Dispatch business plan per application. Business plan for opening a taxi service. We provide a workflow

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How to open a taxi service? How much is it?

Want to get a taxi business plan? Our site will provide you with a similar service. We have collected relevant projects in various industries. Here you will find a thoughtful, real project and an example that you can use as a model for your own calculations. And there is no doubt that good taxi services have a great future. They will be in demand both in big cities and in the provinces, always.

What do you need to know to open your own taxi company?

We offer a business plan for organizing a taxi company with its own taxi dispatch service, which is ready for use. You just have to take care of its correct implementation. Think over how many machines will work for you. How the dispatch service will function. How communication and coordination is possible. It is the quality of communication that is one of the main conditions for working in any locality.

Why do you need your own dispatch service?

When opening a taxi company, first of all, take care of the connection. It is in it that you will have to invest fixed capital, as well as in the search for good employees-dispatchers. The quality of the dispatchers 'work and the coordination of the drivers' work will be the main engines of your company. As for the prices for services, then they need to be determined based on those prices that are considered acceptable in your city. Yandex.Taxi or GetTaxi.ru can also help, but they only work in large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

But there are no universal plans and there are always details?

Studying a ready-made business plan, you can easily change certain points in it or add some services, for example, delivery of groceries, medicines. However, all of this must be thoughtful and relevant. All the required calculations and characteristics have already been entered into our sample. It will be easy for everyone and you will not miss important details when opening your taxi fleet. If you want to create a small private company or work as an individual entrepreneur, a taxi business plan will also be useful, because many details differ only in scale.

What does the taxi driver's business depend on in the first place? Of course, on the number of passengers who used its services. The more customers turn to a taxi company, the higher the profits, but for this you need to be able to prove that your taxi service is the best, then the business will begin to develop. Competition in this sector of the market goes off scale, but it is still too early to say that these services are civilized in our country.

Experienced businessmen believe that the reputation of the company is of paramount importance in the service sector. Only thanks to her, the company acquires regular customers, finds partners among private companies and organizations. It takes a long time to earn a positive reputation, but the most important thing is to preserve it. The attitude of clients to a particular taxi company is based on the level of service, security guarantees, and even such seemingly trifles as the lead time.

And if you decide to organize your business - a taxi service, always remember your reputation, since it is very easy to spoil it, but it is not always possible to restore it. There are a lot of examples of this, and competitors are not asleep. As soon as you stumble, other, more adventurous colleagues will immediately take advantage of it.

Organizing a business - a taxi from scratch - requires attention to every detail. One-day firms have long been out of favor, and a trip in a dirty and creaking tarantass, proudly called the brainchild of the domestic auto industry, is unlikely to please the passenger. The client pays a lot of money for the trip, and in return he has the right to count on the provision of quality services. Remember that a high level of service is a guarantee that the next time the client wants to contact you again.

When planning to build your business on the provision of taxi services, always pay special attention to the technical condition of cars in your own taxi company. If a taxi is delayed on the road due to a breakdown, be sure that the client will never contact your company again. An important factor influencing the increase in orders is safety. In this regard, the professionalism of the driver is of great importance. Fear the reckless drivers who, in pursuit of the client, are capable of breaking traffic rules, provoking an emergency situation on the roads.

All these recommendations apply to entrepreneurs, regardless of whether they plan to create an ordinary company or open their own VIP taxi business in the city. When thinking about how to open your own taxi business, do not forget about the importance of advertising, since in a highly competitive environment, it is very difficult for a newcomer to break into this market. A catchy name and an easy-to-remember phone number will allow the company to stand out in a huge mass of proposals.

A more detailed description of taxi services in a taxi company is contained in a professional example of a business plan for opening a taxi from scratch with ready-made calculations. With this document, opening your own business - a taxi - will not cause any special problems even for dummies. You will be able to understand the peculiarities of the organization of accounting when opening a taxi service, you will understand how the opening of a taxi company by a legal entity differs, and what nuances of this business should be paid special attention to.

The green light of the taxi instills hope in the heart of a lonely passer-by, desperate to wait for a free car, and makes some entrepreneurs think about how it would be nice to make money from this business. As experienced businessmen say, the profitability of this business is gradually decreasing, so that whoever succeeded, he ... was able to recoup his company in a shorter time. It is possible to return the initial investment today in one and a half to two years. But this is only subject to competent management, which includes not only a strict selection of applicants for the position of taxi drivers, but also a reasonably chosen price niche and constant quality control of the services provided.

Recently, businessmen entering this market prefer to rely on their own vehicle fleet, despite the fact that investments in this case will require much more significant. The organization of a taxi company and its uninterrupted operation requires at least 500 thousand dollars. Half of this amount will be spent on the purchase of cars, which must be at least 15 units. In the future, the park will need to be expanded and updated, if, of course, you count on developing your business. The peculiarity of the business processes of the taxi company is such that its payback will depend directly on which car brands you prefer.

So, after reading reviews about the work and earnings of drivers in their car, you decided that you can earn quite good money in a taxi. It is possible that this is the case, but this is true only if you have an impressive initial capital. The cost of the new yellow taxi's own fleet is at least 250-300 thousand dollars. If you expect to use the option of hiring drivers with their own cars, you will still need a considerable amount - about 50 thousand dollars.

