How to calculate the total volume of cargo: calculation of cargo volume. How to calculate the volume of cargo and how to choose a vehicle for transportation? How to calculate volume in

When transporting cargo, it is necessary to calculate the volume in order to determine the price, and also so as not to overload a car, ship or plane. The question of how to calculate the volume of cargo has an easy solution. It is enough to know some parameters to accurately determine the volume.

Volume weight

How to calculate the volume of cargo? First you need to define some parameters. For example, your cargo is transported in a container. Let's say there are 220 books. First, you need to find out the length. For example, it will be equal to 60 centimeters. Secondly, you need to clarify the width of the container, for example, 70 centimeters. Third, you should find out the depth or height of the container, for example, 120 cm. Now that the data is known, you can calculate the volumetric weight of the entire cargo - a container with books. To do this, you need to know the divisor that the company uses. The number indicating this divisor can vary between 4 - 6 thousand. To calculate volumetric weight, you need to solve three problems.

  • The first is where the divisor will be the value 4000. Solution: 60*70*120 = 504000/4000 = 126 kilograms.
  • The second is where the divisor will be equal to 5000. Solution: 60*70*120 = 504000/5000 = 100.8 kilograms.
  • Third - where the divisor will indicate 6000. Solution: 60*70*120 = 504000/6000 = 84 kilograms.

Volume in cubic meters

You can take the same indicators as a basis. The formula used to calculate cargo volume is very simple. You need to multiply the width by the length, and then multiply by the depth or height. This means you need: 60*70*120 = 4320 centimeters. Volume is measured in cubes, which means you need to convert 4320 centimeters to cubic meters. To do this, divide 4320 by 10 thousand, since there are 100 centimeters in a meter, and 10 thousand centimeters in a cubic meter. The answer will be 0.432 meters per cube - the total volume of the container that will be taken into account when transporting cargo.

Volume is also measured using the following formula: width*length*height*number of units transported in the container. The problem will look like this: 60*70*120 = 504000*220 books. Answer: 11088 (rounded up by all carrier companies). Now convert to meters: 110.88 meters cubed. You can translate the indicators immediately: 60 = 0.6 meters, 70 = 0.7 meters, 120 = 1.2 meters. Solution: 0.6*0.7*1.2 = 0.504*220 = 110.88 meters.

As long as humanity has existed, there has been a need to transport goods. In ancient times, this was done on horse-drawn carts or on ships. Today, huge trucks, the same ships and airplanes are used for this purpose. Progress has reached the point that almost anyone anywhere in the world can order a product, and it will be delivered to them within a month at the latest.

However, when ordering something, you should take into account not only the price of the product, but also the cost of transporting it to the buyer. And for this, first of all, you need to know its volumetric weight. But sometimes buyers confuse the regular weight of a product with its volumetric weight, resulting in the cost of the order being much higher than expected. That is why, in order not to get into trouble, every person needs to know how to calculate the volume of cargo. What is it and how is it different from normal weight?

What is the volumetric weight of cargo

This is sometimes called overall weight. This is a mathematical quantity that reflects the amount of space occupied by a given object. This option is widely used transport companies. The concept of “volumetric weight” is closely related to the concept of “density”. In most cases, less dense loads can take up more space than denser ones.

For example, a certain person wanted to insulate his house from the outside. To do this, he needs foam blocks. After searching on the Internet, he discovered that in China they cost several times cheaper than in his hometown. Remembering that polystyrene foam is a fairly light material, which means there will be no large additional charges for weight, he ordered the amount of material he needed. But when the goods arrived, the additional payment for weight significantly exceeded expectations, since the customer did not take into account the volumetric weight of the order, but relied only on the actual one.

Physical, volumetric and specific gravity

Before you figure out how to calculate the volume of cargo, you need to understand how volumetric weight differs from actual weight and what specific gravity is.

Actual or physical weight is the actual mass of an object as shown by the scale. It is measured, as a rule, in kilograms (for larger quantities in tons and centners). Volumetric weight (cargo volume) is also measured in kilograms, although this value is measured in m 3. As a rule, when calculating the cost of delivery of goods, the weight that is greater is indicated.

