Trainer to quickly type on the keyboard. Stamina is the best program for learning fast typing on the keyboard. Blind typing method - ten-finger typing

Tired of typing on the keyboard, poking at the keys with one finger and constantly looking at them? This can be easily corrected with the help of special programs that teach fast touch typing. We have selected the best of them for you.

What are keyboard trainers? Benefits of touch typing

Keyboard trainers are educational applications that help improve your computer keyboard skills. With their help, you can learn the technique of touch typing, in which text is typed with all ten fingers without looking down at the keys.

This technique helps save time (typing becomes 3-4 times faster) and makes writing texts comfortable and easy. The skill of touch typing can be useful both professionally, if the work involves electronic documents and letters, and simply for communicating in instant messengers and in social networks.

Best PC Apps

The review does not include completely paid programs, such as the famous “Solo on the Keyboard” (an application based on the author’s course by Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan, which at one time set the bar for educational simulators, but is no longer supported and exists only as a paid online service). The programs and services collected here are free or with a trial version, which is enough to gain basic skills.

Educational materials Klavarogs consist of either dictionary words or user-generated texts. There are no specially designed courses here, nor is there a system of rewards and penalties. The service is more of a shell for third-party training programs than an independent simulator.

Klavarog functions/capabilities:

  • adjusting the color scheme;
  • viewing statistics;
  • support for several popular languages ​​at once (Russian, English, Ukrainian, German, Esperanto);
  • independent preparation of texts;
  • exchange texts for training with other users;
  • selecting an interface option.

The service is the most minimalistic of all presented in the review. It is free, does not require registration, and has almost no settings. Just open it, select the level and speed, and start typing. It supports English and Russian languages ​​and is suitable for those who just want to practice touch typing without unnecessary statistics, lessons, and so on.

Keyboard trainer online works with abstract groups of symbols and does not have a clear training program.

Functions/capabilities of the service:

  • language selection;
  • selecting training difficulty (43 levels available);
  • speed selection.

The simulator offered by the site allows you to hone your typing skills both for groups of keys and for free text. This is a completely free, simple and straightforward online service. It does not have special sets of lessons, but is still a little more functional than the previous one.

You can master all letter keys using RomanPro in just 10 lessons. If you don't need to track progress and don't care about additional options, this service may be right for you.

RomanPro teaches typing both on common key combinations in the most popular areas of the keyboard, and on arbitrary texts uploaded by the user. The training does not have a specific duration.

Functions/capabilities of the service:

  • display of detailed statistics;
  • illumination of the necessary keys on the diagram;
  • lessons on different zones on the keyboard;
  • training on free text.

All keyboard trainers teach the same thing, but they differ in approach, techniques and teaching methods. The most important criterion for choosing them is efficiency and your comfort during exercise. Therefore, if you feel like you didn’t choose what you were looking for, just change the application.

Last year I set myself a goal - to master touch typing. I reached it quickly enough. I don’t remember exactly now, but, in my opinion, it took me no more than a few weeks. It was possible faster, even much faster, but it was not always possible to devote time to training. Now I have decided to master the Latin layout, and, I want to say, mastering the second layout is much faster. In fact, this can be done even in one weekend. Of course, I'm not saying now that you'll be typing at 300 characters per minute, but at least you won't be looking at the keyboard. Today I decided to write about keyboard trainers for touch typing, and in general about what touch typing is and who needs it.

Why do you need touch typing?

Just answer one question for yourself: how often do you type on the keyboard? I can predict the answer. Of course, often! This could be a banal correspondence on social networks, or it could be more serious things - graduate work(if you write it yourself), work reports, copywriting (if). Can you imagine how much time you could save if typing took you, say, 5 times less time. And this is not the limit.

Yes, first of all touch typing allows you to increase your typing speed. Ideally, you will be able to type at the speed of thought, even much faster than writing with a regular ballpoint pen. You will not think about which key you need to press; your fingers will do it subconsciously. It will be hard at first, but then you will start to enjoy it. You just need to overcome yourself.

