Presentation of modern agricultural machinery. Presentation on agricultural machines. Farming methods

Olga Vokhmyanina
Presentation “Studying agricultural machines”

Target: formation of generalized ideas about agricultural machinery, making people's work easier; expansion of ideas about the structure of certain types of equipment.

The giant ship does not sail on the sea

A giant ship is sailing on the ground

The field will pass and the harvest will be reaped. (Harvester)

The iron nose has grown into the ground,

Digs, digs, loosens the earth. (Plow)

A steel horse rides and growls

The plows are dragging behind. (Tractor)

Rides into the field on his back,

And across the field on my feet. (Harrow)

A cow walks in the field

soot tongue,

The cow is cutting the grass,

Right down to the spine. (Haymower)

Behind the iron horse

The box is filled with grain,

Through the holey bottom

The grain spills out. (seeder)

The hero goes iron

But he is a useful worker

Dragging plows behind him

The conversation is in the spring. (Tractor)

I'm stronger than ten horses

Where in the fields I will go in the spring

In the summer the bread will stand like a wall. (Tractor)

Iron Horse,

There's fire in my belly

Sena doesn't ask

Plows, sows, mows. (Tractor)

She walks across the field behind the tractor,

Selected grains are poured into her.

And where her trace lies barely noticeable,

There the harvest then blooms wildly. (seeder)

Iron nose,

Rooted into the ground

Digs, digs,

Loosens the earth. (Plow)

They have teeth, but don't bite. (Rake)

Strong men scurry about in the fields

With boxes on my shoulders.

They barely come out of the fields:

The harvest is large. (Trucks)

Miracle pitchforks are in front of us,

With raking hands.

In one minute boldly

They load the cart with hay. (Stogothrower)

She drags behind the plow -

Huge comb:

After all, our field needs

Spring hairstyle. (Harrow)

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Shakirov Dinar

GBOU SPO Baimak Agricultural College, Urgaza village, Baimak district of the Republic of Bashkortostan; the author is a student majoring in 110809 Mechanization Agriculture Shakirov Dinar, 2014, 13 slides. The work was carried out as part of independent extracurricular work in the discipline "Informatics".



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Agricultural machines are used to prepare the soil for planting agricultural crops, planting or sowing agricultural crops, caring for crops and plantings, harvesting the grown crop, as well as its post-harvest processing, preservation and giving the best presentation. Therefore, agricultural machines are divided into separate types. 2

SOIL TILLAGE MACHINES To till the soil, agricultural machines are used, which make the soil loose, uniformly finely lumpy, without weeds and with a leveled surface. From the listed requirements for treated soil, it is clear how many requirements are placed on tillage machines. It is almost impossible to fulfill all these conditions with one machine. These requirements are not the same for different types of soil, processing time, crop grown, technology used, field topography and many other factors. 3

FERTILIZER APPLICATION MACHINES The most important task of field farming is to increase the yield of agricultural crops. There are many ways to increase productivity. One of them is increasing soil fertility. Soil fertility also increases in many ways, and one of the main ones is adding additional nutrients to the soil - fertilizers. 4

SOWING MACHINES Many factors need to be taken into account when sowing or planting. These are: short sowing time, sowing rate, sowing uniformity, sowing depth, sowing uniformity, preservation of soil structure and others. All these conditions must be met by seeding machines: seeders and planters. 5

MACHINES FOR PREPARING FOOD During the stall period, agricultural animals eat feed prepared in the summer and stored without loss of nutritional properties. Types of feed: hay, silage, haylage, grass meal, root and tuber crops, straw, and grain. They also use other feed obtained from various local enterprises: pulp, cake, molasses, stillage and others. 6

IRRIGATION MACHINES Irrigation of agricultural crops regulates one of the components of fertility - water supply. Plants feed by aerial and root methods. 7

