The best reading program for your computer. The best programs for reading e-books. Reader of all formats for computer AlReader

You can read an e-book on almost any mobile device, but it is more comfortable to do it from the large screen of a PC or laptop. It is this circumstance that supports the popularity of specialized reading programs. Today we will look at the best free e-readers for Windows, comparing their capabilities and ease of use.

A modern e-book is not just text. It contains chapter layouts, footnotes, and illustrations. All these features fully support only three formats:

  • ePub (Electronic Publication) - international and most widespread;
  • fb2/fb3 (Fiction Book) - created by domestic programmers and widely used only in Runet;
  • azw3/Mobi - native Amazon Kindle reader formats.

We will conduct testing based on the fact that any e-reader for Windows under consideration should be able to work with them. Additional features such as support for plain or rich text files will be counted as nice bonus.

Liberty Book Reader

The first program in the review is available in the official Windows Store. Books can be purchased online or downloaded from your own collection. Considering that we are considering free programs, we will not take in-app purchases into account.

The interface corresponds to the description and is completely written in Russian. There is nothing superfluous in the main Liberty window. To the standard control buttons, one more has been added to switch to full-screen mode. Downloading books from local storage is done in one simple step. As stated by the developers, epub and fb2 formats are correctly recognized.

In reading mode, basic settings are available:

  • text alignment;
  • day/night mode change;
  • navigation by four parameters: page, bookmark, note, table of contents;
  • choosing a font type;
  • change of presentation mode: one page, spread, scroll.

You can adjust the screen brightness and margin size. The settings you select are saved as a separate style that you can return to. Control elements are called by analogy with the context menu and are automatically hidden after performing the operations required by the user.

Periodically, the program produces an error, after which it continues to work.

As a standard reader for Windows, available for installation from the application store, Liberty copes with its tasks.

Cool Reader

Cool Reader for Windows can be downloaded as a zip archive. The program does not require installation to operate. Just unpack the archive and run the exe file. To add books, you must manually specify the folder in which they are located. Access to online catalogs has been implemented. Presets contain links only to English-language materials, but the user can add the desired resource independently. The interface language can be switched in the settings. To enable the Russian version of the help, you must manually add a document from the internal program directory:


Inside the program, books are sorted using preset filters: by file name, author, title or series. In addition to the basic settings, the user can change the animation when scrolling through pages or enable read-aloud mode.

Owners of laptops with touch screens will be pleased to have support for them in the program. A separate help section is devoted to using the touchscreen capabilities.

Books in the tested formats were recognized correctly. In fb2 reading mode, footnotes are moved to the bottom of the overall text on the page. The solution is convenient and allows the user not to be distracted by additional menu navigation.

For a program that doesn't even install, Cool Reader for Windows has impressive capabilities.


AlReader is positioned as an fb2 reader for Windows. The “Librarian” function is designed to scan a directory specified by the user and automatically enter detected files of this format into the program database. Recognized books are immediately available for reading. Adding epub files, which the program can also work with, is done manually.

The settings are divided into separate blocks and placed on the top panel of the main window. Users who are more comfortable working with a graphical menu can place its panel under the main one. You can pin it in this position permanently or only in full-screen mode.

Reading fb2 with notes is implemented at two levels. It is possible to place them as footnotes on the page or go to a dedicated section of the book. Navigating back to the main text works with the click of a button. For epub, only quick return from the notes area is implemented.

Settings allow you to completely reconfigure all parameters of the displayed text. The selected book can be converted directly into the program into unmarked text format or an HTML file. The first one is accepted by Kindle readers, and the second one can be used without reading programs. Any browser can open such a document.

AlReader could claim the title of “the best fb2 reader for Windows,” but since 2011 the program has not had any updates. It copes with its task so far, but the user-friendliness of the interface leaves much to be desired.