Solid funds are needed even if you want to organize a bicycle taxi as a business. It is even more difficult to buy equipment for a bicycle park, and the prices for this miracle of technical thought are quite high. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to get acquainted with the samples of bicycle taxi models, which are sold in our country. When planning to open a taxi company, businessmen think about what is needed for this, what kind of advertising is needed, whether the prices for promoting their company are high. To obtain a sufficient number of orders, you can negotiate with third-party dispatch companies. The provision of information services in the taxi sector is becoming more and more popular, but this will require additional costs from a businessman.

If you don't like it, equip your own control room. Radio taxi equipment costs around $ 1,000 plus the salaries of several dispatchers who must work around the clock. The main stages of opening a taxi are described in detail in a competent sample of a taxi business plan with a dispatch service. A professional taxi fleet business project will guarantee that you will be able to withstand this market by creating a competitive company.

One of the most popular types of business in the field of passenger transportation today is the organization of a taxi service.

Using as a starting template, you can start your own successful business in the field of passenger transportation.

Overview section

It is planned to open a taxi dispatch service designed for the middle price segment.
This business plan does not cover the organization of a business taxi service and an elite VIP taxi service to serve high-income passengers.

Description of the taxi service company

It is planned to create a taxi dispatching service for 20 cars and two working dispatchers. It is planned to organize its own car park (approximately 50% of the total number of cars) and a park of drivers in private cars. In the future, it is planned to expand its own vehicle fleet by purchasing additional vehicles.

Description of services

The taxi service will provide passenger transportation services.
The scheme of interaction with potential clients is as follows:
- the client calls the dispatcher;
- the dispatcher records the coordinates and contact numbers of the client;
- the dispatcher transfers the order to the driver closest to the customer's address;
- the driver delivers the client to the destination and receives the money.

Market analysis

In this section of the business plan, you should give a specific description of the taxi market in your locality. It is necessary to assess the level of competition, the possibility of entering the market, as well as to note the methods of conquering the market and attracting potential customers.

Equipment necessary for the organization and operation of the taxi service

This section describes what equipment is needed to organize and operate a taxi service.

The main types of equipment required include:
- cars;
- radio communication system;
- walkie-talkies;
- taximeters.

Ancillary equipment includes:
- navigation systems for each car;
- vehicle tracking systems;
- software to the central computer.

Initially, this equipment can be dispensed with, however, as the taxi service develops, the purchase of additional equipment will become necessary. First of all, this applies to the software and the navigation system.

Financial plan

In this section, we will consider in detail what investments are required to open a taxi service.

Cars (20 units) - 6.000.000 rubles
Radio communication - 200,000 rubles
Taximeters - 100,000 rubles
Personnel salary for a year - 240,000 rubles
Premises rental - 120,000 rubles
Total: 6.660.000 rubles

The financial plan can be adjusted by you depending on your financial capabilities. In addition, the costs of opening a taxi service can be reduced if at first they refuse to buy their own cars and work only with drivers in their own cars.

Practice shows that the payback period for a taxi service in case of purchasing your own vehicle fleet is about one and a half years. If you work with private traders in private cars, the payback of the project is reduced to six months.

Purpose: opening a taxi dispatch service in the city of Omsk.

Objectives: Opening a taxi dispatch service targeted at the middle class. It also provides for the transportation of business and executive class people.

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project previously worked in a taxi as the head of the department and has an idea of ​​this business from the inside, he would like to open a small company to provide services to the population of the city of Omsk. In addition, the organizer already had experience in business as an entrepreneur and decided to try himself in this particular area. Working part time in a taxi, he saw the opportunity to enter this project and win his clientele in it.

Investment costs

The total investment costs are 995 thousand rubles, which will be spent on renovating the premises and preparing it for opening.

All investment costs will be as follows:

  • Development of a design project - 70 thousand rubles;
  • Obtaining a license - 10 thousand rubles;
  • Installation of fire and burglar alarms - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Premises decoration - 370 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase, assembly and installation of furniture - 100 thousand;
  • Purchase of equipment - 150 thousand;
  • Purchase of an application for a phone - 190 thousand rubles;
  • Production of discount cards 15 thousand rubles;
  • Banner installation - 50 thousand rubles;
  • The launch of the information site - 20 thousand rubles.

It was decided to rent the premises. It consists of 56 m2 and includes a sanitary unit and a premise. A partition has been installed in it, a rest room for drivers and a room for dispatchers have been installed. The room is located on the first floor of a residential building and has a separate entrance.

Financing the project

For the repair and decoration of the premises, it was decided to take a loan for a small business in the amount of 1 million rubles at 15% per annum for 5 years. To secure the loan, the property of the organizer has been registered as collateral.

Payback indicators of the project:

  • - 1,029,420 thousand rubles.
  • - 24% per annum;
  • - 5.5 years old;
  • - 7.3 years.

The calculation is made for a period of 10 years, inflation is taken at the level of 10%.

