The most unusual submarines - TOP10. The seven most unusual submarines The most unusual submarines in the world

On September 16, 1950, in Washington, US Secretary of Defense George Marshall reported to President Gary Truman on the results of the amphibious operation - American troops completely captured the North Korean port of Inchon. A few days later, Moscow was analyzing the success of the United States. 260 ships and vessels took part in it and covered 1120 aircraft. The enemy achieved a twenty-fold superiority. North Korea put up only 26 anchor mines on the approaches. This campaign once again showed the importance of minefields in protecting the coastline.

With a view to possible aggression, the USSR in the General Staff came to the conclusion that it was necessary to cover the sea sections of the border with minefields. But there were not enough special ships to implement the plan.

The change of political leadership and problems in the country did not allow to solve this problem immediately. Only by 1956, when the USSR Navy was headed by Commander-in-Chief S. Gorshkov, the designers were assigned the task of creating world's largest underwater minelayer.

Project 632 minelayer submarine

Nikolai Isanin was appointed chief designer of the project 632 underwater diesel mine layer. Subsequently, for 10 years he headed the Bureau of Marine Engineering of the St. Malachite».

First post-war underwater minelayer project 632 was designed to lay minefields on the routes of NATO warships. In one "bank" was located up to 15 minutes.

Minefields were installed through the pipe of the mine-dropping device located in the stern of the submarine. At the same time, she submarine could be in a submerged position, moving at a speed of 2 to 10 knots. The stock of mines on board was 100 sets. For self defense submarine the crew had 8 bow torpedo tubes at their disposal.

According to the command of the navy, such submarines could protect the coastal waters Soviet Union from the landing of amphibious assaults of a potential enemy. In addition, for the first time, another important task was assigned to an underwater mine layer - if necessary submarine could be converted into a transport submarine. This became a new direction in the development of Soviet submarine shipbuilding.

The minelayer submarine could provide the necessary cargo (diesel fuel, regeneration equipment, provisions) to the Soviet attack submarines operating off the coast of NATO countries.

Project 632 submarine not much larger than the average diesel boat, but submarine could carry about 150 people to change the crew of attack submarines, 65 tons of provisions and fresh water, or 120 tons of weapons.

It was foreseen that underwater ship in a certain situation, it will act as a tanker - on the move under water, it had to refuel submarines, and even seaplanes on the surface. For this purpose, in special ballast tanks on board submarine could be 160 tons aviation kerosene or solar oil.

The designers successfully defended the technical design of the underwater mine layer, but the main headquarters of the Navy considered it appropriate to assign both tasks of laying mines and delivering cargo to one submarine. The minelayer project was not brought to the construction stage. At the end of 1958, it was closed, but the bold ideas of the designers found their way into the following submarine projects.

Technical characteristics of a large diesel-electric submarine minelayer-transport project 632:
Displacement - 2970 tons;
Immersion depth - 300 m;
Underwater speed - 15 knots;
Autonomy - 80 days;
Crew - 70 people;
Torpedo tubes - 8;
Mines - 100 units;

Project 1231 small submersible rocket-carrying ship "Dolphin"

In April 1961, armed detachments of Cuban emigrants, supported by American bombers, invaded Cuba. Within three days, the troops of the revolutionary government of Fedel Castro defeated the enemy. The then Soviet leader, N. S. Khrushchev, who saw Cuba as a reliable partner, decided to provide assistance and do everything possible to prevent this from happening again.

To prevent the aggravation of the situation around the island of Liberty, Khrushchev held a meeting of the military leadership and designers of the military industry. At a meeting with ministers, the Soviet leader put forward an unprecedented idea to create ship capable of flying through the air, rushing through the waves at a speed torpedo boat, launch missiles, and then dive under water as submarine.

Project 1231 small submersible rocket-carrying ship "Dolphin"

In the opinion of N. S. Khrushchev, such naval equipment would be invulnerable to enemy attacks. With great difficulty it was possible to convince the Soviet leader what unique vessel impossible. But to create a ship flying on the sea is a doable task. To do this, he only needs hydrofoils. The project received the code " Dolphin". For its development, two shipbuilding design bureaus were merged. General management was entrusted to PKB-52 Vladimir Chelomey. The designers gave the name to the unusual vessel small submersible ship project 1231.

The ship was supposed to have a titanium bow wing, two twin-shaft diesel engines developing a surface speed of up to 38 knots, under water submersible ship « Dolphin"could move at a speed of 4 knots. It was planned to place a crew of 12 people in the superstructure of the missile carrier in a durable container. In the upper part of the ship, similar to a submarine, there should have been a wheelhouse with retractable devices. Frame submersible ship « Dolphin”Consisted of an aluminum alloy and was calculated for the load from a twenty-ton atomic bomb that exploded two kilometers away. The main and only weapon of a small submersible ship of project 1231 was to be four P-25 cruise missiles, the mines of which were located on both sides. Each of them was supplied with a high-explosive-cumulative part and reached a flight range of up to 40 km, but its on-board equipment was imperfect and had serious shortcomings.