According to the rules generally accepted throughout the world for calculating the mass of cargo, if 167 kg of cargo fits in one m3, this weight is considered physical; if 1 m3 of cargo weighs less than this figure, it is volumetric.

Also, when transporting, the concept “ specific gravity" It denotes the ratio of cargo volume to its actual weight and is measured in tons. Depending on the material of which the cargo is made, it varies.

Based on their specific weight, three types of cargo are distinguished:

  • volumetric - the volume of the cargo exceeds its weight;
  • heavy - actual weight exceeds volumetric weight;
  • deadweight - actual and volumetric weight are approximately equal.

How to calculate cargo volume

To find out the volume of an object, its height is multiplied by its width and length. In the case of calculating volumetric weight, this principle is also relevant. However, if you apply this type of calculation, you will get the overall size in cubic meters, but to calculate the shipment you need kilograms. Therefore, when calculating volumetric weight, you need to use a formula specially developed for this, which is used by carriers all over the world.

Volume formula

The volumetric weight of the cargo is calculated using the formula:

(cargo length (cm/m) x cargo width (cm/m) x cargo height (cm/m))/5000.

But it is worth remembering that when measuring objects of non-standard shape, the starting point for measurement is the longest part, even if it takes up little space.

Let’s say you need to send a teenager’s bike with an actual weight of 30 kg to another city. However, having measured it, we find that the length of the bicycle is 145 cm, the height is 95 cm, and the width is 55 cm. In reality, the bicycle is not so wide, however, having measured its widest part - the steering wheel, its width is taken as the width of the entire bicycle. Next, you need to calculate the volume of the cargo (in m3, as a rule, volumetric weight is not calculated, most often they use either cm 3 or kg), for this (145 x 55 x 95) / 5000 = 151.525 (kg). Since the volumetric weight exceeds the actual weight, it is used when calculating shipping costs. Thus, the delivery of such a bicycle, based on its volumetric weight, will be almost five times more expensive than sending the same parcel of the correct shape. So, after making the calculations, it’s worth considering whether it makes sense to send this cargo at all, or whether it would be easier to disassemble it into parts, thereby reducing the volume, and therefore the cost of delivery.

It is worth mentioning that the number 5000 is a universal divisor adopted by many transport companies around the world. In rare cases, it is 4000 or 6000. However, this is rare, in addition, companies that use a different coefficient indicate this in accompanying documents and on their websites. So, knowing the calculation formula, you can simply replace the divisor.

IN modern world, with its globalization and computerization, knowing how to calculate the volume of cargo becomes as necessary as knowing how many grams are in a kilogram and how many meters are in a kilometer. Many people are mistaken in believing that only business people need the ability to calculate the volumetric weight of a shipment. In fact, this is necessary both for students ordering parts for their computer or bicycle over the Internet, and for housewives buying diapers or clothes online. Therefore, in order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, everyone should remember the method for calculating the volume of cargo.

Knowing the exact characteristics of the cargo is necessary not only for its proper transportation, but also for storage in warehouses. However, it is not enough just to know how to calculate the total volume of cargo, because you need to be able to calculate and take into account the possibilities of its placement in a vehicle or warehouse, which depend on such indicators as volume and compliance with dimensional parameters. But first things first, and first of all it is advisable to describe the most simple ways how to calculate the total volume of cargo, for which you need to know the length, width and height of each unit. The easiest way is to calculate the total volume of identical cube-shaped cargo, because then you can use the standard formula Vo = a3 * n, in which Vo is the total volume of cargo, and - the height, depth and width of each unit (for a cube these indicators are equal, therefore a is raised to cubic power), and n is the total number of units.

