Application of CCP when leasing residential and non-residential premises. Why is it worth renting an online cash register? Which banks offer online cash registers for rent?

Do we need to switch to the Online Cashier if the company is on a simplified basis (income) and receives income only from renting out non-residential real estate.


The answer to your question depends on two factors:

To whom do you rent the property - other companies or individuals,

Urgent news from tax authorities:. Read in the magazine

How do tenants pay you - in cash or through a bank account?

If your company receives only non-cash transfers, you do not need to use online cash register. A cash register is only required when accepting cash proceeds.

If you rent out property to individuals (including entrepreneurs), then until July 1, 2018 you have options - use online cash register or issue forms strict reporting.

A strict reporting form (SRF) is a document that, until July 1, 2018, can be issued instead of a cash register check when making payments in cash or using plastic cards for paid services to the population (Clause 8 of Article 7 of Law No. 290-FZ, Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 22.02. 2017 N 03-01-15/10470). Until 2017, BSO could be used in the provision of all services named in OKUN (Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated February 18, 2016 N 03-01-15/9263), as well as services not named in OKUN, but which by their nature are services to the population.

From 01/01/2017, instead of OKUN, new classifiers OKVED2 and OKPD2 were introduced (Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 02/10/2017 N 03-01-15/7511). Since services to the population are not highlighted in the new Classifiers, Rosstat has developed collective classification groups (Order of Rosstat dated May 23, 2016 N 244). According to this grouping, the rental of premises to individuals is classified as paid services to the population.

Thus, in only one case does your company have the right not to use online cash register systems - until July 1, 2018, when renting out premises to individuals. At the same time, when accepting cash in this case, strict reporting forms must be issued.

Individual entrepreneurs have one more benefit. They have the right not to use CCT when renting out their own residential premises. This is stated in paragraph 5 of Article 1 of Law No. 290-FZ. Legal entities cannot take advantage of such a benefit.

Online cash register for 0 rubles!
How is this possible?

How to save money on online purchases?

In an effort to help budding entrepreneurs, we have come up with a completely new service for the cash register market - online cash register rental. To save up to 20,000 rubles on the purchase of an online cash register, it is enough to pay for commissioning services and a fiscal drive.

Online cash register rental

We will provide an online cash register for rent, register your organization with the Fiscal Data Operator, and issue it for you electronic signature and we will carry out the registration steps ourselves on the tax website.

Upon completion economic activity, the cash register is returned to the MaxMaster central warehouse.

A cooperation option is possible when the online cash register can be replaced with a similar model of a check printing machine at the very beginning of work.

Quantity is limited!

This unique offer is valid only in our service center.



Rent a stand-alone online cash register
Autonomous online cash register AMS-100F
(connection with OFD via WiFi, power supply 220V)
0 12000
7500 7500
3000 3000
3000 3000
9600 9600
2000 2000
electronic signature2000 2000
TOTAL: 27500 39500


Rent an online fiscal registrar
Fiscal registrar Shtrikh-M-02F
(1C compatible!, connection with OFD via Ethernet power supply 220V)
0 20000
Fiscal storage device “FN-1”7500 7500
Registration in the OFD LC and in the taxpayer’s LC (entering data in your personal account, obtaining a registration number, transferring registration data to the OFD)3000 3000
Commissioning of an online cash register (setting up receipt cliches, setting up tables, entering OFD data at the online cash register, fiscalization)3000 3000
Technical support for online cash register for 1 year13200 13200
Certificate for services 1-OFD (JSC "ESK") for 1 year2000 2000
Issuance of a qualified electronic signature verification key certificate2000 2000
TOTAL: 30700 50700


Renting a portable bank terminal
Bank terminal and cash register YARUS-TF
(acceptance of chip plastic cards, communication with OFD via Ethernet or GPRS, battery and charger included)
0 20000
Fiscal storage device “FN-1”7500 7500
Registration in the OFD LC and in the taxpayer’s LC (entering data in your personal account, obtaining a registration number, transferring registration data to the OFD)3000 3000
Commissioning of an online cash register (setting up check cliches, setting up tables, entering OFD data in the online cash register, fiscalization)3000 3000
Technical support for online cash register for 1 year13200 13200
Certificate for services 1-OFD (JSC "ESK") for 1 year2000 2000
Issuance of a qualified electronic signature verification key certificate2000 2000
TOTAL: 30700 50700


