History and current state of public catering. The current state and prospects for the development of public catering. Economic and social tasks of public catering in the market. Organization of public catering

Public catering is one of the socially organized forms of meeting the needs of people, namely: a form of meeting the needs of the population in catering services in non-home conditions.

Socially organized catering arose as a result of the development of productive forces and the deepening of the social division of labor, which resulted in the socialization of labor for the production of prepared food and the organization of its consumption.

Catering is one of the oldest forms economic activity originating in primitive society and continuing its development at the present time. Despite this, its concept, functions and features do not have an unambiguous definition in the scientific literature.

In Russia, the formation of public catering as a sub-sector of trade dates back to 1917, when the Decree on the expansion of the rights of city self-government in the food business was adopted, according to which city governments were given the right to organize public canteens.

In the process of development of public catering, all kinds of transformations took place, the volume of processed products and services increased, the indicators and approaches that characterize and determine the significance, state and level of development of public catering changed. In the conditions of the administrative economy, the main part of public catering enterprises had the status of state enterprises based on public property; a significant part of the enterprises was departmental. Public catering developed in two directions: state and cooperative.

In the pre-reform period of the development of the economy of our country, public catering was considered as an industry whose main goal was to meet the needs of the population in catering services. The specifics of the system of state management of public catering was the one-time mass service of the population both in public catering establishments and
and at industrial enterprises. There was a low supply of catering establishments with a high level of service, a wide range of services.

Since 1991, with the transition to a market economy,
non-state forms of public catering began to develop intensively in the country. The attractiveness of this industry for private investors was due to the possibility of a rapid turnover of capital, relatively steady demand for catering products and services.

In the public catering system, market relations have received the greatest development and form an effective mechanism for meeting the needs of the population. Unlike the "Soviet era", when catering services were aimed at the "mass" of consumers, but did not satisfy the needs of a particular consumer, at present the mission of catering enterprises is
in meeting the individual, personified needs of the population, not only in catering services, but also in organizing leisure and recreation for the population.

Positive trends in the development of the economy and the social life of society have gradually spread to the public catering industry. Currently, consumers have the opportunity to compare one service with another, which pushes competitors to provide the population with an ever-expanding range of services while ensuring their quality.

In modern socio-economic conditions of transition to the market, the structure, nature and quality of public catering services are changing; the attitude towards the consumer has also changed, since the competitiveness of enterprises depends on the quality of products and services, their diversity, and attractiveness to the consumer.

Market transformations have changed the content of public catering functions and, accordingly, the content of this concept.

In the scientific literature, you can find various definitions of the term "public catering". So, in the Explanatory Dictionary edited by S.I. Ozhegov, public catering is defined as “a branch of the national economy engaged in the production and sale of ready-made food and semi-finished products”.

Other sources define public catering as a specific branch of the national economy that produces, sells and organizes the consumption of food products.

G.E. Chernov understands the public catering system as “a set of public catering enterprises,
as well as infrastructure organizations that directly support the work of the latter, connected either by a fairly standardized technological chain for the provision of services, or by unity of ownership or commonality of the management system, or by coordinated work in a single market segment.

The term "catering" is defined as both "methods of preparing large quantities of food performed without prior agreement with the consumer", and as any "types of food organized outside the home."

I.N. Smagin and D.A. Smagin gives the following definition: "Public catering is a specific branch of the national economy and a type of trading activity, since the subject of activity from the sphere of production passes into the sphere of circulation and consumption."

Public catering also refers to the process of food consumption at the enterprises of the industry. In GOST R 50647-94, catering is considered as "a set of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products."

At the same time, the public catering industry is not singled out as a separate one in the All-Russian Classifier of Services. It is united in a block with retail and is defined as a sub-sector (subsystem) of trade, specializing in the production and sale of ready-to-eat food and in servicing the process of food consumption by the population. The same provision is enshrined in the Concept for the Development of Domestic Trade in Consumer Goods of the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation, where the public catering system is singled out as one of the components of domestic trade.

When considering the role of public catering in the process of social division of labor as an industry that, through the implementation of its main mission, provides organized food consumption, and also provides the population with various forms of services, it can be attributed to the service sector.