Small submersible missile ship « Dolphin"intended to deliver surprise missile strikes on warships and transports in narrow places and on approaches to enemy naval bases and ports, participate in the defense of the coastal zone, fleet base areas and coastal flanks of ground forces, in repelling landings and disrupting sea lanes the enemy, as well as for carrying hydroacoustic and radar patrols. It was assumed that a group of such "hidden" ships would deploy in a given area, and for a long time would be in a submerged position in a waiting position, maintaining contact with hydroacoustic means. Having approached, the missile carriers must surface, at high speed reach the line of a missile salvo, launch missiles, and then again submerge under water or at maximum speed in the surface position, hide or get away from enemy coastal artillery.

missile carrier "Dolphin" project 1231

The fact is that when the P-25 missiles were launched, a thick cloud of smoke formed, which greatly unmasked the missile carriers, therefore " Dolphins"Project 1231 was supposed to produce separation from anti-submarine forces at high speed.

Construction of only one unique small submersible ship project 1231 " Dolphin”was to cost the state treasury a very large amount of 40 million rubles. This figure, for example, then estimated the creation of two spacecraft " Union". In addition, the tests of the P-25 cruise missile were unsuccessful, which would inevitably lead to an increase in the cost of the project. Khrushchev's dream diesel missile carrier « Dolphin” was never embodied in metal.

Project 717 landing submarine

By 1962, the priority for under-ice navigation belonged undeniably to the United States. Nuclear-powered ships have reached the North Pole six times. In July, this success was repeated for the first time by " Lenin Komsomol". The unlimited possibilities of nuclear submarines made an indelible impression on Khrushchev. The military industry fulfilled his stake on the development of nuclear-powered missile ships immediately. The topic of creating diesel transport submarines was closed forever.

Design department " Malachite”received a task from military sailors. For a covert transfer to the hot spots of the landing, shipbuilders had to create a huge landing submarine nuclear-powered mine layer. Nikolai Kiselev was appointed the lead designer of this direction. Possessing invaluable experience in creating large surface ships, Nikolai Kiselev brilliantly coped with the most difficult design task.

large transport amphibious nuclear submarine of project 717

The most gigantic minelayer transport in the entire history of Soviet shipbuilding was to be nuclear giant project 717. Submarine with a displacement of 18,000 tons, it had the height of a four-story building, and a length equal to two football fields. The submarine was intended for the transfer of marines and cargo to remote bases of NATO countries.

Frame submarine consisted of two strong cylinders. The central compartment housed the crew and paratroopers in the amount of more than 1000 people. There are twenty amphibious tanks and armored personnel carriers in the side compartments. In special pipes were 400 bottom mines, with which it was possible to lock up the entire sixth American fleet at the base in Norfolk. For self-defense, the submarine was armed with two artillery mounts and six torpedo tubes.

In April 1969, Egypt launched a war of attrition against Israel. Soviet warships with marines were sent to Egyptian ports. "Black Berets" were ready to perform any combat mission. By that time in KB " Malachite» technical documentation for transport submarine minelayer project 717 was fully prepared.

As conceived by the designers, a huge one, going under water, would become inaccessible to the enemy. The three-hull flat architecture of the ship provided her with a minimum draft. Therefore, it could approach the unequipped coast and lower the bow ramps, which opened the way for tanks and armored personnel carriers. A regiment of marines was to land behind the equipment on enemy territory.

It was a real underwater assault. Build such submarine could only Northern Machine Enterprise, but the country's leadership unexpectedly set the next task for shipbuilders to achieve US strategic parity at sea. It was decided to lay new missile carriers type " Shark"And work on the 717 project was suspended.

landing submarine

Technical characteristics of the transport nuclear submarine minelayer project 717:
Displacement - 17600 tons;
Length - 190 m;
Width - 23 m;
Immersion depth - 300 m;
Underwater speed - 18 knots;
Autonomy - 75 days;
Crew - 11 people;
Torpedo tubes - 6;
Anti-submarine missiles - 18;
Artillery installations - 2;
Bottom mines - 400;
Military cargo - 1200 tons;
Landing capacity:
The first option: personnel - 800 people, armored vehicles of the BTR-60 type - 4;
The second option: personnel - 300 people, armored vehicles - 20 units;

Project 667M nuclear submarine code "Andromeda"

In 1971, the US Navy received the latest nuclear submarines with ballistic missiles Tomahawk", which made it possible to destroy targets at a distance of up to 7000 km. In the Chelomey Design Bureau, as a counterweight to the American missile, the Meteorit-M missile system was developed. It was based on a unique cruise missile, which was intended to destroy enemy coastal targets. The missile of this complex was twice as fast as the American counterpart, which were put into service in large quantities.

