Secrets of successful souvenir sales. Successful seller. Secrets of successful sales. The ability to communicate is a feature of a good seller

These are the golden rules in b2b and b2c sales that make the sale successful, whether it is American sales principles, European or Russian sales principles for any country and continent are the same. Here are 10 basic principles for selling a product or service to sell well.

  • The client is a living person, not a company - №1 - Principles of selling goods or services

    When you sell goods or services, you are selling to a specific person, and not to his entire company, your client is a specific living person, always remember this.

    All people are different and that is why, each time selling the same thing (what you usually sell every day), each time you need to find new words that will sound convincing for this particular person.

    Each sale is unique and no two sales are the same.

    In order to become successful manager in sales, in addition to sales skills, you also need to be able to understand psychology and understand the motives of people.

  • Sell ​​Yourself, Then the Product - #2 - Selling Principles

    A client can buy what you sell in a thousand places, he just needs to enter the desired phrase into the search and Yandex will give the addresses and phone numbers of companies where you can buy the same thing and maybe even cheaper.

    Sell ​​yourself first, your expert status. Show the client that you are an expert, understand his business, understand his problems and know how to solve them.

    Only after that you can proceed to the sale of the product and not earlier. When you have sold your expert status to a client, competitors are nervously smoking on the sidelines, while Yandex is resting.

  • The Customer Says More - #3 - Selling Principles

    The more the client talks, the more opportunities you have to make him such an offer that he simply cannot refuse.

    The client himself will voluntarily tell you why he needs to buy what you sell, if you ask him the right questions and give him the opportunity to answer them without interrupting.

    The more you talk, the more likely it is that you will not guess correctly and the client will not want to buy and will go to a competitor.

    To get the client to talk more, sell with questions, ask questions and listen carefully to the answers, this is the key to a successful sale.

  • Always Speak the Language of Customer Benefits - #4 - Selling Principles

    Always speak the language of customer benefit. This means that every characteristic of your product or service is tied to the benefit of that particular person.

    If you named some characteristic of your product, then it must be followed by a benefit. In a sale, a specific feature of a product without a specific benefit to the buyer is meaningless.

  • The seller does not say impossible, he says how much to pay - №5

    The seller does not say impossible, he says how much to pay extra.

    Example: Large logistics company, good money customer, where CEO a young businessman, and his girlfriend is a blonde in the position of financial director.

    The CFO has a request for 15 pink electric forklifts (you sell only black and green ones, other manufacturers do not produce)

    Calmly name the amount, how much you need to pay extra for a pink exclusive. If the client is satisfied, then this is your additional profit, if not satisfied, sell green.

    Mitsubishi electric forklift, load capacity 3 tons, price - $30,000, regular color green

    electric forklifts themselves $30,000 x 15 pcs. = $450,000

    repainting electric forklifts in pink $3,000 x 15 pcs. = $45,000

    markup for a customer for a pink exclusive 20% = $450,000 x 20% = $90,000

    Total: $540,000 plus new customer service

    Pink caps with the company logo - free of charge

    Your Additional income$45,000 and a satisfied client

  • Sell ​​by drawing pictures with words - #6 - Selling Principles

    Sell ​​by drawing pictures of the result in the client’s head: how cool it will be when he buys it, what benefits he will get, or vice versa, what sad consequences can be if he doesn’t buy it.

    Sell ​​by drawing pictures to the client using the example of other clients.

    To do this, you must have tales prepared in advance: tales - horror films and tales - immersion in a positive future.

    A bike is a story about a tritium face with bright colorful images.

    The bike helps the client to try on “how it will be” in a situation that is safe for him and for your sale.

  • Do you want to be right or do you need results - #7 - Principles of Sales

    If the client is rigid in his position and he has his own opinion on this issue, then there is no need to argue with the client, try to convince him, remake him for himself, prove his case.

    Agree that the client is entitled to their own opinion on the objection handling algorithm, and move forward together towards a common goal - solving the client's problem by purchasing a product or service from you.