MACHINES FOR CHEMICAL PROTECTION Up to a quarter of the crop is eliminated from pests and diseases during the growing season and storage. To combat them, various methods and methods of control are used. One of the control methods is chemical plant protection. These preparations are introduced into the soil, the plants and the harvested crop are treated using chemical plant protection machines. 8

GRAIN HARVESTERS Self-propelled grain harvesters (hereinafter referred to as simply combines) are currently used for harvesting grain, leguminous and some cereal crops. The combine performs several technological operations that, before the advent of combines, were performed by several different machines. The names of these machines were preserved in the names of individual components of the combine. They used to mow the bread with a reaper, thresh the ears with a thresher, and separate the grain from impurities with a winnower. Approximately the same functions are performed on a combine harvester by the header, threshing and separating device and cleaning. That is, the combine combined all these machines into a single whole and replaced them. In addition, the combine also processes the non-grain part of the crop: straw and chaff. He can collect them in heaps, scatter them in crushed form across the field, or load them into vehicles. The grain after the combine, after a little processing on the current, is ready for storage or sale. 9

MACHINES FOR GRAIN PROCESSING Grain after harvesting by a combine contains a large number of various impurities and, especially in our non-chernozem zone, has high humidity. Therefore, for further storage of grain or its sale, it is necessary to separate it from impurities and dry it to a moisture content of 17%. Various dryers and sorting machines perform these operations. 10

The PLN-3-35 mounted plow is designed for plowing grain and industrial crops to a depth of up to 30 cm in various soils that are not clogged with stones, flagstones and other obstacles with a resistivity of up to 0.09 MPa and a hardness of up to 3.0 MPa. Work with plows equipped with skimmers is carried out as follows: the skimmer cuts the top layer of soil to a depth of 12 cm, turns it over and places it on the bottom of the furrow. The laid layer is covered with a layer that is lifted and wrapped by the main body, resulting in complete and deep incorporation of weeds and crop residues. eleven

The T-40 tractor is intended for plowing simple soils in gardens and greenhouses, processing row crops, for working with a mower, hay sweeper, snow blade, and also for motor transport work. The bulldozer has a semi-frame layout with a supporting box and a return axle. The engine is mounted on a semi-frame, firmly integrated with the gearbox housing. The rear head wheels have a wide cross-section and a strict suspension. Front steering wheels of reduced diameter. The tractor was produced in all-wheel drive (T-40A) and rear-wheel drive variations. The T-40 tractor has an adjustable track and adjustable ground clearance for any wheels. To work between rows, the T-40 tractor can be equipped with replaceable dark-skinned wheels of shortened width. To work on steep slopes, the track can be lengthened by installing the rear wheels “inverted”. 12

Thank you for your attention. The presentation was made by a student of the Baimak Agricultural College, Dinar Shakirov.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Production technology is a sequential list of operations necessary for the production of a product (crop), indicating the conditions and means for their implementation. Any crop or group of crops (cereals, industrial crops) requires appropriate methods of tillage, sowing and harvesting, determined by the biological characteristics of plant growth and development, the nature of the soil, and climate. Thus, the technology of cultivating agricultural crops is characterized by the methods and means of their production. It consists of several technological production processes. A technological production process is a method or set of methods for processing a material (soil, plants, products) using technical, physical or chemical means with the aim of purposefully changing its properties or state.

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Agricultural mechanization is a replacement manual labor machine; introduction of machines and implements into agricultural production. Agricultural mechanization is of great national economic importance, as it increases labor productivity, reduces production costs, reduces work completion time, and relieves people of heavy, labor-intensive and tedious work. The process of improving the culture of agricultural production is inextricably linked with the mechanization of agriculture - the use of the latest achievements of science and technology, the development of advanced technologies, the further intensification of agriculture, the implementation of large-scale work on land reclamation and chemicalization of agricultural production. Technology is the most active part of the means of production; it is of exceptional importance in creating the material and technical base of agriculture.