The results of the work of public catering workers find their expression in the production of products, and, consequently, the industry participates in the creation of the total social product and national income. By producing various types of products, catering workers thereby contribute to the creation of new use value. Therefore, it would be legitimate to attribute public catering to the sphere of material production.

Thus, in the process of social division of labor, catering in its main function belongs to the service sector, and in its dominant function -
to the field of material production. Such duality in determining the place of public catering in the process of expanded reproduction is explained by the peculiarities of this branch of the national economy of the country.

By discipline: Economics of the industry

Topic: "The current state and problems of the development of public catering"

I've done the work:

Student gr.




1.1.Classification and standardization of catering establishments 6

1.2. Review of the modern sphere of public catering; fast food and coffee houses are promising segments of the domestic market 9

1.2.1. Fast food establishments 9

1.2.2. Coffee houses - a promising segment of the restaurant market 14




The relevance of the work. Nutrition as a process of eating food satisfies the most urgent human need, is a necessary condition for the existence of people, their social and labor activity. Public catering in its collectively organized forms is the most important factor and mechanism for the implementation of social policy.

Today, competition in the public catering market in Russia has become so acute that it is no longer enough just to “be”, you have to be the best or at least “at the level” in your segment. The concept of "best" includes many components, the implementation and observance of which for most public catering enterprises is associated with certain difficulties. The main topic today is the struggle for the quality of service. For several years now, the problem of recruiting, educating and retaining personnel has been catastrophically acute.

In addition, the public catering market faced the problem of legislation and protection of business interests. And this common, if not a misfortune, then a problem, makes competitors, forgetting about the struggle with each other, remember the unity of tasks and unite, both in all kinds of unions and associations, whose task is to protect the interests of business, and to hold congresses and forums, where there is an opportunity to discuss common problems and outline ways to solve them, exchange experiences and demonstrate the real strength and weight of the sector, which must be taken into account when making decisions affecting it. So, at the moment, restaurateurs are working constructively with the Ministry of Labor on the formation of a set of professional standards for the industry, the introduction of which is envisaged by Russia's accession to the WTO. And the fact that representatives of the industry are considered and consulted is a good indicator both for the industry and for society as a whole.

Despite the crisis circumstances, Russia is still experiencing a restaurant boom. In Moscow, for example, 5-10 new cafes and restaurants open every month, and the growth rate of the restaurant market reaches 20-30% per year. Meanwhile, the middle and expensive segment is developing most dynamically today, while the fast food market - the most demanded and popular type of public catering - is growing extremely slowly. Over the past two years, this market has increased by 10-15% annually. If in the West, according to the consulting company Maxpro, fast food accounts for about 60% of the entire restaurant market in monetary terms and the vast majority of the market in quantitative terms (in terms of the number of establishments, staff, etc.), then in Russia the fast food market accounts for about 30% of all public catering in monetary terms and approximately 50% in quantitative terms. At the same time, the development of Russian fast food is mainly due to Western players, while domestic chains of fast food restaurants focused on national cuisine are very poorly developed.

According to experts, the size of the fast food market in Russia is currently about $200-250 million. If the current growth rates continue, then in 5 years it will reach $1.5 billion. Today, the fast food restaurant market is still poorly saturated. And the networks that operate today are not enough. The potential for the development of the industry is enormous. However, we must in principle teach people that they can go to a normal fast-food catering establishment and have a bite to eat without compromising their health and wallet. This idea has been compromised by hot dogs, cheburek and wine glasses, and therefore, the appearance on the market of any certified, licensed, competently operating enterprise should only be welcomed.

The development of the consumer market in general and the market for fast food services can be confidently attributed to socially significant tasks. The level of comfort of life depends, among other things, on how easily, quickly and inexpensively a person can eat, buy groceries, and receive other services while in the city. Therefore, it is extremely important today to create an accessible, simple and understandable legal framework, to provide businessmen with information on various directions business and law, creating a positive investment, financial and tax climate in the country.

The above issue has led to the purpose of the course work– to study the features of the development of the public catering market in Russia.

IN tasks work includes:

1. To study the state, development trends and features of the formation of the public catering system in Russia.

2. Determine the role, significance and prospects for the development of the public catering sector as a socially oriented system.

3.Summarize the results of the study and develop a set of measures that contribute to the activation of the public catering sector.

