How best to advertise your product. How to promote your product on the Internet? Analysis of the target audience and competitive environment

The popularity of the Internet is constantly growing. According to Internet World Statistics, there are 1.1 billion Internet users in the world today. There are 29.4 million in RuNet (including Ukraine and Belarus).

The annual population growth is about 13-20%.

Often, people underestimate or, conversely, overestimate the importance of the Internet. Ralph Wilson's book, Planning an Internet Marketing Strategy, outlines some of the major opportunities offered by the Internet, such as:

1. Creation of a branch

Creating a website is like opening a second office that is available to visitors 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People can go there at any time convenient for themselves and get acquainted with what you offer them. These visitors:

  • read the brochures laid out on the counter near the entrance;
  • Bring along a copy of the brochure “The Questions People Ask About Your Company Most Often”;
  • solve their problems with the help of the “Guide to Getting Out of Difficult Situations”;
  • leave their questions and notes on thoughtfully prepared forms;
  • get acquainted with detailed descriptions and technical characteristics of each product that you have for sale;
  • They will buy something from the vending machine that is in your lobby and is on 24 hours a day.

2. Entering the global market

All over the world, more and more people are buying goods online that they cannot purchase where they live. There are no boundaries or distances on the Internet. Previously, the scope of activity of a small company was limited by the distance that its representatives could travel from their office by car. Now everything has changed. Today, people buy online, choosing the best sites over the closest ones.

3. Direct sales

The third option is direct sales, which avoids the chain of distributors that leads to a significant increase in the price of the product by the time it reaches the final consumer.

Many Internet-only companies are essentially dealerships that simply take orders. Products are delivered by manufacturers and distributors who sell them directly to consumers. Thus, online sellers selling retail do not incur the costs of assortment formation and warehousing of goods.

4. Building a unified network

Why do companies merge? personal computers your employees into a single network? To ensure that employees consult with each other, work together and increase productivity. So, the Internet connects half of the world's computers.

Small companies located on different ends of the continent collaborate with each other, which allows them to implement projects that they could never do alone. Virtual companies work together from low-cost offices located several thousand kilometers from each other.

5. Market segmentation

A huge network called the Internet does some of the work for you, automatically segmenting the market into thematic sections.

Do you want to attract the attention of those who are looking for the exact product or service you offer? Place an ad that will only appear when someone types the phrase “life insurance” into the search box (contextual advertising).

If you try to type keywords into Google search engine groups (// for any industry, you will find lists of discussion groups and online conferences in which just the people you need participate. Join their discussion - not as a salesperson, but as a conversation partner - and this will allow you to attract new clients.

Many commercial websites are not designed to generate revenue on their own, but to increase sales in other channels. For example, a dealer who sells cars probably won't sell them online, but his website contains all the information a consumer needs about the product. The manufacturer can offer on its website a large amount of information to help solve problems, lists of spare parts that product owners may need; however, he may not sell anything at all over the Internet. Only an offline company can be represented on the site, i.e. informing customers about its existence and the products that the company sells.

If you no longer need to convince anyone of the benefits of creating a website; almost every company, large, medium and small, has a website, but not everyone cares about promoting their websites. When we talk about creating, promoting, and analyzing the effectiveness of a website, we are talking about comprehensive Internet marketing.

Wikipedia (a well-known reference book on the Internet) gives the following definition of Internet marketing:

Roughly, Internet marketing methods include search engine optimization, search engine marketing (this includes both search advertising and contextual ads on partner sites), as well as analysis of the effectiveness of ongoing activities using web analytics.

Search engine optimization allows you to bring a website to the TOP 10 search engines for certain key queries.

Enough important step The key to successfully investing in internet marketing is choosing a promotion option.

Of course, ideally, to promote your site, it is better to use both of these methods at once, but, unfortunately, very often a limited budget for promotion makes its own adjustments and forces you to choose between these two promotion options.

Which option is preferable? Each of these options has its pros and cons, let's look at some of them.

