Ceremonial lineup September 1 script. Scenarios for the Day of Knowledge for the holiday lineup. Primary and high school

Preparing for the start of the new school year at school begins with choosing a scenario. After all, on September 1, a line is held, on Knowledge Day, ceremonial events are held throughout the country, they mark the beginning of a new school year. Also, rulers are quite often carried out in preschool institutions.

Today it is fashionable to organize some unusual format for a special day: someone goes on an excursion, others buy concert tickets in an organized manner. But it is the usual classic line for September 1 in 2017 that remains the most relevant and popular form for this important holiday in the life of every schoolchild. There's no need to lament about the fact that it's September 1st again. Think that this will not last long and your school years will fly by very quickly, and the memories of them will always remain the kindest and brightest.

The script for the lineup on September 1, 2017-2018 is being prepared in advance so that each participant receives their words on time and can rehearse their roles. If the majority of schoolchildren are guests of the assembly, then someone has to take on the function of organizers and presenters. We hope that this scenario from our article will help you spend Knowledge Day fun, relaxed and simply beautiful within the walls of your favorite school.

The music sounds to which the leading lines (two leading) come on stage.

First: Good afternoon, students!

Second: Good afternoon, dear parents!

First: Good afternoon everyone, teachers and guests.

Second: It’s not for nothing that we gathered at school today, today is a big holiday, what?

All together: First of September, Day of Knowledge.

First: Autumn has gathered us again within the walls of our beloved school. In a couple of hours, the first bell will ring, which we will tell teachers, students, and parents that the new school year has begun.

Second: School everyday life begins again, but there is still a little time left before it, but for now we have a festive hour. We would like to congratulate everyone who has gathered today on this holiday.

First: We invite all classes and their class teachers to the ceremony.

Second: For eleventh grade students, the first bell for class will ring for the last time this September.

First: But there are also first-graders, for whom, on the contrary, the first bell for class will ring for the first time today. For the first time, they will walk through the corridors of the school like real schoolchildren.

Second: All classes are assembled, which means that the ceremonial line in honor of Knowledge Day can be considered open.

First: Again and again we hear the main song of our country. It sounds both in the south and in the north, and the heart of every citizen beats loudly to it.

Second: This song sings about the glory of the people and the glory of the Fatherland, let pride only grow from year to year.

Play anthem Russian Federation(in order not to delay the line, you can listen to the first verse and chorus).

First: A school can be called a ship on which students and teachers sail through the land of knowledge. The captain of the ship, of course, is the school principal. He would like to give the floor on this solemn day for every schoolchild and teacher.

The director gives a congratulatory speech and reads out the order about the start of the new academic year 2017-2018.

Second: A welcoming speech is given to the class teacher of grades 1 and 11. If a representative of the local administration is present at the meeting, then he too is given the floor.

First: After these speeches, we can safely say that a new school year has begun in our huge country. The first-graders prepared for this event especially carefully and with trepidation, because this was their first class. Therefore, we suggest watching their performance and giving the first-graders the floor.

Speech by first-graders (here are poems that can be printed out and distributed to first-graders with good diction and memory so that they can read them on a line. Do not forget that it takes time for a child to learn four lines, so be sure to write out the line script for September 1, 2017 in advance and distribute their words to everyone).

First: Thank you, our dear first-graders. It was beautiful and very relevant, I even wanted to feel that thrill from the first call again!

Second: First grade is the first stage of school life and, many believe. That she is the most difficult, but at the same time the most beautiful. However, the time has come to pay attention to those who have already moved to the last step and will graduate from school this year.

First: Our dear eleventh graders. This is both a sad and happy holiday for you. Because this is your last school year. From all of us and from the teachers, please accept wishes to walk this path with your head held high and find your calling in life.

Second: There is only one year left of your school life, for better or worse. Don’t be too upset, because the foundation of friendship, knowledge and yourself, victories and defeats has been laid over all these years and, we hope, you were able to draw the right conclusions.

First: School is life itself for every child and teenager. We would like to wish 11th grade students that this year will be happy, busy and eventful, but at the same time you will not stop enjoying everything that happens.