  • Talk to the Decision Maker - #8 - Selling Principles

    To make a sale, you need to understand already at the beginning of the first meeting with the client - in front of you is the person who makes the decision on your project, this is the Decision Maker, or is it just an extra who monitors the market in order to then squeeze the price from his suppliers.

    To do this, you need to ask at the very beginning of the meeting a question,

    for example: “Before we start, what is your decision-making process for such projects?”

  • Make an Offer to Buy - #9 - Selling Principles

    As soon as you understand that the client has an interest in your topic, you should immediately begin to prepare him for the question of money, while avoiding answering the direct question “how much does it cost?”.

    Name either the amount of the largest project or the price range.

    “A similar project in RAO cost $10 million” or “Similar projects cost from 30,000 to 800,000”…. “…. Ivan Ivanovich, we will calculate and prepare a CP, then there will be an exact price.

Make Mini Commitments and the 10th Selling Principle

What is a mini-customer commitment is your move through the sales process to close the deal.

If at the end of the meeting the client told you “I’ll think about it” and you said OK and broke up with him, then consider that you either got very stuck or missed the deal altogether.

In order for the sales process to move towards the signing of the contract and payment - at the end of each meeting, take a mini obligation from the client.

Offer to take the next step - meet on Monday to discuss the CP, or have him arrange a meeting with the bosses, or the marketer, or his techies.

Sign a paper of principled interest with him

Ask him for more information.
"Ivan Ivanovich, we will prepare a calculation by Wednesday, and we kindly ask you to send us a list of installed equipment by branches so that we can give you all the numbers by Wednesday"

A mini commitment is the next step, it is a driver in your sale, that is, something that will promote your sale, and the client will have some kind of obligation that is not very burdensome for him to you.

These sales principles help to make more successful sales and reduce total failures.

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Do you want sales to always be high (really high)?

I don't know a single entrepreneur who doesn't want to learn some brilliant (and preferably simple) sales secret. They read books, articles, advice in batches, go to trainings, master classes, conferences ...

This is a sure tactic and it really helps improve your sales skills. But there are secrets that have been lying under their noses all this time. You, most likely, also know them ... but do not apply. Want to fix it today?

Then let's not delay any longer and get down to business ...

1. Make warm calls

Your first contact with a potential client should not be cold. I suspect many entrepreneurs now will disagree with me. They will say: " Cold calling still works great. I do it myself". I will not dispute this position. But I am convinced that before you sell something, you need to “warm up” the relationship with a potential client(lead). Agree, it is easier to buy from a friend (albeit in absentia) than from a completely outside seller who calls you while you are at work, in a store or in the shower.

And no matter what they say about the fact that " cold calls just need to be able to use ", my advice is to get to know the potential client before you call them for the first time or send them an email with a purchase offer.

How to do it? I think if you are not reading our blog for the first time, you already know how. But just in case I I'll list a few options:

  • Connect with your audience on social media : Post valuable content, share knowledge, let's have fun and chat. Answer questions and comments, interact with people.
  • Use Email Marketing to build a more "personal relationship" with each potential client.
  • Host a webinar on a topic relevant to your audience. This live session is great at breaking down barriers and helping to build warm relationships with the participants.

Naturally, this list is not complete. You can come up with (or peep) a lot of other ways to get to know each other.

Here, for example, is one of Oles' letters. This series of posts leads a person to buy copywriting training. Before we make an offer, we provide a lot of useful content with practical experience just like that, absolutely free. Does it work now? And how!

IMPORTANT: On June 18, 2018 we are holding a powerful FREE online master class how to properly set up an automated sales funnel for YOUR business. Create a system that will bring you twice as many conversions on the machine!

Everyone who registers will receive a PDF book "Automated sales funnel" from Oles Timofeev as a gift!

2. Become a leader in your niche

Let's imagine you choose a new phone. What do you prefer: models from a famous manufacturer or a mobile of unknown origin? I think the answer is obvious. Even if an unfamiliar company offers a similar model cheaper / more functional / more beautiful, you are unlikely to take risks.

The same principle applies to all industries. That's why, to succeed in sales, you need a name. By establishing yourself as an expert and leader in a niche, you will gain the trust of a potential client even before you first communicate with him. Agree, this gives a huge advantage and seriously increases your chances of success in sales.