In addition, touch typing is good for the brain. To master touch typing at a high level, your brain will have to create a huge number of neural connections. And in general, fine motor skills of the hands themselves also have an extremely positive effect on brain function. So print more.

What types of touch typing keyboard trainers are there?

Well, first of all, there are online keyboard simulators touch typing and offline simulators. There's not much to explain here. You will use the first (online simulators) through an Internet browser, and if registration is provided there, then you will be able to train not only at home. And the second type of simulators (offline) involves installing a program on your computer with all the ensuing consequences. I prefer online simulators, but, of course, they require constant access to the Internet.

You can also meet free and paid keyboard trainers. Personally, it seems to me that the difference is small, although I can’t really compare, because I myself have only used free simulators. Here, as in everyday life, everything depends on the person. More precisely, it depends on whether he knows how to achieve his goals or not. By the way, this is a great chance to test this quality in yourself.

Keyboard simulators can also be divided according to their interest. This is of course not for everyone, but personally I like it when training is built in the form of a game and is divided into levels, when there are some achievements, points, competitions and other gaming stuff. This draws you into the training process, and you don’t even notice how you are developing your touch typing skill step by step. In a word, have fun and profitably.

Well, I think it’s time to move on to a review of popular touch typing keyboard trainers. I will not divide them according to any gender characteristics or sort them in any way, but will simply describe them and, perhaps, collect basic information in a small table for convenient comparison. I won’t describe everything, but only those that my heart is drawn to.

All 10 – free online touch typing trainer

All 10(website) is one of the best free touch typing simulators. It was on it that I mastered the ten-finger set, so I will describe it first. The site itself looks quite nice and doesn’t bother you when spending a long time on it.

Interface "All 10"

The training is based on levels. If you complete the task and advance to the next level, if you fail, beat Claudia until you pass! The tasks from level to level are basically the same, but the only difference is the number of keys on which you need to flutter like a bird. To pass the level, you need to type the provided text at a speed of at least 50 characters per minute and you are allowed to make no more than 2 mistakes. Well, these are the minimum requirements, but purely for yourself, you can set a goal to sit at the same level until the speed is, say, 120 characters per minute.

Training can be completed in Russian and English languages. What I’m actually doing now is going through levels in English.

After training you can get certified. For some reason I didn’t pass, I have to pass.

The service also has statistics for each lesson, where you can compare your results with the average and with the best results.

In principle, this keyboard simulator alone will be enough for you to learn touch typing. But for the sake of decency, let's look at other interesting simulators.

Clavogonki is an exciting online game. Touch typing won't get you far

Clavogons(site) is a truly unique creation that combines all the best that can be needed for learning high-speed touch typing. Just look at the table of the best players. The fastest player this week set a record in 892 characters per minute. Can you imagine? 15 characters per second!

Clavogonki: choosing a race

There is a development system, ranks, points that can be spent on all sorts of bonuses and other things inherent in any game world.

The only drawback is that if you are a beginner, then you have nothing to do here! This keyboard trainer can teach you speed typing, but it is unlikely to teach you touch typing from scratch.

Klavarog – professional free online keyboard trainer

Speaking of Clavarog(website), it’s easier to start with its shortcomings, because there are very few of them, and then move on to its advantages, which will help you quickly forget about the shortcomings.

The only disadvantages of this keyboard trainer are that it does not have registration and does not remember your progress. That's all! Oh yes, the interface also looks a little old-fashioned and too simple, but there is nothing superfluous and nothing distracts from the process of learning touch typing.

Clavarog: a complete professional set

Now let's move on to the advantages of Clavarog:

Languages. There are as many as 5 languages ​​in this keyboard simulator - Russian, English, German, Ukrainian and Esperanto.

For each language it is provided 4 difficulty levels. At the first difficulty level “Start” you will be able to master the very basics - short, repeating words. At the second level “Beginner” there will be longer and more complex words. At the third level you will practice your typing speed. On the fourth - typing random paragraphs of text from books.

In addition to the usual national languages(not counting Esperanto), you will be able to master touch typing course specifically for programming languages, taking into account the syntax features of each of them. The most popular programming languages ​​are collected, among which you will find JavaScript, PHP, Python, C, C++, Go, Pascal, SQL, XML/XSLT. If you are a programmer, then this keyboard simulator will be effective for you.