Suppliers and contractors

It was decided to involve a construction team to carry out the repair work. A dividing wall was additionally installed and two separate rooms were formed, and each of them can be entered into the bathroom and out of the office.

The premises are finished and ready for work. Before the lease, the premises had been completed with minimal finishing, so the repair was relatively inexpensive: 370 thousand rudders.

Three tables for the control room and three supported computers, as well as three multichannel telephones were purchased from the furniture. Additionally, a supported sofa and a table for the rest of the dispatchers were purchased in the control room. The rest room will also have a sofa, table and TV.


Since the competition in this area is very high, it is planned to provide taxi services for both the middle class (economy taxi) and the executive class (elite taxi). Therefore, cars will be attracted, both Russian and foreign, of various model years. Executive cars will work for wealthier customers, the rest - for the middle class.

The cost of services will also differ depending on the direction. Orders are accepted both ex post and by prior order.

The types of services are provided:

  • Regular delivery from place to place, including stopping or waiting on a section of the way and further travel.
  • Delivery to the clinic and hospital, including unaccompanied retirees with a call back upon delivery if necessary.
  • Delivery of children, including unaccompanied adults to kindergarten, with a callback from the driver upon delivery.
  • Meeting guests at airports and train stations, including unaccompanied greeters. Ships also include meeting business guests in executive class cars.
  • Purchase and delivery of food, drinks or other items for a prepayment of 70% using cashless payments.

If clients have a desire to use any services that are not covered by the above list, the decision is made by the dispatcher depending on the load and the possibility of performing the service.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The amount of investment in the taxi dispatch service is 995 thousand rubles. The breakdown of costs is presented below (thousand rubles):

Naming of expenditures Qty Price Sum
Development of a design project 1 70.00 70.00
Obtaining a license 1 10.00 10.00
Installation of security and fire alarm systems 1 20.00 20.00
Room decoration 1 370.00 370.00
Purchase, assembly and installation of furniture 1 100.00 100.00
table 3 10.00 30.00
chair 3 6.00 18.00
sofa 2 14.00 28.00
delivery and assembly 1 24.00 24.00
Purchase of equipment 1 150.00 150.00
Production of discount cards 1 15.00 15.00
Installing a banner 1 50.00 50.00
Launching the information site 1 20.00 20.00
Development of an application for the phone 1 190.00 190.00
Total 995.00

The payment plan is presented in the table below (in thousand rubles):

The work plan is presented in the table:

The room was chosen in a residential area of ​​the city of Omsk. It is located in a residential building, has a separate entrance and includes a decorated dignity. node with dignity. technique. After the renovation work, the premises will include two rooms: a rest room for drivers and a control room. The rooms are separate, which is provided for the absence of interference in work and rest.


Each dispatcher has a separate workplace, which is provided for their convenience. Everyone has their own desk, chair, computer and telephone. This will make each of the dispatchers feel comfortable in the workplace, which will reduce the possibility of staff turnover. At the same time, computers are connected to each other via a local network, which makes data transfer instantaneous.

Working hours

The dispatch service works around the clock. The dispatcher is working with a schedule two days later. Orders are accepted in the same way around the clock both with the help of dispatchers and with the help of the application.

Service delivery process

Since you can apply to a taxi in two ways, there are also two possible service delivery processes:

Taxi order by call

  1. The call from the client goes to the dispatcher's phone.
  2. The dispatcher specifies where to drive up and where to take the client, whether there are children with the client and so on.
  3. Then the conversation ends with the clients.
  4. The dispatcher keeps track of the number of free cars and their location, and also specifies what class the car is needed.
  5. The dispatcher contacts the warrior and specifies how long it will take for him to get to the client's meeting point.
  6. The dispatcher sends an SMS message to the client about how many minutes he needs to exit.

Order a taxi by application

  1. The client enters the application and places an order for a taxi.
  2. Drivers in the program receive information about the order, one of them selects it and makes a mark on the waiting time for the car.
  3. This information goes to the client.
  4. Payment for the order is possible both in cash and by bank transfer directly to the taxi driver.

Cost of services

The dispatch service attracts drivers with a private car on a 15% deduction basis. The money is paid in advance by the driver to the account and then gradually spent in the process of receiving orders. The cost of the order depends on the number of kilometers in the order.

Marketing plan

Competition and location

There is a lot of competition in the field of taxi dispatch support. Therefore, our taxi provides a large number of services provided, as well as low cost of travel for middle class people, which she will be guided by in providing her services.

The dispatch office is located in a residential area on the outskirts of the city. The location of the office is not important for attracting customers, but to attract drivers, a banner is placed near the entrance to the premises.

The calculation of the cost of services is presented in the table:

The planned cost of services by the dispatching office is presented in the table:

The percentage of services provided is assumed to be as follows:

Which on the diagram looks like this:

Volume of sales

The average cost of a trip is 160 rubles (economy) and 300 rubles (business). At the same time, seasonality is observed in the field of dispatch support, presented in the diagram:

In addition, the maximum load assumes 30,000 orders per month (in aggregate for services). This download is planned to be received from the 27th month:

That is, the growth in the number of orders will start from 10% and gradually grow to 100%.