How to become a leader? Perhaps I will not now paint in detail the answer to this question. We already .

So let's just focus on a couple of things:

  • Demonstrate your usefulness to the client in every possible way (create valuable content, help the audience solve problems or achieve goals).
  • Build .
  • Collect social evidence (reviews, case studies, media publications).

By the way, our site has for social proof:

3. Be a reliable support

If you want to be successful in sales, you need to do more than just sell. Become the person your customers go to with questions even after the sale closes. Change your status in their eyes from an ordinary seller of some product, product or service to a provider of solutions to their problems. After all, in the end, we make every purchase in order to solve a problem or satisfy a desire. Help your clients achieve their goals.

And even after the sale, support them:

  • send useful materials that will help you get more benefits from using the purchase;
  • call to ask if the client is satisfied with everything, if he has any difficulties;
  • If problems arise, do your best to eliminate them ...

There are many ways to show concern. Most importantly, use them. If you become a reliable source of help for your customers, they will thank you many times over in return.

This is the post I found after our series of free expert webinars. Agree, such words are worth taking care of those who trust us.

4. Use Sales Scripts… Wisely

Scripts are the most controversial thing in the sales world. Someone strongly advises using them and promises to drop sales below zero if scripts are not implemented right today. Others, on the contrary, pounding themselves in the chest with a fist, recommends abandoning this once and for all. Like, clients immediately feel that they are being spoken to according to a pattern, and they leave the conversation.

I agree that scripted talking kills the sale. When the seller speaks a memorized text, it is immediately audible. And the desire to communicate with him disappears completely. But! I am convinced that talking to a client without preparation is an equally terrible crime against sales. Agree, you will not enjoy communicating with constantly saying " uh», « nuuu”, lost from your remarks and generally ready to collapse into a swoon if you ask at least something else.

That's why my advice is to prepare a conversation script . Especially for those new to sales. However, this should be not a hard script, but rather a cheat sheet . This move will help:

  • do not miss the thread of the conversation;
  • do not forget about the key points;
  • deal with the main objections of the client.

5. Don't sell

I know what you are thinking right now: That's the news. We talked and talked about sales and what did we come to?". In fact, we have not left the topic of sales at all. Now I will explain.

So, you got a potential client. Just 1 step separates you from the sale. You are already looking forward to a successfully closed deal, but ... It turns out that the client is not ready, wants to think, he has no money ... there are 1000 reasons preventing the purchase. Familiar?

Getting a lead is not yet a success. And here you need to work hard to convert it into a client. So I I recommend focusing not on the desire to sell, but on building relationships. By immediately starting with the sale, you run the risk of scaring off a person. But having built a trusting relationship, you can bring him to purchase easily and naturally.


Do you agree that all these strategies were already familiar to you? Maybe you have not read about them, but intuitively felt that it was so right. And now that I've convinced you that your intuition did not fail you, you can safely implement them :) I'm sure the results will convince you even more.

And don't forget about our free online master class "Automated Sales Funnel". Click the button below and register now.

P.S. Your likes definitely increase the effectiveness of any implementation and speed up preparation new article that will change your idea of ​​business development. So give it a like!

And to make these secrets work even better, urgently fix . What are these errors? Read right now!

Every person is a seller: literally every day we sell our skills, abilities, experience, ideas, ideas. And the most important thing here is understanding how to present yourself, the ability to find mutual understanding with other people,. And it is worth noting that only a bright personality is able to influence others, competently using both verbal and non-verbal language, and if more simply, knowing the features of psychology. Although we will be talking about the manager and the client next, the information provided applies to any field of activity in general.

Trust is the core of any relationship.

Establishing a trusting relationship with another person is the most important thing. But it's also the hardest thing to do. And the main role here is played not by arguments at all, but by the correct approach to the buyer.

Using the mind alone, it is almost impossible to find the “key” to the client. But if you understand his true needs and desires with his heart, it becomes easier. Knowing what the client likes and what he is indifferent to, you can make your words more convincing. You need to treat the buyer as if you are ready to do anything for him. Then he will trust you and listen to you.