First: Many thanks to everyone who helped organize this line and make the holiday today. Now we invite everyone to listen to the first school bell of this year and after it go to class for Classroom hour. Good luck, guys. May this year bring many good things!

This is what the script for the line on September 1 might look like; if necessary, you can supplement it with poems, songs and music. But practice shows that it is better not to tighten the ruler in order to maintain the concentration of students and guests.

Scenario for the first of September line - Knowledge Day at school

Of interest to head teachers educational work, organizers, class teachers of eleventh and first grades.
The scenario is of interest to organizers, head teachers of educational work, and class teachers of graduating classes.
Target: organization of the ceremonial start of the school year;
- congratulate first-graders on the beginning of the first school year, awaken interest in school;
- create a festive mood for everyone present;

First call 2017

Presenter 1
Today is a sunny and bright day,
Clouds as light as feathers,
Autumn gives out its gifts,
And she herself is a little worried.

Presenter 2
The school year is coming into its own,
The first leaf spins in the sky,
School opens its doors again
And the bell calls us to our desks.

Presenter 2
The holiday needs to start solemnly:
The anthem of our Motherland will sound!

the national anthem is being played

Presenter 1
September is calling everyone again,
Laughter is heard again in the schoolyard
Summer flew by like a ghost, like a dream,
We open the season of knowledge.

Presenter 2
There will be a presentation today
New and diverse knowledge,
First consultation of the season
To make your wishes come true.

Presenter 1
So, we are starting the school year,
Hurry forward to new victories,
Discoveries and achievements await us -
We have no doubt about this!

Presenter 2
And besides, today we have
Many came to school for the first time!

Presenter 1
I think we all need to support them,
Let's greet them with applause!

Graduates lead first-graders to the line to music

Presenter 2
School, attention, stand still,
It’s time to raise the flag of our knowledge!

The school banner is carried out and raised to the accompaniment of ceremonial music.

Presenter 1
Of course, we know who's in charge at school.
We all unwittingly imitate him (her),

Presenter 2
He is wise and kind, well educated...
You guessed it, over to the director.

Word from the school principal

Presenter 2
We welcome newcomers to our family,
We wish them all great success,

Presenter 1
Now, of course, we’ll give them the floor,
And in a year we will look at them...

A word to first graders
I woke up very early
I quickly got up from the couch,
I washed my face, dressed up,
Wow, I got there on time!

Well, I’m not just books,
I took my monkey
So as not to get bored at school,
We will answer together.

I consulted with my mother
So that the school itself, itself
It was interesting
To immediately captivate you.

I came here with a bouquet
I've been preparing all summer
I may have forgotten the letters,
But I taught them honestly!

Dad told me yesterday
That you have a big gym,
I love physical education
And I'll set a record.

I'm little, everyone says,
But I’m not blind to it either,
I'll tell you without fuss:
I'm on first terms with the computer.

Let the size not be forty-five,
I'm not in the tenth place either,
Wait a little,
I'll outgrow anyone.

I left kindergarten
I bargained with my dad for a long time,
If I go to school,
What will I find under the pillow?

I'm worried about my grandfather
I'll tell you a secret:
School is full of troubles -
Who will he go to football with?

My whole family knows:
I slept in the summer -
Found the correct approach:
So that there is enough for the whole year.

I promise you honestly:
I'll wake up on my own
And do homework too -
I will be stricter with myself.

Presenter 2
For such a performance
A reward awaits the boys!

Eleventh graders in chef's hats bring out a loaf of bread for each class

Just in time for the first lesson
We baked a loaf
Loaf, loaf,
Be brave, don't yawn!

First-graders take a piece of a pre-finely chopped part from a loaf

Presenter 1
Everyone will eat a piece of bread,
So that the sky is clear,
So that studying goes easy,
Let them go far!

Presenter 2
One bread and many “I”:
You are now one family!
Don't quarrel, you're all friends
Divide the difficulties among everyone,

Presenter 1
Joy is also in half,
And listen to the words
What we tell you now:

Good luck! And good morning!

Eleventh graders give their gifts, bring in a “tree of wishes”, from which each first grader picks a piece of paper with a wish.