Theoretical and information base of the study served as the work of domestic and foreign experts studying public catering systems, materials of specialized periodicals: the magazines "Expert", "Nutrition and Society", "Restaurant Business", "Restaurant Vedomosti", "Trade Equipment", "Matter of Taste" and others.

Public catering (catering) - This is a branch of the national economy engaged in the production and sale of ready-made food and semi-finished products. Such enterprises include: a restaurant, a cafe, a bar, a canteen, a pizzeria, a coffee shop, culinary and pastry shops, dumplings, pancakes, as well as various types of fast food. All public catering enterprises are divided into: public and private. The above institutions are more typical for private sector institutions. The public sector includes catering establishments for children, schoolchildren, military personnel, the elderly, people undergoing treatment in a hospital and other similar establishments.

Term "public catering" was more used in Soviet times, and today in most countries of the world the concept of "restaurants", "restaurant business", "restaurant business" is used to refer to this industry. But in any case, these are enterprises that provide catering services to the population through the production of culinary products, their sale and catering for various groups of the population.

All establishments of the restaurant industry, depending on trade and production activities, the range of products, the forms of customer service used, are divided into the following main types: procurement, pre-preparation, and having a complete production cycle.

To blank establishments include enterprises in which raw materials are processed and various semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products are produced from it to supply them to pre-cooking establishments. These enterprises have at their disposal large warehouses, refrigeration and freezing chambers, specialized vehicles, both refrigerated and uncooled, high-performance technological equipment. Such production equipment is necessary for the uninterrupted production, storage, transportation and sale of semi-finished and finished products, which ensures high productivity and product quality. Such enterprises include various culinary, confectionery, flour shops, as well as specialized shops.

TO pre-training establishments include enterprises in which most of the dishes and culinary products are produced from semi-finished products obtained from procurement enterprises and organize customer service. These include snack bars, cafes, bars, individual restaurants.

For institutions that have completed production cycle, include enterprises that have conditions for the processing of raw materials, the production of semi-finished products, lunch, culinary and confectionery products and their sale to the population. These include enterprises that have both production facilities and service trading floors(dining and banquet halls). These are large restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, etc.

A distinctive feature of the restaurant business is that they produce and sell products, as well as organize its consumption in dining rooms, combining it with cultural recreation and entertainment for consumers. This greatly complicates the work of restaurant business establishments and increases the responsibility for servicing both management and all service personnel.

Type of catering establishment- type of enterprise with characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers. In accordance with the classification of restaurant enterprises, depending on the forms of service, the interior of the dining and banquet hall, location, comfort, type and range of products, all restaurant business establishments are divided into the following types: restaurants, bars, cafes, snack bars, canteens.

Also, when determining the type of restaurant establishment, such indicators are taken into account as: - the range of finished products sold, its variety and complexity of preparation, - production and technical equipment, architecture, interior design and layout, material base, - quality of service and service, - the level of qualification of the attendants , - methods and forms of service, - the provision of related consumer services, - the contingent of the serving population, - the location of the institution.

Restaurant- catering company a wide range dishes of complex preparation, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery, with an increased level of service, combined with a stylish and original design and interior of the premises, as well as the organization of cultural recreation and entertainment for restaurant visitors. The following restaurants are distinguished: - according to the range of products sold: with national cuisine, with cuisines of the countries of the world (Italian, French, Japanese), as well as a beer restaurant, fish, etc. - by location: a restaurant at a hotel, at a recreation area , at the station, restaurant car, at a sea vessel, etc.

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering establishment, with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones. A custom dish is a dish that requires individual preparation and presentation after receiving an order from the consumer.

Signature dishes include dishes that are prepared on the basis of a new recipe and technology or a new type of raw material. These dishes reflect the specifics of this food object. They should differ in original design, successfully combine products according to taste properties. Service in restaurants is carried out by highly qualified waiters and cooks. The owner of the restaurant business is called a restaurateur; both words are derived from the French verb restaurateur(restore, strengthen, feed).

Restaurateur- this is a person on whom the success and future of the restaurant depends, this is a manager who controls any event taking place in the restaurant, and is also in charge of all the affairs of the restaurant, such as:

Organization, planning and coordination of restaurant activities.

Provides a high level of production efficiency, implementation new technology and technology, progressive forms of service and labor organization.

Controls the rational use of material, financial and labor resources, evaluates the results of production activities and the quality of customer service.