Renting a portable online cash register
Compact cash register AGAT-1F
(works with a PC and a scanner, communication with the OFD via WiFi or GPRS, battery and charger included)
0 7000
Fiscal storage device “FN-1”7500 7500
Registration in the OFD LC and in the taxpayer’s LC (entering data in your personal account, obtaining a registration number, transferring registration data to the OFD)3000 3000
Commissioning of an online cash register (setting up check cliches, setting up tables, entering OFD data in the online cash register, fiscalization)3000 3000
Technical support for online cash register for 1 year9600 9600
Certificate for services 1-OFD (JSC "ESK") for 1 year2000 2000
Issuance of a qualified electronic signature verification key certificate2000 2000
TOTAL: 27500 34500

Registration of the selected and rented online cash register is carried out at the MaxMaster office remotely via Personal Area taxpayer in 20 minutes!

No need to go anywhere! Queues at the Federal Tax Service are a thing of the past!

We are waiting for you in our office!

If you decide to rent a cash register, then you can simply SEND US A MESSAGE.

Or order registration of an already purchased cash register.

Came into force on July 15, 2016 Federal Law No. 290-FZ, which amends the law No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment.”

Now most entrepreneurs must switch to online cash registers, and all cash register equipment will send electronic versions of checks to the Federal Tax Service via the Internet.

Online cash desks in 2017:

Basic provisions

  1. The scheme for working with tax authorities has changed; all data from checks will be sent to the Federal Tax Service via the Internet.
  2. Registering a cash register has been simplified, you don’t need to go to the tax office, just go to the website and register a cash register through your personal account.
  3. Entrepreneurs who do not currently use cash registers will be required to purchase online cash registers and send data to the tax service by July 1, 2018.
  4. So-called fiscal data operators have appeared; they will receive, transmit, process and store fiscal data to the Federal Tax Service.
  5. Cash registers will technically become a little different, EKLZ will replace the fiscal drive.

Application of CCP in 2017 - how it will be:

The buyer comes to the store to make a purchase, the cashier scans the barcode on the packaging, the fiscal drive located inside the cash register saves the receipt, signs it with a fiscal sign, and sends the receipt data to the OFD. The fiscal data operator processes the information, sends the response back to the cash register, and the data on the check to the Federal Tax Service. Next, the buyer receives a check, or 2 checks if desired (one paper and one electronic by mail or phone).

Transition to online cash registers since 2017:

The state has provided for a phased transition to online cash registers.

  1. For those entrepreneurs who were allowed not to use cash registers, a deferment is provided until 07/01/2018.
  2. Vending companies also received a deferment until July 1, 2018.

Cash register with online data transfer:

Fines since 2017 Failure to use cash registers or incorrect use of cash register equipment will result in fines:

  1. The cash register does not meet the requirements - 10,000 rubles.
  2. The check was not sent to the buyer - 10,000 rubles.
  3. Trade without cash register - 30,000 rubles.
  4. The company did not use cash register - From 75% to 100% of the settlement amount outside the cash register (minimum 30 thousand rubles)

How to comply with 54-FZ at the lowest cost?

On our website you can order lease of LLC with cash register online without leaving home. Our specialists will deliver a complete set of documents and the cash register to the address you specified the next day. To rent LLC and cash registerdevice that meets the requirements of 54-FZ You will need to sign an agreement and receive all the documentation from us for the LLC you are renting. Rental price for LLC with cash registera device that meets the requirements of 54-FZ amounts to 8000 rubles per month.

What is a cash register?

Let's consider what cash register equipment or cash register equipment is from the point of view of an entrepreneur. In article 2 federal law dated May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash register systems” states that a cash register is required when paying customers in cash or by bank card. There is a category of services that does not fall under general requirement– they can trade without a cash register. A complete list of such activities is described in Article 3 of Law No. 54-FZ.