There are also different keyboard layout options for each language. You are most likely only familiar with QWERTY, because all keyboards on computers and laptops have this layout. This is when the top row of letters begins with the Latin letters qwerty. However, there are other layouts. They are less popular and certainly less familiar to an ordinary person, but people who use them claim that they are more convenient and you can achieve better results with them (meaning typing speed). Among these layouts are: dvorak, ant, workman, klausler, jcuken and others…

Programmers most often work with alternative types of layouts. So if you are a programmer, then this touch typing keyboard simulator is doubly suitable for you.

Touch Typing Study – another good touch typing keyboard trainer (online)

Big advantage Touch Typing Study(site) is a huge number of languages. But will this be a benefit for you? I think not, unless you are a polyglot linguist. Otherwise, this resource is not much different from its analogues.

Touch Typing Study - simple, but no less effective

It is possible to register, but it is not necessary, since all lessons and exercises are available without registration.

There are also several unique games that are not like Tetris or Snake... although they are more like moving crosswords, I don’t know how to describe it, you just need to see and feel it. For the games they get a separate plus from me, after all, the games are very captivating in the process and I am always FOR this approach to learning.

By the way, like all the keyboard trainers that I describe, Touch Typing Study is completely free. Use it for your own pleasure, as much as you like.

Touch typing: top keyboard trainers

I did not describe all of these simulators in the article, because I described only online and free keyboard simulators, but, nevertheless, these are worthy candidates for you to learn about them. Perhaps someone is not against paid training. But for some people it’s more convenient to download the program onto a computer, you never know, maybe the Internet at home isn’t always available... well, that’s it!

Rating of keyboard trainers

Let's try to choose best keyboard trainer from those presented in the voting form. If you have come across them, you can choose the one you like best. If not, select the last option to view the voting results. I'll add my voice too. If you like several keyboard trainers and cannot choose the best one, then vote for 2 at once. You cannot vote for 3.


Is touch typing difficult to learn? I think not! Especially considering the abundance of tools provided for this. Do you need touch typing? It's up to you to decide, but I think that this skill will definitely not be superfluous.

My typing speed on the Russian layout is now about 150 characters per minute, in English - about 90-100 characters per minute. I achieved this using a free online keyboard trainer " All 10" But the speed is low, I agree. Therefore, after completing the English layout course, I plan to hone my speed typing on the resource “ Clavogons" What do you train on?

PS: by the way, I still haven’t increased the typing speed on the Russian keyboard. But he brought the English one up to almost the same speed as the Russian one.

Greetings, friends and colleagues! In today's article I want to start a new series of materials dedicated to the most important skills and abilities that everyone needs to learn to modern man. Especially for those who work remotely via the Internet or build their own business on it.

I'll start with such a simple skill as touch typing with two hands. I’ll tell you what it is, how to learn to quickly type on the keyboard and what auxiliary tools exist for this.

I once understood the meaning and importance of the skill from a conversation with a successful Internet entrepreneur, sitting in a small Indonesian warung on the island of Bali.

Let me share with you my thoughts about its benefits, which you may not even know about.

Why learn to touch type with 10 fingers?

Surprisingly, I learned to touch-type with both hands back in college, trying to occupy myself with at least something useful during lessons. The fact is that I studied at an ordinary Russian college, where it was possible to enter for free, since my parents were not able to pay for my education, and I myself was not eager to strive for anything at that time, limiting myself to herd mentality.

Well, most of our teachers, I don’t know how in other educational institutions, put a big emphasis on our knowledge and training, because for them the main thing is to work out the teaching hours in order to earn money.

So, in pairs on one specialized subject, while the teacher played a browser game, we learned to type on keyboard simulators. Modern smartphones and unlimited internet It didn’t exist at that time, and college computers only had educational software and standard Windows games.

In general, I believe that this is one of the few important skills acquired during 4 years of study, which now helps me earn a lot of money, by Russian standards.