Studying consumer demand for restaurant products.

Makes decisions on personnel issues of the positions held by restaurant employees;

It applies measures to encourage distinguished employees, controls production and labor discipline, and much more.

Bar is a drink bar with a limited range of products that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, immediate consumption, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and purchased goods. According to the range of products sold, bars are divided into: dairy, beer, wine, coffee, cocktail bars, grill bars, fresh bars, etc.; according to the specifics of service: - video bar, variety bar, karaoke bar, etc.; by operating time - day and night. Some bars may be part of a restaurant or hotel.

Term "bar" comes from the name of a specialized counter, behind which alcohol is poured. Most often, behind the bar, out of reach of the client, there are decorative shelves filled with glasses and bottles of alcohol. Sitting right at the bar, you can order various dishes from the menu, even if the bar is part of the restaurant and the main order is placed in another area of ​​the establishment.

In Switzerland, for example, there may be bars such as:

A sports bar frequented by sports fans who come to watch sports and meet other fans.

A cop bar frequented by cops on duty.

Vega bar for yogis, without alcoholic drinks.

A biker bar frequented by bikers,

Cafe- an enterprise for organizing catering and recreation for visitors with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks. Depending on the range of products sold, cafes are divided into general enterprises and specialized ones.

General cafe is a public catering facility with a wide range of hot and cold drinks, bakery and confectionery products, dishes and culinary products of simple preparation, fermented milk products.

Specialized cafes are created depending on: the range of products sold: an ice cream parlor, a patisserie, a dairy café, a coffee house (hot drinks, mainly coffee), a quick service bistro; by contingent - youth, children's, Internet cafes, etc.
Cafes are also distinguished by the method of service: self-service, individual service by waiters.

Dining room - publicly available or serving a certain contingent of a catering establishment that produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week. According to the range of dishes sold, canteens are divided into general type and dietary. According to the serving contingent of consumers - school, student, worker, etc. By location - public, at the place of study, work.

diner- a catering establishment with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation, from a certain type of raw material and designed to quickly serve visitors. According to the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into general and specialized enterprises: dumplings, sausages, pancakes, patties, donuts, chebureks, shish kebabs, tea shops, etc.; by type of implementation - snack bar, bistro, cafeteria, etc.

There are also the following types of catering establishments:

Complex catering enterprise: - combining in a single complex of various types of catering establishments, for example: a restaurant, a cafe, a snack bar and a culinary shop; - catering establishments designed to serve certain operating institutions and enterprises (the so-called "Closed network").

Public catering establishments - mass catering establishments accessible to all groups of the population, in contrast to catering establishments designed to serve certain operating institutions and enterprises (the so-called “closed network”).

Catering network- a single-managed group of organizationally and technologically interconnected catering enterprises with the necessary related enterprises ("McDonald's").

To date, in the public catering system, there are mark-up categories “luxury”, “highest”, “first”, “second” and “third”. Public catering facilities of the public network belong to the first three categories. The objects of public catering of the third category include canteens of educational institutions and industrial organizations.

The first and second mark-up categories are assigned by the commission of the main department of the consumer market.

Currently, enterprises of the second mark-up category have received priority development - these are public catering facilities, in which the mark-up on products of their own production does not exceed 70%.

Catering Class- aggregate hallmarks enterprises of a certain type, characterizing the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service. According to the level and methods of service, the range of services provided, technical equipment, the range of products sold and the qualifications of the staff, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes: deluxe, superior, first.

Suite- sophistication of the interior, high level of comfort, a wide range of services, a range of original gourmet custom-made and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails for bars.

Higher- originality of the interior, comfort, choice of services, a diverse range of original gourmet custom-made and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails for bars.

First- harmony, comfort and choice of services, a diverse range of signature dishes, products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation, including custom-made and branded drinks - for bars. Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.

Today I will tell you in detail about public catering establishments, which establishments belong to them, into what classes they are divided. If you think that catering establishments are just bars, cafes and restaurants, then you are mistaken, now I will tell you why.


Public catering (public catering)- a branch of the national economy that is engaged in the production and sale of finished products food or semi-finished products. Such enterprises include canteens, coffee houses, bars, pastry shops, pizzerias, fast food restaurants, dumplings and many other enterprises.