ICE Book Reader

The next program that made it into the top e-readers for Windows was ICE Book Reader Pro. For residents of the post-Soviet space it is free. The “professional” prefix in the name is intended to attract foreign users.

When installed, ICE Book is integrated into the system, taking over the work with formats e-books. It cannot be said that the program is an ideal fb2 and epub reader for Windows. Its appearance is quite specific, and the scrolling mode used is resource-demanding.

Its popularity is based on the prevalence of the formats used and built-in conversion capabilities. Comparing the level of support of free e-readers for Windows, we can say that ICE Book has the most complete help system.

The completely Russian-language help describes in detail the settings options aimed at achieving maximum program performance.

STDU Viewer

STDU Viewer is another universal reader for Windows that is included in our review. The only program reviewed that works not only with the old (mobi), but also with the new (azw) Kindle format. STDU is distributed according to a similar principle to the ICE Book. The program is available free of charge for private use. When registering, you must provide an e-mail and tick the non-commercial use box.

A special feature of STDU is its integration with common formats for storing scanned documents, which are used to create electronic versions of paper textbooks. The program is capable of exporting the material contained in them in “text” or “picture” modes. Extraction is performed on entire pages or individual blocks of information.

Exported materials are immediately adapted to a standard paper format, which allows them to be printed like regular office documents. As a result, the program can be used not only for reading, but also for working with electronic versions of paper media. The implemented ability to work with tabs is also intended for the same purpose. In the main window, you can open several documents and, by switching between them, search and retrieve information.

The user is encouraged to master the operation of the built-in tools independently. Help on functions is not available not only in Russian, but also in English language.

As an epub reader for Windows, it recognizes the format and table of contents of the book, but does not allow you to navigate to internal links that lead to notes. The versatility of working with formats in this case led to a deterioration in quality.


Having considered the best e-readers for Windows, we can draw the following conclusions. The Cool Reader program is best adapted for its intended use. In second place in terms of convenience is AlReader. In third place is Liberty. Universal readers ICE and STDU are best used as tools for editing and extracting information.

Despite the fact that mobile e-books have appeared, replacing traditional paper sources of information for readers, it is advisable to have a book reader on your own computer. It may be needed, for example, for reading technical, scientific and fiction literature, as well as for viewing drawings that are now created in book format.
There are a lot of programs for reading books on a computer. Below is a selection of readers that have managed to prove themselves from the best side.

Cool Reader

It can rightfully be called the most popular and widespread among users. There is a version for both computer and mobile device. Supports many different book formats: .doc, .txt, .fb2, .rtf and .epub. The program allows you to browse websites.

The features of the computer reader are as follows:

  • automatic page turning. The function can be disabled if you need to spend significant time familiarizing yourself with the data on the page;
  • adjusting the background and font brightness in accordance with the user's wishes;
  • viewing the contents of books in archives without unpacking them.


is a program for reading e-books that can run on computers with the Linux and Windows operating systems.

The main feature of the reader is its many settings. But the average user is unlikely to have to change anything, and he can easily get by with the default settings. ALReader supports a lot of formats, including ODT and FB2. It is precisely thanks to the ability to view the last two formats that the reader has become in demand.

It is noteworthy that when creating the program, the creators paid special attention to its design. Having opened ALReader, the user will be surprised to see a book on printed newspaper sheets in front of him. To use the reader there is no need to install it. Immediately after downloading it can be used in full mode.


If the user often has to resort to viewing documents and reading literature in various formats, then he is recommended to download this reader. The reading experience can be customized to suit your personal preferences.

It has a simple and intuitive interface that is easy to customize if desired. All open book files are classified according to characteristics - title, genre and author.

There is no need to move e-books to a shared folder - FBReader automatically creates links to their location in the computer's memory. The program has one drawback - a two-page mode is not provided.

Adobe Reader

It is difficult to find a computer user who has never encountered this program in his life. As a rule, if you need to open a book in PDF format, then Adobe Reader is used. Not only books, but also magazines and other journalism are now being created in this format. Many other readers cannot always open documents and books in PDF.