When offering someone a deal, first try to create an atmosphere of trust. You can, for example, offer to drink tea or coffee, but just specify in advance what this person prefers. It seems to be a banality, but by showing genuine and sincere attention, you will show the client that you value him, you try to be sensitive to his desires. Then he will feel comfortable with you, which means he will be ready to listen to everything that you tell him.

Openly ask a potential buyer about everything that can be useful to you in your work: ask questions about his occupation, hobbies, habits. Be attentive to his wishes. In general, try to devote more time to those with whom you communicate than to your person or product.

To understand that you are on the right track, just ask yourself if the client is comfortable with you, why he likes to be around you, if he wants to maintain further relationships, do you know what the client really wants. If the answers to these questions are yes, half the work is already done, and there is very little left to close the deal.

Full perception

Most people during meetings and presentations focus only on how to sell their offer. This thought captures them so much that they completely do not notice what is happening around, what the situation is, how the client feels, etc.

But an attentive manager, striving to establish a strong contact and making sure that the client is satisfied, should not lose sight of such “little things”. The usual conversation on a free topic can be more useful than dozens of diligent attempts to close a deal. Make it a rule for yourself: the client always comes first, and the most important thing is his well-being and well-being.

Consider also that professional and successful people never give the impression that they urgently need to run somewhere and solve a bunch of important things (even if in fact they are). Such specialists are just different in that they are ready to give all their time at the disposal of the client, notice the slightest changes in the situation and arrange their actions in such a way that everyone who is nearby is in the center of their attention.

Knowledge of people

The better you understand human nature, the more accurate your assessment of any interlocutor will be and the more effective will be the adjustment to him. Of course, it would be easier if all people could simply be divided into several categories, but labels do not fit here, because all people are unique and have only their inherent features.

However, psychologists have proven that everyone with whom we communicate exhibits the properties that we attribute to him. Based on this, you need to tune in to the fact that people are positive, responsive, friendly, sincere. Believe me, this rule works, and you will see for yourself. Remember how often what you believed in happened to you or. In communication in the same way - try to produce positive emotions and be an optimist.

But we should not forget about such things as temperament, character, beliefs. Active and cheerful people require one style of communication, slow and melancholic - another; those who keep up with the times can openly offer their ideas, while conservatives should take a different, more cautious approach.

Orientation to the personal characteristics of the client initially creates a favorable climate for communication, when everyone is comfortable and cozy with each other. Set yourself the task of learning at least a little bit of human nature every day, and the more you study it, the easier it will be for you to communicate.

Persuasion is effective, persuasion is not.

Often it takes a lot of time to convince a client, but the patience is worth it. If the manager managed to convince someone with his arguments, he can consider that he has won a complete victory, because it turns out that the person trusted him and went over to his side.

It also happens that the buyer can be persuaded and almost forcefully forced to conclude a deal, but in practice these are one-time cases that have no value. Know that the client who was convinced will return again, and the one who was "persuaded" is lost forever.

Customer care

Human relationships are like a flower that needs care and love. If you water the flowers in the garden only during flowering, you can be sure that they will not please you for long. Similarly, if you contact a client only when you want to sell something, he will instantly fix that you are just a chance to earn extra money for him.

Hence the conclusion: just as you need to water the flowers regularly so that they do not wither and dry out, so the manager should call his clients even without a reason as such. Happy birthday or Happy New Year, share interesting history, which happened to you the day before, simply find out how you are doing and what's new in life and at work.

The manifestation of care, and care sincerely and from the heart, is an excellent non-verbal signal that a person occupies some place in your life. And if you are not indifferent to him, if you think about him, if you find time to call him in the flow of affairs, then the attitude towards you will be mutual, and the client base will be more like a list of friends or, at least, good acquaintances.

Personal attraction

You can influence customers not only with words. A manager who exudes optimism, enthusiasm and charm acts like a magnet on buyers. works at a hidden level. The pace of speech, the timbre of the voice, intonation, gestures, facial expressions and even clothing - all this affects the subconscious of others.