SWOT analysis

To identify the competitiveness of the taxi dispatch service, the strengths and weaknesses were analyzed.


  • The initiator has experience in this area.
  • A variety of services aimed at both the middle class and wealthy clients.
  • Acceptable pricing policy.


  • Lack of prominence in the market.


  • The segment in which it is planned to open a business is full of supply.


  • There is a possibility of expansion by purchasing a personal car park.

Advertising strategy

A new taxi is being opened, so it is important to inform the population about it as soon as possible. For this, the following activities are planned:

  • It is planned to develop in advance a website about taxi operations with full information about the services offered and the start of work.
  • The banner will be hung near the office, which will additionally inform the population about taxis, as well as attract drivers with private cars to cooperate.
  • Discount cards will be produced for regular customers.
  • For the convenience of customers, an application will be developed with which it will be possible to order a taxi. All information about waiting time, car and previous trips will be displayed in it.

Organizational plan

Business form

It was decided to issue individual entrepreneurship, while less money will be spent on registration. The taxation system will be applied by UTII.

Personnel and staff structure

Drivers will be involved in the form of cooperation and will not be part of the staff. The director will perform all representative functions and resolve all emerging issues, including looking for personnel. Accounting reports will be submitted by a specialized organization.

The dispatchers will work according to the schedule in two days. Additional personnel are not expected to be hired at the initial stage.

The number of employees and their remuneration are presented in the table:



Salary, (rub.)


1% of revenue


2% of revenue

The organizational structure assumes strict subordination:

Financial plan


For the calculations, the following parameters were taken:

  • Inflation is 10%.
  • Income tax - 15%.
    • The bank will not approve the loan. Since the loan is large enough, the bank may refuse to receive it. However, the loan is taken on the security of an apartment, which in case of non-payment can be quickly sold and returned. The collateral will become the guarantor of the money back for the bank.
    • Decrease in the population's ability to pay due to the crisis. This situation will lead to a decrease in the possibility of purchasing personal transport, which will only increase the demand for taxi services. Also, this situation will attract drivers with personal transport who want to earn extra money.
    • Increase in payments. Since the payback period is short and the profit is tangible, it is unlikely that an increase in payments will significantly affect performance indicators.


    The organization of a taxi dispatch service has good performance indicators, which entails making a significant profit after a certain period of time. The project risks are minimal, and the difficulty lies only in obtaining a loan.

It is possible to create a taxi service with minimal investment, but functioning in a highly competitive environment requires a businessman to maintain the level of competitiveness set by the market. A taxi business plan must necessarily include a thorough study of the range of services and tariffs for them.



The relevance of the taxi business is determined by the following reasons:

  1. The high and stable demand for passenger transportation allows you to earn good money and quickly pay off. People regularly need both to move within the city and outside it. At the same time, clients are all categories of citizens, from the wealthy to citizens with an average income and below.
  2. There is a possibility of organizing a business with a personal vehicle fleet, with or without a significant investment. The second option assumes a situation when the company acts as an intermediary between the customer and the person who is ready to carry out transportation by personal car. In this case, the entrepreneur does not need to make large investments to buy cars and spend money on their further maintenance.
  3. This business does not depend on the degree of development of public (urban and suburban) transport and the number of private cars.

Description of business and services

Taxi business organization options:

  1. Work as a dispatcher, without your own vehicle fleet. It is planned to conclude contracts with individual drivers and / or vehicle fleets. Acting as an intermediary / coordinator, the entrepreneur's earnings will be a percentage of the transaction between the driver and the passenger.
  2. Creation of a personal vehicle fleet and work with third-party dispatch services.
  3. A full-fledged business, with its own fleet of vehicles and control room. This option of organizing your own business involves a large profit, but at the same time, the complexity of the establishment of a business and its risks increase.
  4. Mixed type. It has its own dispatching office, while one part of the vehicle fleet is owned by a businessman, and the other is attracted from outside. This is the most optimal and profitable option for organizing a taxi business.

Taxi service:

  • city ​​trip;
  • a trip out of town;
  • customer waiting (there is a free waiting standard, and if it is exceeded, this service becomes paid);
  • transportation of animals;
  • transportation of goods;
  • delivery of purchases and gifts;
  • work as a courier;
  • "sober driver" service;
  • delivery / meeting of the client at the airport, train station, etc .;
  • City Tour;
  • provision of child seats;
  • ordering a taxi for a specific time;
  • preliminary announcement of the price of the trip.

The taxi business requires a thorough study of the range of services provided and tariffs for them, this will favorably distinguish the company from competitors.

Taxi operation scheme:

  1. Receipt of an application from a client.
  2. Communication of the dispatcher with free drivers.
  3. Determination of the taxi driver who will take the order.
  4. Order fulfillment.
  5. Receiving payment.
  6. Issuance of a check / receipt.