Pros of search engine optimization (SEO)

  • Doesn't discourage clicks. If you read various studies on the topic of Internet marketing, you will notice that they all come to the conclusion that people are more willing to click on natural search results.
  • Confidence. Trust in sites located in the first places in search engine results will always be higher than in sites located in sponsored results. People are known to be wary when choosing real estate companies. The first positions in search engine results show that they have been seriously working on the site for a long time, on the basis of which we can conclude that this is not a fly-by-night company that exists today and doesn’t exist tomorrow, but a reputable company that cares about its reputation.
  • Internet users are becoming increasingly aware of the subject contextual advertising. Users understand that contextual advertising is a marketing tool that is used to promote goods or services to the market. Thus, they understand that by clicking on an ad unit, most likely, they will be offered to buy something or be offered to order a service. It turns out that some potential buyers are lost who, on the one hand, are not going to purchase or order anything, and on the other hand, may become interested in your offer if they study certain materials on your website and realize all the advantages of the services you provide.
  • Long term results. Although contextual advertising can bring you results much faster than search engine optimization, by optimizing your site once, the results can be visible for a long time. Once your PPC budget runs out or you simply decide to pause your PPC campaign, the results will pause along with your PPC campaign. In the case of search engine optimization, the result will be over a much longer period of time.

Reading the above points, we can conclude that search engine optimization is always better than contextual advertising. In fact, it all depends on each specific situation. What are the advantages of contextual advertising?

  • Result. Using contextual advertising services, you can get results almost instantly, while the effect of search engine optimization often becomes noticeable only after 3 or more months. Thus, PPC campaigns are a good option for those involved in rental properties, because... the range of rented and rented apartments is constantly changing, and with the help of contextual advertising you can quickly promote new options, for example, use the phrases “rent an apartment in Moskovskaya metro station”, etc.
  • Budget. For small companies with minimal budgets for Internet marketing, investing in a PPC campaign may be the best option, because, for example, with a budget of $100, it is better not to contact an SEO company (they either won’t take it, or they will, but nothing they won’t), but you can launch a PPC campaign with a budget limit of $100. By selecting the keywords that are most suitable for your business, the PPC campaign will not bring you huge traffic, but it will bring you a small number of targeted visitors. Low frequency but specific to your business keywords can bring you low but high converting traffic. Moreover, for expensive products that are rarely searched in search engines, it often makes no sense to pay several thousand dollars a month for search engine optimization, but rather generate traffic using contextual advertising.
  • The ability to independently set the name, description of the site and the landing page where the user will be redirected after clicking (landing page). I believe that this is one of the most powerful advantages of contextual advertising, because... It is possible to set the exact name and description of the product, plus provide a link to the exact page where this product is sold. If you pay for the phrase “rent an apartment in Moskovskaya metro station,” then the landing page should be a page on your website containing information about this particular apartment.

It is clear that search engine optimization has a number of undeniable advantages over contextual advertising (PPC), especially if you do website optimization and promotion yourself. However, there are also situations where contextual advertising is a better option, both from a financial and strategic point of view.

For those who have a substantial budget for Internet marketing, I would recommend using both of these options for website promotion (integrated Internet marketing), but if the budget is small, then you need to make a choice that will depend on each specific situation. You can split your already small budget into both search engine optimization and PPC only if you yourself are competent in both SEO and PPC and will do this yourself. Otherwise, there is a possibility of wasting your budget and getting minimal effectiveness for each promotion option separately.

Advantages of integrated internet marketing

The advantages of the integrated use of search engine optimization and contextual advertising are the sum of the advantages inherent in SEO and PPC, which we discussed above.

All that remains is to choose, but where to actually start?

The answer to this question, as always, depends on the ultimate goal pursued by the advertiser. If an advertiser has a budget, say $1,000 per month, and the end goal is to spend that budget, this is one option. If the advertiser has the same budget, but the goal is different, for example, getting the most profit per dollar invested, then this is a different option. There can be as many such options as you like. We can operate within these options with two factors: time and money.

Let's look at a simplified example - we are opening a new online store selling “fashionable things”.

We have the following initial data:

    Site traffic on the opening day was 0 visitors.

    Sales volume - 0 rub.

    The average cost of one “fashionable item” is 1000 rubles.

    Internet marketing budget per month - 30,000 rubles.

If we assume an average conversion rate of 2% (% of buyers from the total number of visitors), it turns out that in order to recoup our advertising budget, we need to attract 1,500 targeted visitors to our site per month, i.e. 50 visitors per day. How can we attract them?