Documents in PDF format can also pose a threat to your computer. Attackers inject malicious scripts into them, and therefore, before opening anything, you should check the file in an antivirus program.

The same problem applies to other programs where you can open books and documents in PDF. To minimize risks, you should use only the latest versions of the reader. The program takes up a lot of space in the computer's memory and takes much longer to install than other software products with similar purposes.


The .djvu format is gradually and steadily replacing documents in the .pdf format. The fact is that the first format compresses files better, which allows you to save space in your computer’s memory. If you need a modern reader for reading data in .djvu format, then this is the best of them.

The advantages of the program are as follows:

  • opening documents in other formats besides .djvu;
  • you can scroll through all the pages, rather than flipping through them two at a time, which happens in the vast majority of programs;
  • creating bookmarks in a simple and convenient way;
  • fast speed of opening books.

Foxit Reader

Like the previous reader, Foxit Reader can also be used to read documents in pdf format. But, unlike Adobe Reader, it requires less hard disk space for installation. The range of possibilities of the reader is quite huge.

The program menu is presented in several languages. The application operates primarily on computers running Windows control. But, recently, versions have appeared that can run on PCs running Windows OS.

ICE Book Reader Professional

The word Professional is used in the program name for a reason. This reader has quite enviable functionality, which is easy to understand after testing the program for a few minutes. It is distributed absolutely free of charge and is presented in Russian.

The program includes two modules of equal importance - a library and a reader. You can choose one-page or two-page mode to view documents.

Often the mode is selected in accordance with the user's preferences and the size of the monitor screen. Each mode has its own set of settings.

The advantage and at the same time the disadvantage (due to the increase in data space occupied) of the reader is that it automatically downloads all books to the library in full. So the file can be deleted from the main location at a later time.

If the amount of data storage space is small, then you should go to the settings and adjust the compression level.

ICE Book Reader Professional has the following features:

  • support for files in various formats. Exception - .pdf;
  • The entered settings are remembered by the reader automatically. The next time you turn it on, you will not need to change the parameters again;
  • data can be opened from archives without involving one or another archiver. Information can be viewed in archives in the following formats: .zip, .rar and others.
ICE Book Reader Professional is one of the best readers and the most customizable. Just sit with it for a few minutes, changing the parameters in the settings, and the program can be applied to use it at night and on the street. Thanks to this, the negative impact on vision will be minimized.

STDU Viewer

Its interface is not so attractive, but it is easy to use and allows you to change a lot of parameters in the settings. There is a multi-tab mode, which makes it possible to open several books at the same time.

The most important advantage is multi-format. With it you can open documents in .pdf format.


Everyone makes the final choice of reader for themselves. However, if you have difficulty choosing, then you should focus on the most functional ones - STDU Viewer, ICE Book or AlReader.

In order to read books in the popular FB2 (FictionBook) format, created specifically for compatibility with various operating systems, you need to use a special application - a reader. There are many such programs for PCs that allow you not only to view, but sometimes also to edit texts. Early versions are intended for use on Windows 7 and XP platforms, later versions are intended for Windows 10.

Almost every program for opening FB2 also supports most other formats. And the best readers are able to read information from an e-book out loud.

For the convenience of users, in the settings of almost all applications, from the popular Cool Reader to the infrequently used “Balabolka”, there are changes in the size and color of fonts, background and page turning options.

But in order to find the most suitable option, the user should look at the top similar programs with a description of their capabilities, disadvantages and advantages.

Fiction Book Reader

This fb2 reader for a computer gives the user the ability to work with files with the extension .epub, .mobi and .txt. The PDF format is not supported, but it is possible to sort books using OPDS catalogs.

Main menu free version Fiction Book Reader.