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The objects of mechanization of agricultural production are work processes: in agriculture - drainage and irrigation of land, cultural and technical work, soil cultivation (ploughing, peeling, harrowing, disking, cultivation, rolling), sowing (planting), tillage between rows, fertilization, combating diseases of cultivated plants, pests and weeds, harvesting, cleaning and sorting of grain, procurement of feed; on livestock farms– preparing feed for feeding, distributing feed, cleaning premises, watering livestock and poultry, milking cows, shearing sheep; in subsidiary enterprises – repair of agricultural machinery, processing of agricultural products.

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Technology for the production of crop products Technology for cultivating agricultural crops is a set of technological methods, processing methods, changes in the condition or properties of the soil, technological materials or plants, used at certain points in time, in strict sequence in compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology.

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The concept and content of operating technology. The technology of mechanized work is the science of methods and means of producing agricultural products and processing relevant materials (soil, grain, plant stems, etc.). In other words, the technology of mechanized work is the science of how to correctly perform this or that manufacturing process. It is designed to increase the efficiency of using machines, their correct and competent use. The strategic direction of modern agriculture is the intensive technology of growing wheat, corn, rice and other crops. Their goal is to obtain high sustainable yields and improve product quality. Intensive technologies are a qualitatively higher stage of the integrated use of science and technology at all stages of crop cultivation.

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The operational technology of mechanized work is developed for each agricultural work and contains necessary information about how to best organize the use of a machine-tractor unit under the conditions of a given farm and a specific field. It defines a strict technological procedure for performing all operations of agricultural work, its organization and advanced techniques for using machines. Each operating technology includes the conditions for performing the work (initial data), agrotechnical requirements, and also contains in a condensed form the necessary information on how to create and prepare a machine-tractor unit and field for work, how to rationally perform the work and evaluate its quality.

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Plowing means moldboard tillage (with rotation and crumbling of the layer) in order to create the most favorable conditions for the development of cultivated plants and subsequent high yields. At the same time, the accumulation, preservation and effective use of moisture from atmospheric precipitation occurs, as well as the incorporation of fertilizers, weeds and crop residues. Plowing is one of the most energy-intensive jobs, which accounts for up to 35% of all mechanical energy costs and, accordingly, fuel for cultivating crops. Other operating costs are also high.

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Plowing means moldboard tillage (with rotation and crumbling of the formation)

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6.1. Basic agrotechnical requirements. Deviation from the specified plowing depth up to ±5%; full revolution of the formation; completeness of incorporation of fertilizers, crop residues and weeds to the required depth is at least 95...98%; required crumbling of the formation - blocks larger than 10 cm should occupy no more than 15...20% of the surface of the arable land; the height of the ridges is up to 5 cm, and the height of the pile ridges is no more than 7 cm; deviation of the actual working width of the plow from the design one is no more than ±10%.

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6.2. Preparation of units consists of selecting the appropriate type of plow, assembling resource-saving, high-performance units and setting them up for the required operating mode. Plows are classified according to the following main characteristics: body designs (plowshare, disk, chisel, rotary, combined); method of aggregation (trailer, mounted, semi-mounted); technological process (for dump and smooth plowing with reversible and frontal plows).

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The most widely used plows on farms are plowshares. At the same time, from the corresponding designs of ploughshare plows (general purpose, shrub-marsh, plantation, garden, vineyard, forest and longline), the operating technology is considered in relation to the main type of ploughshare plows for plowing old arable lands. On medium soils (plow resistivity 52 kN/m2) with a plowing depth of 20...22 cm and a headland length of 150...300 m, the most effective plowing units are MTZ-80(82) + PLN-35 and DT-75M + PLN-4-35.