From July 1, 2017, online stores, sellers of beer and alcoholic beverages in public catering and retail are required to open a cash register.

From July 2017, merchants must switch to new cash registers that support online payments.

The cash register has a case with a serial number, inside of which there is a real-time clock. The cash register also has a device for printing fiscal documents, and there is a fiscal drive inside the case. Updated cash registers must transfer data to a fiscal drive installed inside the case and generate documents in electronic form. The cash register machine prints fiscal documents with a two-dimensional bar code (QR code no less than 20 x 20 mm in size) and the device stores fiscal data in memory for five years from the date of start of operation.

Individual entrepreneurs are required to register cash registers with the tax office at their place of registration. The tax inspector enters a special digital code that protects the fiscal memory from hacking, after which the central service specialist installs a seal on the cash register. Thus, the fiscalization of CCP occurs. After making sure that the cash register is in good working order, the inspector makes notes in the passport and issues a registration card.

As you know, it came into force on July 1, 2017 new law regulating the use of cash register equipment - 54-FZ. According to 54-FZ, all cash registers must be able to connect to the Internet and transmit electronic versions of receipts to the tax office upon completion of the sale. Information is not transmitted directly to the tax office, but with the help of the OFD, the fiscal data operator. The reform concerns different layers of entrepreneurs and firms and affects them gradually: first those who are already trading, and then those who previously managed just fine without a cash register. On the occasion of the entry into force of 54-FZ, Sberbank offers a very convenient service for entrepreneurs and small businesses - rental of online cash registers 54-FZ from. This service is designed for small and micro businesses whose income is not so large as to afford the purchase of a full-fledged cash register of a new type. Purchase prices new cash register start from 24,490 rubles, which for small business may be critical.

Advice! If you have an individual entrepreneur on UTII or a patent, you have the right to a tax deduction - up to 18,000 rubles for each cash register. This partially offsets your costs for the online checkout.

The benefit in the case of renting an online cash register is obvious: you do not need to take your money out of business turnover, but rather pay a monthly subscription fee, which is much lower than buying an online cash register as your own. If you decide to increase the number of retail outlets, you can rent as many cash registers as you need.

Evotor online ticket office rental

If you don’t have a cash register yet, then it’s time to think about installing a cash register that meets the requirements of 54-FZ. After July 1, 2018, online cash registers must be installed by those who trade in retail or work in the catering industry.
The fines for violating Law 54-FZ are as follows: if the cash register does not meet the new requirements - 10,000 rubles, if the seller did not send an electronic check at the request of the buyer - 10,000 rubles, if trading without a cash register at all - 30,000 rubles.
Therefore, whether or not you should postpone the issue of purchasing or renting an online cash register is up to you to decide. The implementation of online cash register services is carried out by a subsidiary of Sberbank, Evotor. They have it on their website a wide range of models of electronic cash registers: from the most budgetary to the more expensive and stuffed interesting features. Each entrepreneur will be able to choose what he needs, according to the specifics and needs of his business. The Evotor online cash desk rental service includes three tariff plans: Standard, VIP and Premium. The cost will depend on the selected online cash register model.
For example, with “Evotor 7.2” the Standard tariff will cost 1,400 rubles per month: this price includes the rental of an online cash register with a fiscal drive and connection to the fiscal data operator, delivery, movement, repair and replacement of the cash register in case of malfunction, as well as consultations in support center. VIP tariff - 1900 rubles per month - includes, among other things, free registration of the cash register with the Federal Tax Service and a qualified electronic signature, installation and configuration of the cash register, initial training of staff on working with the cash register and connecting the cash register to the OFD, that is, in fact, this is a turnkey solution . The “Premium” tariff – 2900 rubles per month – requires annual re-registration of the cash register with the Federal Tax Service. Any Evotor online cash register comes pre-installed with the necessary software for sales, maintaining basic inventory records, providing discounts, managing and monitoring business through an online account. Each Evotor client receives access to an application store with more than 200 services for business development and profit growth: merchandise accounting and inventory management programs, financial and accounting planning, systems for strengthening loyalty, business promotion, etc. The “Online cash register rental” service Sberbank clients who have and use the service can take advantage of it. So, what models are offered by Evotor:
  1. Evotor 5
  2. Evtoro 7.2
  3. Evotor 7.3
  4. Evotor 10
Let's go through the functionality of each cash register and note its features. Let's go in order from bottom to top.