In other words, we can also say that these are all enterprises that provide catering services, as well as produce culinary products or semi-finished products.

Public catering enterprises are divided into state (canteens in kindergartens, hospitals, schools, state enterprises) and private (cafes, bars, restaurants).

Services provided by catering establishments are divided into:

  • catering services;
  • services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery;
  • services for the organization of consumption and maintenance;
  • visitor leisure services;
  • other services.

Public catering enterprises must necessarily comply with the established sanitary and fire safety rules, comply with regulatory and technological documents, and take care of the quality of the services and products provided. It is also the duty of the enterprises to take care of the health and safety of employees and visitors and care for the environment.

Catering establishments are also divided into:

  • blank;
  • pre-cooking;
  • having a complete production cycle.

Procurement enterprises include enterprises that produce confectionery products or semi-finished products from raw materials, which are subsequently used at pre-cooking establishments. As a rule, these are rather large enterprises with a large turnover, their own warehouses, freezers, high-tech equipment, and a fleet of vehicles for delivering products to consumers.

Such enterprises include confectionery, culinary workshops, dairy factories, etc.

And then already pre-preparation enterprises use these products to prepare final food products from semi-finished products and sell them to the population through snack bars, fast foods, cafes, bars, canteens, dumplings, dumplings, beer houses.

For institutions that have completed production cycle include those that have the ability to completely prepare the final product from raw materials and sell it to their visitors, and also have large trading or banquet halls for selling products. It can be quite large pizzerias, cafes or restaurants.

In restaurants, in addition to selling high-quality products and dishes, high-quality service, they must also take care of entertaining their guests, cultural recreation))

Catering establishments

Restaurant is a public catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with a highly qualified level of guest service, combined with a stylish and unique design and interior of the premises, as well as organizing entertainment for visitors to the restaurant and cultural recreation.

According to the range of products sold and decoration, restaurants are divided into:

  • specialized,
  • with national cuisine;
  • thematic.

By location - a restaurant at a hotel, railway station, in a recreation area, a dining car, etc.

The staff of the restaurant must employ employees with special education and high qualifications. Waiters, chefs, bartenders must thoroughly know their cooking technology, and be able to find a common language with any restaurant guests and serve in such a way that visitors become regular guests.

Often the restaurant staff is dressed in, this gives a certain style to the institution and distinguishes it from the rest with its style.

Furniture in restaurants should be of increased comfort, corresponding to the interior of the room, chairs should be soft and comfortable. Also cutlery and crockery in restaurants should be of high quality. In many luxury establishments, knowledge of foreign languages ​​by waiters is welcome.

Bar - a public catering establishment with a bar counter that sells alcoholic, non-alcoholic, snacks, desserts, confectionery and bakery products.

According to the range and method of preparation of products sold, bars are divided into:

  • dairy;
  • beer;
  • wine;
  • cocktail bars;
  • coffee;
  • grill bars;

According to the specifics of the service, the bars are divided into:

  • variety bar;
  • disco bar;
  • fitness bar;
  • video bar.

Compared to restaurants, bars often lack the ability to prepare complex dishes and offer a much more limited range of dishes. Quite often in bars, in addition to drinks, there can only be sandwiches, pizzas and similar products, since the focus of bars is more on drinks than food.

A cafe is a public catering enterprise that organizes meals and recreation for visitors, but compared to restaurants, it has a smaller assortment of dishes and drinks, a more modest interior, and spaciousness.

However, cafes also sell branded, custom-made, complex dishes, and in some of them the quality of service and the qualifications of the staff can be quite high. There are a large number of small cozy cafes with their own flavor and excellent branded snacks and dishes, they are especially common in resorts, tourist centers or large cities.

In a cafe, in addition to the dining room, there must be a vestibule, a cloakroom and toilet rooms for visitors.

In a cafe, in addition to meals and snacks, they should also provide entertainment to their guests, think over the interior, lighting, and good ventilation of the room. Crockery, furniture and cutlery must also be of a certain level.

Dining room - a public or serving a certain contingent of consumers institution, with a variety of assortments of dishes, confectionery and flour products.

According to the range of products, canteens are divided into dietary and general types. As a rule, dietary ones are located in children's or medical sanatoriums and institutions. Basically, in canteens, the principle of self-service is applied, visitors passing along the distribution choose snacks and drinks, pay off and sit down at a free table.