To make text easier to read, the application allows you to switch to full-screen mode by removing panels from the screen. The disadvantages of this fb2 reader for a computer include its availability in the Microsoft Store online store - that is, the program can only be installed on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.

In addition, the application is paid - although it is possible to use it for free by downloading the Lite version.

STDU Viewer

The program is designed to open other formats - from DjVu and PDF to ePUB and TIFF. And it has good functionality, allowing you to perform the following operations:

  • scale the font size to see the text better;
  • choose the page orientation and their number on the screen (one or as a book spread);
  • adjust contrast and brightness.

STDU Viewer App

The application also has the ability to print the text being viewed by selecting various settings print. Using the program, you can create public documents bookmarks. In this case, the files themselves are not edited or changed.

And to transfer information from one computer to another, they use the procedure of importing and exporting a tree of bookmarks.

Cool Reader

Another popular reader program is Cool Reader, considered one of the best due to its support for more than ten commonly used formats and its simple user interface.

The application works with archives, opening books that have been packed to reduce their size, provides reading texts aloud and editing information. With Cool Reader you can record an MP3 audio file using several pronunciation dictionaries.

One of the best readers is Cool Reader, v. 3.3.61.

Among other advantages that CR3 (the latest, third version of the reader) received is support for multiple languages, setting bookmarks and searching for information in an open document.

After formatting, the application allows you to save the edited text as .rtf, .txt or .html files. You can also use it to list the latest documents opened in the reader.

Sumatra PDF

  • simple design that allows you to read the text without being distracted by the design;
  • the ability to copy texts from an open electronic document in any supported format;
  • multilingual interface, including menus in Russian and 59 other languages.

Application for working with Sumatra PDF e-books.

This program for reading books on a computer can be used in the form of a portable version, which allows you to do without installing it. And when opening fb2 files, it, unlike many analogues, displays pictures correctly.

If you download Sumatra PDF 0.9.1 or a later version of the application, you can leave bookmarks in any open electronic document.


PC users who need a good program for reading books on their computer can also download the Caliber application, with which you can not only open texts in various formats, but also edit them and create your own electronic library.

The program supports downloading downloaded books from the network and connecting additional modules. Using the reader will allow you not to wonder how to open about 20 popular formats - from AZW and FB2 to PDF and RB.

Popular and feature-rich Caliber app

Among the features that this e-book reader provides is the conversion of one type of file to another. Moreover, the reader itself does not support all formats.

To work with most texts, an additional E-book viewer application is downloaded and installed at the same time.


Among the features of the FBReader application that allow it to get into the ranking of the best e-readers are:

  • support for various types of e-books (including in fb2 format);
  • simple and convenient interface for viewing text, easily customizable even by an inexperienced user;
  • automatic creation of links to books, regardless of their location on computer drives.

FBReader program

This program for reading e-books has only one drawback - the lack of a two-page mode. Therefore, if necessary, you will always have at your disposal a functional and convenient tool for working with various options for electronic documents.

It is recommended to download this fb2 reader for your computer from its manufacturer’s website. The application is open source and distributed free of charge. And the coolest thing is that there are smartphone applications for modern operating systems based on Android, Windows Phone and iOS.

Liberty Book Reader

Liberty Book Reader, a free e-book reader for your computer, was developed by Microsoft. Therefore, texts can be uploaded directly from the application to the DropBox and SkyDrive cloud services.

In addition, the program user has access to books from the Microsoft online library - although it can only be downloaded for Windows 10, 8 and 8.1.

Liberty Book Reader from Microsoft

The advantages of using the application include the option that offers similar Microsoft storage genres. In the reader menu, you can create a catalog of good books, sorting them by genre, date or alphabet.

And among the additional features that the reader provides are creating notes on the text, jumping to individual fragments of text, and changing font sizes.

ICE Book Reader Professional

The popular program for reading fb2 on a computer, ICE Book Reader, is distributed free of charge and supports more than 70 interface languages.