Evotor online cash register

Evotor 5- the smallest and cheapest cash register of all model range cash register devices. It will be on sale from March 2018. It is worth noting that this cash register is mobile. This model has 2 batteries on board and therefore the cash register will last in offline mode for about 6-12 hours (depending on the quality of communication and time of use of the touch screen - they are the ones that consume the most batteries during operations). Despite its tiny size (the terminal can easily fit in a regular jacket pocket), this little one can do everything you need - send data to the Federal Tax Service, accept loyalty cards, synchronize with commodity accounting systems or cloud accounting, and much more. You can also easily use it to make sales at a free price - this is when you do not need to indicate the name of the product when selling. The Evotor 5 cash register weighs only 400 grams. Connection to the OFD can be carried out either using mobile internet(there is a slot for a SIM card at the cash register), and via Wi-Fi, in the worst case, through the usual RJ-45 Internet port with the help of an adapter. The screen of this device has a diagonal of 5.5 inches, which is quite enough for work. This cash register is ideal for off-site trading and courier delivery. Evotor 7.2— this cash register is also small in size, but it already provides wider functionality to its user. This cash register does not have a built-in battery and therefore can only be used in a stationary place where there is an outlet. The touch screen diagonal is 7 inches. You can provide the buyer with payment methods to choose from: payment by card, cash or loyalty card. Also, this online cash register model provides the opportunity to control your points, cashiers and track sales online, which is very convenient. The Evotor 7.2 model weighs a little - only 1 kilogram. Optimal price-quality ratio. No wonder this model became a sales leader last year. The cash register takes up little space, has unlimited possibilities and fits harmoniously into any counter. Evotor 7.3— this online cash register is for those who lacked the functionality of the Evotor 5 model and at the same time needed the bells and whistles of the 7.2 model. The touch screen diagonal is 7 inches. The cash register has unlimited functionality and expanding the functionality of the online cash register is as easy as shelling pears. To this terminal you can connect a bank terminal, a label printer and even a cash drawer, as well as electronic scales (you need to install a driver for them). Evotor 10— the flagship of the entire range of online cash registers from the Evotor company. The word flagship speaks for itself: this model has the largest screen - 10 inches. The cash register is autonomous - it has a built-in battery. This cash register is designed for use in the restaurant business, because it provides synchronization with R-Keeper and other popular programs. Using the Evotor 10 cash register, you can sell alcohol if you have a UTM. This is what online ticket offices 54-FZ look like in the photo.
Together with the Evotor cash register, you receive a free terminal for accepting cards and an acquiring connection.

Possibilities of the Evotor cash desk

  • Free applications: cash register, inventory accounting, discounts
  • Integration with 1C, product accounting and loyalty program
  • Trade with or without the Internet: Wi-Fi and SIM card available
  • Working with EGAIS for trading beer and spirits

Buying an Evotor 54-FZ cash register

If your budget allows more than renting an online cash register, then you can then buy your own cash register by selecting the cash register you need with the specified functionality on the Evotor website. But it will be cost-effective stable business with good turnover. Prices for the purchase of 54-FZ cash registers vary and depend on the required functionality and the type of products sold. For example, you will need to buy a special cash register to sell alcohol.

How to connect an online cash register

Connecting an online cash register is quite simple:
  1. Buy a cash register
  2. Connect to OFD (fiscal data operator)
  3. Register a cash register with the Federal Tax Service

Who needs an online cash register?

