The history of the appearance of the computer presentation. The history of the development of personal computers. The PC hardware uses

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Do you know how computers actually evolved before they became familiar to us. It was quite a long story with numerous discoveries, each of which gradually moved humanity towards the digital age.

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2700 BC Accounts. Although the exact place and date of the creation of the abacus continues to be in question, it is likely that the abacus was invented by the Sumerians (a people of southern Mesopotamia) about 5,000 years ago. With the help of special knuckles, they made it possible to perform fast and rather complex calculations, so that the abacus can be called the first computer.

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Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) The machine entered the history of the development of computer technology under the name "Pascaline". During his work on the device, Pascal made more than 50 various models of his car, in which he experimented not only with materials, but also with the shape of machine parts. The first working machine was made already in 1842, but its final version appeared only in 1654.

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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 - 1716) The German philosopher, mathematician and physicist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1670 gave the first description of his arithmetic tool, which allows adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, extracting square roots, using the binary number system. The final version was completed in 1710. It was a more advanced device that used a moving part (a prototype of the carriage) and a handle with which the operator rotated the wheel.

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Charles Babbage (1792 - 1871) In 1822, a trial model of the Difference Engine was built, capable of calculating and printing large mathematical tables

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The development of computer technology, following the generally accepted classification, can be divided into the following stages: Manual - from the 5th millennium. Mechanical - from the middle of the 17th century. Electromechanical - from the 90s of the 19th century Electronic - from the 40s of the 20th century.

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1801: Jacquard loom. Designed by Joseph Marie Jacquard, it was the first machine to use punched cards to control a series of sequences. In order to change the pattern of the fabric being made, the machine used a punched card. It was a kind of binary code: according to the principle "there is a hole - there is no hole." The Jacquard loom was a key step in the development of computer programming.

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At the end of the 19th century, Herman Hollerith in America invented perforating machines. They used punched cards for storage. Each such machine could only execute one specific program by manipulating the punched cards and the numbers punched into them. Counting and perforating machines perforated, sorted, summed up, printed numerical tables. On these machines it was possible to solve many typical tasks of statistical processing, accounting other.

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The first computer - a universal machine on vacuum tubes - was built in the USA in 1945. This machine was called ENIAC (stands for Electronic Digital Integrator and Computer). The designers of ENIAC were J. Mouchli and J. Eckert. The counting speed of this machine exceeded the speed of relay machines of that time by a thousand times.

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In our country, the first computer was created in 1951. It was called MESM - a small electronic calculating machine. The MESM designer was Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev. Under the leadership of S.A. Lebedev in the 50s, serial tube computers BESM-1 (large electronic calculating machine), BESM-2, M-20 were built. At that time, these machines were among the best in the world.

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Second-generation computers were made up of transistors, they took up less space, consumed less electricity, and were more reliable. The highest achievement of domestic computer technology created by the team of S.A. Lebedev was the development in 1966 of a semiconductor computer BESM-6 with a capacity of 1 million operations per second.

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The third generation computers owe the creation of an integrated circuit (IC) in the form of a single crystal, in a miniature case of which transistors, diodes, capacitors, resistors were concentrated. The creation of processors was carried out on the basis of planar-diffusion technology.

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The improvement of integrated circuits led to the emergence of microprocessors made in a single chip, including random access memory (LSI - large integrated circuits), which marked the transition to the fourth generation of computers. They have become smaller, more reliable and cheaper. The creation of fourth-generation computers led to the rapid development of mini- and especially micro-computers - personal computers (1968), which allowed the mass user to obtain a means to enhance their intellectual capabilities.

Presentation for the lesson of the circle "Computer literacy" on the topic "History of the computer"

The presentation tells about the history of the development of computers in the world and in our country. No other machine in history has brought such rapid and profound changes to our world.Computers create thousands of conveniences and services in our daily lives.



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Slides captions:

History of the computer

The first calculating machine. At all times people had to count

The first computers At the end of the 19th century, Herman Hollerith in America invented perforating machines. They used punched cards to store numerical information.

The first computers G. Hollerith founded a company producing punching machines, which was then transformed into IBM, now the world's most famous computer manufacturer.