Eleventh graders

1 Fulfillment of desires
Everyone can make a wish

2 Even the secrets of the universe
At school you can find out

1 Somebody wants to become a model

2 Someone to become an astronaut,

1 Who multiplication tables
Does he want to know at 12?

2 Everything is possible in our school,
You just need to wish

1 Everyone is free in their desires
Become the best in your studies!

Presenter 1
You have been congratulated for so long,
Are you guys tired? (No!)
Stop standing still
We will dance together"

Eleventh graders take the kids into a circle and dance with them “Dance of the Little Ducklings”

Presenter 2
The treasury of knowledge opens,
She is richer than treasures of gold,
And let everyone have no doubt about this:
We cannot go through life without them!

Song to the tune of “Big Secret for a Small Company”

It's no secret that without knowledge you are simply a beggar,
You won't sell or buy them,
Everyone needs knowledge and no less than food,
We look like kittens without them, like blind people.

Etc. Known to everyone, without knowledge
There can be no confession
And also popularity, and success will not come,
So, be sure to study, you friends, consciously,
We invite everyone to the magical world of knowledge.

Physics textbook appears

Physics Textbook
Looks like there's a celebration planned here?
According to my theory it happens
Get to the show on time...

A confused Volka appears with flowers, which he hides behind his back.

Volka? I can’t hide my surprise!

Sorry, these are flowers for you...
Well, for this... for beauty...

Physics viewers
I don’t understand what he wants...
Have you really learned the law?

I...I tried...I got to page 13...

You're confusing something, I'm not a picture book, I'm not being leafed through, I'm being taught!

Volka confused
Hottabych appears

O photon of my radiation, what has darkened your brow? Look how happy the faces are around, and how sad you are!

Volka sighing
If only you had my problems, I would see how much fun you had.

Open yourself to the wise Hottab ibn Daoud, O joule of my energy!

I'm not your Joule. I have a re-exam in physics, but the textbook doesn’t recognize me... Wait, why are you suddenly talking like that? Were you at school again?

Don’t scold me, oh volt of my voltage, I just looked at the textbook, and now I’m eager to continue getting acquainted with it and improve my knowledge of esteemed Physics (bows towards the textbook). Maybe I can help your trouble too if you open up to me.

Okay, listen.

Song to the melody of “The Wizard is a Dropout”

She has a law points to Physics,
This... well, that... Pendant,
Or maybe Newton
He invented it for us.
Or maybe it's Om
The only thing is,
I only heard about him
But somehow I didn’t get there.

Etc. The formulas are too complicated
Impossible truths
I tried to learn
But there was not enough strength! Yes Yes Yes!
I suffered with them day and night,
But I can’t figure it out,
If you can't help me,
I don't like white light!

O pascal of my pressure, your problem is easily solvable: you just need to make friends with the textbook, and the great genie, the teacher of the venerable Physics bows towards the teacher, will be pleased with you.

Volka incredulously
That's all? But he doesn't want to be friends with me! You know, Hottabych, the process would speed up significantly if I had a friend whose advice I could rely on, unlike you...

It is not difficult tears a hair, Dunno appears

Hey buddy, guess what?
What's my name?


Everyone knows me because I know everything!

Listen, do you really know everything?


And physics?


And mathematics?

No problem!

Now let's check unfolds a poster with the formula Come on, solve an example!

It's easy for me!

Song to the melody of “Or maybe a crow”

Or maybe add more?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
Or maybe multiply?
Or maybe remove the parentheses?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Well, give me some advice!

Or maybe extract the root?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
And raise everything to a power?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Or maybe an integral?
And get an answer?

Hottabych, who did you give me? I can do this myself!

Forgive the old genie, oh derivative of my function!

tears a hair, Harry Potter appears

And who is this?

Harry Potter
I am Harry Potter, magician and wizard bows

Another one! Hottabych is enough for me! Tell me again that you can do anything!

Harry Potter
Certainly can.

Who taught you?

Harry Potter

I wish I had friends like this! Could you introduce me to them?

Harry Potter
Please! conjures, textbooks and a ballerina appear

These are friends?

Harry Potter
The best! They store treasures of knowledge and willingly share with everyone who wants to be friends with them.

textbooks are presented


I am the keeper of knowledge of literature,
Treasury of world culture,
I can cultivate spirituality in you,
Help me become wiser and nobler!