  • Grocery stores
  • Enterprises retail
  • Small cafes and pavilions
  • Domestic services
Thus, Evotor cash desks from Sberbank will help you trade legally, without violating the requirements of 54-FZ. Whether you rent or buy an online cash register from Sberbank is up to you.

The obligations for using online cash registers are expanding, and in 2019, all companies and individual entrepreneurs with employees that provide services and sell goods on the Internet are required to use cash registers. If businessmen do not want to deal with setting up equipment and want to outsource it, they can rent an online cash register. In this article we will figure out how legal it is, how much it costs and how it works.

What is renting an online cash register, and is it legal?

The service for renting online cash registers for individual entrepreneurs and companies appeared in 2017, after the release of an explanatory letter from the Federal Tax Service dated May 15, 2017 No. AS-4-20/9012.

The document stated that a company or entrepreneur can use cash register equipment not only in the right of ownership, but also in the right of possession.

First of all, the owners of online stores became interested in where to rent an online cash register.

By law, they had to install cash register systems from July 2017, but the business was not ready for innovations. For online store owners, the process of connecting a cash register to a website (payment aggregator) seemed complicated. They willingly outsourced setting up the equipment, connecting it to the store and servicing it to a specialized fiscal center.

By 2019, the number of inexperienced cash register users had expanded. Now owners of websites offering photo printing services, online education and retraining, and web design and copywriting studios are asking whether it is possible to rent an online cash register. In general, renting is of interest to those individual entrepreneurs and LLCs who have not worked with cash register equipment before and are not ready to service it in the future.

Rent an online cash register for an online store for 1,500 rubles/month.

  • Ready-made solution for an online store under 54-FZ
  • 24/7 support
  • Expenses only for paying for the rental of the cash register and the fiscal drive
  • No hidden fees
  • Turnkey in 1 day

Previously, solutions for renting cloud online cash registers (those located in a separate data center) were presented on the market. Now leading companies also offer rental of stationary online cash registers - the equipment is sent to an individual entrepreneur or LLC by courier or through a representative.

The functioning of a stationary rented cash register is no different from that purchased in a store.

The functioning of a rented cloud online cash register raises questions, since not all entrepreneurs understand how this technology interacts with the site where payments are accepted.

How does a rented online cash register work with an online store?

The operating principle of cash register equipment rented to accept online payments is described in 5 stages:

  1. after ordering on a website or in an online store, the information goes to the payment aggregator;
  2. he transmits payment information to the fiscalization service;
  3. data is transferred to an online cash register program located in a remote data center;
  4. the online cash register processes the information, generates a receipt and transmits it to the OFD;
  5. The OFD sends an electronic receipt to the client’s email or phone and transmits the purchase data to the tax office.

Typically, this data transmission chain lasts a few seconds, since the data center where the cash register equipment is located always has fast and uninterrupted Internet.

Pros and cons of renting online cash registers

Thousands of entrepreneurs rent online cash registers, but there are still fewer of them than individual entrepreneurs and LLCs who buy machines as their own. This is because this solution is not suitable for everyone.

Let's note the advantages and disadvantages in the table:



There is no need to maintain the cash register; if necessary, the device will be replaced in a matter of hours (days), and the examination will also be carried out by the company providing online cash register rental services.

An online cash register rented for an online store cannot be used for retail outlets and pick-up points. There you will have to use a physical online cash register, buy a financial tax for it, register it with the Federal Tax Service and enter into a new agreement with the OFD.

If the tax office visits you to check your cash register, you can send inspectors to the employees of the data center where you keep the cash register. All questions about the operation of equipment should be addressed to them.

The total cost of renting an online cash register for 1-2 years is more expensive than using your own cash register with a cash register program.

The costs of installing a CCP are not so significant when compared with purchase.

Suitable for those who are just starting a business and are not ready to spend more than 9 thousand rubles in the first month.

Updates to the online cash register for those renting equipment are free (those users who own cash registers as property rights may be required by the manufacturer to purchase a subscription to updates).