The first computer - a universal machine on vacuum tubes - was built in the USA in 1945.

The first computers in our country. In our country, the first computer was created in 1951. It was called MESM - a small electronic calculating machine. The MESM designer was Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev

Electronic computing technology is usually divided into generations

Second generation

Third generation They were called integrated circuits (ICs)

Fourth Generation A microprocessor is a miniature brain that operates according to a program stored in its memory.

The fifth generation of computers of the fifth generation are machines of the near future. Their main quality should be a high intellectual level.

No other machine in history has brought such rapid and profound changes to our world. Computers have made possible such significant achievements as landing vehicles on the surface of the moon and exploring the planets of the solar system. Computers create thousands of conveniences and services in our daily lives. They operate anesthesia equipment in operating rooms, help children learn in schools, and “invent” video stunts for cinema. Computers have taken over the functions of typewriters in newspapers and adding machines in banks. They improve television picture quality, operate telephone exchanges, and determine the price of purchases at the department store checkout. In other words, they are so firmly entrenched in modern life that it is almost impossible to do without them.

Internet resources: computer %D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9%20%D0%AD%D0 %92%D0%9C&noreask=1& computer history abacus

the first
Kozar Elizaveta 9a

The first computer in the world was an American programmable
computer that was designed and built in 1941 by Harvard
mathematician Howard Ackson with the collaboration of four company engineers
IBM, by order of which the computer was developed. The computer was created
based on the ideas of Charles Babbage.
The official launch of the very first computer in the world called
"Mark 1" was carried out after successful tests on August 7, 1944.
The computer was located within the walls of Harvard University.

The cost of this computer was 500 thousand dollars. A computer
assembled in a stainless steel and glass case, had a length of about 17
meters, a height of more than 2.5 meters, a weight of about 4.5 tons, the area occupied
several tens of meters. The Mark 1 computer contained
electromechanical switches, relays and other parts in the amount of 765
thousand pieces.

The length of the wires of the world's first computer was almost 800
kilometers. The computer could operate on 72 numbers, consisting of 23
decimal places. He performed the operations of subtraction and addition,
spending 3 seconds for each operation. The computer could perform
multiplication and division operations, while spending 6 and 15.3 seconds

"Generations of computers" - 1959 S.A. Lebedev created such machines as: 1642 Pascal created a mechanical arithmetic machine. 1901 G. Marconi established radio communication between Europe and America. Placed on special printed circuit boards. 1938 K. Zuse built the first purely mechanical computer. 1876 ​​A. Bell invented the telephone.

"The Development of Computing Technology" - Biography of Leibniz. There are 8 round holes on the top cover, each one has a circular scale around it. Wires correspond to decimal places. Babbage's Analytical Engine is the first prototype of modern computers. Principle of operation. In ancient Rome, the abacus appeared, probably in the 5th-6th centuries AD, and was called calculi or abakuli.

"History of the development of technology" - The presentation of the material is of an overview nature. Project protection. Project planning. In fact, the history of the development of BT is instructive and worthy of a deeper study. Project work. The history of the development of computer technology. To reveal the above topic in detail, you can use the method of projects.

"History of the Computer" - In recent years, there has been a rapid development of computer technology. The dimensions of the machines are noticeably reduced. A new computer era has begun - computers of the second generation have appeared. The first set-top box Altair-8800. The computer processed approx. 200 million strokes per second. In 1959, chips were invented. In 1947, the Americans invented transistors. One transistor replaced 40 lamps.

"The development of computers" - The history of the development of computing technology. XX century. The first electronic computers appeared in the 30s of the last century. Invented the first mechanical abacus - adding machine. Blaise Pascal, creator of the first adding machine, 1641-1642. Ancient times. This is what the first computers looked like. Now the computer easily fits on the desk.

"History of computer technology" - History. Completed by: 1st year of study Lakhiyalova M.K. Head: Vezirov T.G. Tasks. Small - computers. Introduction Theoretical part Practical part Tests Literature. Stored Program Computer: Von Neumann Principle 1949 Content. Classification. The machine invented by C. Babbage looked like a real factory for the production of calculations.

