Gamayunova A.V. Methods of psychological work with the personality of a police officer. Structure, tasks and areas of activity of units of psychological support for the activities of internal affairs bodies Main tasks of the Center for Psychological Work

The use of psychological study methods when accompanying the activities of employees who need increased psychological attention is used to:

  • determining the individual psychological characteristics and states of employees when forming a conclusion about the need to provide them with additional psychological assistance;
  • predicting professional and social behavior of employees;
  • conducting psycho-consultative and psychocorrectional work;
  • assessing the degree of social and psychological adaptation of employees, taking measures to improve it;
  • developing optimal measures of psychological influence on police personnel.

To the most accessible and widely used non-test methods studying the personality of a police officer includes: document analysis, the method of expert assessments, conversation, questioning, observation and the biographical method.

Document analysis. The results of a psychological examination of an employee, carried out at various stages of professional selection and for other reasons (for example, during a psychological examination as part of certification or when assigning a firearm to an employee), as well as an autobiography, questionnaires, job descriptions, recommendations and other materials to obtain information are studied about professionally significant biographical data, moral and individual psychological qualities, professional orientation, general educational preparedness, character traits, inclinations, interests, etc.

It is necessary to distinguish between two types of documents in the personal file of an intern or employee: official(conclusions of the CPD, IHC, official officials, materials of internal inspections, certification findings, educational documents, etc.) and personal(statement, autobiography, explanatory notes, reports). The first group of documents allows you to obtain information about a person and events in her life from “external” sources; the second is to better understand the author of the documents (his value orientations, ideas about specific phenomena, people and events).

Expert assessment method- obtaining psychologically significant information about the employee from the most experienced and competent employees (colleagues). Expert assessment in the form of generalization of independent characteristics provides predominantly factual data regarding all the main indicators of an employee’s social and professional success and is most effective in combination with observation and conversation.

Conversation method. A conversation is an active method of obtaining information based on verbal communication from answers to questions posed by a psychologist during direct communication. It consists of an oral survey and is one of the most productive methods of studying the personal characteristics of an employee.

Observation method. Observation is a purposeful study of actions, deeds, behavior in general, as well as manifestations of facial expressions, pantomimes, speech and motor activity of the object of observation. The purpose of the method is to identify the characteristics of communication, oral speech, vocabulary, the degree of frankness, sincerity, intelligence, constraint, tension, anxiety, calmness, etc., as well as the style of implementation of official activities.

Psychodiagnostic methods for studying the personality of an employee. When working with a group of increased psychological attention, various psychodiagnostic techniques can be used (tests; questionnaires; projective techniques; techniques for diagnosing individual personal qualities and manifestations of the properties of the nervous system).

In the psychological practice of studying the personal characteristics of police officers who are members of the State Duma, an important place is occupied by the problem of ensuring a holistic approach; the study of personality involves “dissection” and analysis of the components of the object of study, followed by an integral interpretation of all particular results. A holistic approach involves studying the employee’s personality in the following areas:

1) L- data(Life record data). Personality information can be obtained by recording a person's actual behavior in everyday life.

2) Q - data(questionnaire data). Personality information can be obtained through questionnaires and other self-assessment methods.

3) G - data(Tests data). Personality information can be obtained through objective tests.

In the process of comprehensive analysis, various methods of psychological assessment and study of personal characteristics can be used. Studying the experience of internal affairs psychologists in accompanying employees who need increased psychological attention allows us to divide all methods of psychological support into direct And mediated.

Direct methods

  • individual psychocorrectional work with an employee (for example, psychological counseling of an employee; correction of an individual’s mental state, etc.);
  • psychological preparation and training (individual or group).

Indirect methods psychological support:

  • psychological counseling to the employee’s manager, his colleagues, and family members;
  • research of the socio-psychological climate in the unit where the employee serves;
  • development of recommendations to ensure the organization of activities necessary to improve the socio-psychological adaptation of employees who need increased psychological attention.