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At headland lengths of 300...700 m, it is advisable to use tractors such as T-150K, T-150, T-4A, DT-175S and plows such as PLP-6-35, PPI-6-40 (with adjustable working width) mounted with them ). In more difficult conditions, the T-150, T-150K and T-4A tractors can also be combined with five-furrow plows of the PLN-5-35 and PNI-5-40 types. Headland lengths of more than 700 m correspond to arable units made on the basis of the K-701 tractor and PTK-9-35, PNL-8-40, PNI-8-40 plows.

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The specified compositions of arable units correspond to operating speed ranges of 6...9 km/h. Prepare and connect plows to tractors in accordance with available manuals. When choosing the plowing depth, it should be taken into account that increasing it by just 1 cm increases fuel consumption by up to 5%. 6.3. Field preparation Includes: clearing the field of crop residues; removing obstacles; choosing the direction of movement of the unit and dividing the field into paddocks depending on the chosen method of movement.

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For plowing using the methods of alternating paddocks, piled up and waddled, a simplified formula is used to quickly determine the optimal width of the paddock: where B is the working width of the plow, m; L is the length of the paddock, m. If processing of headlands is not required (at the ends of the paddock there are vacant lots, roads, etc.), then instead of the above formula, you should use the formula:

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The calculated values ​​of Copt obtained using the above formulas should be rounded to rational values ​​of Cp, multiples of twice the working width of the plow, if the unit enters the paddock and leaves at the same end of the paddock, and vice versa. For example, for the arable unit K-701 + PLN-8-40 with L = 800 m and B = 3.2 m, when calculated using the formulas, we obtain C1opt = 181 m and C2opt = 117 m.

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Shangireev Rifat

GBOU SPO Baimak Agricultural College, Uragaza village, Baimak district of the Republic of Bashkortostan; author - student majoring in 110809 Agricultural Mechanization Shangireev Rifat, 2014, 8 slides. The work was carried out as part of independent extracurricular work in the discipline "Informatics".



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Agreecultural machines. Agreecultural equipment

Agricultural machines are one of the most revolutionary inventions of modern technology. The basic human need for food has always forced the development of technology. Over the past 250 years, advances in agricultural technology have changed the nature of work and food production throughout the world. 2

History The first man to move from hunting and gathering to farming most likely worked with his bare hands without any tools, perhaps with the occasional use of sticks and stones. Tools such as knives, scythes and wooden plows appeared some time later and dominated agriculture for thousands of years. At that time, almost everyone was engaged in farming, since the limited technology of those years was barely enough to feed a family. 3

With the advent of the Industrial Revolution and the development of more complex machines, farming methods took great leaps forward. Instead of harvesting grain by hand using sharp blades, wheeled machines began to be used, which cut off large grains in one pass. Instead of manual threshing, threshers began to be used, which immediately separated the seeds from other parts of the plants. 4

Types of Farm Machines Combines had a chance to take over all the work from tractors, but tractors still do most of the work on modern farms. They are used to move equipment - machines that plow the ground, sow seeds, or perform several operations at once. Plowing machines prepare the soil for planting by loosening it and destroying weeds and competing plants. The most famous such device is the plow, an ancient tool that was greatly improved by John Deere. Plows are used less frequently these days due to the introduction of disc machines, which turn the soil layer, and chisel machines, which till the soil to the desired depth, retaining moisture. Seeders and planters are also widely used. Planting machines are used for automated planting of seedlings. After planting, various machines are used to control weeds between rows, apply fertilizers and pesticides. Hay balers are used to densely pack grasses, particularly alfalfa. In addition, a wide variety of machines are used for farming, including trucks, helicopters and airplanes. 5

New technologies and the future The basic technology of agricultural machinery has not undergone major changes over the past hundred years. Although today's harvesters and planters are much faster than their predecessors, $250,000 combines cut, thresh and separate produce in the same way they did years ago. However, machine control has changed as computerized control systems, GPS navigation and self-driving programs make modern machines more accurate and less wasteful in their use of fuel, seeds and fertilizers. In the foreseeable future, agricultural machines will be able to drive themselves using GPS navigation and electronic sensors. 6

