Presentation love wins. Presentation on the topic of love love - what. Love is

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"People do not live by caring for themselves, they live by love, which is inherent in man"
(L.N. Tolstoy)

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To the question “What is love?” we will hear different answers. Some people associate with it the feeling they experience in relation to one person, others associate love with all kinds of love stories and adventures. Everyone understands this differently. So what is it?

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Love is

Love is an unusually capacious and multi-valued concept. They love their work, their comrades, friends. They love loved ones, family, children. There is love that is alive and active. It can also be abstract, not tied to anything - to humanity and nature in general.

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Types of love (E. Fromm)

  • Brotherly love is love between equals, which is based on the feeling that we are all one.
  • Mother's love is love for a helpless creature.
  • E. Fromm speaks of self-love as a feeling without experiencing which it is impossible to love someone else.
  • Erotic love is the love of two adults for each other, love that longs for complete fusion, unity with the loved one
  • Fromm interprets love for God as the connecting thread of the human soul, as the basis of all types of love that can fit in it, as the progenitor of parental and erotic love.
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    Love is

    Love is more than an expression of emotions, more than just a means to satisfy passion, because true love is never limited to just the physical sphere.

    Vision - the body experiences sexual desire, but this is not yet Love. It is when souls are drawn to each other that it arises. Scientific variations on the same topicLove is the sum (fusion, harmony) of spiritual and physical attractions. ... It seems to be complicated, but what to do with those the fact that people used to get along just fine without love? ...

    The brain works, and it begins to function at this frequency. Then it is really possible to identify oneself with those what we are. I am Love. I am Everything, All Creation and all creations enter the boundless space of consciousness. Therefore, “All... of life, and complete surrender to It brings fulfillment, incomparable grace and... Love. Unconditional Love– this is the consciousness of Unity Love connects Hearts, can overcome racial, ethnic, religious, language, age barriers, erase boundaries...

    Not your own invented Ideal, but a real, dear person - you can live in happiness all your Life, and maybe more! This is already a relationship between two mature individuals, this Love tenderness... Such people live in the resonance of Love - without getting sick and for a long time and die together - they cannot live apart.... It is not a smart, but a wise person who is capable of such an act. Wise...


    Much more often than in past centuries, and this is encouraging, there is hope that after all Love and good will overcome evil and cruelty. Internal understanding and application of the true qualities of human love and love... by talking about high things”... The desire to comprehend the feelings and principles of Cosmic Love is the criterion by which the vector and level of development of civilization can be determined. Love Cosmic - for many, unfortunately, it is still little known from the practical side: and this includes humility, and independence, and acceptance, and...

    It can be focused on one person, or it can be focused on everyone. If it is focused on one person, then it is called love, if it is focused on the universal, then it turns into a prayerful state. The state of love is as natural as breathing. If... by me." If you obey, you will become dead. You cannot say, "Love only in my presence." There is no monopoly on Love. All this does not mean that we have to love everyone, but we must be in a loving state of mind. How is that...

    The most exciting topic for children at any age is the story of love. From the first days of their lives, their parents love them. Gradually, they themselves begin to have a special attitude towards those who constantly take care of them: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents. A presentation on the topic of love can be used in a class on spiritual and moral education in any class, only its content and topic will be different.

    Kids will enjoy watching the slides during class time presentations on the theme of love to your parents and family. Middle and high school students are already beginning to look with curiosity at their classmates of the opposite sex. The boys pull the girls' thin pigtails, and they make faces at them in response. It's time to download a presentation for children on the topic of love and talk about the origin of this feeling. There is no shame in liking someone. It is much more important not to trivialize even children’s feelings, not to turn them into a comedy, but to treat them with understanding and respect.

    If you need a presentation on love for class or for a school event (for example, Valentine's Day), you can download it for free from this section. Each development has an annotation that briefly outlines the content of the material presented on the slides.

    Many people want to not only talk and listen about love, but also create their own works. Children at school age begin to write their first poems about love. The teacher may ask them to create their own presentation on this topic for class. Our portal offers you to download ready-made templates, backgrounds and pictures for a presentation about love. Let this bright feeling inspire a person, give him the opportunity to develop, improve and live, enjoying the reciprocity of feelings. We also need to talk about this with children during class hours about love.