Crockery and cutlery in canteens are also quite simple and exquisite dishes you will not find in these establishments - everything is simple and home-style.

Exceptions are canteens located in executive committees, regional administrations, ministries and higher government institutions. There you can always eat tasty and cheap in good conditions)) But getting there is not so easy ((

Snack bar - an institution with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation for quick service to visitors.

Depending on the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into:

  • dumpling;
  • dairy;
  • dumpling;
  • cheburechnaya;
  • dumplings;
  • pie;
  • pancake;
  • sausage;
  • barbecue;
  • pizzeria, etc.

All eateries use the principle of self-service, furniture and cutlery can be the most simple, up to disposable. Due to the simplicity in these establishments, prices are quite democratic.

Buffet - an institution equipped with a counter and a showcase that sells a limited assortment of simple dishes, drinks, flour products that are prepared in other places (canteens, cafes), but only sold here.

Examples of buffets can be seen in large numbers at bus and railway stations, hospitals, schools, theaters and in the lobby of concert halls during major concerts.

Catering classes

Depending on the quality of the services provided, the level of service, the qualifications of the staff, the design and decoration of the hall, furniture, decorations and the quality of cutlery, the following classes of catering establishments are distinguished:

  1. Higher
  2. First

The luxury class is characterized by a unique luxurious design and interior of the hall, an increased level of comfort, a large assortment of gourmet and signature dishes, an extensive wine and cocktail list, comfortable furniture, expensive high-quality cutlery and table glass, organization of themed evenings, performances by groups and organizations in general. maximum attention should be paid to guests' recreation.

For the "upper" class - the original interior of the institution, the comfort of furniture, high-quality cutlery and glass, a diverse range of dishes and snacks, the availability of specialties and cocktails, the organization of high-quality leisure time for visitors.

For the "first" class - the comfort of the hall of the institution, the availability of a range of high-quality dishes of complex preparation, specialties, simple cocktails, high-quality cutlery and glass.

I told you about the most common restaurant-oriented enterprises that use the labor of a waiter or bartender. There are also culinary factories, procurement workshops, confectionery factories- they all belong to public catering enterprises, but I will not talk about them in detail.

All establishments of the restaurant business are important and have their own audience, and this must be taken into account when opening a new establishment. The staff of any of the establishments I have described above deserves respect for their work. I have been working in cafes and restaurants for over 20 years and I know how hard work it is. I send a huge hello to all employees of public catering enterprises, we are all one big family!

This is where I will end today's post, I'm waiting for your questions, wishes, suggestions for new publications in the comments.

I would be grateful for the distribution of the note on social networks.

See you!

With respect, Nicholai



The end of the twentieth century was the heyday of post-industrial civilization. The development of the post-industrial economic system led to the deformation of the traditional three-factor model of the economy, which operated with the concepts of “primary”, or agrarian, “secondary” or industrial, and “tertiary”, consisting of service industries, sectors. As a result, against the backdrop of a declining role of extractive industries and agricultural production, as well as a relatively stable share of industry in GNP and employment, the “tertiary” sector began to dominate, which became one of the essential features of the post-industrial economy. The shift towards the service sector led to the development of such an industry as public catering.

In Russia, the development of market relations has led to the elimination of the long-term state monopoly on the public catering sector. In the process of privatization, the forms of ownership of numerous cafes, canteens, restaurants of the Soviet type, which were distinguished by a limited assortment and traditionally unobtrusive service, changed. The change in ownership and ownership of these enterprises has led to the fact that their main goal has become to ensure profitability. Between them, competition began to arise for a client who was ready to pay for the proposed culinary delights, a fancy interior and real service. As a result, step by step, the catering market gradually began to revive, subject to the economic laws of supply and demand, as well as competition. At the same time, the process of introducing state regulation of this market by civilized legal methods was actively carried out. A certain regulatory and legal framework has emerged that regulates the activities of catering enterprises.