People, without realizing it, are sensitive to the qualities of the manager's personality, and this once again confirms the fact that you need to constantly improve. However, only a few really work on themselves and think about what impression they make. At the same time, the impression created by the manager is one of the most important factors on which success depends. Only if you are aware of how others perceive you can you develop your strengths and get rid of your weaknesses.

Train in the skill and exert a hidden influence on them. Strive to become more charming and attractive, both personally and professionally.

Ability to conduct a business conversation

Despite the fact that this skill is mostly related to, its psychological impact cannot be underestimated. A business conversation consists of three stages, which can be compared to the phases of plant development: by sowing the seeds, the manager forms a trusting relationship, facilitating its growth, he works with objections and convinces, harvesting, making a deal.
Everyone knows that until the fruit is ripe, there is no point in cutting or picking it. It also makes no sense to force the buyer at the initial stage of negotiations to agree to an offer or buy a product or service. The client is the fruit that must ripen, and the manager's task is to carefully grow it.
Building trust takes time. And a competent manager, understanding this fact, in every possible way contributes to this by directing the conversation in the right direction, as if hypnotizing him with his calm tone, attentive attitude, persuasive phrases and reasonable arguments. Knowing how to properly build business relationships, without haste and fuss, always leads to one result - the sale, the conclusion of a transaction or the signing of an agreement.
Of course, if you wish, you can find many more psychological factors on which the success of a manager in sales depends. But all of them, one way or another, will come into contact and intersect with those we have talked about. Psychology is the finest art, which can be mastered perfectly only in practice, in the process of accumulating experience, making mistakes and working on them. Therefore, the person who decides to achieve serious success in sales must be ready for hard work and constant work on himself.

If you are told that anyone can sell, do not believe it. It is not true. Understanding what sales is, not every manager knows the secret of sales success. Not all store employees will be able to step over themselves and offer people some goods or services, take a decent price for it.

Historically, people who have access to various goods and control trade routes have always received advantages.

Those states were actively developing, which, unlike our country, did not fight, but built trade relations. Therefore, people who know how to sell have additional benefits in life.

Now consider, what is selling and how to succeed in this field today.

Selling is the goal of any commercial enterprise to exchange its product or service for the consumer's money. The more sales, the higher the profit of the business owner and the salary of employees, respectively.

However, success in sales is impossible without constant training, mastering and putting into practice effective techniques, studying the psychology of successful sales. Lack of preparation and desire to learn how to sell will inevitably lead to failure. And vice versa, the direction correctly chosen and tested in practice will lead to success.

The secret to success in sales

Now let's figure out how to successfully sell.

The whole sales process is connected with continuous communication. First comes, then the manager identifies needs, goes to, works with objections if the interlocutor is in doubt, and completes the deal. In addition, the seller must be able to "sell himself and his company", i.e. look and act like business card companies. If the employee succeeds, consider that he has learned the secret of success and will be able to sell successfully.

It is from the creation of a trusting relationship with their customers that the results of the seller's work depend.

If communication is not comfortable for one of the parties or the specialist is afraid to sell, the results will be disastrous. Showing sincere interest helps to overcome the fear of communicating with a stranger.

In addition, another factor that will help reveal the secret of success in trading is the ability to overcome negativity. Each person who enters an office or a retail outlet is individual and has negative character traits that you may simply not like.

But if you don’t go overboard and show sincere interest in the newcomer, positive contact will not be established, which means there will be no sale.

The negative coming from the visitor, in most cases, is not related to your person. He may be in trouble, he may need emotional support, or he may expect practical help - in such cases, negativity becomes an indicator of a defensive reaction. If a salesperson starts his day with a smile, if he is positive and sales-minded, it is possible that he has discovered the secret to sales success.

Of course, every successful salesperson has their own secrets of successful sales. Someone takes with expertise, someone with personal charm, someone with might and main exploits gender differences, and I even know those who manage to sell solely due to importunity and tediousness (from the series: “well, just get rid of it”). But there are certainly some general principles that guide all successful salespeople (with the possible exception of the last category). Observing and analyzing a fairly large number of sellers, I identified several main secrets of successful sales that these wonderful people use.