The total volume of cargo will have to be calculated completely differently if we are talking about identical units of any other shape. In this case, the relevant formula will be Vo=(a*b*c)*n, where a, b and c are indicators of the depth, width and length of each unit, and n is the total number of units intended for storage and/or transportation. Well, the most difficult thing is considered to be measuring the total volume of cargo that has different shapes and numbers of units, although if you understand the calculation algorithm, then it will be quite difficult to see anything supernatural in this task. In this case, to facilitate the task, it is necessary first of all to sort the cargo into groups, doing this in such a way that each of them contains only units with the same parameters. After this, appropriate measurements are made (identification of width, height and depth) and recalculation of the number of units consisting of each individual group.

As for the calculation itself, the easiest way to do it is using the following formula: Vo=(a*b*c)*n1+(a*b*c)*n2+...+(a*b*c)*nn, where a, b and c are indicators of the height, depth and width of each unit of cargo (calculated separately for groups), n1 is the number of units of the first group, n2 is the number of units of the second group, and nn is the number of units of the last group (individually for each case). By performing these basic calculations, you can obtain the total volume of cargo, but to fill warehouse or vehicle, the resulting value will be rather conditional. And even if, according to calculations, the entire cargo fits perfectly into the available area, this does not mean at all that this will be the case in practice, especially when it comes to oversized cargo. So, in situations where there is absolutely no room left for reserve, it is advisable to carry out calculations separately for each piece of cargo, taking into account all its parameters.

That is, you will have to calculate occupancy not by the total volume, but by the height and length of cargo units stacked in a certain way in accordance with the height and width of the existing room or body. In addition, such an indicator as volumetric weight, which is calculated for each distinct unit or group separately, and then summed up to obtain a general indicator, is also of great importance. Most often, this is necessary to establish the carrying capacity of the container (container, cargo body, etc.) when loaded. As for the calculations of the volumetric mass of each unit, they are carried out according to the standard scheme by multiplying the volume by the density, and if the latter indicator is difficult to identify, then each place has to be weighed manually, using special cargo scales.

Box side - a

Box side - b

Box height - h

Number of boxes

Volume of one box
0 m 3

Total cargo volume
0 m 3

Calculation of cargo volume in m3

You can calculate the cargo volume in m3 in our calculator. Why and who needs this? For example, you are a shipper who wants to understand the prices of the cargo transportation market and first wants to quickly calculate the volume of his cargo in m3. To calculate, you can use a calculator. By indicating the dimensions of the sides and the height of one box, then indicating the number of boxes, as a result we get their volume. Moreover, in this calculator you can see both the volume of the entire cargo and just one box. Having found out the volume of your cargo, you can easily understand what kind of transport you need. After all, if the volume of your cargo is 10 m3, then there is no need to order a truck and overpay for “emptiness”. A gazelle will be enough for you.

How to calculate the volume of a box in cubic meters

The volume of a box is very easy to calculate. This page contains a calculator that will help you easily calculate the volume of one box or the entire cargo. You may be wondering what formula is used for the calculation. From a mathematical point of view, an ordinary cardboard box with a load is a rectangular parallelepiped, and if all sides of the box are equal, then it is a cube. Accordingly, we will calculate their volume using a simple geometric formula: side A * side B * height. It is worth noting an important fact: if the calculation uses a value, for example, a meter, then the result will be in cubic meters. Our calculator uses meters to calculate volume. If one of the sides of the box is, for example, 60 cm, then in the calculator you need to indicate the decimal fraction in the form: 0.6.

Calculator for the volume of a box with cargo in m3

We have already found out how the volume in m3 is calculated. In order not to count this value manually, this volume calculator was created. Why use this calculator? This is convenient; you don’t need to waste time calculating the volume of the entire cargo in cubic meters (m3). Using the simple interface of our calculator, you can instantly find out the volume of cargo. We simply enter the dimensions of the sides of the box, the height of the box (third side) and the number of boxes, if there are more than one. And that’s it, we get the result in the form of a value in m3 format (cubic meters).
Why is it better to use our calculator instead of manual calculations? The possibility of error in this case is excluded, and you need to spend much less time and effort on manual calculations.

Why know the volume of cargo being transported?