In accordance with GOSTR 50647 - 94 “Public catering. Terms and definitions” a public catering enterprise is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and organization of consumption. The authors of the book "Restaurant business in Russia" give the concept of the restaurant market as a certain economic environment in which the restaurant business is formed. We believe that the concept of the restaurant market can be expanded to the level of the concept of the catering market. The catering market is a collection of existing and potential sellers and buyers, united by the needs that have generated demand for catering products. Vendors include restaurants, cafes, bars, etc., suppliers of kitchen technology equipment and supplies, wholesalers of food and beverages, ancillary consumables, etc. The buyers are mainly consumers of catering services. In addition, state supervision and regulation of the public catering market, competitors offering substitute products, as well as professional associations of sellers and buyers on a corporate basis can be distinguished in this market. It should be noted that this market is territorially limited and has certain geographical boundaries within the city, region, region.

In conditions market economy the efficiency of the enterprise largely depends on the turnover of the enterprise, the turnover, in turn, depends on the demand for products and services. The demand of the population follows from specific needs and requirements. A need is a need that has taken a specific form depending on the level of culture and personality traits of a person. Considering the hierarchy of human needs proposed by Abraham Maslow, it can be argued that public catering enterprises satisfy the basic physiological need for food, as well as various social needs - for communication, belonging to a certain social group, etc.

Accordingly, the main role of public catering is to meet the nutritional needs of the population. In our opinion, the implementation of this role is very important, since properly organized catering at enterprises leads to an increase in efficiency, which in turn affects the efficiency of the enterprise. Rational and nutritious nutrition in schools, universities and other educational institutions affects the formation of the health of the nation. Studies of the health of schoolchildren have shown that 50% of them have disorders of the food system. The main reason for this is the low level of catering for schoolchildren. Quality organized catering in hospitals and other medical institutions contributes to the recovery of patients. Catering for the population outside working hours, carried out both through the sale of ready-made meals at catering establishments and semi-finished products through culinary departments, reduces the time spent on cooking and facilitates women's household work. At the moment, there is a decrease in the number of large families, which also causes an increase in attendance at public catering establishments.

Thus, we can say that public catering, as an industry, performs a number of functions that are inherent in other sectors of the economy. Accordingly, the place of public catering in industrial complexes can be described through the relationship with these complexes.

Production is one of the main functions of public catering and consists in the preparation of culinary products.

With trade, public catering combines the sales function, which consists in the sale of finished purchased products, such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, etc.

The provision of sanatorium and health services is also directly related to catering. In addition to organizing meals for patients in health care facilities and meals for vacationers in sanatorium-resort institutions, this includes public enterprises providing dietary or vegetarian food.

The relationship with the social protection of the population lies in the organization of meals in schools, in secondary and higher educational institutions, as well as in boarding schools.

Interaction with the cultural sector is carried out through the organization of leisure of the population, as well as through acquaintance with the culture, traditions of other peoples through national cuisine and, possibly, the interior of a catering enterprise.

A fairly large part of public catering enterprises is included in the complex of tourist and excursion services, and in this case, the level of these enterprises creates the image of the region as a recreational area.

According to All-Russian classifier types of activities, products and services, approved by the Decree of the State Standard Russian Federation dated 08/06/1993 No. 17, from 01/01/2004 the catering industry is classified as a service. The public catering service is the result of the activities of enterprises, citizens and entrepreneurs to meet the needs of the population for food and leisure activities (GOST R 50647-94). The catering service has a certain specificity, since it cannot be attributed to the non-production sphere in its pure form. Having studied the works of domestic and foreign scientists, we can say that public catering, as an industry, is located between the sphere of material production and the non-productive sphere.

Assessing the share of public catering enterprises in the growth of GNP, it should be noted that the highest growth rate in the sphere of production of services in 2003 was trade and public catering (5.8%).

Thus, it can be argued that public catering is an important structural element of social infrastructure, the role of public catering is quite significant and is aimed at fulfilling the main function of social infrastructure - creating a set of conditions for economic development and ensuring normal human life.

Volsky V.V. Service revolution: the global service sector at the center of post-industrial shifts// Geography - 1999-№44

Akulich I.L., Demchenko E.V. Fundamentals of Marketing - 2nd ed., Rev. - Mn.: Vysh.shk., 1999. - 236 p.

Bibliographic link

Murashova S.Yu. THE ROLE AND PLACE OF PUBLIC CATERING IN THE MODERN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM // Successes of modern natural science. - 2004. - No. 7. - P. 103-104;
URL: http://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id=12967 (date of access: 10/11/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"