New technologies 7

Thank you for your attention. The presentation was made by a student of the Baymak Agricultural College Shangireev Rifat

Mudflow (in hydrology from Arabic sayl "stormy stream") a flow with a very high concentration of mineral particles, stones and rock fragments (up to 50-60% of the flow volume), suddenly appearing in the basins of small mountain rivers and dry ravines and caused, as a rule, rainfall or rapid snow melting. hydrology Arab. mineral rocks basins dry lairs rainfall snowmelt Mudflow is something between a liquid and a solid mass. This phenomenon is short-term (usually it lasts 13 hours), characteristic of small watercourses up to 2530 km long and with a catchment area of ​​up to km².

The speed of movement of mudflows is on average 24 m/s, sometimes 46 m/s, which causes their great destructive effect. On their way, the streams lay deep channels, which usual time They are dry or contain small streams. Mudflow material is deposited in the foothill plains. Mudflows are characterized by the advancement of its frontal part in the form of a shaft of water and sediment, or more often by the presence of a series of successively shifting shafts. The passage of a mudflow is accompanied by significant reformations of the riverbed.

Mudflow occurs as a result of intense and prolonged rainfall, rapid melting of glaciers or seasonal snow cover, as well as due to the collapse of large quantities of loose debris into the riverbed (with terrain slopes of at least 0.080.10). The decisive factor in the occurrence may be deforestation in mountainous areas; tree roots hold the top of the soil, which prevents the occurrence of a mudflow. slopes Sometimes mudflows occur in the basins of small mountain rivers and dry ravines with significant (at least 0.10) thalweg slopes and in the presence of large accumulations of weathering products. thalweg According to the mechanism of origin, erosional, breakthrough and landslide mudflows are distinguished.

Seismic debris flows As a result of earthquakes, broken fragments of glaciers or rocks can block the path of rivers, forming very unstable dams. When such a dam is destroyed, water is released from it not gradually, but instantly, which contributes to the accumulation of unimaginable kinetic energy by the flow.

Lahars are mudflows of volcanic origin. As a result of lava ejection or pyroclastic flows, rapid melting of snow cover and glaciers on the slopes of the volcano occurs, and the resulting water mixes with ash and rocks. During the eruption of Vesuvius in 79, under the ashes of which Pompeii was buried, the city of Herculaneum was covered with a three-meter layer of mud-stone mass brought with sugar. During excavations it was discovered that the mudflow shell of Herculaneum is much denser than the ash layer of Pompeii. Vesuvius Pompeii Herculaneum

Connected streams include mud-stone flows in which water is practically not separated from the solid part. They have a large volumetric weight (up to 1.52.0 t/m³) and great destructive power. Water and stone streams are classified as incoherent. Water transports debris and, as its velocity decreases, deposits it in the channel or fan area on the foothill plain. Volumetric weight of water from rock mudflows.

Mud mudflows are a mixture of water and fine earth with a small concentration of stones, volumetric weight y = 1.52 t/m³ Mud-stone mudflows are a mixture of water, pebbles, gravel, small stones, y = 2.12.5 t/m³ Water-stone (alluvial) mudflows are a mixture of water with predominantly large stones, y=1.11.5 t/m³