Let's get into search engine optimization. Typically, SEO companies guarantee the appearance of the first results 2-3 weeks after starting work on website promotion. This means we have one week left to recoup our monthly expenses or roll them over to the next month. We don’t want to re-throw, because... According to the laws of economics, money today is worth more than money tomorrow, we will recoup it this month. This means that we will be idle for 3 weeks, and in the last week we need to attract not 50 visitors a day, but 250.

Let's do contextual advertising. Contextual advertising begins to bring us visitors to the site almost immediately after the launch of the advertising campaign. In order to attract 1,500 visitors to the site with a budget of 30,000 rubles, we can pay 20 rubles per click. 20 rubles per click is not a very high cost per click; there is a high probability that our advertising budget will not be enough to attract 1,500 visitors (the calculation is very conditional, because with proper management of contextual advertising campaigns, the conversion rate will always be higher than from search engine optimization).

Let's do comprehensive promotion. We are launching a campaign for search engine optimization of the site, at the same time, launching advertising campaigns for contextual advertising (where exactly, Yandex.Direct, Begun, Google Adwords or all together, depends on each specific case). While we are waiting for results from search engine optimization, we attract visitors using contextual advertising. We analyze visitors using web analytics - we find out the most popular key phrases that turn visitors into buyers, analyze the most effective contextual advertising systems for our business, the most effective landing pages, as well as the pages of our site where we most often lose our visitors. All this information will also allow us to make adjustments to the search engine optimization campaign, which will undoubtedly bring additional profit.

It all depends on each specific case and specific industry. Sometimes it is more economical to use contextual advertising, Sometimes search engine optimization, but more often than not, more profitable combine the first with the second(and track performance using web analytics systems), only in this case can you be sure that your advertising budget is bringing the greatest return.

Key activities for integrated marketing

  • Analysis of the current situation and development of an optimal schedule for campaigns to promote your goods and services via the Internet.
  • Selection and analysis of keywords and phrases for search engine optimization and contextual advertising.
  • Launching a contextual advertising campaign and constantly analyzing the effectiveness of each key phrase using web analytics tools.
  • Based on web analytics data that shows us the most effective keywords that turn a site visitor into a buyer and customer, we transfer some key phrases from the list of “keywords for contextual advertising” to the list of “keywords for search engine optimization”.
  • Work on website promotion for selected key queries.
  • General analysis of contextual advertising campaigns and ongoing website optimization campaigns.
  • Testing different ad variations, viewable URLs, landing pages and selection the best option, turning more visitors into buyers and customers.
  • Analysis of the return on investment aimed at Internet marketing.

If we have dealt with search engine optimization and contextual advertising, then with web analytics, I think you still have some questions. What is web analytics?

In fact, web analytics is solving problems before they get worse and affect the entire online business.

What indicators need to be analyzed first:

  • Number of unique visitors per day.
  • Average conversion level (sales, registration, file downloads, etc.).
  • The most popular page on the site.
  • The average duration of stay of one visitor on the site.
  • How often does a visitor return to the site?
  • Average depth of site viewing (how many pages viewed and in what order).
  • Geography of visitors.
  • Number of bounces (what percentage of visitors leave the site within the first seconds).

If you are selling online, it is also advisable to know:

  • How much income does your website generate per day?
  • What keywords, from what sites, from what banners do visitors who make purchases come from?
  • The best selling product in the range.

Having assessed these factors, it will not be difficult to draw certain conclusions:

  • Average buyer cost (cost per buyer).
  • The importance of a particular web page.
  • The difference between the ROI (return on investment) coefficient for attracting new and returning website visitors.
  • The most profitable advertising campaigns currently running.
  • Which entry page results in the most bounces?
  • What pages the user viewed before purchasing.
  • The average time required for a visitor to make a decision to purchase a product or order a service.