If you are going to order the transportation of something packed in boxes or rectangular containers, then the first thing you will be asked when filling out the application is the volume of the cargo being transported. This is where our volume calculator in m3 will help you. Right during the call, you can quickly calculate the volume in m3 and report it to fill out the application.
Knowing the volume, the logistics manager will be able to select the necessary vehicle to transport your particular cargo and will save you from unnecessary overpayments for a larger vehicle. Also, the logistician will immediately be able to orient you on the price of cargo transportation.

Calculation of the volume of a cylindrical container is carried out to calculate the useful volume and capacity of liquid in a cylindrical container or a fire tank of clean water for fire extinguishing.

Calculation of basic parameters volume of a cylindrical container(fire extinguishing tank) is performed based on the geometric method calculating cylinder volume, in contrast to the calibration method, where tank volume calculation is performed as a result of real measurements of liquid capacity according to the meter rod (measuring ruler). Tables are created based on the measurement results tank calibration— calibration tables for tanks to determine the weight of the liquid transported in the tank, by volume and specific gravity, depending on the liquid filling level measured with a meter rod.

Dropped in cylindrical container To the bottom position, the meter rod is quickly but smoothly removed and the height of liquid filling into the container in centimeters is determined along the wetting line on it. Based on the liquid level in centimeters for each calibration type, using the corresponding calibration table, you can calculate the volume of liquid in the container in cubic decimeters (dm.cub.). The accuracy of the determination depends on the correct measurement of the liquid filling height volume of liquid in container, and therefore the weight of the load, therefore the most serious attention should be paid to the thoroughness of measuring the liquid level.

The volume of a cylindrical container (cylinder) is calculated using the formula:

V=S*L- calculation of cylinder volume,

where S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the cylinder, L is the length of the cylindrical part.

The cross-sectional area of ​​a cylinder-shaped container is calculated by the formula:

S=3.14*d*d/4 is the area of ​​a circle with diameter d.

Calculation of the volume of a cylindrical container According to the formula, it can be done for both horizontal and vertical storage tanks according to their location. In fact we do calculation of cylinder volume according to the well-known formula from geometry. The useful capacity of a cylindrical tank can be calculated more accurately if formula for calculating the volume of a horizontal container take into account the wall thickness - s. The internal diameter is determined as the difference between the external diameter and the double thickness of the shell walls, measured with a metal ruler or caliper.

The length of the cylindrical part of the tank is determined using a tape measure, measuring the distances between the lines of intersection of the bottoms with the cylindrical part of the tank. If a horizontal tank has flat bottoms, then the internal size is equal to its outer length minus double the thickness of the bottom.

How to calculate the volume of containers of various shapes

Measuring the “circumference” is much easier, since measuring the diameter will be very difficult due to the fact that there may be various types of equipment on top. In addition, you can take measurements in three different sections across the volume of a clean water tank and calculate the average value. Regarding “3 measurements” and “wall thickness” - these measurements of parameters and their quantity are necessary to minimize the error in calculating the volume of a cylindrical container, because Often, during their operation, the walls lose strength, become deformed, decrease in size and the liquid capacity decreases.

The circumference of the shell is measured at least twice in each section. The shell at the measurement site must have a clean surface, and the tension of the tape measure is applied with a force of 5 kg (50 N) - determined using a spring dynamometer. In this case, the circumference can be measured with an error of ±3 mm.

Measure the circumference of the cylindrical tank Lcr, and then you can calculate the diameter of the cylinder using the formula:


Calculate the volume of a horizontal tank can be done similarly to calculating the volume of a cylinder (see formula above). Having calculated the tank volume, you can round the resulting value and select the closest one according to the standard series of tank volume values.

How to choose the volume of a container?