Save time

The first advantage of the two-handed touch typing method for me, of course, was the typing speed, which is increasing to this day. Typing haphazardly, it is hardly possible to develop this skill so systematically, since you have to constantly look at the monitor and keyboard.

Nowadays, we began to communicate more in writing and being able to type quickly is already a necessity. It happens that I communicate on a social network with 10 - 20 people at the same time, which is impossible to do with live communication, since these are completely different people, including my employers, clients, friends and readers. Such a conversation in writing saves a lot of time.

Increased Productivity

The second advantage for me is that I began to keep up with my own thoughts when writing an article and communicating. When you have to write and communicate a lot, with a low typing speed you don’t always have time to type out what you just formulated in your head, and the thought gets lost. This happens even during a conversation, and we speak much faster than we type on a computer.

For this reason, in our course, where we teach people to write texts, formulate their thoughts correctly and earn 20 - 30 thousand rubles a month without leaving home, we pay special attention to training in correct typing on the keyboard.

Maintaining health and energy

The third and fourth advantages are the preservation of energy and health when working at the computer. There is no need to constantly switch attention from the monitor to the keyboard. Your eyes and neck become less tired, your productivity has increased, and the chance of damaging your eyesight and ruining your health has decreased.

Brain Development

I’ll finish with the fifth plus, the essence of which is that by training all the fingers of both hands, new neural connections are formed in the brain, which also affect our ability to think, learn and remember information.

Since childhood, our parents teach us new skills that affect our mental and physical development. But then, when we grow up, for some reason we stop developing these skills consciously, deciding that we already know how to do everything. I will talk about such “invisible” skills that need to be constantly developed, for example: the ability to ask questions, the ability to build relationships, etc., in this regular column.

If you want to always be in the know, . Let's learn them together.

How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard

The main secret here is that you need to learn a simple technique developed by an American stenographer more than a hundred years ago, and then continuously train it. The technique involves using all 10 fingers correctly.

Correct placement of hands on the keyboard

The letters and symbols on the keyboard are arranged according to a special layout and divide it into 2 parts - for both hands. It is enough to understand and learn the correct placement of the fingers. Here's how they should be positioned.

In the following image, zones are highlighted in different colors, indicating which finger should press which button. In our college, next to the computers, there was always such a color reminder picture.

Learning to type correctly is a rather difficult process, it’s like learning to write again or learning to write with a different hand. I remember how my hands didn’t obey, my fingers couldn’t straighten and couldn’t reach the keys.

Tags for the blind

Ever wondered why there are small protrusions on the letters “A” and “O” on the keyboard? They are specially made so that you can place your fingers correctly without looking. Start typing when you feel them.

Pressing the spacebar and duplicate keys

I want to pay special attention to pressing the spacebar and duplicate keys (shift, ctrl, alt) when typing a capital letter or some symbol. According to the rules, you cannot press 2 keys at once with one hand. That is, when, for example, you type the exclamation mark “!” - these are the shift + 1 keys, you need to press “1” with your left little finger, and “shift” with your right little finger.

With a space you do the same thing: when you type a character with your left hand, put the subsequent space with your right and vice versa.

I understand that at first it will seem wildly inconvenient, but then the result will surprise you.

There's no need to rush

Don't try to type quickly right away, work on your technique. Try not to peek, you can even cover the keyboard with something. At first the speed will be very slow, but as the fingers “stretch” and muscle memory appears, it will begin to grow.

Workplace organization

I also recommend that you choose a convenient workplace. This is important not only for mastering touch typing, but also for staying healthy and efficient. Here, read the article about how to organize a place to work and what can happen if you sit incorrectly (link will be later).

Constant practice

Well, one last piece of advice - never type incorrectly again! By spending, starting from this moment, a month or two (maybe more) on learning, you will save tens and hundreds of hours over the course of your life.

Training simulators

There are already dozens of different simulators on the Internet, some of them are free, some are paid.

Keyboard solo

SOLO on the keyboard (best) - This is a very old machine that I learned in college. The author is a famous psychologist and journalist Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan.

You can install a program for your computer or study online. It is constantly updated and recently the developers made new version training.