    At some point, everyone's first love comes. Some people are shy and don’t expect it, others have been waiting for a very long time, so they happily surrender to this feeling. Do you want to use a presentation to tell children about first love? Play a game in class on the theme “Love at first sight.” The event is very interesting and in demand. Most often it is held on the eve of Valentine's Day, although it can diversify the children's holiday at the camp. In addition to learning from the presentation the history of the Valentine's Day, teenagers will be able to play. Boys and girls, students of grades 9 - 11 are invited to pass the following tests:

    • 1 test - answer questions
    • Test 2 - compose a telegram
    • Test 3 - erudite competition
    • Test 4 - compliment competition
    • Test 5 - “Perfect Couple” competition

    There is a detailed summary for the presentation on the topic of first love (in the archive).

    From the elementary grades, the teacher develops in students love and respect for the Fatherland. For children, the Motherland seems to be that small corner of the earth where they happened to be born and live with their family. A presentation for 4th grade students on the topic “Love for the Fatherland” begins with Tyutchev’s heartfelt words about Russia: “Russia cannot be understood with the mind.” Despite the fact that it is not easy to understand this huge power, it is impossible not to love it. The 19-slide presentation is filled with poems by Russian poets. Each illustration represents the places dearest to the hearts of Russians. The same presentation can be used for a class hour, highlighting the topic of how musicians and poets reflect their love for the Motherland in their works.

    What feeling can be as reverent, tender and familiar as love in a family? Nothing compares to him. The presentation talks about love in a family between parents and children, between husband and wife, and between brothers and sisters. Any family ties are strong only when people know how to love and respect. Is it possible in a family to get by with respect alone and not show feelings of love? What is parental love and why is it sometimes distant or condescending? These questions are answered by the presentation, but students in grades 10-11 should also become participants in such an interesting discussion.

    No matter how many words are said about love, students in grades 8-9 always look forward to class time, where they will talk about this bright feeling again. The teacher’s task is to interest teenagers in the material, to select such stories so that everyone at the event is interested and no one feels off topic or out of place during the conversation. A class hour about love with a presentation can be held not only on the eve of Valentine's Day. Love has no days off, but it is always a big holiday. Let 30 slides with texts, poems and beautiful pictures make students believe in this great feeling. The presentation gives the meaning of the word love, taken from Dahl's dictionary.

    These free templates, pictures and backgrounds for presentations can be downloaded by those who want to design their work and give it to their loved one. The archive contains two templates that fully correspond to this topic. The slides of the first presentation are decorated with an image of a guy and a girl walking hand in hand. The slides of the second presentation are decorated with a small heart with words of declaration of love. Add your own poetry and photographs to these presentations and the slides will come to life. Simple templates will turn into an original greeting in the form of a presentation.

    The material contains the script and presentation of the class hour “Talking about Love”. The event will introduce schoolchildren to the concept of “love”, teach them to see moral problems, and help develop a moral personality.

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    Love What is love? What types of love are there? (types) Who do you love? How should a person feel when he loves? Is friendship related to love?

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    Love is what makes you smile even when you are tired. Terry, 4 years old. Love is when you love someone, your eyelashes open and stars fly out from under them. Karen, 7 years old Love is when your puppy licks you even after you've left him alone all day. Marie Ann, 5 years old

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    A feeling characteristic of a person, deep attachment to another person or object, a feeling of deep sympathy. Love German psychologist E. Fromm identifies five types of love: -brotherly, -maternal, -love for oneself, -love for animals, -love for God.

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    Brotherly Love The most fundamental type of love, which forms the basis of all types of love, is brotherly love. By it I mean responsibility, care, respect, knowledge of some other human being, the desire to prolong his life. Brotherly love is love between equals; but even equals are not always “equal.” As people, we all need help. Today I, tomorrow you. But the need for help does not mean that one is helpless and the other is omnipotent. Helplessness is a temporary state; the ability to get by on one’s own is a permanent and general condition.