If you want to order the production of containers, then select the volume of the container from the range: 50 liters, 100l, 200l, 400 liters, 500 liters, 1 cubic meter, 2 m3 - or choose a displacement of 2000, 3 cubic meters, 4 cubic meters, or 5 cubic meters - or 5000 l, 8 cubic meters, 10 m3, 1 1 cubic m, 15 m3, 20 cubic meters, 25 m3, 30 m3, 40 m3, 50 cubic meters, 75 cubic meters, 100 m3, capacity 1000 m3 - tank RVS 1000. You can choose to order volume according to your measurements.


Statistical grouping

Sturgess formula (to determine the optimal number of groups):

where n is the number of groups;

N is the number of units in the population.

Equal interval value:

Where xmax, xmin- the largest and smallest values ​​of the characteristic,

n - number of groups.

Relative indicators

Relative indicators of dynamics are called growth rate. (OPD)

Relative plan indicator (OPP)

Relative indicator of plan implementation (OPRP)

Relative structure index (OPS)

Relative coordination indicators (OPK)

Relative intensity index (OPI)

Relative Comparison Index (OPSr)

Growth rates are calculated using the following formulas:



Average values

Arithmetic average:

-simple (unweighted)


Harmonic mean:

-mean harmonic simple

- harmonic weighted average

Geometric mean.

Average chronological.

X=(x1 + x2 +x3+ +x n-1+ x n) : (n-1)

Mean square.


hm0- lower limit of the modal interval;

h- the value of the modal interval;

fMo - modal interval frequency;

fMo-1- frequency of the interval preceding the modal one;

fMo+1- frequency of the interval following the modal one.


x 0 - the lower limit of the interval in which the median is located;

- the sum of frequencies or the number of terms of the series;

fMe-1 - accumulated frequency in the interval preceding the median;

fMe- frequency in the median interval;

h- interval size;

k- number of groups.

Absolute variations

Range of variation

Average linear deviation

According to the simple arithmetic mean formula

By arithmetic average weighted



Variance is denoted Greek letter(sigma) squared and equal to

When the weights are equal or when they are equal to 1,

Standard deviation:

is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the deviations of individual values ​​of the attribute from their average, i.e.

from dispersion:



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Sales Volume Formula

Sales volume concept

The sales volume formula implies the concept of net sales, which is equal to the total cost of products sold.

Sales volume shows the degree of success of a company because it includes the amount Money received to the company’s account during the reporting period from the sale of products.

The sales volume formula is necessary for calculation for each enterprise selling a product, since it allows you to determine the degree of change in the number of sales (decrease or increase). This analysis allows management to monitor the success of the company’s activities, making timely decisions in the event of a decline in performance.

Sales volume can be:

  • The quantity of goods sold during the corresponding period is
  • A financial indicator calculated by the ratio of market capitalization to the company's annual revenue;
  • Consumer funds for purchased goods;
  • Quantitative or monetary expression of the product sold (service, work), etc.

Sales Volume Formula

The most commonly known formula for sales volume is as follows:

OP = (UPZ + P) / (Tsed – PR)

Here OP is sales volume,

SPL – the sum of semi-fixed costs,

P – profit,

Price per unit of goods,

Pre – variable costs of each unit of goods.

There is also a formula for determining target sales volume:


Here is EBIT profit before interest is deducted from it,

MP marginal profit per unit of production.

The contribution margin per unit is calculated by increasing the unit selling price (P) over the variable cost per unit (V):

MP = P – V

Net Sales Formula

Net sales are a key tool for determining the effectiveness of trading operations and forecasting business trends.

The formula for net sales is as follows:

OPclean = (CHP * 100%) / CHOP

Here the OP is pure – net sales volume,

PE – net profit,

NOP – net sales volume

Sales volume indicator value

Sales volume is a value that is used to determine the effectiveness of a company's activities and analyze its activities for the future.

Calculating the volume of liquid in a tank

In accounting, this indicator can be expressed by the amount of funds that arrived in the organization’s bank accounts during the reporting period from customers.

Sales volume depends on the combination of supply and demand. Sales volume is also often referred to as the ratio of capitalization to revenue for the corresponding period of time. The sales volume indicator is equivalent to the concept gross income, used in world practice.