These support methods belong to the tools of general psychological correction and differ only in the “point of application.” In general, an analysis of the psychological difficulties of employees who need the help of a psychologist allows us to identify the most common problems in practice:

  • lack of people skills;
  • misconceptions about practical activities internal affairs bodies;
  • the employee lacks professionally important personal qualities;
  • conflictual relationships with colleagues;
  • inappropriate attitude towards personnel on the part of police chiefs
  • inability of the employee to organize his activities;
  • negative attitude of family members and immediate circle towards work in the internal affairs bodies;

Activities for psychological support for employees at risk, in addition to activities carried out by a psychologist with the entire team, must include:

  • dynamic psychological observation of the employee with periodic face-to-face interviews (frequency is determined individually);
  • individual training aimed at increasing the psychological competence of an employee or manager (familiarization with the necessary information on personality structure, training in the basics of the psychology of communication and management, effective resolution of conflict situations);
  • active forms of social learning (communication training, business games, etc.);
  • classes on mastering methods of self-control, self-education and self-regulation, increasing stress resistance;
  • psychological correction of accentuated character traits;
  • timely referral of an employee to medical institutions in order to receive specialized rehabilitation treatment for neuropsychic breakdowns.

To practically resolve the identified psychological difficulties of employees in a group of in-depth psychological and pedagogical attention, it is advisable for a psychologist to use not only individual, but also group forms of work, as well as apply various methods of active socio-psychological training, including role-playing, communicative, psychoregulatory training.

Thus, a concept has been developed that includes the targeted, integrated use of various interrelated forms and methods of collecting information about activities, interpersonal relationships in the team and in the family, individual psychological characteristics of employees that require in-depth psychological and pedagogical attention.

Reader on legal psychology. A special part.

Encyclopedia of legal psychology.
Ed. A.M. Stolyarenko.

Psychological assistance program for police officers. Departmental regulatory legal act regulating the volume and procedure for carrying out organizational, socio-psychological and medical-psychological activities with personnel, defining sources of funding, responsible officials, the content of rehabilitation work with employees and its stages, the forms and methods of psychological work with full-time and extreme conditions, with service teams, family members of the victims, etc.. It is built on the principles of mandatory conduct, complexity and consistency.

Work program for the psychological regulation room. A set of activities carried out with VET employees in order to organize pre-nosological prevention of deviations in health, mental maladjustment or initial manifestations of neuropsychic instability, including acute stress and post-traumatic stress disorders. The program is implemented in several stages:

The first stage consists of examining employees in the form of an individual or group psychodiagnostic examination, an individual interview in order to determine individual psychological characteristics, indications for psychological rehabilitation and the formation of groups for psychological correction. Based on the survey results, employees are divided into 3 groups. Group 1 - practically healthy. Employees are provided with vacations and other benefits provided for by current legislation. If possible, a repeat psychodiagnostic examination is carried out after 6 months - 1 year. Group 2 - those with functional, pre-nosological deviations in health. They undergo rehabilitation and recovery measures and a repeat control psychodiagnostic examination 6 months after completion of the course. Group 3 - patients. These employees, after an in-depth examination at psychological diagnostic centers, are sent to outpatient or inpatient treatment. A repeated psychodiagnostic examination is carried out by a psychologist 1 month after the end of treatment.

At the second stage, rehabilitation measures are carried out for employees assigned to the second group of those examined, in several sessions in accordance with the need determined by the office psychologist, according to the following approximate program. Session 1 - group (individual) interview; relaxation video therapy; debriefing on the events experienced; conducting sessions of neuromuscular relaxation and autogenic training; conducting an “Art Therapy” session; individual psychological counseling and correction of psychological conditions, the use of physiotherapeutic and phytotherapeutic methods and means. Session 2 - training in methods of self-regulation using breathing exercises and their implementation; music relaxation therapy; training in the “Key” self-regulation technique; session of mobilizing autogenic training; mobilizing video therapy; psychoconsultative, psychocorrective, physiotherapeutic and phytotherapeutic methods and means. Session 3 - video training of business and everyday communication; group discussion of unresolved problems and general condition; individual psychological counseling and correction of post-stress conditions, the use of physiotherapeutic and phytotherapeutic methods and means; gym, sauna. If necessary, individual employees may be offered additional individual and group psychorehabilitation activities.

For each employee sent to the office, the psychologist prepares an Observation File. It is conducted in strict accordance with human rights regulations and taking into account the Code professional ethics psychologist. The document is stored until the employee’s dismissal from service and is destroyed in the prescribed manner. If an employee is transferred to another unit for further service, the observation file is sent to the psychologist (in the personnel office) of this unit.

(Marin M.I., Brodchenko O.I., Petrov V.E.)

Psychological correction in VET. PC – directional psychological impact on the individual in order to ensure its full development and functioning. Psychocorrectional work is largely related to personality development. There are individual and group forms of psychocorrectional work. PC can be carried out on the initiative of not only the employee himself, but also a staff psychologist. Individual forms of PC largely overlap with the psychological counseling procedure. Group psychocorrectional work often gives a much greater psychological effect than communication between an employee and a psychologist. According to K. Levin, it is easier to change individuals gathered in a group than to change each of them individually. Psychocorrectional groups differ in their target orientation (changes in states, development of socially important qualities, self-actualization); by the nature of the tasks being solved (development of sensitivity, self-confidence, organizational skills, etc.); according to the theoretical concept (groups of transactional analysis, auto-training, skills training, Gestalt groups, NLP, etc.). The methodology for conducting psychocorrectional work in groups is based on the belief that a person himself is able to recognize his problems and discuss them with the group. There are the following principles for organizing group psychocorrectional work: 1) personal responsibility (the results of learning and personal growth depend, first of all, on oneself); 2) self-disclosure (disclosure of one’s “I” to other people is a sign of a healthy personality, protects against the construction of a false external “I”); 3) the “here and now” principle (not the past, but the present, personally significant problems are analyzed); 4) principle " feedback"(group members express their attitude towards the inappropriate behavior of others); 5) the principle of humanity (respect for each other, acceptance of people as they are, everyone makes their own decision about the need for correction).

(L.N. Volina)

Psychological assistance to employees. PP (along with legal, medical, etc.) is a type of practical assistance expressed in helping employees independently overcome the psychological difficulties of mastering official duties, performing them at the proper level, getting used to the conditions of service, and successfully completing the service. Help is provided when employees do not cope well with difficulties themselves.

Relatively simple forms of PP have always been used by colleagues, managers and mentors: psychological support (promoting internal mobilization); psychological orientation (improving psychological awareness); psychological assistance (connection to direct overcoming of difficulties). With the creation of psychological services in VET, their workers not only participate in these forms of assistance, but also use others that require special qualifications: psychological counseling (facilitating decision-making to overcome difficulties); psychological rehabilitation (promoting the restoration of emotional-volitional states and psychological capacity).

PP is not identical to the entire psychological support for the activities of employees, but is its integral part. In addition to its main purpose, it plays a special role - “weaving” directly into the professional life of personnel, serving to develop and strengthen moral relations among them.

PP methods are varied. These include: showing empathy; approval of views, attitudes, intentions and actions; revealing the limitations of erroneous judgments and actions; shifting emphasis from experiencing failures to prospects and successes; inspiration by positive examples of overcoming adversity; drawing attention to the hidden causes of specific psychological difficulties; taxonomy of factors causing these difficulties; assessment of individual capabilities to overcome them; joint search for psychological dependencies of problematic situations; analytical transformation of problems into a more solvable form; identification of hidden and combined options for their resolution; psychological “safety net”, “substitution”, “playing along” in relation to people overcoming difficulties; psychophysical relaxation; debriefing; clarification of meaning-forming professional and life motives; revealing the importance of spiritual self-determination and development; and etc.

(E.V. Petukhov)

Psychological assistance to police officers in a combat zone. It is a system of measures carried out by employees of psychological support units in order to maintain the optimal level of professional adaptation and socio-psychological status of employees of internal affairs bodies performing service and combat missions, to restore and improve their performance. The main areas of work are: implementation of a set of works aimed at reducing deaths, injuries, violations of official discipline and the rule of law, crimes and emergency incidents among personnel; implementation of a set of measures for psychological support of counter-terrorism operations; application of psychological knowledge in solving problems to ensure personal safety of employees; diagnostics of the moral, psychological and psychophysiological state of employees; implementation of a set of recovery measures (for example, relieving excessive stress through the use of a set of methods and techniques); conducting individual psychological counseling with managers at all levels on issues of organizing work with personnel, as well as with employees on current personal and family problems.

(Maryin M.I., Petrov V.E.)

Psychological work with wounded police officers. Activities aimed at processing traumatic experiences by wounded internal affairs officers and integrating them into positive life experiences. The need for psychological work is due to the fact that a favorable mental state is necessary for the success of treatment. The wounded often experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder: intrusive memories, low mood, insomnia, unexplained anxiety, increased irritability, nervousness, depression, hypervigilance, memory impairment, etc.

Methods of psychological work can be the following: observation, empathic listening, clinical conversation (to diagnose a psychological state, collect a psychological history), debriefing (to minimize psychological consequences, prevent the development of post-traumatic stress disorder syndrome), resocialization (work with close relatives), short-term psychocorrectional methods (psychological resuscitation of pain, logic of events; stress relief from past events, erasing experiences, working with aggression, loss, dynamics of grief, searching for resources and projection for the future), special psychotherapeutic techniques (psychotherapeutic metaphors, trance techniques, self-regulation techniques, “ Life Path" and "Key", rational and breathing therapy, etc.).

In the work of a psychologist with the wounded, the following stages can be distinguished: a) adaptation to hospital conditions, intense emotional experiences (this period can be short, provided the psychologist is trained to work with the wounded); b) constructive stage - active work with the wounded; c) the stage of denial, at which the psychologist is so identified with the wounded that he may experience symptoms of a psychological stress disorder, namely: somatic manifestations, increased anxiety, inability to relax, denial of his own experiences, intrusive dreams; d) stage of analysis – transfer of negative reactions to the conscious level; e) readaptation to normal service conditions. For psychologically prepared employees, the rehabilitation period is easier. They are aimed at cooperation with a psychologist, and are also more contact and sociable with other wounded people. When working with employees who have not undergone professional psychological training, psychologists have to expend additional efforts to overcome negative reactions and resistance, refusal of help, distrust of psychologists, and denial of the problem of rehabilitation, which significantly lengthens the rehabilitation period.

(Maryin M.I., Petrov V.E.)

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INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF WORKING WITH EMPLOYEES RETURNING FROM “HOT SPOTS” 1.1 Personal anxiety as a psychological phenomenon 1.2 Psychological consequences of serving in “hot spots” 1.3 Psychological counseling as a form of rehabilitation work with employees who served in “hot spots” VA 2. EMPIRICAL STUDY OF THE FEATURES OF ANXIETY IN EMPLOYEES SERVING IN “HOT SPOTS” 2.1. Organizing and conducting an empirical study to identify the characteristics of changes in anxiety levels among employees who served in “hot spots” 2.2. Analysis and interpretation of data obtained as a result of empirical research 2.3. Practical recommendations for efficient work with employees who served in “hot spots” CONCLUSION REFERENCES APPENDICES

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A short stay in a zone of armed action does not pass without a trace for a person. It may be an obstacle to adaptation in conditions of peaceful life, after passing military service and participation in hostilities, and as a consequence, can be expressed in deviant behavior, the manifestation of maladjustment, borderline neuropsychiatric disorders and the manifestation of post-traumatic stress syndrome.

This fact determines the significance and necessity of developing psychological diagnostic measures and correction of possible signs of post-traumatic stress syndrome.

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The purpose of this study is to determine the level of reactive and personal anxiety of employees who served in “hot spots”. Subject of the study: personal characteristics of police officers (level of personal and reactive anxiety) that determine the specifics of psychological work with them. Object of study: personal characteristics of police officers. The hypothesis of the study is that the counseling conversation is effective for various deviations of the levels of personal anxiety from the norm (both high and low anxiety). Conversation has a beneficial effect on personality.

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A study of theoretical approaches to the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder in people who took part in hostilities in domestic and foreign literature. Study of the personality characteristics and behavior of police officers with experience in service and combat activities. Studying the characteristics of the level of anxiety of police officers with experience in service and combat activities. Comparison of anxiety levels among employees before and after the consultation conversation. Establishing the nature of the relationships between the studied indicators in groups.

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Research methods

Theoretical and empirical research methods were used in the work. The theoretical methods were an analysis of the literature on the problem of the psychological consequences of participation in armed hostilities, including the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder and the study of anxiety among police officers.

The test method was used as empirical methods. The psychodiagnostic complex consisted of the following methods: 1. Self-esteem scale (Ch.D. Spielberger test - Yu.L. Khanin). 2. Test “SAN” (Feeling of Well-Being-Activity-Mood). 3. Luscher color test.

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Conclusions on chapter 1 Having analyzed the first chapter, we can conclude that the level of activity and anxiety, both personal and situational, are important personality traits of a police officer. They largely shape his behavior and reactions in various situations, including extreme ones, when the employee is required to remain calm, not panic, and realize all the responsibility entrusted to him for his life and for the safety of other people. The ability to make quick, clear and correct decisions in a situation of stress is one of the a police officer serving in “hot spots”. And our task is to discover these qualities in an employee, help him consolidate them in himself and maintain them.

Employees returning from “hot spots” must adapt to conditions of peaceful life. And here, as it turns out, various kinds of problems can arise. In the second paragraph of this chapter, we examined in detail the consequences for an employee after serving in the Investigative Committee and the forms of manifestation of these consequences.

The third paragraph presents one of the forms of correction and correction of the consequences of serving in “hot spots”. This is psychological counseling. Various forms of working with the client are also considered. The task of a psychologist is to help identify the client’s main problems, accept the situation, get out of it with new attitudes, and not “get stuck” in the same time and search for solutions to problems. The psychologist does not control the client, does not put pressure on him, but only directs him in the right direction. This technique is an important part of working with an employee for his rehabilitation in conditions of peaceful life, after serving in the Investigative Committee.

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Comparison of indicators of personal anxiety among employees in the first group (with initial indicators of low personal anxiety)

Fig.1. Where Col_1 are the initial indicators of the level of personal anxiety of employees, and Col_2 are the indicators of the level of personal anxiety after the consultation conversation.

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Comparison of indicators of personal anxiety among employees in the first group (with initial indicators with high personal anxiety)

Fig.2. Where Col_1 is the initial indicators of the level of personal anxiety of employees, and Col_2 is the indicators of the level of personal anxiety after the consultation conversation.

This chapter described the organization and conduct of an empirical study of employees to identify abnormal levels of anxiety, carried out a mathematical analysis and interpretation of empirical data. The results obtained allow us to conclude that disturbances in the level of anxiety among employees who served in “hot spots” can negatively affect both the individual and his professional activities. This can only be prevented by working with the employee and conducting regular diagnostics. If violations are identified, work in a consultation conversation, it is possible to conduct psychological training. As the data shows us, the work is effective and productive, changes in a positive direction are noted by the employees themselves, and this is confirmed by empirical research. Also provided in this chapter are practical recommendations

for effective work with employees who served in “hot spots”. The text describes in detail the features of conducting a consultative conversation and offers training recommended to bring the level of anxiety back to normal.

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To conduct an empirical study, a group of 60 employees who served in “hot spots” was formed. These were employees of OP No. 2 "Omutinsky" (village Yurginskoye), OP No. 1 "Omutinsky" (village Armizonskoye) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Omutinsky" of the Omutinsky district of the Tyumen region in the amount of 60 people. Average age - 33.9 (from 23 to 48 years old). Average work experience is 9.3 (from 1 year to 19 years). All subjects are men. During the mathematical analysis, it was revealed that a consultation conversation with employees whose personal anxiety was above or below the norm influenced its change in a positive direction. As a result of the analysis of empirical data, practical recommendations were proposed for psychologists of internal affairs bodies to work with such an employee’s personality trait as anxiety in order to prevent negative situations during their service in extreme situations and for effective rehabilitation work after serving in “hot spots”. Negative changes can be prevented by conducting regular diagnostics with employees and observing changes. If violations are identified, work in a consultation conversation, it is possible to conduct psychological training. As the data shows us, the work is effective and productive, changes in a positive direction are noted by the employees themselves, and this is confirmed by empirical research.

This paper provides practical recommendations for working effectively with employees who served in “hot spots.” The text describes in detail the features of conducting a consultative conversation and offers training recommended to bring the level of anxiety back to normal.

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Current issues of psychological support for working with police personnel (based on materials from a permanent seminar for psychologists) [Text]: collection / ed. V. L. Kubyshko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The materials can be used to improve psychological support for work with personnel of internal affairs bodies, as well as in the preparation, retraining and advanced training of psychologists in departmental educational institutions.

Andreeva, I. A. Methodology for organizing social and psychological research in police departments [Text]: method. manual / I. A. Andreeva, V. A. Korchmaryuk. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The materials of the manual are intended for psychologists of bodies, departments and institutions of internal affairs, teachers of psychology educational institutions Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The materials of the manual can be used to improve psychological support for the professional activities of employees of internal affairs bodies.

Butkova, T. A. Formation of psychological competence of police officers [Text]: methodological recommendations / T. A. Butkova. - M.: DGSK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The issues of developing professionalism, competence and professional motivation of employees of internal affairs bodies are considered. A model of psychological competence of employees of internal affairs bodies is proposed as a component of professional skill.

Vakhnina, V..V. Diagnostics and formation of motivational readiness of employees to serve in the police department [Text]: scientific and methodological manual / V..V. Vakhnina, V. P. Trubochkin. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The manual is aimed at developing psychological support for management activities. The mobilization-psychological approach allows for a new integration of a number of aspects of operational and administrative activities. The manual is based on many years of scientific research on the problem and contains a set of methodological recommendations on the topic.

Vakhnina, V.V. Psychological diagnostics of the innovative potential of the personality of the head of the internal affairs department and methods of its development [Text]: methodological manual / V.V. Vakhnina. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The problems of innovation and psychological support of management are revealed innovation activities head of the internal affairs department, methods for developing the innovative potential of the personality of the head of the internal affairs department. The manual is intended for practical psychologists of internal affairs bodies, teachers, students, adjuncts of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Vakhnina, V.V. Psychological support of the negotiation process of police officers [Text]: textbook. allowance / V.V. Vakhnina. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The manual is aimed at developing psychological support for negotiation activities, contains a set of methodological recommendations and is based on many years of scientific research on the problem.

Gorbach, N. A. Problems of gambling addiction among police officers [Text]: methodological recommendations / N. A. Gorbach, M. A. Lisnyak, T. V. Trepashko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. Methodological approaches to identifying police officers prone to gambling addiction are described. For psychologists and employees of departments for working with personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Department of Internal Affairs by region Russian Federation, transport departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in federal districts, LUVDT and educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Kopylova, G. K. Psychology in the activities of internal affairs bodies [Text]: course of lectures / G. K. Kopylova, A. V. Prozorov. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The most important topics in general, social, ethnic and legal psychology are considered. The course is based on the results of research by domestic and foreign scientists, as well as the authors’ own experience gained in the process of professional and teaching activities in the internal affairs bodies

Korablev, S. E. Training for the development of communicative competence of law enforcement officers [Text]: textbook. allowance / S. E. Korablev. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The principles and structure of training for the development of communicative competence of law enforcement officers are considered. Studying the theoretical aspects of professional communication, supplemented by practical training of relevant skills and abilities, will allow an internal affairs officer to effectively perform his professional duties.