Web analytics can be a big help if you:

  1. Use contextual advertising (Yandex Direct, Google AdWords, Runner, etc.), search engine optimization (SEO) or media (banner) advertising to attract visitors to the site.
  2. Do you want to optimize your landing pages, e.g. the page where a visitor lands after clicking on an advertisement.
  3. Strive to increase your website's conversion rate (turning visitors into buyers).
  4. Your web designers and marketers are arguing over how your site should look.
  5. Have you noticed that you have big indicator refusals. This parameter displays the percentage of users quickly leaving the site.
  6. You are about to change the website design.

Web analytics will give you the exact answer to which design you should choose, which landing page brings in more sales, which pages on the site contain broken links or simply need to be restructured, and many other questions every website owner, designer, or internet designer needs. -marketer

Currently, web analytics technologies are covered quite modestly on the RuNet; occasionally you come across interesting articles and practice of working with one or another system.

This is incomparable with the English-language part of the network, where a wide range of, both tools and materials on the topic. But positive trends can also be felt in the Russian segment of the Internet, and I think that in the next few years, web analytics will grow at a rapid pace in our country. While the market for SEO services and technologies is already more or less orderly, the web analytics market on the RuNet is still completely empty and has enormous growth prospects.

The introduction of a new product to the market is never complete without advertising, and today the most popular “platform” for promoting new products is, of course, the Internet. Read about the main free and most effective ways to promote products on the Internet in our material.

Promoting a new product on the Internet: opportunities

Most modern companies and manufacturers have taken a course to support their position by releasing new products, expanding the range, and improving it. This is due to the fact that in the current economic conditions the market is constantly changing, competition and people’s needs are growing, and only active enterprises that are ready to modernize and begin to introduce a new product to the market remain on the wave of success.

Why is the Internet, as a platform for promoting goods, so convenient and effective? Firstly, because today people search and buy almost everything on the Internet, from airline tickets and educational courses to baby onesies and medicines. The choice “falls” on online stores because any product purchased online will cost less, since there is no maximum “mark-up” as is the case with retail stores. The main advantage when promoting a product on the Internet is that an entrepreneur has the opportunity to choose the most optimal option for his business, and sometimes carry out all the promotion work using various methods and “in a complex”.

Promotion of goods on the Internet is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • formation of a marketing strategy;
  • informing customers about the appearance of a new product on the market using online advertising as part of a marketing promotion strategy;
  • transitions from advertising blocks to the company’s information resource (website, landing page), which contains comprehensive information about the new product and the possibilities of purchasing it.

That is, any advertising on the Internet has one main goal - to attract and interest the maximum number of buyers. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the target audience for which this product is designed. For example, if a new product is introduced to the market - wireless LED headphones, then advertising strategy promoting a new product to the market via the Internet will be appropriate, that is, taking into account the age of the target group (teenagers, youth, students), its needs, financial capabilities, and those “tools” that will help retain the interest of the target audience. If brought to market new product, “targeted” at people of a more mature age, for example, orthopedic pillows and mattresses of the generation, then the “presentation” of advertising on the Internet will have to be carried out using other tools, other ting “moves”.

Typically, when initially promoting a new product to the market via the Internet, several “Tools” and opportunities are used simultaneously, and various methods of “stimulating” consumer interest. This gives the fastest and most noticeable effect. Let's look at 7 ways to promote a new product on the Internet.

Method one: your own website

In the materials of the online magazine “” we have already talked a lot about how an entrepreneur can create (including for free) his own website or landing page, how to “promote” it in short time: How to promote a website yourself; How to create a landing page to increase sales

Every modern company today has its own website, which provides all Internet users with comprehensive information about the company’s activities, the cost of services and goods. The company's website can be presented in the form of an online store, where the user can order the desired product with delivery, or it can simply be an information page - a landing page - with the ability to order a call back to the user.

Today you can make a website yourself - there are enough programs and services on the Internet to develop your own pages using standard templates, but this will only be the simplest site. In order for the website to be made to the highest possible quality, entrepreneurs need to use the services of web designers and order a website about a new product from them.

Depending on what goal the entrepreneur pursues, the format and structure of the site will differ. Marketers believe that in the first stages, to promote a new product on the Internet, a landing page will be enough, which will describe the advantages of the product, customer reviews, information about discounts, promotions, and benefits. If a whole assortment of unique products is introduced to the market, then a comprehensive information website is indispensable.