Mudflows can cause enormous destruction. The fight against mudflows is carried out mainly by securing soil and vegetation cover and constructing special hydraulic structures. To combat mudflows, preventive measures and construction of engineering structures are carried out. The use of certain control methods is determined by the zones of the mudflow basin. Preventive measures are taken to prevent the occurrence of a mudflow or weaken its effect at the very beginning of the process. The most radical remedy is afforestation on mudflow-prone mountain slopes. The forest regulates flow, reduces the mass of water, and cuts streams into separate weakened streams. It is forbidden to cut down forests or disturb the turf cover in the catchment area. Here it is advisable to increase the stability of slopes by terracing, intercept and drain water with upland ditches and earthen ramparts. In mudflow channels, dams have the greatest effect. These structures made of stone and concrete, installed across the riverbed, delay the mudflow and take away some of the solid material from it. Half-dams push the flow toward the shore, which is less susceptible to rupture. Mud catchers are used in the form of pits and basins laid in the path of flows; they build bank-protecting retaining walls that prevent erosion of the banks of the riverbed and protect buildings from the impact force of mudflows. Guiding dams and mudflow storage facilities are effective. Dams direct the flow in the desired direction and weaken its effect. At the sites settlements and individual structures located in the proluvium deposition zone, diversion channels are constructed, guide dams are installed, and river beds are taken into high stone banks that limit the spread of the mudflow. To protect road structures, the most rational mudflow slopes are in the form of reinforced concrete and stone trays that allow mudflows to pass above or below the structures.

Having heard the noise of an approaching mudflow, you should immediately rise from the bottom of the ravine up the drainage, no less than m. It must be remembered that large stones that threaten life can be thrown from the roaring flow over long distances.

Provide assistance to the victims and assistance to the formations and authorities clearing debris and drifts along the path of the mudflow and in places where the bulk of the mudflow was carried out. If you are injured, try to provide yourself with first aid. If possible, the affected areas of your body should be kept in an elevated position, ice (wet cloth) and a pressure bandage should be applied to them. Consult your doctor.

Serious material damage caused the city a gigantic mudflow that hit Almaty in July 1921. A mud-stone flow of almost 3 million m 3 swept away in its path and destroyed many buildings and caused great damage to the city. All the efforts of workers were aimed at overcoming the severe consequences of the natural disaster, at restoring as soon as possible destroyed.

The construction of the Medeo mudflow protection dam in the Medeo tract in the valley of the Malaya Almatinka River began in 1964 and was carried out using blasting operations. The first explosion (right bank) was carried out in 1966. The second explosion (left bank) was in 1967. The first stage rockfill dam with a height of 107 meters formed a village storage facility with a capacity of 6.2 million cubic meters and was put into operation in 1972. In 1973 year, the dam detained a mudflow with a mass volume of 5.3 million cubic meters.

July 15, 1973, Entrance of the first wave of mud-stone flow into the village storage facility in the Medeo tract. The mudflow hit the body of the dam and choked, filling the pit.

Alexander Yuryevich Khegai, in July 1973, a member of the government commission for eliminating the consequences of the mudflow, a little later appointed deputy head of the newly created department “Kazselezaschita”: “If, God forbid, a breakthrough had occurred, the strength of the new flow would have doubled due to the large concentration of mudflow masses. Then scientists calculated that the force of the flow in 1973 was 4 times higher than the force of the flow in 1921. Then a quarter of the entire urban area was destroyed, more than 500 people died. But in the early 20s, Verny was a one-story city with a small territory and population. about 30 thousand people, and by the mid-70s Alma-Ata had grown several times in territory and twenty times in population - up to 750 thousand, and the center of the city, through which the 1921 rural massacre passed, is now multi-storey. So, consider it. , what could be the number of victims and the scale of destruction! When these calculations are made for today’s one and a half million Almaty, they name the number of thousands of people living or working along the hypothetical route of the mudflow.”

The dam withstood the first assault, but now the siege has begun. The mudflow clogged the drainage pipes. Created real danger overflow of the mudflow lake, which received up to 12 cubic meters of Almaty water every second. Work on the dam began as early as 5 a.m. on July 16. It was necessary to use at least 12 powerful pumps and lay kilometers of pipelines. They began to install them immediately. At least 10 dredgers were needed, which were not available in Almaty at all; they were delivered by cargo planes from Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg, and on July 20 they began to work.

1. Material from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2. A. V. Mikheev “Nature conservation”. 3. Materials from the following sites were used: Big village-1973: thirty-five years later Days and nights of courage Photos from the forum Photos from the forum History in photographs