We will teach you the secrets of the universe,
We will give knowledge of the basic laws,


So that we can describe everything with a formula,
Penetrated into the essence of Mother Earth!

I will tell you the secrets of substances,
Believe me, this is very interesting
And I’ll even teach you miracles -
Everything I can do myself!

English language
Do you speak English? No? We will teach!
Moreover, we won’t torture you with cramming at all,

Their spreche deutsch and you will start talking,
Make sure you are only friends with us!

Presenter 1 addresses the ballerina
And you?

And I call myself choreography,
And I’m not afraid of physical inactivity,
Movement - life, health, mood -
I will teach you to dance with inspiration!

The choreography shows simple movements, first and eleventh graders repeat them to the music, all the characters dance with them

Harry Potter
Well, Volka, do you like such friends?

Still would!

Harry Potter
What about you guys?

Let's be friends!

singing textbooks, Volka, Harry Potter

Song to the melody of the Bremen Town Musicians “Our carpet is a flower meadow”

In our life knowledge is the basis,
We can convince anyone of this!
It is simply impossible to live without knowledge,
It’s not difficult for you to get them from us!
It’s not difficult for you to get them from us.

We wanted to convince you together,
That you need to study diligently!
And then you will not be afraid of obstacles,
Knowledge will help, if necessary,
Knowledge will help, if necessary,

Presenter 1
The school year begins
How much new knowledge he brings!

Presenter 2
So you guys try
And practice with great enthusiasm!

Presenter 1
Well, you all deserve it,
Let the faithful school bell ring,

Presenter 2
The elders just didn’t finish learning everything,
And the kids are about to have their first lesson!

The last bell is given by: a first-grader, led by the hand by an eleventh-grader, and a first-grader with an eleventh-grader. They come out from one point and go around the ruler around the perimeter in opposite directions. At the end of the circle against the backdrop of the school song first-graders and eleventh-graders follow them to school, then all other classes

It is possible to continue the first lesson for first graders in the assembly hall with these fairy-tale characters

Lineup scenario September 1, 2017-2018 academic year
Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents!
Presenter 2:
Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good it brings us.
After all, today is the day of the beginning of school, new meetings with the huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us.
Good mood to you and those who came here for the first time, and to those who spent so many interesting and useful years in our school.
Presenter 2:
Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!
Presenter 1
September is here! And with him you will go to the courtyard of our beloved school.
Presenter 2
Look around. Next to you are teachers and friends whom you probably missed.
Presenter 1
Take a closer look. Friends have changed. In three months they have matured by exactly 1 year, because you have moved to the next grade.
Presenter 2
And today it begins for us New Year, The new school year. And this is precisely what we congratulate all of you on, dear guys.
We wish you success in your studies! Let your classes remain as friendly, because together it will be easier to solve problems.
September has come, summer has ended,
The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived.
Children, parents, teachers,
Happy holiday, friends!
Presenter 1:
A solemn and exciting moment is approaching on our holiday. After all, now those who came to first grade for the first time will enter here. Let's welcome them and invite them with their first teacher Tonkikh Oksana Evgenievna.
(1st class enters with music).
The song sounds " School years»
Presenter 1: Tatyana Vasilievna! The teaching and student staff of the “Basic secondary school in the village of Amgun” is ready for the start of the new 2017-2018 academic year. Allow the celebration of the Day of Knowledge to be considered open.
Director: The line dedicated to the beginning of the new school year is considered open!
Presenter 2:
Russia! Russia!
Great power!
Dear, powerful and many-sided!
You are the source of inspiration and life!
And your home school is your island!
Let your heart beat louder
The anthem of our great Russia sounds!
Presenter 1
School! Attention!
Stand still during the performance of the Russian national anthem!
The Russian anthem is being played
Presenter 2:
The situation is not new
And completely understandable,
If the director took the floor,
Everything is in complete silence.
We wait with excitement every time,
What will he tell us now?
The floor for greetings is given to the director of the school, Tatyana Vasilievna Gainislamova.