So, all users who are interested in the company’s new product will flock to your website for detailed information. That is why this resource should immediately be as informative, functional, and with a convenient user interface. But simply creating a website on the Internet today is not enough; its competent “promotion” is necessary, and the first task here is SEO-promotion, that is, search engine optimization.

Method two: search engine optimization

Search engine optimization or, as it is also called, “Seo-optimization” is a set of measures taken to “raise” a website in the results of popular search engines (Yandex, Google, Rambler, etc.) according to relevant user requests. The goal of search engine optimization is to increase website traffic, and, consequently, the number of potential customers. As we know, the higher a site is in search results, the higher the likelihood that interested users will follow the link and visit the website. Many entrepreneurs think that it is impossible to “outdo” large and well-promoted sites through SEO optimization today, but this is not so. It is necessary to correctly select the main keywords that will correspond to the most frequent user requests on this topic, and try to make the texts so that all suitable “keys” are used to the maximum.

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In addition to “arranging” the right keys and filling the site with the “right” content, other site optimization is also necessary. We are talking about improving the so-called “behavioral factors”, when after a sufficient number of transitions to the site, users stay on the page for a long time, then search engines consider such a site to be of high quality and over time “raise” it to the top of the search results. Also, search engines take into account the density of keywords (that is, search engines exclude spam, too much “nausea” of site texts, their oversaturation with keywords); site citation index (if other popular sites link to your resource, this will also give the resource additional “points”).

In addition to internal search engine optimization, that is, working on content, there are also methods of external optimization, for example, registration in directories, exchanging links, advertising on blogs, in social networks, posting articles, etc. Using all these tools for promoting a new product in combination, an entrepreneur will be able to achieve the desired result in a short time. Today, search engine optimization of websites is carried out by SEO specialists, but website owners can also promote their websites and new products through them independently and for free - the possibilities here are unlimited.

Method three: banner advertising

One of the most common, popular and truly effective types of advertising on the Internet today are contextual and banner advertising. By placing advertisements for your new product on banners, that is, graphic images with a hyperlink to the company’s website, which, in turn, will be placed on popular sites that are advertising platforms. The scope of influence of this type of advertising for promoting new products is much wider than other types of advertising on the Internet - they attract attention, arouse interest in a new product, and encourage Internet users to take action (go to a website, place an order, buy a new product).

Today there are a huge number of opportunities to promote a new product to the market using banner advertising On the Internet, they are mostly paid, but there are also free ones. These are, for example, the services of so-called “banner networks”. This is a certain “community” of participating sites that work in the same system and provide each other with sites on their sites for placing banner advertising. For displaying a certain number of advertising banners on your website, its owner gets the opportunity to place his advertising on websites participating in the project. This tool is an excellent opportunity to promote a new product on the Internet.

Method four: contextual advertising

Another type of online advertising to promote new products is contextual advertising. The principle of its operation is simple and therefore effective: an advertisement for your website or a new product is broadcast on sites with appropriate content when the user’s area of ​​interest coincides with the topic of the advertised product or service. For example, if a company is promoting a unique whitening paste to the market, then the corresponding contextual advertising will pop up every time Internet users from all over the country or a specific region search for anything related to teeth in a search engine.

For example, such search queries as “dental prosthetics”, “dental treatment”, “teeth whitening”, “toothpaste wholesale”, etc. That is, the advertisement will be shown specifically to the target audience who is currently looking for information of interest about treatment and teeth whitening. Contextual advertising systems are used today to make a profit by the largest search engines, that is, this method of promoting a new product on the Internet is paid, but prices for this type of advertising vary depending on the number of impressions, which means financial investments can be minimized.

Method five: viral marketing

As mentioned above, the spread of information on the Internet is “viral” in nature, and millions and thousands of users can learn about an interesting event, product, or person in a few hours. This “effect” of the global network should be used when promoting new products on the Internet. We all send various funny pictures, videos, stories to our friends and acquaintances on social networks every day, and an unusual, bright and making people laugh advertising message spreads as quickly as other non-advertising information.

Register advertising pages in the maximum number of social networks, describe the products offered, new items, attach pictures, detailed descriptions, prices, start promoting each of the created pages and groups - add users to public pages, communicate with interested people, promote, advertise. In addition to free promotion on social networks, today there are a huge number of options for paid promotion. Spending a minimum amount Money, the advertiser gets a big effect.

SMM promotion today is also carried out with the help of forums and blogs, where hundreds of people share common interests, discussing goods, services, and new products. By maintaining communication in these blogs and forums, participating in discussions and “unobtrusively” promoting your New Product, you “provoke” blog readers or forum participants to become interested in your new product. Of course, forums and blogs today are an excellent advertising platform.

Method seven: e- mail newsletter

Another effective way to promote goods on the Internet is gaining momentum today - e-mail newsletter, that is, sending advertising messages to the e-mail of Internet users. As a rule, e-mail messages contain information about ongoing promotions and competitions, announcements of events, discounts and bonuses. You just have to remember that you can send advertising messages by e-mail only to users who have given consent to this type of information.

So, as experience shows successful entrepreneurs all over the world, the Internet today is a storehouse of opportunities for promoting new products or services, an endless source of various ways to establish interaction with potential clients and mutually beneficial cooperation. By competently and comprehensively using various methods of promoting goods or services on the Internet, every entrepreneur takes a risk. It risks making its products mega-popular and truly in demand.

A plan for advertising your company's product should be a vital part of your strategic marketing plan. Regardless of what you offer the customer, be it a good product or excellent service, you must be able to convey your offer to your consumer. The general public learns about you through advertising. Since successful advertising is a creative and innovative endeavor, developing and solving this issue it is necessary to approach with a large share of these feelings. Therefore, in this situation, a creative person has more chances and an excellent advantage in development and development effective plan actions.

Any advertising campaign costs a lot of money, and in order not to get into trouble, you need to properly distribute your efforts. Each business, as well as all customers, are unique, and they are unique in their own way. Therefore, you must first conduct a good and fundamental analysis of both your business and your clients for whom you are approximately working. The money spent will be more than repaid by increasing sales and gaining trust from your customers, who will always remember your brand.

To begin, the so-called first step, you need to identify the potential client you are going to serve. When identifying a potential client, you need to consider all aspects regarding him, right down to what perfume he prefers and what newspaper he buys in the morning on the way to work. Thus, you can clearly and correctly focus the attention of your client, i.e. you can find something to “hook” him with.

Once you have a clear understanding of your clientele, you can begin your campaign. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly remember all the preferences and tastes of each individual client audience. Advertising methods and ways vary greatly from each other. Even, for example, the number of colors used and print quality, for each individual audience. Next, everything is as usual: price, size, scrolling frequency, etc. All this must be taken into account, because the client very often has a biased attitude towards the manufacturer of the product.

1. Advertising in the media, namely in newspapers, is a very acceptable option for a developing business. And in order to reach a larger audience, you need to place your advertisement in a separate section, or if it is not in this newspaper, then simply create it. The question of the price of advertising a product in a newspaper directly depends on the color schemes that are used there, on the frequency of advertisements and the size of the advertisement itself.

2. Advertising and selling goods by mail. This way of promoting a product can become highly effective only if your product is really needed by a certain percentage of the customers to whom you sent advertising brochures with a trial product. If your business is mostly focused on selling goods by mail or online trading, then this option is the most suitable for you. At the same time, you will need to constantly send out news about arrivals, discounts, new products and promotions. Only in this way, by constantly maintaining contact with your clients, will you be able to make a profit and work in the market with a positive balance.

3. Brochures, booklets and other printed promotional products may seem expensive for small companies, but their efficiency is simply incomparable. Because in your personal printed advertising materials you will be able to describe in detail and with all the details the superiority of your product. And this cannot be compared with advertising in a newspaper, where you are limited by both size and cost. The use of printed advertising materials can be found everywhere; they can be distributed at a product presentation, simply to customers in a store, sent by mail, or distributed to drivers and passengers of cars at intersections.

4. Placement of an advertisement on the pages of the city directory. This is one of the most optimal options for promoting a product, because people use directories the most and most often. And advertising of your product placed on its pages will be constantly in sight of buyers, most of whom are potential, just a little unknown at the moment. When developing advertising for a city directory, it is worth talking and discussing the details of the issue with the technical department of the organization that prints these directories. They will be able to advise you good solutions and ideas that will help you promote your product. The help of the employees themselves is simply invaluable, because they are aware of the feelings that overcome a person looking through a directory, and they will help you with the development of advertising specifically for such a person.