Project 667A nuclear submarine

It is to deal with new American missile carriers in the Soviet Union began the development of a nuclear submarine, on which they planned to install new complex « Meteorite-M" with unsurpassed cruise missiles. This became another important direction in the development of Soviet submarine shipbuilding.

The marine version of the missile of the Meteorit-M complex was launched at an angle of 45 degrees to the main plane of the ship, both from the underwater and surface positions. At the same time, the submarine could move at a speed of 10 knots at a depth of up to 40 meters. The trajectory of the rocket to the target was corrected by the terrain reading system, and the flight itself proceeded at a speed three times the speed of sound at an altitude of 24 km. To test a new missile system " Meteorite-M "it was decided to re-equip one of the seven previously withdrawn from the fleet Project 667A nuclear submarine.

The submarine received project 667M code " Andromeda" tail number K-420. The Americans gave her the name " Yankee side car". All work on its modernization was carried out in Severodvinsk. The architecture of the submarine was original. The compartment designed to accommodate 16 ballistic missiles had to be replaced with a new section of greater length. In the side inclined shafts located between the light and strong hull, 12 missiles of the complex " Meteorite-M.

November 1983 Project 667M nuclear submarine cipher " Andromeda”became part of the Northern Fleet, and a month later, tests of the missile system began. Their results amazed not only the creators of the rockets, but also the entire crew. After the start of the conversion in 1989, the topic of creating a new missile carrier was closed. Submarine again suffered the fate of refurbishment. The Meteorit-M missiles were destroyed by shooting, and submarine left in the fleet as a torpedo. Four years later, she was placed in long-term storage. Nevertheless, the invaluable experience gained during the work on " Andromeda"allowed the designers of the Central Design Bureau" Ruby» successfully apply it in the creation of the latest project 949 missile carriers.

Project 667M submarine "Andromeda"

Technical characteristics of the nuclear submarine of project 667M code "Andromeda":
Surface displacement - 7766 tons;
Underwater displacement - 9300 tons;
Length - 129.8 m;
Width - 11.7 m;
Draft - 8.7 m;
Immersion depth - 320 m;
Power plant - nuclear, two nuclear reactors, two turbines with a capacity of 52,000 hp, two electric motors for quiet running;
Surface speed - 16.5 knots;
Underwater speed - 27 knots;
Autonomy - 70 days;
Crew - 120 people;
Rocket: Meteorit-M type of missile system, ammunition load of 12 3M-25 missiles;
Torpedo tubes 533 mm - 4;

concept of submarine tankers and other transport vessels

In the mid 80s the idea submarine tankers reminded me again. In the spring of 1984, fighting intensified between Iran and Iraq in the Persian Gulf. In an effort to disrupt the export of Iranian oil, the head of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, ordered the bombing of oil tankers. The so-called "tanker war" began. In two years, more than 300 transports were damaged and destroyed. The navies of the NATO countries and the USSR were forced to participate in the protection of tankers in the bay. In order to safely transport oil and liquefied gas, Soviet designers of the Design Bureau " Malachite"For the first time put forward the idea of ​​​​creating nuclear submarine transports.

Underwater transport ships have certain energy advantages compared to conventional merchant ships. During the movement of a surface vessel of a traditional type, a wave is created on the surface of the water, to overcome which a significant part of the energy of the power plant is directly consumed. If it moves under the surface of the water, then the wave resistance will decrease with increasing depth, and with an immersion depth of up to about 100 m, it will almost completely disappear.

This means that with the same power of the power plant, it is possible to move faster under water, and this leads to an increase in the effective transport capacity of the vessel.

Calculations show that the unit cost of risk in this case will decrease by 500 times. On the coastal shelf, where raw materials are being extracted, there are gas liquefaction terminals and storage facilities for its reception. They will be approached submarine tankers, refuel and transport valuable raw materials under the ice to any part of the planet. The design of such transport ships should have a number of features - an immersion depth of up to 100 m and a large capacity for raw materials. To implement this promising project, all the experience gained in the creation of combat vehicles will come in handy. submarines KB " Malachite". According to designers and scientists from the Kurchatov Institute submarine tanker must have a displacement of up to 300,000 cubic meters. meters. Half will be liquefied gas. A safe nuclear power plant will provide a transport submarine with a speed of up to 19 knots. It will be located in a compartment reliably protected by the hull structures from damage in case of collisions with ships, bulk on berthing facilities or groundings. All living quarters will be separated from the reactor compartment by a rubber dam, and the rubber dam from the reactor will also be separated by a layer of biological protection. The crew of the giant submarine will be only 35 people.