Market description and analysis

Characteristics of the taxi market in Russia:

  • according to official data, the market capacity in 2015 was 110 billion rubles;
  • according to the estimates of the DiscoveryResearchGroup agency, the market capacity in 2016 was 339 billion rubles, and VTB Capital - 501 billion rubles;
  • the volume of the Russian taxi market in 2017 exceeded 731 billion rubles (according to analysts at UBS bank);
  • market capacity forecast by 2022 - 1,231 billion rubles, an increase in the share of online orders - up to 85 percent;
  • In 2017, 15 percent of the market was online orders, 65 percent was offline, and 20 percent was a gray market;
  • in 2016, 45 million passengers used taxi services, and in 2015 - 27 million;
  • high level of competition;
  • the minimum average price for one kilometer of a trip in Khanty-Mansiysk is 10 rubles, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 100 rubles, in Moscow - 28 rubles;
  • in 2016 the most popular taxi aggregator is Yandex. Taxi "(according to RBC), they made about 500 thousand trips a day;
  • the share of Yandex. Taxi, among other market aggregators - 30 percent, Uber - 18 percent, Gett - 14 percent;
  • leaders of the Russian taxi market: "Lucky" (1,600,000 transports per day, 93 cities), Maxim (1,000,000, 125 cities), Taxi Saturn (1,400,000, 43 cities);
  • Yandex. Taxi ”operates in more than fifty Russian cities, as well as in Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Georgia;
  • in the Central Federal District, 114,000 licenses for taxi activities were issued (in total in Russia - 466.7 thousand), and in the North Caucasian Federal District, only 14,000;
  • average check in the country - 100 rubles;
  • about 15 million shipments are carried out per day;
  • in Moscow, 65-70 percent of taxis are ordered through applications, in St. Petersburg - 30, in large cities - 8, in the outback - 3.

Photo gallery

Key indicators of the taxi market in Russia

Distribution of market shares of online taxi aggregators

Distribution of shares in the taxi market in Russia at the end of 2017

Market capacity of online taxi aggregators

The target audience

Taxi customers are ordinary people between the ages of 18 and 70, of all segments of the population. The age core of clients of taxi companies is made up of citizens who are in the age category from 18 to 45 years old.

The target audience for a particular firm can be, for example:

  • only women;
  • only people with low income (economy class taxi);
  • only people with high income (premium taxis);
  • all categories of citizens (in the car fleet there are various cars, from inexpensive to elite).

Consumers in this market are most often people:

  • do not have a personal vehicle;
  • possessing their own car, but not being able to drive it;
  • are late for an appointment (for example, due to interruptions in public transport or bad weather conditions);
  • having small children;
  • with luggage or heavy bags;
  • needing to move at night;
  • intoxicated, etc.

Competitive advantages

The following advantages will help in a successful fight against competitors:

  • detailed and competent advertising campaign;
  • large vehicle fleet;
  • availability of vehicles of various capacities and classes;
  • the possibility of ordering a taxi for a while;
  • the ability to choose a car model;
  • informing customers about the cost of the trip when ordering;
  • correct pricing policy;
  • the presence of restraints for children;
  • qualified and accurate drivers;
  • polite dispatchers;
  • short waiting time for the car;
  • availability of an SMS notification system for clients;
  • availability of a mobile application for ordering a taxi;
  • availability of a website with the ability to order a car online and calculate the cost of a trip;
  • an active customer loyalty program.

Advertising campaign

In a highly competitive environment, it is important to take care of a competent, rational and effective advertising campaign. Its main goal is to inform potential consumers using various methods about the presence of a taxi company, its advantages and methods of calling (phone, email).

  1. A taxi should have a simple and memorable phone number (or several numbers), as well as a name, slogan and trade mark. It is important to think over the corporate identity of the company to the smallest detail.
  2. Advertising on local television, radio, newspapers and magazines. It is important to use these tools not once, but to use them regularly.
  3. Placing paper advertisements and banners near public transport stops, metro stations, train stations, airports, hotels, residential buildings, etc.
  4. Customer loyalty can be increased by providing discounts to regular passengers, people who order a taxi via the Internet, retirees, etc.
  5. Building relationships with cafes, restaurants, clubs, bars and hotels. With these organizations, you can agree on mutual cooperation, exchange of business cards, etc. Bartenders and administrators can recommend to their visitors which taxi is better to order, and drivers to their passengers - where to rest or where to check in.
  6. Advertising in the virtual space. Creation of a corporate informative website and pages on social networks. It is important that the client has the opportunity to place an order online on a computer or smartphone, through the application. Placing banner and contextual advertising on thematic sites and resources frequently visited by potential taxi customers.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a taxi service

In order to organize your taxi, you need to plan a sequence of further actions, the following step-by-step instructions will help in this:

  1. Evaluation of the market, advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect (for example, route taxi) competitors.
  2. Determination of the business format and target audience.
  3. Development of a taxi business plan with calculations.
  4. Solution of the issue related to financing (using exclusively own funds or will need to attract borrowed sources).
  5. Taxi registration.
  6. Brand development.
  7. Selection of workers.
  8. Purchase of equipment (if you intend to create your own vehicle fleet, then purchase of cars).
  9. Obtaining licenses (for your cars).
  10. Preparation of the premises for the installation of equipment and the land plot for the car parking.
  11. Search for partners (private drivers with cars, vehicle fleets, car rental companies, car repair shops).
  12. Marketing campaign.
  13. Launch of a taxi company.