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    Mother's love Mother's love is bliss, it is peace, it does not need to be achieved, it does not need to be earned. If it exists, it is equal to bliss, but if it does not exist, it is the same as if everything beautiful had disappeared from life. Unconditional love fulfills one of the deepest longings not only of a child, but of every human being. It's no wonder that we all yearn for mother's love, both as children and as adults. Most children are lucky enough to receive enough motherly love. Know, always remember that for a child the main problem of life is solely to be loved - to be loved for what he is.

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    The concepts of self-love and success are inextricably linked. What distinguishes people who love themselves? Naturalness, health of the physical body, well-groomed appearance, the ability to accept, appreciate and improve oneself, believe in one’s strengths and capabilities, see ways to achieve goals, the ability to set priorities, putting either one’s own interests or the interests of the common cause first. All this, of course, is characteristic of successful people. Self love

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    Love for animals It becomes easier for people to live; with the help of animals, a person ceases to feel useless and lonely. After all, all people dream of loving and being loved. And the fact that when you get yourself an animal, you mean that you will love it, and the animal will love you - this is very good. Agree, it’s nice when someone is happy about your return home. Such a desire is quite harmless. And even useful.

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    Love for God Divine love is one of the fundamental and most important concepts of Christianity. It is inextricably linked with the basic principle of God - the principle of freedom. In its essence, it resembles paternal (maternal) love for a child, whom the parent continues to love and participate in his fate no matter what. But, unlike parental love, Christian love does not depend on family ties, as well as on age, gender, differences in social status, etc. It encourages one to serve a person, there is a desire to help, protect, meet every need, regardless of own interests.

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    Slide captions:

    Love and marriage in sayings and aphorisms

    The benefit of love is not only that it instills in us faith in another person, but also in the fact that we gain faith in ourselves. R. Rolland

    If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first. A. V. Vampilov

    Getting married means halving your rights and doubling your responsibilities. A. Schopenhauer

    Love in letters of outstanding people of the 19th century

    Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine, April 3, 1796 My only Josephine - far from you the whole world seems to me a desert in which I am alone... You have taken possession of more than my entire soul. You are my only thought; when I am fed up with annoying creatures called people, when I am ready to curse life - then I put my hand on my heart: your image rests there, I look at it, love is absolute happiness for me.

    A. S. Griboedov to his wife Nina, December 24, 1828 My priceless friend, I feel sorry for you, I couldn’t be more sad without you. Now I truly feel what it means to love. Previously, I parted with many, to whom I was also deeply attached, but a day, two, a week - and the melancholy disappeared, now the further away from you, the worse. Be patient a little longer, my Angel, and we will pray to God that after that we will never be separated again.

    Poem about love You are pain and heat for me, I am dust for you. You are the sun for me in the morning, I am reality for you. You are an experience of the soul for me. I am a shadow for you. You are a voice in silence for me, I am day for you. You are a night in amber for me, I am a thing for you. The veil of sleep was thrown off at dawn. It’s a pity that it was a thing. Vika Vetrova

    A person cannot live without love, because it itself awakens in him and takes possession of him. Love ennobles a person, makes him perform feats, create life and himself.

    The ancient Greeks associated the emergence of love with the birth from the white foam of sea waves of the eternally young, most beautiful of goddesses - Aphrodite. Since then, Aphrodite, and with her love, have reigned over the world. Aphrodite fulfills her will through her son Eros, cheerful, playful, insidious, and sometimes cruel.

    Eros flies on his shining golden wings over the lands and seas, in his hands is a small golden bow, behind his shoulders is a quiver of arrows. No one is safe from these arrows. Eros hits the target without missing a beat. His arrows bring joy and happiness, but often they bring suffering and the torment of love. Eros sows with his arrows now happiness, now sorrow, now good, now evil. And therefore, people who are struck by Eros give their love very different definitions.

    What is love?

    Student statements: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    To love for me means to be loved. To love means, first of all, to give, not to take. To love means to be interested in the life of the one you love.

    D. Likhachev said this: “Childhood begins with love for the mother. This is the most sacred feeling. If you don’t have it in your soul, it means that when you become an adult, you will have neither love for a friend, nor love for your Motherland. Everything will be indifferent to you except your own peace and comfort.”

    If you didn’t love, that means you didn’t live and breathe.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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