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The history of the development of computer technology is usually divided into prehistory and 4 generations of computer development:

Background; - First generation; - Second generation; - Third generation; - Fourth generation;

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Background. In 1941, the German engineer Zuse built a small computer based on electromechanical relays, but because of the war, his work was not published. In 1943, in the United States, at one of the enterprises of IBM, Aiken created a more powerful Mark-1 computer, which was used for military calculations. But electromechanical relays worked slowly and unreliably. The first generation of computers (1946 - mid-50s) The generation of computers is understood as all types and models of computers developed by various design teams, but built on the same scientific and technical principles. The appearance of the electron vacuum tube led to the creation of the first computer. In 1946, a computer for solving problems called ENIAC (ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator - "electronic numerical integrator and calculator") appeared in the USA. This computer worked a thousand times faster than the Mark-1. But most of the time he was idle, because. it took several hours to properly connect the wires to complete the program. The set of elements that make up a computer is called the element base. The element base of computers of the 1st generation is vacuum tubes, resistors and capacitors. The elements were connected by wires using surface mounting. The computer was a lot of bulky cabinets and occupied a special machine room, weighed hundreds of tons and consumed hundreds of kilowatts of electricity. ENIAC had 20,000 vacuum tubes. For 1 sec. The machine performed 300 multiplication operations or 5000 multi-digit addition operations. In 1945, the famous American mathematician John von Neumann presented a report to the general scientific community, in which he managed to outline the formal logical organization of a computer, abstracting from circuits and radio tubes.

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The history of the development of computer technology. Classical principles of functional organization and operation of a computer:

1. Availability of main devices: control unit (CU), arithmetic logic (ALU), storage device (RAM), input-output devices; 2. Storage of data and commands in memory; 3. The principle of program control; 4. Sequential execution of operations; 5. Binary encoding of information (the first computer "Mark-1" performed calculations in the decimal number system, but such encoding is technically difficult to implement, and was later abandoned); 6. Use of electronic elements and electrical circuits for greater reliability (instead of electromechanical relays).

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First generation of computers

The first domestic computer was created in 1951 under the leadership of Academician S.A. Lebedev, and it was called MESM (small electronic calculating machine). Later, BESM-2 (large electronic calculating machine) was created. The most powerful computer of the first generation in Europe was the Soviet M-20 computer with a speed of 20,000 ops/sec. and 4,000 machine words of RAM. On average, the speed of the first generation computers is 10-20 thousand op / sec. The operation of the first generation computers is too complicated due to frequent failure: vacuum tubes often burned out and they had to be replaced manually. A whole staff of engineers was engaged in the maintenance of such a computer. Programs for such machines were written in machine codes, it was necessary to know all the commands of the machine and their binary representation. In addition, such computers cost millions of dollars.

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The second generation of computers

The invention of the transistor in 1948 made it possible to change the element base of the computer to semiconductor elements (transistors and diodes), as well as more advanced resistors and capacitors. One transistor replaced 40 vacuum tubes, worked faster, was cheaper and more reliable. The technology for connecting the element base has changed: the first printed circuit boards appeared - plates of insulating material on which transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors were placed. The printed circuit boards were connected using surface mounting. The consumption of electricity has been reduced, and the dimensions have decreased hundreds of times. The performance of such computers is up to 1 million operations / sec. When several elements failed, the entire board was replaced, and not each element individually. After the advent of transistors, the most time-consuming operation in the manufacture of computers was the connection and soldering of transistors to create electronic circuits. The advent of algorithmic languages ​​has facilitated the process of programming. The principle of time sharing was introduced - various computer devices began to work simultaneously. In 1965, Digital Equipment released the first minicomputer, the PDP-8, the size of a refrigerator and costing only $20,000.