The presented sequence of actions is a guideline and allows you to understand where to start a business and what points require the most careful study.

What documents are needed

Taxi business registration specifics:

  1. An LLC or individual entrepreneur organization is suitable. It is better to register a taxi with a large fleet of its own as a legal entity. Information about the company is provided to the tax office, and after that the entrepreneur needs to register the company with funds and statistics bodies.
  2. In the process of paperwork for registering a company, the type of activity is indicated - 49.32, which is called "Taxi Activity". This economic activity code includes the possibility of renting cars with a driver.
  3. The applied taxation system is UTII or STS. The amount of deductions for a single tax depends on the number of seats in the vehicle fleet. UTII is not available for taxis in all regions, then it is better to choose a simplified system.
  4. The trademark is registered with Rospatent. This process will take about one year.

If an entrepreneur does not have the following list of papers on hand, then it will not work to open a taxi company:

  • company registration certificate;
  • passenger license;
  • technical passports for vehicles.

A private carrier can obtain a license without opening an individual entrepreneur. Taxi transport permits are issued by a subdivision of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The maximum term is five years. Each vehicle unit has its own license card.

To obtain a permit, you need the following documents:

  • a notarized copy of the certificate of creation of an individual or legal entity;
  • statement;
  • documents confirming the ownership of the car (for example, power of attorney, leasing agreement, lease agreement);
  • information about the vehicles and drivers used;
  • duplicates of documents for cars, driver passports, medical records, driver's licenses;
  • information about the additional special equipment used.

The price of one permit to operate a car as a taxi in different regions of Russia may differ. Its average cost is about 5 thousand rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg the fee can reach 10 thousand rubles.


When creating a taxi service, you will need a small room for organizing a dispatch service and a land plot for parking a car.

Requirements for the placement of the control room:

  • minimal infrastructure (for example, public transport stops and roads);
  • communications: electricity, water, sewerage, heating, high-speed unlimited Internet, good communication with all mobile operators;
  • availability of uninterruptible power supplies;
  • open area for organizing parking of vehicles;
  • a suitable site for equipping a place for diagnosing and repairing vehicles.

If the entrepreneur has financial constraints, then at the initial stage it is not recommended to spend money on the purchase of his own building or land. In this case, it is better to rent a suitable area.

Equipment and inventory

Consider an example of equipping a taxi business based on the fact that an enterprise is being created from scratch, with a mixed fleet of vehicles. One part of the cars will be owned, while the other will be private drivers with their own vehicles.

Taxi depot equipment.

NameApproximate prices in rubles
Advertising materials (banners, streamers, billboards, etc.)250 000
Cars in different price segments (15 units)8 000 000
Magnetic checkers, light boxes, etc.40 000
Client and driver communication software100 000
Computers45 000
Server40 000
Multichannel phone10 000
Smartphones60 000
Taximeters (30 pieces)45 000
GPS trackers (30 pieces)90 000
Furniture for the control room30 000
Other equipment, inventory40 000
Total:8 750 000

Photo gallery

Electronic automobile taximeter - 1,500 rubles

GPS tracker - 2 900 rubles

Requirements for cars

List of requirements for vehicles of a taxi company:

  • every six months it is necessary to undergo a technical inspection and diagnostics of a car;
  • availability of a license card for the transportation of customers in a car;
  • a taximeter is required;
  • "checkers" must be present on the body;
  • a special lantern is placed on the roof of the car.

When hiring a person with their vehicle, it is important that it is not old. It is desirable that the market value of the car is at least 300 thousand rubles.


The composition of the taxi company employees:

  • dispatchers / operators;
  • drivers;
  • mechanic;
  • medic;
  • accountant.

A mechanic is a mandatory staff unit of a taxi company with a large fleet of its own. He will monitor the technical condition of cars, their maintenance, and make minor repairs.

A medic is a specialist who works several hours a day and checks drivers every day.

The organization of a full-fledged taxi service will not do without a full-time accountant. With small volumes of work, it is more profitable to outsource this function.

How to find drivers

Driver search methods:

  • through the company's mobile service;
  • through a branded website;
  • placement of advertisements for a driver's vacancy on specialized websites;
  • placing advertisements in local newspapers;
  • filing an application with the labor exchange;
  • contacting recruiting agencies.

Requirements for drivers

Requirements for drivers:

  • driving experience (at least three years);
  • good health;
  • knowledge of the city;
  • ability to build the best travel route;
  • sociability;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • no previous convictions;
  • politeness;
  • not conflict;
  • the absence of bad habits is desirable;
  • preferably the absence of an accident, where the culprit is the driver who gets a job in a taxi.

If a driver with an individual car is admitted to the staff of the company, then a mandatory check of all documents, as well as the condition of the vehicle, is required.

Procedures that the driver must go through:

  • before leaving for a shift, an inspection of the driver at the wheel is required;
  • after the change, you must check in with a doctor.

Work of dispatchers

Requirements for dispatchers:

  • sociability;
  • friendliness;
  • quick wits;
  • good memory;
  • stress resistance;
  • a pleasant voice;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • ability to work with a computer;
  • experience of work as a dispatcher is welcomed.