Ability tankers transporting hydrocarbon raw materials under water will significantly reduce the threshold for the likelihood of surface collisions and terrorist attacks. In addition, the navy will also carry out the tasks of protecting tanker submarines.

Incidentally, the creation submarine gas carrier has already become possible in our time. Project amazing ship can be carried out by the designers of the enterprise JSC "PO" Sevmash» Severodvinsk city. Construction duration underwater transport vessel with guaranteed supplies of component equipment, it can be up to 36 months. The cost of building the lead submarine tanker could be about US$600 million.

The global nature of the planned international project will allow Russian Federation take a leading position in the global engineering industry. Military-industrial complex Russia has a rich arsenal of design developments, for example, only in the design bureau " Ruby"over 100 years created about 150 projects, more than 60 of which were built in a single copy, but each of submarine had a huge impact on the development of Russian submarine shipbuilding. This priceless baggage can be claimed at any moment.

Submarines are a terrible and secretive weapon that was originally in service with the military. However, over time, it turned out that not only they needed a secret means of movement. Suffice it to recall Captain Nemo and his Nautilus. His submarine stood out noticeably from all that scientific and technological progress could offer at that time.

And if the military form of submarines is already traditional, performing quite specific tasks, but civilians can afford to dream up. It is for peaceful purposes that the most unusual submarines serve. Some devices conduct unique research, while others simply serve as a way to have fun. We will tell below about the ten most unusual submarines.

Hyper sub. In its surface position, this submarine quickly transforms into a speedboat. It seemed that before such devices were available only to super-spies, like James Bond. It seems that he would not refuse to use this fast boat in one of his missions, which is also capable of swimming under water. Such a device worth $ 3.5 million was released by Marion Hyper-Submersible Powerboat Design. To develop and then create their creation, the engineers spent a whole 31 years! But, having gone on sale, he literally turned the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat personal submarines should be able to do in general. As a boat, Hyper-Sub accelerates to 40 knots, and submerged under water, the device can reach a depth of 80 meters.

Yellow Submarine. This device is famous in itself, being sung by the legendary Beatles. They hardly imagined that they were singing about such a submarine. It can accommodate only two people, but can dive to a depth of up to three hundred meters. Seascape explorers inside the submarine will have enough air for six hours. The boat is equipped with the latest technology - there are halogen lamps, a high-frequency radio transmitter, and a GPS navigator. And inside the rounded glass sphere, climate control is installed to make underwater travel as comfortable as possible. The boat seems miniature, but you will have to pay as much as $ 2 million for the "toy".

EGO. This submarine with a technical boat is not exactly one. However, this compact catamaran can travel underwater. The cabin of the device is always in a submerged position, but the upper part belonging to the catamaran is always above the water surface. This design significantly reduces the risks of underwater travel, and it is not at all difficult to operate the device. The company Raonhaie created such a device, which says that with its catamaran you can explore the underwater world without even knowing how to swim. To fully ensure safety, all glass in the underwater unit is made of strong acrylic glass. The windshield is very large, as are the side windows. This way passengers have a great opportunity to view fish and corals while staying dry. The very place for such a submarine is in the Red Sea, with its most beautiful underwater world.

Seabreacher X. This is the second boat in a series of personal products from this manufacturer. If the first one took playful dolphins as the basis of its form, then the second preferred to use the silhouettes of swift sharks. Submerged underwater speeds up to 25 miles per hour, and on the surface can swim 2 times faster. At the same time, she also jumps 4 meters above the water. From a technical point of view, the boat is provided with the latest technology. A video camera is built into its periscope. She can transmit the image to the monitors inside the submarine. Naturally, there is also a GPS navigator to display the location, as well as an on-board audio system. The manufacturer produced only 10 of these "predatory" submarines. Given the interest in them, we should expect that there will not be enough of them for everyone.

Super Falcon. Who said that a submarine should be a standard pitchfork. Marine engineer Graham Hawks created his creation by making it look like an airplane. Naturally, the boat is personal, few people are able to pay 1.5 million dollars for it. And it runs on batteries. The submarine has a rear-wheel drive propeller that looks more like a conventional fan. It is he who provides the course of the boat. The battery provides power at 48 volts. The Super Falcon can carry two passengers. Only now the speed of movement is offensively small - only 3.5 meters per minute.

Scubster. The French engineer Stéphane Rawson felt that the boat did not need any engines at all. Its movement must be provided by the owner himself, using pedal traction for this. The submarine itself is made of carbon fiber. Its task is to participate in international races of submarines of this class. Continuous pedaling by the pilot can accelerate the submarine up to six miles per hour, and it can sink under water to a depth of no more than six meters. Let the boat and unusual, but it is certainly the most environmentally friendly. After all, she does not need any fuel. Yes, and pedaling can add health to some millionaire swollen with fat.