The sales volume formula, using the relationship between costs and profit volume, is used to determine:

  • Physical sales volume,
  • Price level,
  • Dynamics of sales and production costs,
  • Marginal (net) income, etc.

Examples of problem solving

Target sales volume is the sales volume corresponding to the target profit (earnings before interest and income taxes).

Target sales volume is calculated using the following formula:

; (2.9)

where S is the target sales volume;

EBIT – earnings before interest and taxes


Determine the target sales volume for enterprise A using the following initial data: fixed costs are 64,000 rubles, the price of a unit of output is 50 rubles, variable costs per unit are 20 rubles.

This company wants to receive an operating profit before interest and income tax in the amount of 32,000 rubles.


The target sales volume will be(64,000 + 32,000) / (50 -10) = 2,400 units.

In the process of cost analysis, it is also advisable to take into account that when sales volume changes, the cost of production changes at a slower pace (since there are costs, the size of which is not affected by changes in sales volume), and profit - at a faster pace.

Moreover, the greater the share of fixed costs in the structure of product costs, the faster the profit changes when sales volume changes. This relationship is characterized by the category production, or operational, leverage.

The effect of operating (production) leverage is that any change in revenue leads to to even more change in profit.

The ratio of the rate of change in profit to the rate of change in sales volume in natural units is characterized by the strength of the operating leverage.

Operating leverage force shows by what percentage profit will change if revenue changes by one percent.

The value of this indicator is not constant for the organization and depends on the basic levels of revenue, fixed and variable expenses.

The force of influence of the operating lever is calculated by the formula

, (2.10)

where VM is gross margin;

P – profit from sales of products.

Obviously, the greater the share of fixed costs in total costs, the stronger the SVOR and vice versa.

The economic meaning of this indicator is that it shows the degree of sensitivity of the organization’s gross margin to changes in production and sales volumes.

From this we can draw the following conclusions:

1) SVOR depends on the structure of the enterprise’s assets, the share of non-current assets;

2) than more SVOR, those higher entrepreneurial risk;

3) SVOR maximum close to the profitability threshold and is decreasing as sales revenue and profit grow, since the share of fixed costs in their total amount decreases.

Operating leverage is an important characteristic of an enterprise's activities.

Calculation of the volume of liquid in a rectangular container

Enterprises with a high level of CBOR, with a rapid increase in sales volumes, have the opportunity to sharply increase financial results. At the same time, a high level of operating leverage indicates that even a slight decrease in sales volume can lead to a significant loss of profit.


Determine the strength of the operating leverage for enterprise A using the following initial data: sales revenue is 11,000 thousand rubles, fixed costs are 1,500 thousand rubles, variable costs are 9,300 thousand rubles. By what percentage will the profit from the sale of the enterprise change if the revenue changes by 10%?


Let's determine the gross margin: VM=11,000,000 – 9,300,000 = 1,700,000 rubles

Let's calculate the force of operating leverage:

SVOR = 1,700,000 / 11,000 – (9300,000 – 1,500,000) = 8.5

This means that to determine by what percentage the profit will increase from a change in sales revenue, the percentage of revenue growth should be multiplied by 8.5.

At increasing revenue by 10% profit from sales will increase by 8.5 * 10% = 85%

At decrease revenue by 10% profit from sales will decrease by 8.5 * 10% = 85%

Financial strength marginThis is the amount by which the volume of production and sales of the enterprise's products deviates from the critical volume.

The margin of financial strength can be characterized by absolute and relative indicators.

The difference between the achieved actual revenue and the profitability threshold constitutes the margin of financial strength of the enterprise in absolute terms:

ZFP = Vrp – PR(2.11)

If sales revenue falls below the profitability threshold, then the financial condition of the enterprise worsens and a shortage of liquid funds arises.

The relative value of the financial safety margin is calculated using the formula:


Margin of financial strength, characterized by relative indicator, shows by what percentage the company can allow a reduction in sales volume in order not to fall into the loss zone. How more margin of financial strength, the less entrepreneurial risk of the enterprise