Financial plan

Further financial planning is based on the following input information:

  • format of activity - a mixed enterprise (dispatch service, 15 own cars and 15 outside drivers, with personal transport);
  • organizational and legal form - LLC;
  • premises for an office and a parking lot for cars - rent;
  • number of workers - 20 people;
  • working hours - around the clock, seven days a week.

A taxi business plan with calculations will allow you to determine the upcoming costs of organizing a business and its functioning as accurately as possible.

Initial attachments

A sample of the costs of organizing a taxi company.

Expenditure itemAmount, rub.
Registration of LLC20 000
Registration of licenses (for 15 cars)75 000
Office and land lease (for two months)100 000
Repair of the control room50 000
Purchase of cars and other equipment and inventory8 750 000
Vehicle insurance600 000
Site creation40 000
Social media promotion20 000
Marketing events50 000
Advertising materials (flyers, business cards)20 000
Fuels and lubricants and other consumables40 000
other expenses35 000
Total9 800 000

Regular costs

Regular expenses to keep the taxi fleet running.


The profit of a taxi company is formed on the basis of the following information:

  • daily revenue from one car from our own vehicle fleet - 3,000 rubles;
  • daily revenue from one car not from its own vehicle fleet (after deducting the driver's interest) - 2,000 rubles;
  • 12 own cars and 12 attracted from outside leave every day for a shift.

Financial indicators of a business project:

  • daily earnings - 60,000 rubles;
  • monthly income - 1,800,000 rubles;
  • monthly profit - 420,000 rubles;
  • business profitability - 30 percent.

Calendar plan

Timetable for the implementation of a taxi business idea.

Stages1 month2 month3 month
Preparation of documents for company registration+
Company registration+
Selection of premises for an office and a land plot for parking+
Registration of a lease agreement for land and premises+
Search for drivers with and without cars +
Repair of the control room +
Purchase of cars, inventory, furniture and equipment +
Preparation of documents for obtaining licenses for the carriage of passengers +
Registration of licenses for the carriage of passengers + +
Hiring dispatchers and accountants + +
Purchase of consumables and fuels and lubricants + +
Advertising campaign + +
Enterprise launch +

The management of the process of organizing a business should be taken over by an entrepreneur, or his authorized representative.

Risks and payback

Dangers of the taxi business:

  • increasing requirements for drivers, cars and business in general from the state;
  • rise in prices for fuels and lubricants (including gasoline, diesel, gas, engine oil, etc.);
  • increased competition and active behavior of participants in the passenger transportation market;
  • economic crisis, it affects the solvency of the target audience;
  • frequent car breakdowns due to poor quality vehicles, improper management and maintenance, poor fuel and lubricants and operating conditions, etc.;
  • low qualification of dispatchers and drivers - this negatively affects the company's image;
  • poor organization of the process of distributing orders between drivers.

Your own business will pay off in 24 months. It is possible to make money on a taxi and return the initial investment only if the business is properly built.

Taxi speed is measured not by the speedometer, but by the interval between the call and point "B".

Regardless of the number of cars in a personal vehicle fleet, there is a need for third-party carriers from time to time. Especially in large settlements. It is not always convenient to use public transport, it is not always possible to leave in your own car, there is not always a desire to take it on your own. For these purposes, there is a taxi service.

Having originated at the dawn of the mass production of cars, the taxi service has become firmly established in the social life of civilization over time. However, cab drivers can also be considered the progenitor of business. At the moment, taxis are a ubiquitous attribute of city life. Actually, no one really notices it, as something self-evident.

Business is stable despite all the crises. In times of crises, there is even an increase in the offer of private carriage.

This article will provide a brief overview of business opportunities and offer a business plan model for opening a taxi service.

In most cases, a business based on the transportation of passengers is profitable... It becomes unprofitable due to improper work organization, incorrect preliminary analysis of the environment, or the action of an external force beyond the control of, for example, the closure of city-forming enterprises.


First, you need to identify the distinctive features of the business. Make some sort of classification. Determine the potential customer base and competitive environment accordingly. Necessary investments, points of growth, development potential.

Taxi classification

By the volume and coverage of the territory:

  • private cab;
  • taxi service;
  • taxi park;
  • taxi network.

By the structure of fixed assets:

  • own cars;
  • hired vehicles;
  • dispatch service (information services);
  • combined structure.

For the services provided:

  • regular taxi;
  • specialized taxi (elite, business taxi; social taxi, etc.);
  • combined services.

Part of the classification is conditional, one and the same enterprise can be attributed to different categories. The importance lies in when a specific taxi business plan is drawn up, to link it to the set goals. The classification provides a guideline for clients, delineates initial financial investments and sets the direction of business development.

In addition, they were deliberately not classified:

  • the organizational and legal form of the enterprise (this is common for different businesses and is more related to the payment of taxes, therefore general recommendations are suitable, for a small enterprise the most convenient form is IP);
  • types of taxi services (highlighted in a specialized taxi, since in many respects there is an individual approach, for example, a social taxi can be organized under an agreement with the city authorities, part of the costs will be compensated from the budget).