Boat-trough. And this personal boat moves with the help of pedal traction. Only now its creator did not graduate from universities and did not receive special education. The designer of the development was 14-year-old Swiss teenager Arok Cryer. Starting building his own boat at the age of 10, he completed the project 4 years later. To create a submarine, very unusual parts were used - iron troughs, from which pigs were previously fed.

Nemo-100. The boat with this name was created by the German company Nemo Tauchtouristik. Her product is personal. Nemo is supposed to carry 2-3 tourists. An entire air supply system is used here, which allows whole essences to be under water. Convex glass windows are used to give people the best view of the underwater world. The creators say that in such a boat, tourists can imagine how Captain Nemo felt.

Nautilus. And this boat is associated with the hero of Jules Verne. However, not everyone can feel like Nemo in such a personal submarine. The Nautilus is a luxury-level device, it is launched from yachts of the same class, which is unattainable for an ordinary tourist. When designing the structure, the engineers consulted with military consultants. Now the pilot knows that if his boat suddenly finds itself in the firing zone, nothing threatens him inside. And to pass the time underwater world, Nautilus is equipped with a minibar and a high-quality stereo system.

Nymph. Perhaps it is not surprising that billionaires create their own submarines to their liking. This is where Richard Branson happened. He has his own airlines, he develops space tourism, he also acquired his own island for personal use. The rich man is famous for his love of extreme travel, you can mention at least a trip around the world on hot-air balloon. Now he has also bought himself a personal submarine. Its base is Branson's personal island - Necker. And the submarine is called - "Nymph". The author of the project was the already mentioned Graham Hawks of Hawkes Ocean Technologies. "Nymph" can dive to a depth of 30 meters. But the billionaire himself allows everyone to ride it. To do this, you need to come to his Necker Island in the Caribbean and pay a rent of 25 thousand dollars. This will provide an opportunity to explore the coastal underwater world.

On September 23, 1980, the world's largest submarine of the Shark project, now better known as the Typhoon, was launched in Severodvinsk. More than 1,000 enterprises from all over the country participated in its creation; 1,219 employees at Sevmash were awarded orders and medals. The lead nuclear submarine of the Shark project is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for its size.

When the hull of the boat was still in the stocks, on its bow, below the waterline, one could see a painted grinning shark that wrapped itself around a trident. And although after the descent, when the boat got into the water, the shark with the trident disappeared under the water and no one else saw it, the people have already dubbed the cruiser the “Shark”. All subsequent boats of this class continued to be called the same, and a special sleeve patch with the image of a shark was introduced for their crews.

The Akula carried 20 R-39 Variant ballistic missiles, which could hit a target at a distance of 8,300 km. Plus, each warhead of these missiles was divided into 10 warheads with individual guidance of 100 kilotons of TNT each. Therefore, roughly speaking, the Shark carried 200 nuclear missiles on board.


Nuclear submarine "Shark" in action

Video: 7KENTEK on YouTube

In all respects, these boats were unique, so their name will remain in history forever.

SmartNews has compiled a list of the seven most unusual submarines.


The concept of the 705th project was formed in the late 1950s. A small-sized automated boat with a reduced crew was supposed to become a kind of underwater interceptor, capable of catching up and hitting any target. Phenomenal speed - more than 40 knots - was supposed to be achieved due to the high power of the power plant with a small size and weight of the ship. The body is welded from titanium. To make the boat compact, the crew size was drastically reduced.

The power plant of the Lyra was more than half a century ahead of its time. The heart of the ship was a fast neutron reactor with a liquid metal coolant (LMC). Instead of water, molten lead and bismuth flowed in its cooling circuits. Fast neutron reactors are safer than traditional ones and have a high specific power, while LMC allows you to quickly bring the power plant to maximum power.


Warfare. "Alpha" from titanium


"Alpha" could accelerate to full speed in just a minute, turn around at full speed 180 degrees in just 42 seconds to enter the shadow zone of the enemy ship's sighting systems. A speed of more than 40 knots made it possible to avoid torpedoes. At full speed, the car made a terrible noise and was easily visible to acoustics, but its discovery plunged the opponent into fear: it was almost impossible to resist Alpha in a duel.


Technically, it's not really a submarine. But this does not mean that this boat cannot travel underwater. In general, the cabin of this boat is always there, under water in the sense, but the upper part is always above the water. This reduces the risk factor of underwater travel and makes the operation very easy. Raonhaje's website says, "You don't even need to be able to swim."

In the underwater part of the boat - durable acrylic glass. Thanks to the huge windshield and the same side windows, passengers have a great opportunity to take a closer look at corals and fish without even getting wet.