5. A business card or a simple piece of paper with the address, company name, telephone number, motto and product being promoted can bring as much benefit as an expensive advertising campaign on which you will spend a lot of money.

6. Additional advertising techniques with which you achieve greater favor with your clients. These could be T-shirts, pens, ashtrays and many other little things with the logo of your company, which everyone will recognize and will simply be grateful for your concern for them. And in turn, they will buy your product more often.


You need to identify the market segment in which you expect to receive and think your product. If possible, use your strengths, but if you have the finances, hire a research company. What questions should you ask respondents? Who are the competitors? And what do they have to offer? For what reason is their product potential consumers?

Now you need to supplement the consumer qualities of your product. Here you need to take two steps. Compare your product with the qualities of competitors' products. And the second step is to try to convince them that you are the best. This trick will allow you not to think about how to promote your product. And the target audience will understand that your products are more profitable than those on the market.

Develop and implement branding. To promote a product, you need to establish frequent contact between your target group and the brand. The contact can also be visual. After all, promoting on the Internet is one thing, but promoting a virtual office is quite another. It is necessary to make your website very informative, fairly easy to navigate and accessible to search engines.

Create information bursts. If possible, appear often on the pages of both electronic and paper media. So you know how to promote your product in order to arouse genuine interest with a press release not only from the end consumer, but even from editors of newspapers and magazines.


High quality releases depending entirely on how quickly you promote


First of all, use the Internet. By betting on the Internet, you affect not only the local market. Order and optimize as much as your budget allows. Remember that it is also important, which should be bright and clear, but not provocative. Use viral to spread the word about you on social media - the more people talk about you, the more famous you will be.

Train your managers. They are your driving force, the locomotive that should lead you to success. Be sure to conduct regular trainings and introduce a bonus sales incentive system. The main activity is searching for clients - you need to supply his clients, which he can either take from the Internet himself, or you transfer them to him. Enter daily to monitor employee activities.

Promotion of sales in large companies is handled by a special marketing department. There are brand managers who plan and organize events aimed at increasing sales. In addition, there are marketing analysts who study the market, PR managers and copywriters.


The next step is with sales managers. Conduct training to teach staff how to properly treat customers. During the classes, the instructor will create various situations that he encounters during his work. As a result of playing several behavioral options, a number of the most optimal ways of communicating with different consumer categories are selected. This will allow you not only to retain customers, but also to attract new ones by learning to work with objections.

The department and sales managers must communicate closely with each other. All planned events must be discussed at joint meetings. In this way, ways will be developed not only to promote sales, but also to retain old customers, increasing the volume of existing profits.

Video on the topic


Having decided on the type of activity and the desired budget, you can begin the direct search. A regular search engine is suitable for this. Enter a general designation of a potential client, for example: mini-hotels in Moscow, restaurants in Moscow, web studios, etc. Next, you will need to view all the results and create a contact database that can be transferred to the sales manager for processing.


  • client search agency
  • How to find 1000 clients for online advertising

You will need

  • - Internet access;
  • - telephone.


Set campaign goals. They can be completely different. For example, for a new product that has just entered the market, this is informing potential buyers; for a product that consumers do not distinguish from competitors, it is image formation; to increase sales, it is stimulating purchases.

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03.12.14 5.8K

What can you not find in the markets! An amazing place with a wide variety of products. You can endlessly walk through the aisles, choose and bargain, instead of traveling to different stores in search of the right thing. But people are tired of walking under open air and look for goods from behind other shoppers.

The search for new conveniences led to the creation of supermarkets, where everything is located side by side, and you can leisurely stroll between the shelves and independently choose what you want.

But human laziness knows no bounds and is the most important engine of progress. People wanted to avoid leaving home at all and make profitable purchases, saving not only effort, but also invaluable time. Online stores provided this opportunity:

What it is and how to promote a store on the World Wide Web will be discussed in this article.

What are they?