Therefore, we can recommend renting an online cash register to a business with a fairly high profit, for which the cost of 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles per month for renting an online cash register will be insignificant. And also for those entrepreneurs who do not have the opportunity or desire to spend time on Maintenance devices in case of breakdown or updates.

For others, there is another solution - purchasing inexpensive models in installments and connecting them to the site through the Business.Ru Online Checks service.

Connect your own online cash register to your online store for RUB 300/month.

  • One checkout for both the online store and retail outlet or courier
  • Supports most well-known cash registers
  • Connect in just 30 minutes
  • Online cash register setup and technical support
  • Guaranteed delivery of electronic receipts to customers
  • We will do everything for you

Online ticket rental price

Any online cash register rental service will offer you cash register equipment, which is located in the data storage and processing center. Typically, communication with such a company occurs via the Internet or by telephone.

The cost of the service is determined by the online cash register rental agreement. It does not differ from month to month, for example, ATOL Online offers rent for 2,900 rubles per month, Business.Ru for 1,500 rubles.

However, in the first month you will have to pay more, because you need to purchase a fiscal drive for the cash register. Its price starts from 6,900 rubles; it is needed for storing receipts and other fiscal documents.

Typically, the rental price of an online cash register includes the cost of an agreement with a fiscal data operator. For example, when you rent an online cash register from Business.Ru, you receive an agreement with the OFD, as well as registering the cash register with the tax office as a gift.

What is more profitable for an online store – renting or buying a cash register?

We present calculations in which we will compare two offers from Business.Ru Online Checks for accepting payments through the website:

  • connecting to an online store with a physical online cash register;
  • connection to the site of a rented cash register located in the data center.

What are we comparing?

Stationary online cash register, in rubles

Rented online cash register, in rubles

Price of the service "Business.Ru Online-Checks"

Cash register cost

different, for example Atol 30F 8000

no fee

Cost of fiscal storage

Cost of OFD services

For a present

Registration with the Federal Tax Service (service)

On your own - free or for 1000 rubles with accompaniment

For a present

In just 1 year

22,090 (including registration cost)

In just 2 years

How to connect a rented online cash register to an online store?

The rented online cash register is connected to the online store by the fiscalization operator who leased the cash register.

This usually happens through a payment aggregator or acquiring operator. To connect an online cash register to them, a special fiscalization service is used.

Connection includes the following steps:

  1. concluding a lease agreement for an online cash register (condition – remote access), the content of which depends on the cash register model, the selected OFD and other features;
  2. purchase of a fiscal storage device (it is purchased for 15 or 36 months, after the memory expires or is full, it is replaced with a new one);
  3. the company that provided the online cash register for rent places the device in the data center;
  4. the cash register is connected to the Internet, all the machine data is received for further registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  5. The online cash register is registered with the Federal Tax Service; this can be done either by the entrepreneur himself or by the fiscalization operator;
  6. the fiscalization service is configured to receive information about settlements from the payment aggregator;
  7. the fiscalization service is configured to send information about payments to the online cash register program (so that the cash register generates a check and sends it to the OFD, which forms the data in a form familiar to the buyer and sends a link to the check to the client by email);
  8. a test payment is made to check the functionality of the “website -> online cash register” link (it is enough to buy something in your online store for one ruble and, after receiving the receipt, check the accuracy of the information contained in the fiscal document).

If you contact Business.Ru to rent an online cash register for an online store, you will receive a quick connection of cash register equipment to the site. Setting up cash register equipment takes a couple of hours. During this time, customer service department specialists:

  • place the cash register in the data center;
  • carry out turnkey equipment setup;
  • accompany a test payment in an online store and help verify receipt details.

What agreement is concluded when renting a cash register?

The online cash register rental agreement depends on the terms of the service offered. Traditionally, it assumes that the owner of the equipment is a fiscalization company that rents out cash registers.

The contract specifies the responsibility of the owner of the online cash register:

  • connect to the OFD and help with registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • maintain equipment;
  • replace if damaged;
  • provide other technical support services.

The obligations of the person renting the online cash register are to make payments and, if using stationary equipment, not to make changes that could damage it (do not open, drop, etc.).