It’s very cool that there are sequential lessons here that train all fingers separately. In total you need to complete 100 lessons.

In addition to the course for the Russian keyboard, there are also other languages. I'm currently taking English, since I also have to type a lot in Latin.

It has a good function - typing speed test.


Stamina is also a very good training program that allows you to learn the ten-finger typing method. The course is also based on step-by-step lessons.


VerseQ is a very simple simulator that adapts to the mistakes you make. There are no consistent lessons and no sense of achievement of some kind of goal, but in itself it is not bad.

VerseQ online- online version of VerseQ.

Analogues are worse

  • Bombina
  • RapidTyping
  • iQwer
  • Funny fingers
  • BabyType
  • Clavogons- the most popular in the game format.
  • All 10


It takes time to master this skill; it can take months to train until your fingers begin to obey and press the right keys automatically, without even thinking about where the right symbol is.

The basis of training, of course, is the correct pressing of the keys, and not speed. Try not to make mistakes, type slowly but correctly.

All I can do is wish you success and hope that you won’t miss the next skill that I will discuss on the blog.

Leave your feedback on how you learned to type quickly and what programs you used. Bye!

Ten-finger touch typing simulator. Especially good for accelerating speed. Rich interface customization options, detailed statistics and help.

Observe a secretary or programmer at work. His fingers seem to flutter over the keyboard. And in a matter of minutes, a decent amount of text has already been typed. “What speed! What agility!” - you are amazed. But everyone can do this!!!

Today in the world there are many tutorials for ten-finger typing. Also, a lot of programs have been created, so-called keyboard simulators. We will talk about one of them. This is the Stamina keyboard trainer.

Why do we choose Stamina? Here's why:

  • free!
  • clarity of the methodology
  • accessibility of explanatory language
  • comic form of program design, etc.

The advantages also include a flexible configuration system (you can customize almost everything: background music, background image, color design of the program and much more) and the presence of several training options: standard fingering and alternative.

But first things first. If you are ready for everyday “torture” of yourself, then let’s get started.

Program installation

First, we will need to download the archive with the program and install it on your computer. In the archive you will find only one file (aka installation :-), which you will need to run to start the installation. At the end of the installation process, you will be asked to run the program, which we will gladly agree to. And you will immediately be prompted to create an account with your name (more than 400 records are supported in total).

And, as we see, the jokes begin immediately, so you won’t be bored!!!

Not only the program itself will be loaded, but also “Help”, called by the author - “Aibolit”. For those who like to master everything using the “scientific poke” method, I would still recommend reading this manual, if only to lift your spirits (I read it with pleasure myself: 0))). Be sure to check out the “Bonus” section. There you will find a whole selection of jokes from the author of the program, poems of his own composition and a small but interesting game called “Fastmind”.

They read it, laughed, and already figured something out. Now let's take a look at the program itself.

Stamina keyboard trainer interface

It consists of two fields: a text field and a virtual keyboard. In the upper left corner of the field for working with text we see a set of commands and options. In the upper right corner there is a timer that records the time spent doing the exercises. In the lower left corner is the user name. In the center there is a field for entering words and “abracadabra” of letters (this is where you will begin to comprehend the basics of high-speed typing).

At the bottom there is a virtual keyboard, the letters of which are separated by green lines. This is done so that you know which finger to press which key. The index fingers of both hands simultaneously grasp 2 columns of characters, while the thumbs are used to press the Spacebar.

Initial hand position

  • the little finger of the left hand on the “F” button (in the English layout - “A”)
  • then the fingers of the left hand are placed in order until index finger, which lies on the “A” (“F”) button
  • the little finger of the right hand on the “F” button (“;:”)
  • index finger on the “O” (“J” button).

After pressing any key, the finger returns to its original position, while it does not touch the keyboard, but only slightly hangs over it. Now, trying not to lose this arrangement of your fingers, type as accurately as possible what you are offered.

Where to begin

Now specifically about actions. By default, the program is set to “Lesson” mode. It’s worth starting with him. Here you will learn how to quickly and correctly type simple letter combinations, words and punctuation marks. If you make a mistake, the program produces some kind of sound (sometimes not very civilized :-). At the end of the course you will have an exam that will show your progress and achievements.