Compact submarine EGO

Video: EGO SE on YouTube


The world's only submarine project 685 "Plavnik" set a world record by diving to a depth of 1027 m. Both the strong and light boat hulls were made of titanium alloy.

At a kilometer depth, Komsomolets was practically invulnerable to any anti-submarine weapons and invisible to sonar detection tools. The only ship of project 685 died on April 7, 1989 as a result of a fire.


Nuclear submarine K278 "Komsomolets"

Video: DokumentalnoyeKino on YouTube


"Nemo-100" - the development of the German company Nemo Tauchtouristik GmbH & Co. KG is a personal submarine for tourist purposes, designed for 2-3 people. An air support system allows you to stay underwater for up to 24 hours, while domed glass windows provide panoramic views. The boat is so easy to manage that it does not require special skills from its captain.

"Nemo-100" is the so-called monoatmospheric boat. The passenger compartment is a hermetic pressure vessel made of boiler steel. Thus, regardless of depth, the internal pressure in the cabin remains largely unchanged and corresponds to normal atmospheric pressure, which also prevails on the surface of the water. Each such boat costs 180 thousand euros.


Mini-submarine "Nemo-100"

Video: chaoskarin200 on YouTube


It is a deep-sea vehicle with the ability to move on the water surface at a fairly impressive speed, announced by the creators as "the world's first multifunctional submarine, controlled as a conventional boat on the surface of the water and as a full-fledged submarine under water, which opens up new opportunities for exploring the underwater world."

The length of the prototype is 10 m, width - 4, and height - 2 m, which allows it to accommodate a small crew of four people. The walls of the boat are made of special glass 5 cm thick, which guarantees the tightness of the cabin. When immersed under water, normal atmospheric pressure is maintained inside the submarine. Hyper-Sub navigational aids include a global positioning satellite system, radar, chart plotter, automatic steering system, and forward and downward scanning sonars.


Hyper Sub

Video: TheMarionHyperSub on YouTube

1963 The formation of the US Navy, led by the USS Wasp, is conducting another exercise, this time in the southern corner of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, near the island of Puerto Rico. The usual task is to search for and pursue submarines of a mock enemy.

From the very beginning of the hydroacoustics maneuver, an unusual underwater target. And then a strange thing was discovered: it was impossible to reach the submarine. She walked at a speed 150 knots - almost 300 kilometers per hour. And this is under water, where the best modern submarines give no more than one third of that speed.

But the matter was not limited to fantastic speed. A strange submarine in a matter of minutes managed to dive 6 kilometers and again rise almost to the surface. Only special devices can go so deep, but they take hours to go down and up, and not minutes at all.

Maybe these are some large animals that ended up next to high-speed submarines? Hardly. Even a whale cannot dive to such depths in minutes, much less seconds.

As if realizing its superiority, the mysterious object did not even try to hide and circled around the warships for four days. The maneuverability of the underwater ghost was fantastic, there was practically no inertia. They did not dare to bomb him.

But such an attempt three years earlier was made by Argentine sailors. They spotted huge and unusual submarines in their territorial waters. One lay on the ground, the other described circles near it. Anti-submarine ships dropped tons of depth charges on violators of the border. However, they only achieved one. Submarines with huge cabins surfaced and with incredible speed began to leave.

Artillery fire was opened. Submarines went under water. What they saw on the sonar screens stunned the hydroacoustics. First, the number of submarines doubled, and then there were six. The chase did nothing! The mysterious flotilla, having developed incredible speed, disappeared into the depths of the Atlantic.

Year 1964. Objects similar to those just described are found in the Mediterranean Sea, and a year later - off the coast of Australia, as well as New Zealand. These were ellipses, similar to metal structures, 30 meters long and 15 meters wide. They were observed more than once by local fishermen at a shallow depth among the underwater rocks. It was simply impossible for ordinary submarines to get there. Another thing was striking - these objects had neither screws nor hatches.

Mysterious submarines were seen in a variety of places. Eyewitnesses were amazed that during their movement neither whirlpools nor accompanying jets arose.

All this could not but excite the military. Some began to see a connection between them and the death of combat submarines. So, for four months in 1968, under mysterious circumstances, four submarines perished in the world.

In January 1968, the Israeli Dakar and the French Minerva were in the Mediterranean; in March, the Soviet K-129 was in the Pacific Ocean; And what is characteristic - in three cases, mysterious moving objects were recorded near the submarines.

There was something else. During a naval exercise in the Indonesian region, a US submarine discovered an unknown submarine near it. The mistake of the commander of the American submarine led to a collision. There was a strong explosion. Both ships sank. A search team was lowered from the escort ship. They managed to find and deliver up something that looked like a piece of sheet sheathing.

And here the unthinkable happened. Acoustics reported that at least 15 unknown submarines appeared in the disaster area. They blocked the place of death of the submarines, not only for other ships, but for all types of locators, creating something like an impenetrable dome.

A few hours later, the signals from the mysterious objects disappeared, and nothing was found at the crash site, not even the remains of a crashed American submarine.

An analysis of the recovered fragments showed that scientists do not know the composition of their metal, and some of its elements are not found on Earth at all. Any leaks of this information by the Pentagon and the US Congress were nipped in the bud.

1960s The Cold War is in full swing. The confrontation between the USA and the USSR in the North Atlantic takes on an almost open character. In conditions of the strictest secrecy, the NATO command is preparing a special operation in the North Atlantic. The task was set harshly: to stop the penetration of Soviet submarines and aircraft into the territorial waters and airspaces of NATO countries.

In the end, it came to direct hostilities. In the autumn of 1972, the Norwegian Navy, together with NATO ships, bombed their tourist pearl - the two hundred-kilometer Sognefjord. Four dozen ships and aircraft are trying to "squeeze out" underwater violators to the surface.

At times, mysterious objects emerge on their own, and observers have repeatedly recorded a long black body appearing on the surface.

Soon events take a different turn. Over the mountains of Scandinavia, yellow and green unidentified flying objects suddenly appear, and helicopters are sometimes seen over the fiords - black and unmarked. On the highest speeds they make unthinkable maneuvers.

All this is watched with the greatest tension not only by the military, but also by hundreds of local residents. Electronic equipment on anti-submarine ships fails. As a result, unknown underwater objects slip out of the bays unnoticed. After this infamous undertaking, the Norwegian authorities said that they were probably not submarines.

In the 1980s reports in the Scandinavian newspapers resembled military reports. During the four months of 1986, unknown submarines invaded Swedish territorial waters 15 times.

Recalls Fleet Admiral Vladimir Nikolaevich Chernavin, since 1981 - Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, in 1985-1992 - Commander-in-Chief of the Navy:

“They did the following. They discover an unknown submarine in the bay, block this bay with nets, lay mines, even bomb or fire missiles.

The installed mines were blown up by someone, the rockets did not give any result. Their very latest torpedo was also launched to destroy an underwater target. The torpedo missed and sank. A whole operation was organized to find and return this top-secret torpedo.

A serious international conflict was brewing. The result of this excitement was the presentation to the public of recordings of some sounds similar to the noises of a submarine. Then there was an action to prove that these noises had nothing to do with submarines.

America, like Argentina, eventually realized that Russia had nothing to do with the underwater incidents described above, and even officially announced this. The fact is that its intelligence has repeatedly reported on seemingly completely impossible things.

For example, that these objects combined the qualities of an aircraft and a submarine. More than once they flew out of the water literally under the noses of anti-submarine cruisers and were carried away into the sky at supersonic speed.

However, the Western press continues to play the Soviet card, stubbornly talking about the underwater “hand of Moscow”.

In 1981, the submarine of the Baltic Fleet S-137, due to a breakdown in the direction finder, went off course and ran aground off the coast of Sweden. The authorities and the press said that this submarine could not have accidentally come there. And after that we argued that she came there by accident.

After this incident, Soviet submarines were forbidden to approach foreign territorial waters closer than 50 kilometers. They strictly followed orders. And underwater ghosts continued to annoy the Scandinavians.

They believe that this Russia - cold, unshaven, hairy - wants to swallow such a well-groomed, well-fed, little Sweden. The press publishes pictures of strange footprints found at the bottom off the coast of Sweden. It is believed that they are left by some ultra-small Soviet tank submarines that run on caterpillars.

And in the end they got me, these journalists, with their statements that we are fussing and running along the bottom and even getting into some highways with a diameter of about one and a half meters, leading to some specific toilet bowl.

All attempts by Soviet sailors to prove their innocence to what was happening ran into a wall of misunderstanding and suspicion. The press continued its line: these are Russians, and no one else. And so I somehow gathered journalists, I answer their questions, and in the end I say:

“Here I am, as Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the USSR, appealing to you and through you to your governments, so that you catch our submarine, destroy it there, and I will thank you for doing this and showing us some then the remains of our submarine, and I will express my gratitude to you for destroying us.”

After the collapse of the USSR, Sweden expressed confidence that the new Soviet leaders would remove the secrecy stamp from the relevant dossiers. However, no information about any such operations of Soviet submarines was found in the dossier. Russia once again stated that it has no interests in the territorial waters of the Scandinavian countries. At the same time, Boris Yeltsin hinted that someone else was to blame. But who?

In 1995, the Swedish parliament created a special commission with the task of dealing with underwater phantoms. And then it turned out that the statistics on this case are extensive - about 2000 cases have been documented!

According to the Swedes, the strangeness of manifestation and the highest maneuverability of unknown objects exclude their belonging to the usual submarine fleet, and the reasons must be sought in a different origin of these objects.

“With the current development of technology, no one has this and cannot have it today. But that doesn't mean it can't happen in principle."

Vladimir Azhazha, from the book "Underwater UFOs"

PS. Western hysteria with Russian elusive and invisible submarines was repeated in 2014 and 2015. On October 19, 2014, Swedish Rear Admiral Anders Grenstad announced "foreign underwater activity" in the Stockholm archipelago. At the same time, photographs of the alleged submarine (in the surface position) near the fjords of Sweden appeared in the press.

Although the photograph seemed convincing to few, the hunt for a ghostly submarine in Sweden continued for a whole week. The country's authorities have conducted the largest deployment of military personnel since the Cold War to find out who and what is behind alleged foreign underwater activity in the Stockholm archipelago. The Swedish military has been diligently searching for a whole week, and in the meantime, the media have staged a real hysteria around the fact that an allegedly Russian submarine is hiding in Swedish territorial waters.

On October 24, 2014, the search for a foreign submarine in Swedish waters was completed. The operation cost Stockholm $ 3 million, but did not produce results.

In January 2015, the British media covered the search for a Russian submarine off the coast of Scotland, allegedly following the Vanguard-class nuclear missile carrier. Then the British Ministry of Defense turned to its American colleagues for help. They didn't find anything.

In November 2015, the same elusive Russian submarine was again searched off the coast of Scotland. The UK even requested the help of the French and Canadian air forces in the search for the Russian submarine. The result was again null.

The first submarine was built by the Dutch inventor Cornelius Drebbel. He did this back in 1620. Over the past almost 400 years, an incredible number of new submarines have been stamped. But not all of them were smart. We will tell about this.


French doctor's submarines

French doctor Jean-Baptiste Petit had a pretty cool hobby: he built his own experimental submarines. He did this at the beginning of the 19th century. In one of these submarines, the doctor suffocated. It was August 5, 1834, in the English Channel, not far from Saint-Valery-sur-Somme. The submarine with Petit on board successfully sank to the bottom, just as successfully and did not surface.


The country of origin is Nazi Germany. The submarine is a high-tech miracle of technology (very much in the style of the Third Reich). There was only one terrible drawback: she had the same high-tech latrine (as the toilet is called in the Navy). A rather complicated instruction was attached to this latrine. If everything is done according to this, then sewage under high pressure is thrown directly into the water → everyone is happy.

Somehow, during a special assignment, this instruction was ignored by the captain of the ship, Karl Schlitt. Bottom line: ocean water got into the battery compartment → chlorine began to be released → the crew began to suffocate → the submarine surfaced → the submarine came under bombardment by British aircraft. Curtain.


In the autumn of 1915...

Almost 100 years ago, American explorer William Deno laid an underwater cable along the bottom of the Chicago River. I laid it in such a way that I came across a drowned and rather strange submarine stuck in the silt. Three months later, she was raised, and the remains of a man and a dog were found on board. What kind of submarine and who this dead man is is still a mystery.



George Garrett is a British priest-inventor who lived and worked in the United States. In 1879, he built the Resurgam submarine, immediately presented it to the military and authorities. They rejected the submarine. Like, the device is extremely unstable. And yet yes: the invention did not surface already in the first tests.

Then Garrett switched to the Swedes: he signed a contract with the Nordenfeldt company there. This company helped him build three more submarines. One of them was bought by Greece, the second - by Turkey. The third one was almost bought by Russia.


British submarine aircraft carrier. On board there was a small something like a maize, taking off with the help of a catapult. The idea seemed to be a good one. But there was a jamb: M2 was built on the basis of class K submarines. Vessels of this class were characterized by instability, unreliability, constant malfunctions, etc. HMS M2 too. She was constantly breaking down. The story ended with the fact that in January 1932 the apparatus, together with one hundred of its maize, sank in Lyme Bay.


USS Alligator

The first submarine of the US Navy, created in 1862 by French design engineer Brutus de Villeroy, took part in the American Civil War. At first it was called Propeller, but then because of the color and protruding oars, it was renamed guess what.

The purpose of the creation of the submarine is to fill up the Virginia (battleship of the Confederate States of America). But the ship did not wait for the boat, it sank without it. And in 1863, Alligator, under very sad circumstances, went after the battleship:

  • during a strong storm, she was unhooked from the ship: she was ballast, interfered and pulled to the bottom.


Intelligent Whale

Another beast from the American Civil War.

  • Scheme of diving to the bottom: two anchors were thrown out.
  • Attack scheme: divers swam out and placed mines.

It is known that several times this beast drowned, together with the crew. It was raised, restored and again tried to be sent into battle. I never visited the last Intelligent Whale.