Maryin, M. I. Organization of psychological support in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Text]: educational manual / M. I. Maryin, V. E. Petrov; under general ed. V.L. Kubyshko.- M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. An analysis of the formation, development and current state psychological support and psychological service of departmental educational institutions. Modern psychological practice has been systematized, conceptual and methodological foundations for organizing and conducting psychological work with personnel have been developed.

Maryin, M. I. Psychological support for initial training of police officers [Text]: educational manual / M. I. Maryin, V. M. Pozdnyakov, V. E. Petrov, A. V. Boreko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The manual provides regulatory and educational materials used in the process of organizing and implementing psychological support for special initial training of personnel, as well as in organizing psychological support for official activities and the adaptation process of young employees of internal affairs bodies, divisions and institutions.

Moral and psychological support for operational and official activities of police personnel [Text]: collection of normative documents and methodological materials / edited by. ed. V. L. Kubyshko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. This collection includes regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and methodological materials that form the normative and methodological basis for the activities of heads of internal affairs bodies, units for working with personnel in organizing moral and psychological support.

Organization of psychological work with police personnel [Text]: textbook. allowance / comp. A. M. Nebolsin. - M.: DGSK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The scientific foundations of psychological work with personnel of internal affairs bodies are considered; psychological characteristics of the personality of an employee of internal affairs bodies and his professional activities; socio-psychological structure of the service team of the internal affairs body; psychological and pedagogical competence of heads of internal affairs bodies, ways to improve it.

Pryakhina, M. V. Professional psychological selection of criminal investigation officers [Text]: methodological manual / M. V. Pryakhina, Yu. E. Skalin, A. M. Ivanova. - M.: DGSK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. Issues of organization, content and methodological support professional psychological selection of criminal investigation officers.

Psychological support for the prevention of violations of official discipline in the internal affairs department [Text]: educational and methodological manual / V.L. Kubyshko and others - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The main reasons for violations of official discipline by employees of internal affairs bodies are analyzed. The main directions of psychological work are indicated, as well as ways to prevent and correct the tendency to violate official discipline.

Psychological support for the formation and development of a culture of communication and communicative competence among police officers [Text]: educational and methodological manual / ed. V. L. Kubyshko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The manual contains methodological materials aimed at improving the communicative competence and communication culture of police officers. It includes basic methods of diagnostics and group psychological training, models and programs are defined, and practical recommendations for its implementation are drawn up.

Maryin, M. I. Social and psychological competence of the head of the internal affairs department [Text]: educational manual / M. I. Maryin, V. E. Petrov, A. I. Adaev, A. V. Boreko. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The concept and content of socio-psychological competence of the head of an internal affairs agency is considered. Psychotechnologies for assessing the degree of expression of its components in employees, methods for development and improvement are proposed. Methods for conducting socio-psychological examinations in police service teams are presented.

Maryin, M. I. Psychological training of employees of MOB units and the formation of skills of public behavior in the context of mass events of citizens [Text]: educational manual / M. I. Maryin. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The educational and methodological manual is aimed at improving the professional psychological training of employees of internal affairs bodies while ensuring public safety, developing their skills of public behavior in conditions of large crowds of people, holding public events, and increasing the efficiency of the personnel of the MoS units.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the professional development of specialists - police officers [Text]: method. allowance / comp. A. F. Karavaev. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, p. The methodological manual has been prepared to help psychologists, cadets, teachers of educational institutions, and heads of law enforcement agencies.