Stamina also has lessons on “Combinations of letters” and “Numbers”, but they didn’t put much effort into them. The lesson begins when you press the space bar. There is no time limit in this mode, so focus on typing accuracy and speed will come with experience. After completing the lesson, Stamina will show a graph of your typing speed and percentage of errors.

If we enter the “Mode” menu, we will see that in addition to “Lesson” there are several more modes:

  • Phrases – here you will type ready-made articulate phrases at speed. Unlike the “Lesson”, “Phrases” keeps track of progress, which we can view by clicking on the “Progress” tab in the menu, and also sets a timer. That is, if you did not have time to type all the phrases, then in “Progress” you will be considered a failure.
  • Other modes: “Letters from phrases”, “All characters” and “External file”. The first is a mode that resembles “Phrases”, but differs in that the letters from the phrase are scattered. “All symbols” mode, the same “abracadabra”, but punctuation marks are also added to the letters. Finally, “External File” is the ability to open your own text file in txt format for training.

Options menu

  • “Layout” – allows you to change the keyboard layout for training. Stamina has 3 languages ​​available: Russian, Ukrainian and English.
  • “Keyboard” – if you uncheck the box, the virtual keyboard will not be displayed.
  • The next three tabs allow you to work with background music. In the Song List menu we can add our own music by clicking on “+files” (to add a single file) or “+folder” (to add an entire folder). The “-delete” button deletes the selected file, and “Killall dead” removes so-called “dead links” from the list, those that refer to non-existent or deleted files. Nearby there is a square with two buttons (Play and Pause, respectively), a box with a checkmark (allows you to play not the entire file, but only a certain period of sound) and a slider (sound level, which can be adjusted with the Page Up (louder) and Page Down (quieter) buttons) ).
  • “To the construction site...” are the direct settings of the program (read more about them in the book “Keyboard simulator Stamina - Your path to high-speed typing”).

Having configured the program in the most convenient and attractive way for you, you can start training. At first, you need to train for 10-30 minutes every day (then you can do it 2-4 times a week). When you have thoroughly mastered all the “Lessons”, you can start working with phrases and texts.


To achieve results, you need to have a fair amount of patience, since the result will not be visible immediately. But if you want, then with the help of this simulator you can achieve amazing success in teaching touch typing. Good luck to you!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

P.P.S. You may also be interested in the Rapid Typing Keyboard Trainer program - another keyboard trainer designed for a wide range of users, but more abstruse.

How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard?- this question is asked by users who often work with computers. Many people want to know how “hackers” in movies tap out texts at high speed without looking at the keyboard. This whole process is called touch printing. To learn how to quickly type on a keyboard, you don’t have to take special courses; touch typing can be mastered absolutely free.

Methods for teaching fast touch typing on a computer keyboard:

  • Download a free keyboard simulator teaching ten-finger touch typing;
  • Download a self-instruction book with exercises and rules for ten-finger typing;
  • Practice with a keyboard trainer online;
  • Type texts on the keyboard using touch typing, communicating on social networks, ICQ, remembering the rules of touch typing on the keyboard.
You can download any keyboard trainer or touch typing tutorial for free on our website. The article review of 7 keyboard trainers will help you choose a keyboard trainer. You can select a program for teaching children the ten-finger typing method in the section keyboard simulators for children.

Those who want to learn how to type quickly usually want to know how long it takes to master fast touch typing.

- It all depends on how much time you will devote to learning, which keyboard trainer you choose.
If you practice all day, you can achieve success in a week. If after work you devote 1-2 hours a day to studying, then at least two weeks, or even more. The main thing is to study systematically and not give up.

Having mastered ten-finger touch typing, you will get several advantages at once:

  • Time saving;
  • Save your eyesight;
  • Fatigue when working with a computer will decrease;
  • You won’t forget what you wanted to type;
  • Bold point to your own resume: the blind ten-finger method increases productivity when working on a computer.

Basic rules of the blind ten-finger method: