Yevtushenko only has to be afraid of his own cowardice. And it's all about him (1977)



Target: contribute to the formation in schoolchildren of a firm conviction that they themselves are able to take care of their safety, based on a solid knowledge of the rules of safe behavior and the ability to avoid troubles, adequately assessing the current situation and acting depending on the circumstances, as well as the development of interest in the problem of personal safety ...

Location : classroom.

Equipment : computers, music center, personal notebooks or notebooks.

Used Books:

    E. Nadtoka "I'm not afraid"; Publishing house "Old Russians", Rostov-on-Don, 2002

    M. Vecherskaya “What are our children afraid of”;http:/ www. statya. ru/ 482, September 14, 2002.

    Children's safety portal on the Internet "Spas - Extreme".


A song from the movie "And this is all about him" sounds: "Don't be afraid of a thick fog ..."

Don't be afraid of the thick fog
Don't be afraid of an empty pocket.
Don't be afraid to be honest and beaten
And we must be afraid to be deceitful and well-fed.
One should only be afraid of one's own stupidity.

There is no need to be afraid of a difficult task
But you have to be afraid of cheap luck,
There is no need to be afraid of mountain streams
No swamp swamps, no dirty scum.

Manage to laugh at all fears in the face,
Deprive your own cowardice, you must be afraid

Teacher: Guys! In life, we often find ourselves in situations where we get scared. There are no people who are not afraid of anything. Even the most daring heroes honestly admit that they feel fear. But the heroes became heroes because they were able to cope with their fear, correctly assess the situation and act as the circumstances demanded. And what are you, fifth-graders, afraid of?

Children's answers : -I am afraid of darkness!


Stay home alone!



Cross the road1


Daddy with a belt!


And I'm not afraid of anything!

Teacher: You see how many different kinds of fears there are! Almost every one of you is afraid of something or someone. What are fears? Why do they arise and how can they be overcome? There are fears based on their own experience: someone in childhood was bitten by a dog and now he is afraid of dogs, someone spilled hot tea on themselves and still does not pick up a boiling kettle, etc. There are fears caused by incompetence: you do not know how to behave in the presence of neighboring boys, and you are afraid to go out into the yard. There are fears instilled by someone, for example, parents: do not cross the road - you will get hit by a car, do not walk alone - you will get lost. There are fantasized fears: all kinds of ghosts, dark rooms, etc.

Is fear always bad? Let's think about it! But what if fear is a means of knowing the reality around us, protection that allows us to avoid meeting with danger ?! Do you really need to get to the hospital to understand that walking at a construction site is dangerous ?! What happens if you play football on the road?

Children's answers.

Teacher: If you cross the road at a red traffic light?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Open the door to a stranger?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Walking alone late at night?

Children's answers.

Teacher: You see how well you predict the troubles that may happen to you. So, it means that it is enough to think a little, well, at least one step forward, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. So THINK: YOU CAN AVOID THE ADDICTION - AVOID. TAKE CARE OF YOUR SAFETY, YOUR GOOD MOOD, PEACE OF PEACE. You should not be like the cartoon character "Kitten Called Woof", who went out into the street to face trouble.

Teacher: But, unfortunately, it is impossible to foresee everything, and there are times when not to intervene, to step aside, we have no right. Here, for example, this: you see that a company of local hooligans is sticking to your classmate. What to do?

Children's answers: -Give them in the head!

Aha! And they are for you!

But you need help!

What are you going to do alone ?!

But then it will not be ashamed!

We need to call someone!

Until you call!

Now, if only one on one!

Well, yes, you need to order the number of hooligans!


Teacher : You see how many different opinions. Let's think together what to do in such a difficult situation. So what happens if you intervene without hesitation?

Children's answers: - they will beat them, they are stronger!

Teacher: So you don't need to interfere?

Children's answers : - of course you need to! Better to be beaten, but then there will be no shame!

Teacher: Of course, guys, you need to intervene, but will your classmate be better off because you will suffer because of her, but you will not be able to help her?

Children's answers: - girls like it when they fight over them!

You know a lot about us!

Teacher: Let's not quarrel, let's look for the right solution. If you intervene without hesitation, then you will hardly help your classmate, because there are more hooligans and they are stronger. At the same time, you yourself risk being beaten and ridiculed in her presence. Moreover, the girl's troubles will also be added to the feeling of guilt that you have suffered because of her. This means that this option disappears. We think further.

Children's answers: - I told you that you need to call someone!

And if the police are far away?

And if close!

Call passers-by!

And if there is no one?

Can I call!

Teacher: That's right guys. In this case, you just need to call for help from adults: the police, passers-by, teachers, parents. If there is no one around, you need to call and ask for help.

Thus, you and I have come to the following conclusions: BEFORE ACTING, EVALUATE YOUR POWER! If there are enough of them, act yourself without wasting time!

If your strength is clearly not enough, and such situations happen even with adults, ASK FOR HELP AND PROTECTION FROM THOSE WHO SHOULD DO THIS FOR A LONG SERVICE!

Now, in order to better remember everything that we just talked about, let's draw a cheat sheet. I will do it on the board, and you will do it in your notebooks or notebooks. So what's the first thing to do? That's right, you must first think well!




Let's check how well we can use our cheat sheet. I suggest you split into several groups. Each group will receive a task card with a description of the situation that needs to be resolved, taking into account our rules.


1.You study home at home, and behind the wall at neighbors, a child cries without ceasing. What will you do? Why?

2. You noticed an ownerless package or parcel on the tram. Your actions.

3. You saw that a thief in a store took money from a customer. What will you do?

4. In the courtyard of the school, several adult guys take money away from the children. What to do?

5. You talked in class and the teacher took you out of the class behind your ear. How to be?

6. You are lost in an unfamiliar city. Where to run?

(After a short deliberation, the guys explain their options.)

Teacher: To conclude our conversation, let's make a list of the most important phones that will help us cope with any unpleasant situation.

(Make a list with the guys)

Teacher : And for those who want to learn more about how to behave in emergencies, write down the address of the Spas - Extreme Children's Safety Portal on the Internet: ... We still have a little time left, let's go to it and look for answers to our questions.

(Children's work on the Internet)

OK it's all over Now. I hope that each of you will be able to get out of any situation with dignity and safety, to protect yourself and your loved ones. “Learn to laugh in the face of all fears. One should only be afraid of one's own cowardice! "

Alder earring.

Moose. - Evgeny Krylatov
sl. - E. Evtushenko

Will the wind drop an alder earring in the palm of your hand,
Will the cuckoo begin to cuckle through the cry of the trains,
I think again and, like a hired one, I interpret life,
And again I come to the impossibility of interpreting.

Alder earring, light, like a down.
But if you blow it away, everything in the world will be wrong.
And, apparently, life is not such a trifling thing,
When nothing in it looks like just a trifle.

An alder earring is higher than any prophecy.
He will become another who quietly broke it.
Let us not be given to change everything immediately, as we want.
When we change, the world changes.

The soul brightens, invincible by changes.
Friends who misunderstood and even betrayed - forgive.
Forgive and understand, even if your beloved falls out of love,
Let go of the alder earring from the palm of your hand.

Sl. - E. Evtushenko
muses. - E. Krylatov

Footsteps are heard over Russia -
Shoes knocking and boots
Children's sandals,
Sneakers and so on -
Near high-rise buildings and taiga.
Where is our next step?
It's terrible if we step wrong.
Let us all walk
As it should be -
Only to your own heart to the beat.

Wider step, wider step, Russia!
Behind us is the shine of the coming new eyes.
And even though we're not so bad
Those who are better than us follow us!

Steps are heard over Russia
In the splash of downpours, in the whistle of a puggy.
If the step is sweeping -
Don't even ask
If your footsteps have enemies.
But enemies have a hard time
We always walk wide -
In groves and groves
From the thundering footsteps
The echo echoes far away.

Footsteps are heard over Russia -
Don't lie a single step along the way.
Directly - this is great!
But turn in the wrong direction
Where will you hear someone's "Help".
All steps and do not roam,
If the mountains meet - stop,
Pull up the song
But do not step over
No friend, no conscience.

Muz.E. Krylatov, to lyrics by E. Yevtushenko

That there is no station on the map,
Until which you took a reserved seat ticket.

I want to bring to your attention,
Passengers on a rattling train yo

I want to bring to your attention,
That in vain you are your first youth
They missed it, as if the last fools were,
And sadly I recognize myself in you.

I want to inform you
The next stations are "Old Age" and "Death".
But confessing dubious immortality,
You don’t want to foresee this.

I want to bring to your attention,
Passengers on a rattling train yo
Established with accuracy during the survey:
This station "Yunost Vtoraya" does not exist.

poems by E. Evtushenko

Don't be afraid of the thick fog
no need to be afraid of an empty pocket.
There is no need to be afraid of mountain streams
no swamp swamps, no dirty scum!

There is no need to be afraid of a difficult task
but we must be afraid of cheap luck.
Don't be afraid to be honest and beaten
but we must be afraid to be deceitful and well-fed!

Know how to laugh in the face of all fears, -
only one should be afraid of one's own cowardice!

poems by E. Evtushenko

When a man betrays a man
and somehow afterwards he will give you a hand,
do not shake your betrayed hand,
let him remember this science.
When a man saves a man,
no special honor is needed for this,
no orchestras and noise are needed,
this is how man was and was conceived.

When man is not a wolf to man,
then this is a human duty,
who does not learn it himself -
will howl like a wolf someday.
When man and man are friends
then they cannot spoil such friendship,
and if we quarrel, friend,
the whole of humanity is worse.

poems by E. Evtushenko

How can you tell about yourself in a song?
It's embarrassing to show that you're bad
that you are good - you cannot prove with a song,
but this can be proved by life.
I wish so much to twist all my conscience,
on the strings and ringing and roaring,
how the train tells about itself,
on the rails that trembled rumbling.

my song!

my song!

my song!

My song!

Sometimes I see the songs are crushed
and they are barely glued together,
meaningless songs like silence
feigned dressed up in words.
I'm afraid the strings are sour and sagging
I want to sing and I can't bear it,
but if there is no thought in our song,
Why then, tell me, sing it?

Say everything for me that I cannot,
my song!
Say anything for me that I don't dare
my song!
Through words I feel closer to you,
my song!
You will be mine if you become common
My song, my song, my song, my song!
My song!

We get tired at work or in disputes
but still, in our difficult age
there are forces in a person, about which
and the person does not suspect.
And if it's hard - grip your teeth harder,
do not just lay down the main song,
but if there is no life in a person,
Why would he then live in the world?

Say everything for me that I cannot,
my song!
Say anything for me that I don't dare
my song!
Through words I feel closer to you,
my song!
You will be mine if you become common
my song, my song, my song, my song!
My song!

“… One should be afraid only of one's own cowardice!
There are films that you cannot forget for a long time. All the time you think about them and are impressed by the events described in them. There used to be a lot of such pictures, now there are only a few! And although it has already become a sign of "high intelligence" to pharisee and scold serials and in a capricious tone it is disgusting to say that "this box is for fools," that is, I do not watch TV, I am not ashamed to admit that I get great pleasure from watching television programs and some domestic serials. I love kind and funny, like "New Year's Flight", scary, but full of humor and terrible truth, stories about the police, for example, "Capercaillie", well-made tapes about the war, among them - "Scout". Of those that made a strong impression and made people think about their heroes, I will name a number of other films - "Victoria", "Liquidation", "Palm Sunday" and "Wolf Messing". They are different, and the reasons why I have been impressed by these films for a long time are also not similar. But we must admit that today the genre of fictional series in Russia is experiencing its heyday. It is he who now gives the human soul, which is touched by normal human emotions, the food that it needs for psychological health. Unfortunately, drama theaters have now ceased to play this role, since they have switched to destructive for the culture and mental health of people, and sometimes, simply misanthropic (or, as they used to say, misanthropic) interpretations of even classical plots ...
The long-standing series "Wolf Messing" (directed by Vladimir Krasnopolsky, 2009) attracted me by the very figure of a hypnotist and telepathist who was very popular in my student years. I happened to attend one of his performances, which he gave on tour in Blagoveshchensk, and even became a participant in this action. At his concerts, Messing always chose from the audience something like independent participants and observers who had to confirm that everything was going without fraud. They wrote tasks on paper that only members of this impromptu jury knew, and Messing performed them. My mother, a specialist in the physiology of higher nervous activity, was very interested in the phenomenon of telepathy during these years. At the department at the medical institute, which she was in charge, there was a group of students who experimented with suggestion at a distance in a state of hypnosis. I have been on these experiments, and they convinced me of the existence of still not scientifically confirmed parapsychological phenomena, such as telepathy. Therefore, the opportunity to see up close the work of a medium like Wolf Messing was also of scientific interest for my mother. She mentally wanted him to find me in the hall and bring me to the stage. Which he did successfully. When he was holding my hand, I felt that nervous energy pulsed in him, he was shaking slightly all over, apparently, this is called a trance.
I watched the series "Wolf Messing" with understandable interest, since at one time I was also interested in parapsychological phenomena, I read a bunch of literature on this topic, but first of all I was struck by the actor who played the young Messing. He looked incredibly like my Dutch friend. When I looked at him, I could not get rid of the feeling that I was not seeing a beginner medium, but a person I knew well, with whom I had spent a lot of time in interesting conversations and fascinating activities. I became interested to know more about this young actor. And what was my horror when I read that he died tragically and very stupidly, without finishing acting in the role of Messing. On Christmas night, for some unknown reason, he and his friends decided to cross the Garden Ring in Moscow, and, of course, they were all immediately hit by a car. This actor is to die. Why was it so amazed to me that I couldn’t come to my senses for almost a week? Probably, the similarity with a person I know and like played a role. And although I kept saying to myself: "This is not him!" Of course, I finished watching the series. I found it interesting and well done.
Another TV series - "Victoria" (directed by Andrey Dzhunkovsky, 2012) - amazed me by the fact that it repeated the scheme of the classic plot of Andersen's "Snow Queen"! I never thought that this is possible in a modern TV series! More often you come across the story of Cinderella told in different ways. And then on the fifth TV channel I accidentally watched this multi-part film, just after listening to the opera “The Story of Kai and Gerda” at the Mariinsky Theater. At first I wanted to switch to something else: I was so tired of the dashing nineties with all their charms - people abandoned and deceived by the state, arrogant bandits and lazy policemen, military showdowns in Central Asia, a feast of enterprising swindlers during a political plague ... And then I got carried away : the heroine is looking for a military husband who disappeared somewhere on the border with Uzbekistan, and then her son kidnapped by Muslim militants. Everything is like in Nekrasov's poem "Russian Women": "He will stop a galloping horse, he will ascend into a burning hut." He escapes from captivity, escapes from lovers of harems, he will not be shot more than once. True, she had many assistants. He finds both a son and a husband (Kai). But he made his choice, became a bandit in a neighboring state, modern Gerda fails to melt his heart enough to return to the family, but it turns out to achieve noble deeds. So modern Kai and Gerda became a little different, but the fabulous "formula" (plot) remained. It was interesting to watch this interpretation. And the film is great.
But most of all I was made to worry and think about the events shown by the series "Palm Sunday" (directed by Anton Sivers (Bychkov), 2009-2010). In general, I do not like such names, and I started watching only because the music of my favorite ballet Giselle sounded in the film and there were fragments of it. I thought I'd watch these scenes and switch to something else. But she could not tear herself away. The story told here was simply horrifying: and because it was about the theater, but most of all because, although it happened in Soviet times, in the era of the omnipotence of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the KGB, it could be repeated, only in a slightly different form and in our days when the same figures who were the masters of life and did not put ordinary people in a penny were able to do what they wanted with impunity, relying on the power of money, crime that penetrated all spheres of society, and human meanness.
I have always been interested in the question of how I would behave in a situation where I would face some kind of punishment if I had not reported on one of my friends or colleagues. When you're not in this meat grinder, it's easy to talk about honesty and integrity. Not everyone has the courage to resist the system. And it does not matter what it is called - Soviet, totalitarian, democratic, pseudo-democratic, liberal, pseudo-liberal ... These millstones do not care what to grind! Sometimes people, out of thoughtlessness, talkativeness or simplicity of their soul, could say something that should not be said about another benevolent KGB officer or, as at the end of the series, a beautiful woman deputy, a former ballerina. At the right time, they always knew how to be charming. And empty words became weapons in their hands. And there have been cases of deliberate blackmail, intimidation, bribery, deliberate slander, snatching false accusations and false confessions. Already in the years of perestroika, in 1989, I had the experience of communicating with the KGB curator at the enterprise where I worked as a newspaper editor. He was very nice, it was interesting to joke with him, but he did his job, asked questions, asked to know something, tried to recruit for more serious contacts. I agreed to talk. Once I even wrote a paper that, from my point of view, the telephone in our house is tapped ... Fortunately, 1991 stopped all these unnecessary conversations, which I always tried to reduce to jokes.
And my mother reproached her aunt for half her life and could not forgive her for the fact that she, being a journalist for the newspaper "Sovetskaya Tataria", testified against her colleague, the wife of the arrested chairman of the Kazan executive committee (today they would say, the head of the administration), later a well-known writer and the mother of another famous Soviet writer. I think it wasn’t because of what my great-aunt said, although the formalities for showy ships in the late 1930s were popular. I have never been as categorical as my mother. I felt sorry for her, because a rare person does not break down under the pressure of a repressive state machine; he emerges victorious from this battle. And not only in our country in the heat of political persecution. But even in the cradle of democracy in the years of the "witch hunt" and today under the onslaught of some kind of accusations of sexual harassment, bordering on paranoia.
In the series "Palm Sunday" - the story of a young ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, who was noticed by a balletomaniac, the grandson of a Politburo member, promoted her, gave flowers, courted her in every possible way, so that, in the end, she could simply rape, since she could not be persuaded in an amicable way. And the girl turned out to be correct, principled: "The rapist should be in prison!" And the millstones began to spin, although it was already the end of the 1970s. To top it all off, it turned out that the abused heroine was expecting a child from the rapist. Liberal dissidents sparked a scandal in the Western press through "enemy radio voices", which finally "drowned" an already injured person. With the help of colleagues in the theater and friends of the main character, the conscientious but cowardly investigator unleashed the case, the ballerina was accused of blackmailing the grandson of a Politburo member and extortion, she was put in prison, where she died, giving birth to a girl ... injustice. But the second part, which I would call "Retribution", is a little consoling: a grown-up journalist daughter unwinds this story in the late 1990s and shoots a revealing film about the scoundrels, who had power and money, who killed her mother ... And here it starts again the same story: the girl is threatened, persuasion, bribery, intimidation, hired killers are again used ... Again, naive citizens are involuntarily caught on the bait of the cunning masters of life, betray, sell. And although the series ends with a triumph of justice, good and slightly confused people rejoice in a happy outcome and impending retribution, a very heavy feeling remains from the whole story. The power of money and just power without honor and conscience, no matter how it is called, is scary! And the rest is words! This is exactly what the son of the balletomaniac rapist, one of the few positive heroes of the film, says, addressing his parents, the perpetrators of the whole tragedy: "These are all words!" It is scary that with the current loss of morality at most levels, not only power, no one is immune from anything! People without a king in their heads and without a conscience in their souls can do a lot of trouble! We have already been through this, but it seems we have not learned anything!
Now surprisingly often one poem by Evgeny Yevtushenko sounds. He is read on TV and quoted in private correspondence. I think this is not without reason:
Don't be afraid of the thick fog
Don't be afraid of an empty pocket.
There is no need to be afraid of mountain streams
no swamp swamps, no dirty scum!

There is no need to be afraid of a difficult task
but we must be afraid of cheap luck.
Don't be afraid to be honest and beaten
but we must be afraid to be deceitful and well-fed!

Know how to laugh in the face of all fears, -
only one should be afraid of one's own cowardice!