An online store is a website that allows its visitors to purchase goods online. So that customers have familiar associations with going to supermarkets in real life, as well as to ensure ease of use, online stores include the following components:

  • Catalog of offered goods. This section should be well thought out and implemented, because it is through it that customers will be able to evaluate the assortment and make a decision about their further presence on the site;
  • Basket. Just like the usual cart in which we put bread and sausage, the online store generates a list of products selected by the user. You can immediately see the total purchase amount;
  • Personal Area. With this feature, the client can easily navigate through the history of their purchases and quickly go to the necessary sections store;
  • News feed. Information about new arrivals, stunning discounts and sales will fuel the interest of buyers;
  • Form feedback. Visitors should receive answers to their questions, and the sooner this happens, the higher the trust in the online store;
  • Newsletter. If the user accidentally forgot to go to the store’s website, you need to provide him with up-to-date information by email. When registering, you usually specify an e-mail, so you can find the address without any problems.

Most often, online stores rent premises for a warehouse, where customers can receive ordered goods. Sometimes purchases are delivered by courier directly to the buyer’s apartment.

What are they selling?

You can sell anything online that you can sell offline. However, some items fit better and some will never leave the warehouse. If, for example, you offer fresh milk, most of the product will spoil before it reaches customers.

Therefore, it is worth focusing on those categories of goods, the sale of which would make it advisable to promote an online store.

  • Books. Of course, most people prefer free downloading, but those who don’t care about copyright purchase their favorite publications online;
  • Small souvenirs. Most people know how difficult it is to choose a cheap gift. You can spend hours walking around all the shops in the city and end up buying another cup. On the Internet, the procedure is greatly simplified;
  • Goods for our little brothers. A variety of animal food has a long shelf life, so it is perfect for long-term storage in a warehouse;
  • Various electronics. Cell phones, tablets, players... the list goes on and on. Sitting at the computer, a man slowly evaluates everything specifications product and chooses the best option;
  • Cosmetics. Unfortunately, you cannot try out mascara or lipstick on yourself in an online store. However, people are used to trusting famous brands and are not afraid to receive a low-quality product;
  • Furniture. All 12 chairs can be bought within a minute, rather than running around all over Russia for them;
  • Everything for relaxation. People want to properly stock up on umbrellas, sun loungers and fishing rods before their vacation, and online stores provide this opportunity.

Store promotion

An online store cannot start generating income immediately after its creation. To begin with, people should at least learn about the emergence of a new opportunity to purchase goods. To attract as many interested visitors as possible, you need to know how to promote an online store correctly. Below are some popular promotion methods.

  • Search optimization. The majority of buyers start looking for the product they need in Yandex or Google, so your online store should appear in response to popular queries:
To do this, you should carefully select keywords and use them when writing product descriptions.
  • Optimization of internal structure. Search robots must reach all pages of the online store website, and for this they need a simple hierarchical structure in the form of a reference tree:
  • Contextual advertising. Another way to show your online store in search results is to place advertisements. You will only pay for user clicks on the advertised link. To be at the very top of search results, you need to offer the highest bid per click compared to your competitors:
Small, enticing advertisements, although they do their job, look pretty cheap.
It is worth adding that you need to constantly analyze your actions and the results obtained. This will allow you to choose the best promotion methods and save you from unnecessary expenses.

What if you do it yourself and for free?

Before you think about how to promote an online store for free, you need to evaluate your time resources. To do without investments means to move at a snail's pace where one could run like a cheetah. If you want not to spend a penny, then you will have to give up the following amenities:

  • Employees. Hired workers are rarely willing to work for “just like that,” so you will be forced to do everything yourself.
  • Most types of advertising. Search engines require payment for posting ads even in the most “quiet” categories. Most resources that you don't own won't advertise for free either.
  • Professional optimization. There are people who know how to write texts for search robots, but they need to be paid.

All that remains is to independently master all the intricacies of website optimization and design. You will also have to personally promote the online store on social networks, which is quite problematic in the absence of investments.

In principle, nothing is impossible, but it will take a lot of time and effort, which will not necessarily be rewarded.

Thus, online stores can significantly simplify the shopping process, and their assortment includes a huge number of products. If the owner of an online store needs quick promotion, then cash investments will be required, but if you have an unlimited time frame, you can try free option promotion.

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