The first secret of successful sales:

It sounds somewhat even ominous: the KGB. Do not rush to get scared, this is not what you thought. The abbreviation stands for: Client Says More. To my great regret, the authorship of this transcript does not belong to me. If I'm not mistaken, Alexander Derevitsky invented it. But in my childhood, my grandmother (she was a wise woman) often told me: “God gave you two ears and only one mouth, so use it accordingly.”

Probably not all sellers were lucky enough to have such a grandmother. Because most of them believe that the more the seller says, the better. This is a big misconception. In most cases, when the seller sings his solo arias to the glory of his product or service, the buyer manages to come up with 10 excuses on how to technically avoid the purchase.

While the seller is talking, he is handing over a lot of unnecessary and unnecessary information, which becomes fertile ground for client doubts and objections. But if the seller listens carefully to the client, then he receives a lot of information about what the client needs, what are his key benefits, and can formulate convincing arguments in favor of the purchase. I already wrote a little about this in the article "", but the topic is inexhaustible, so we will return to it.

The second secret of successful sales:

Don't talk to the customer about the product, talk about the customer's benefit. The customer does not want to buy your products or services. He wants to buy a solution to his problems. Therefore, all you need to do is find his problem and show how your great suggestion will help solve it.

On average, more than 90% of the time a person thinks about himself, about his business or work, about solving his problems, in extreme cases, about his immediate environment. And you want him to drop everything and start thinking about your proposal! Does he need it? Talk better to him about his problems (well, not globally, of course, but about those that your proposal can help solve) and you will find an appreciative listener in him.

The third secret of successful sales:

"All is decided". Your initial internal mood that the transaction will definitely take place. It can not be in any other way. Calm confidence. A powerful and warm current that you don’t want to resist, but you want to trust and swim towards an alluring goal ... Sorry, I got carried away - meditation on the topic has already begun. However, you can safely use it, a good mental image for entering the desired state. At one of the trainings, we even came up with a special term for this state: “Make a Gulf Stream!” - and everyone understands everything.

To make it clear what I’m talking about, at the training I often ask the question: “Who leads the pair dance?” Girls usually say "The man must lead." And those who have ever danced know: "The one who knows how to dance better, and is more confident in himself, leads." So, in the process of selling a successful seller is always the leader. Another question is that this should be done so skillfully so that the client, at least, does not have resistance, and at the maximum, so that the client does not guess about it.

The fourth secret of successful sales:

The best impromptu is a prepared impromptu. Yes, yes, I'm talking about sales scenarios, scripts, speech modules, etc. again. Do not be too lazy to write down:

  • where do you start the conversation (so that they don’t send it right away),
  • how you will establish contact (to be able to ask the right questions),
  • which questions to ask (to make an irresistible offer),
  • how to present your offer (so that it is impossible to refuse it),
  • how to respond to objections (they will be anyway),
  • how to close a deal (pauses and deep thoughts about what to say are definitely unacceptable here),
  • how to end a conversation (you know, last impressions are best remembered).

It is better to prescribe it - it is remembered better and can be used in the future. This is the work that bears fruit repeatedly. Subsequently, it can become the basis (well, or your personal sales book). It only seems that an experienced salesman speaks on a whim, offhand. He just has all these impromptu things already in his head, and there are a lot of them.

The fifth secret of successful sales:

In one of the interviews, Mary Kay, the founder of one of the largest cosmetic companies, when asked what is the main secret of her success, answered: “I know that every person, regardless of gender, age, position, has an invisible sign on his chest with the inscription: "Let me feel my worth!"

Most of our contemporaries have a distinct lack of evidence of their own importance. And if you manage to make the client feel significant, he will cooperate with you happily ever after.

The fifth secret is the most difficult, as practice shows. Too often companies declare that “The customer must be loved”, “The customer is always right”, thus causing the quiet hatred of salespeople for customers. Imagine how easy it is to love someone who is always right? (By default, it is mentally completed that the seller is always to blame). In my opinion, it is much more productive to teach salespeople simple techniques that make the customer feel important and AT THE SAME TIME increase the value of the seller and the company!

I will definitely write more about each of these secrets of successful sales, and for those companies who want to implement them into their practice and increase sales, I recommend mine.