At the same time, it opens a large number of e-book formats and allows you to find information faster than many similar applications. Among other functions of the reader it is worth noting:

  • reading archived texts;
  • quick search;
  • conversion to other formats.

Text reader ICE Book Reader

One of the reasons for the program to be included in the rating is that there is no need to install it in Windows and register for further use. In addition, the reader allows you to create collections of files of any type (including not only books) and manage them directly from the menu.

And when you launch the application, it opens on the page of the document that was last used.


  • reading most existing formats;
  • working with Slovoed and Lingvo dictionaries;
  • several text scrolling options;
  • editing open e-books.

AlReader program interface

This fb2 reader supports bookmarks, footnotes, and various styles. You can download it from the official website of the developer. The latest version dates back to 2016, and the list of supported platforms includes not only Windows, but also Android.


The rating is completed by the “Balabolka” application, the functionality of which allows you not only to work with texts, but also to read them out loud. Downloading the reader will answer the question of how to read e-books on a computer, edit them and record them as audio files.

Moreover, during the recording process you can change both the reading speed and voice timbre.

Interface of the program "Balabolka"


When choosing a suitable application for working with e-books, the user should try several options. Finally, not only the list, but also personal acquaintance with the capabilities and interface will help you understand which fb2 reader program is best suited.

Although, if we take into account the opinions of other users, the best program for working with books in electronic format is Cool Reader, which supports dozens of extensions. Or ICE Book Reader, which you can work with not only without registration, but also without installation on your computer.

Electronic versions have long replaced paper publications - it’s convenient, all you need is ereader for computer. The reader is useful because it allows you to open the desired book format. Good program should include additional useful functions that will ensure a pleasant and comfortable reading of books.

Reader program for the Caliber computer for Windows, macOS and Linux

Reader for computer all formats free download - this is about Caliber. It can be used not only to view books, but also as an editor. The program can convert files from one format to another. In the interface of this application you can find tools: background setting, text, search, content preview and much more.

Reader of all formats for computer AlReader

Book reader for computer Bookmate

The fb2 reader for the Bookmate computer, similar to Google Play Books, provides literature for reading from the Internet. Also, for Windows users, you can install a desktop client that allows you to drop a book into your personal library and read it offline.


  • Russian-language interface;
  • clear and simple settings;
  • free distribution.


  • does not read – PDF;
  • limited functionality;
  • no automatic scrolling.

The service offers settings for the font, background, indents and other things. We read the texts that we add to the service without paying. A paid subscription to books from the online library is offered, but you can cancel.

Liberty Book Reader for computer

The free e-reader for your computer was invented by Microsoft. The application supports all known formats. With Liberty, we download books directly from SkyDrive or DropBox and get access to a large online library. There are free and paid books there. You can download the fb2 reader for your computer Liberty Book Reader.

The program has a recommendation system; it helps you study the literature you open and download, and then offers similar options. In the menu you can create a personal library and sort it as you like. In the settings you can choose a font, search by word, write a note and many scrolling variations.

Computer reader Balabolka

The main advantage of this program is that it turns the electronic version into an audiobook. The application is free, but if we want to listen to a book, we will have to install speech synthesizers separately.

The utility reads formats: HTML, FB2, PDF...etc. In the interface settings you can change the font size and color, and check spelling. Audio files are supported in the following formats: OGG, WAV, WMA, MP3. To turn on an audiobook, you need to press the play button, there is also “Pause”, “Stop”. The parameters change the reading speed and timbre.


  • Russian-language interface;
  • you can remove line breaks, this will help remove hesitations in pronunciation;
  • the list of voices is unlimited, since you can download from the Internet and install any one.


  • Synthesizers make mistakes in pronunciation, but you can correct this yourself.

Reader for computer Sumatra PDF

Free software for reading books. The application views many different formats ePub, XPS, MOBI, DjVu, CHM...etc. In the interface settings: select what view we want to have, scale, background fill and font. The program remembers the place where you finished reading, when the user opens it again, the file will immediately open at the completed reading place. You can download the reader for your computer for free.