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Third generation of computers

In 1958, John Kilby created the first experimental integrated circuit or chip. The integrated circuit performed the same functions as the electronic one in the second generation computers. It was a silicon wafer on which transistors and all connections between them were placed. Element base - integrated circuits. Performance: hundreds of thousands - millions of operations per second. The first computer made on integrated circuits was the IBM-360 in 1968 by IBM, which marked the beginning of a whole series (the larger the number, the greater the capabilities of the computer). In 1970, Intel began selling integrated memory circuits. Since then, the number of transistors per unit area of ​​an integrated circuit has roughly doubled annually. This provided a constant reduction in cost and an increase in computer speed. The amount of memory has increased. Displays and graph plotters have appeared, further development various programming languages. Two families of computers were produced in our country: large (for example, EC-1022, EC-1035) and small (for example, SM-2, SM-3). At that time, the computer center was equipped with one or two ES-computer models and a display class, where each programmer could connect to the computer in a time-sharing mode.

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fourth generation of computers

In 1970, Marshian Edward Hoff of Intel designed an integrated circuit similar in function to the central processing unit of a large computer. This is how the first microprocessor Intel-4004 appeared, which was released for sale in 1971. This microprocessor, less than 3 cm in size, was more productive than a giant machine. It was possible to place 2250 transistors on one silicon crystal. True, it worked much slower and could process only 4 bits of information at the same time (instead of 16-32 bits for large computers), but it also cost tens of thousands of times cheaper (about $ 500). Soon began a rapid increase in the performance of microprocessors. At first, microprocessors were used in various computing devices (for example, in calculators). In 1974, several companies announced the creation of a personal computer based on the Intel-8008 microprocessor, i.e. device for one user.

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A wide sale in the personal computer (PC) market is associated with the names of young Americans S. Jobs and W. Wozniak, the founders of Apple Computer, which since 1977 has launched the production of Apple personal computers. Numerous programs designed for business applications (text editing, spreadsheets for accounting calculations) contributed to the growth in sales.

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In the late 1970s, the rise of the PC led to a decline in the demand for large computers. This worried the leadership of IBM, a leading company in the production of large computers, and they decided to try their hand at the PC market as an experiment. In order not to spend a lot of money on this experiment, the department responsible for this project was allowed not to design a PC from scratch, but to use blocks made by other companies. So, the latest at that time 16-bit microprocessor Intel-8088 was chosen as the main microprocessor. The software was commissioned to develop a small firm Microsoft. In August 1981, the new IBM PC was ready and became very popular among users. IBM did not make its computer a single one-piece device and did not protect its design with patents. On the contrary, she assembled the computer from independently manufactured parts and did not keep the methods of connecting these parts a secret; IBM PC designs were available to everyone. This allowed other firms to develop both hardware and software. Very soon, these firms were no longer satisfied with the role of manufacturers of components for the IBM PC and began to build PCs themselves that were compatible with the IBM PC. Competition between manufacturers has led to cheaper computers. Since these firms did not have to incur huge research costs, they could sell their computers for much less than comparable IBM computers. Computers compatible with the IBM PC were called "clones" (twins). A common feature of the IBM PC family and compatible computers is software compatibility and the principle of open architecture, i.e. the ability to add and replace existing hardware with more modern ones without replacing the entire computer. One of the most important ideas of fourth-generation computers is that several processors are used simultaneously to process information (multiprocessor processing).

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A server is a powerful computer in computer networks that provides services to computers connected to it and access to other networks. Supercomputers have been around since the 1970s. Unlike Neumann computers, they use a multiprocessor processing method. With this method, the problem to be solved is divided into several parts, each of which is solved in parallel on its own processor. This dramatically increases performance. Their speed is billions of operations per second. But these computers cost millions of dollars. Personal computers (PCs) are used everywhere and have an affordable price. For them, a large number of software tools have been developed for various fields of application that help a person process information. Now the PC has become multimedia, i.e. handles not only numerical and text information, but works effectively with sound and image. Portable computers (the Latin word "porto" means "carry") - portable computers. The most common of them laptop ("note book") - notepad personal computer. Industrial computers are designed for use in industrial environments (for example, to control machine tools, airplanes, and trains). They are subject to increased requirements for the reliability of trouble-free operation, resistance to temperature changes, vibration, etc. Therefore, ordinary personal computers cannot be used as industrial ones.

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