The established practice of taxi in different cities and regions of our country is different. Somewhere it is an exclusively individual business, somewhere there are large companies, dispatch centers. There are cities where this area is completely monopolized by one or two firms.

In addition to official services, there is the problem of illegal carriers. It is difficult to compete with them in the economic sense. The costs of illegal carriers are much lower. Despite the illegality of their activities, this factor will need to be taken into account when calculating a business plan.

Whatever the prevailing taxi practice in a particular place, the competition in this area of ​​business is high.

To conduct an analysis, you will need to familiarize yourself with the entire mass of proposals present in a particular region:

  • advertising in the media, on the Internet, on the streets;
  • illegal carriers;
  • predefined services (hotels, large restaurants, etc.);
  • a special taxi (for example, a business taxi to the airport).

The balance between supply and demand will need to be precisely determined.

Customer base

The customer base is closely tied to the competitive environment.

It is convenient to divide clients into two classes in accordance with the taxi classification:

  • ordinary;
  • specialized (business, social, etc.).

With the latter, work and calculation are separate, depending on the agreements or the identified needs of a particular market (for example, the transportation of clients of an elite hotel).

Customers' traditional travel destinations are airports, train stations, large shopping centers, etc. Elsewhere, the client base is matched by advertising. Over time, a certain backbone of regular customers is formed. It will also be possible to analyze routes, places of greatest demand - in the future this will allow to optimize costs.

The saturation or lack of offers can be estimated by the waiting time for a taxi, the number of waiting cars or their absence in various places of mass gathering.

To attract customers, you will need to think over a marketing policy... Special offers, discounts, complex transportation, pre-orders on the Internet, sonorous slogans, brand identity, etc. But it should be remembered that in this segment any know-how exists for a very limited time.

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What you need to get started

Entering a business is democratic - from a private carriage in your own car, which practically does not require additional investments, to the organization of a large taxi fleet, or a network with the need for large initial investments.

A checklist of what you need to start a taxi from scratch.


  • a standard package of constituent documents (depending on the type of activity and form of ownership);
  • a license for each car (not required if only dispatching services are provided);
  • work contracts (if necessary: ​​private carriers, government agencies, repair services, restaurants, hotels, etc.).


Dispatching service

  1. Staff - 4 people (with round-the-clock work);
  2. Premises (10-20 sq.m., there are no special requirements for location and placement);
  3. Equipment:
    • radio communication system;
    • computer with Internet access and specialized software;
    • furniture.

Vehicle fleet

Depends on the organization of the enterprise. The simplest form is a dispatch service based on contracts with licensed private individuals, individual entrepreneurs or organizations. In this case, the companies themselves must take care of the pre-trip technical inspection and the passage of the physician before leaving the route. In the case of a taxi fleet, additional capacity and personnel will be required.


  • drivers;
  • medic;
  • auto technician;
  • watchman;
  • support staff.


  • parking lots, garage boxes;
  • repair shops.


  • cars (purchased depending on the purpose, for escort services, for example, limousines are desirable);
  • taximeter, checkered identification light, color scheme (these are mandatory requirements for all taxis);
  • navigation systems, vehicle tracking systems;
  • garage equipment for repair;
  • security alarm equipment.

Marketing plan

For a large enterprise, it is necessary to draw up a preliminary marketing plan for entering the market, consolidating on it and further development. As time passes and the environment changes, the marketing plan will need to be refined and adjusted.

Thoughtful marketing should solve the problem of the viability of the enterprise in the long run. Therefore, the longer the planning horizon, the better. Planning recommendation - at least a year. With this planning, seasonal fluctuations are included in the analysis.

The marketing plan includes:

  1. Advertising plan:
    • signboards, taxi advertisements, etc.
    • brand and slogan development;
    • Mass media, internet.
  2. Attracting target audience (system of discounts, bonuses, etc.);
  3. Launching new products (for example, a taxi to another city, ordering a taxi in another city, etc.)
  4. Accounting for the competitive environment.

This is an indicative list of what is required to open a taxi service. The list is universal and, depending on the specific planned enterprise, some of the items may not be required.

Costing example

For simplicity, let's look at how to open a taxi dispatch service.

Description of the enterprise:

The dispatch service will provide information services on a contractual basis. There are no work vehicles of their own. No taxi license required. The owners of vehicles go through medics and vehicles on their own.

Under the contract, we equip cars with radios. 4 round-the-clock dispatchers.

We will not consider the business plan of the taxi dispatch service in detail. It is built according to the above scheme, taking into account the specifics of the implementation. Here is the final excerpt from the financial plan - the calculation.


Income from the dispatch service is formed from interest for payment from each trip. Let's say 10% of the taxi driver's revenue. Suppose there are 10 cars on the line, an average of 100 rubles. for the trip. 30-50 trips. Those. 3 - 5 thousand rubles. per day. Per month: 90 - 150 thousand rubles. Profit: 30 - 40 thousand rubles. per month.

With such a load, the point of profitability is already attainable. The payback in this case will be from six months to one and a half years.

For a taxi service, the emphasis must be on marketing policy. Most of the business is based on sales, i.e. on attracting clients.