Computer reader BookSeer

The application does not require registration or installation. The utility allows you not only to read, but also to create collections of literature. It is possible to delete, move and rename. The application allows you to use the editor while reading. You don’t need to remember the stopping place every time; it’s built into the program automatically. Download the computer reader BookSeer.

Free book reader for computer ICE Book Reader Professional

The application has useful tools for reading; the manufacturers have made sure that the reader’s eyes do not get tired. The program has five reading modes. If necessary, voice mode is activated.


  • reading books up to 16 GB without slowdown;
  • you can activate smooth scrolling;
  • the ability to listen as an audiobook;
  • you can voice the text yourself and make MP3/WAV files;
  • the program is free;
  • There are tools for creating video books.


  • slowdowns appear periodically;
  • doesn't read PDF.

If you have any questions about the topic " Best programs for reading on a computer", then you can ask them in the comments

In this review I will tell you about the best, in my opinion, programs for reading books on a computer. Despite the fact that most people read literature on phones or tablets, as well as on e-books, I decided to start with programs for PCs, and next time I’ll talk about applications for mobile platforms. New review:

Some of the programs described are quite simple and allow you to easily open a book in FB2, EPUB, Mobi and other formats, adjust colors, fonts and other display options and simply read, leave bookmarks and continue from where you left off last time. Others are not just a reader, but entire managers of electronic literature with convenient options for sorting, creating descriptions, converting or sending books to electronic devices. There are both on the list.

The next powerful e-reader program is Caliber, which is a source code project that is one of the few that continues to be developed to this day (most PC e-readers have either been abandoned recently or have evolved only towards mobile platforms ).

If we talk about Caliber only as an e-reader (and it is not only that), then it works simply, has various parameters for customizing the interface and opens most common e-book formats. However, it cannot be said that it is very advanced and, probably, the program is much more interesting in its other capabilities.

What else can Caliber do? At the installation stage, you will be asked to indicate your e-books (devices) or the brand and platform of phones and tablets - exporting books to them is one of the program's functions.

The next point is extensive opportunities for managing your text library: you can comfortably manage all your books in almost any format, including FB2, EPUB, PDF, DOC, DOCX - I won’t list it, in almost any, without exaggeration. At the same time, managing books is no less convenient than in the program discussed above.

One last thing: Caliber is also one of the best e-book converters, with which you can easily convert all common formats (to work with DOC and DOCX you need Microsoft Word installed on your computer).

The program is available for download on the official website of the project (it supports not only Windows, but also Mac OS X, Linux)


Another excellent program for reading books on a computer with a Russian-language interface is AlReader, this time without an abundance of additional functions for managing libraries, but with everything a reader needs. Unfortunately, the computer version has not been updated for a long time, but it already has everything you need, and no problems with operation were noticed.

Using AlReader, you can open a downloaded book in the format you need (tested FB2 and EPUB, much more is supported), fine-tune colors, indents, hyphens, select a theme, if desired. Well, then just read without being distracted by extraneous things. It goes without saying that there are bookmarks and the program remembers where you left off.

Once upon a time, I personally read more than a dozen books using AlReader and, if everything was in order with my memory, I was completely satisfied.

Official AlReader download page


I did not include Cool Reader in the article, although it is available in the Windows version, but it can only be included in the list of the best for Android (my personal opinion). I also decided not to write anything about:

  • Kindle Reader (since if you buy books for Kindle, you should be familiar with this program) and other branded applications;
  • Programs for reading PDF (Foxit Reader, Adobe PDF Reader, built-in program in Windows 8) - you can read about this in the article;
  • Programs for reading Djvu - I have a separate article with a review of programs for computers and applications for Android:.

This concludes, next time I will write about e-books in relation to Android and iOS.