vacancy you proposed, or should I continue looking for a job? " Thus, you will make it clear that you are interested in the organization and want to work in it.

Note! Do not distract the interlocutor from his affairs. If you are told that a decision has not yet been made on you, ask for a day when you can call again.

How to write a letter to an employer after an interview - you can see an example on the Internet. It should be said that this option is inferior to a phone call. There is no guarantee that the addressee will receive your letter and give an answer. Very often, emails go into spam, and the employer simply does not see them.

Email to employer after interview - his example is similar to what you would say if you called on the phone. The only difference is that at the end of the letter you need to indicate your phone number, where the person can contact you.

Important! When sending a letter, use a special button to indicate the importance. Thus, you will have a guarantee that the addressee will not miss it.

If you don't get a call after the interview, try calling yourself. Then there is a high probability that you will be given an answer, and you can plan your further actions.

How to try to fix the situation in the event of a failed interview

If you do not receive a call back after the interview, then you should not despair. Perhaps the employer is still thinking about your person. In any case, you can try to correct the situation for your own benefit:

  1. Why they don't call back after the interview - this worries people who are in search of work. Send a letter of thanks after the interview to the employer, a sample of which you can always find on our website. Express your gratitude for your time and apologize for any mistakes that may have been made during the conversation.
  2. At the interview, they said that they would call back, and do not call back. Make your own phone call. Here you need to understand that the speech must be thought out in advance. Prepare for what you are going to say. It is possible that the employer will be able to devote only a few minutes to you, during which you have to find out the result and try to fix it.


Now you know how to find out the results of an interview. If the employer did not give you a clear time frame for which he can give an answer, do not be afraid to be active.

If you refuse, you should not be upset. Talk to the person on the other end of the line and ask why you weren't hired anyway. This information will be useful to you in the future, and you can make work on the errors.