Hello, school! You are not just a building, You are like a home for us. Every morning we carefully prepare for our date!
Hello school! We write awkward poems about you with excitement. . .Every year new additions come, And graduates go into life. . .
There are various holidays throughout the year,
And today is your holiday.
First graders go for the first time
To your friendly school class.
Yesterday they only told you “baby”
Sometimes called "prankster"
Today you are sitting at your desk, And your name is First-grader.
Today is not just Knowledge Day, today is the birthday of the new school year.
Presenter 2:
I have a surprise for you,
Now 1st grade will perform here
What's the surprise?
And the fact is that without such guys it’s impossible,
They, you will see this personally,
They only want to get excellent grades.
Performance by first graders
1. Who said that there are questions (Milena Boldyreva) Beyond our strength? It is no coincidence that this autumn
We come to first grade.
We, going to this holiday, Know: this is our holiday! After all, today is a first-grader - the most important character.
Everyone around was so happy - You and I are at school today!
And they jumped up for joy
Even prices for flowers!
2. How many joyful, cheerful (Nikolai Timofeev) Faces are everywhere - look!
Personally, the school director
I smiled three times!
3. Now the first school bell will ring, (Kulikov)
The teacher will start our first lesson,
Show us the school, show us the class,
He will tell his own story about the life of the country.
And you, our mothers, don’t you dare cry!
Looming under the windows, making loud noise.
So that we at school will not be ashamed of you,
After all, the school charter is for everyone...
And for you!
4. You all admire us, (Odokienko Kristina)
And remember us.
We promise the best
Will be at school...
All: First class!
5. I dreamed about books today, (Sophia the Dove)
They walked in formation, lay down in the briefcase,
Pencils in a notebook
They wrote: “Everything is fine!
We are clean, neat, new,
We are ready to study!”

6. We are now very big, (Proyavchenko Vlada)
We came to school.
And now no one will say
That we are kids.
Stay home, dolls,
I'm leaving to go to school
No time to play now
I will read books!
7. A lot of different new knowledge (Vera Grishinkova) Will bring a lesson for us,
And we are ready to learn
Like no one before us could!
The school needs to know, They know our names - She will write them down in history from the class magazine!
We want the Holiday of Knowledge to become our day from now on!
Wish us “good luck”, Well, we won’t let you down!
Dear kids! Put your ears on top!
Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.
Masters of tests and essays.
Professors for passing tests and exams.
Inventors newest types cheat sheet.
The oldest students at the school are ninth graders.
And I am pleased to give the floor to them.
Performance by ninth graders.
1 Dear first graders! Today is the most joyful day of your life!
Today you came to us just as boys and girls.
And in just a few minutes you will become students of our school.
And we, as her oldest students, want to give you some advice!
2 We're a little older than you,
And we are burning with desire
Convey your order
And our wishes!
3 “Gnaw” science for later
Don't leave.
Then there is soup with a cat!
Read more!
4. So that conversations “on the carpet”
Were very rare
Don't fight in the yard
Don't "pull" your neighbor!
5 Be polite to everyone
Don't be rude to your elders
Hurry up everyone for recess
Don't rush!
6 Love physical education -
It will be useful in life
Correct your figure
Pump up your muscles.
7. And you all need to remember:
Mind strength is more important!
Faith, friendship - that’s what is sacred!
You are stronger with them.
8. Smile more often, wider,
Laugh loudly.
Respond to misfortunes
With my kindness.
9. Well, be brave on the long journey
School-like, interesting!
And don’t forget on the road
Home, friends and song!
10. Our dear first class, We give the following order:
Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
So as not to yawn at school,
Don't peck your nose at the desk.
Accustom yourself to order.
Don't play hide and seek with things.
Treasure every book,
Keep your briefcase clean.
Dress neatly
So that it was pleasant to watch.
Don't giggle in class.
Don't move the table back and forth.
Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant.
Try to help everyone at school.
Take care of our school
And love your teachers!
That's all our advice.
They are wiser and simpler.
Don't forget them, my friend.
Start your school journey!
Graduates give gifts and flowers to first-graders
Presenter 2:
Special congratulations, thanks,
We would like to dedicate warm lines to
For those who are at school, studying and children
He gave most of his life in the world.
Presenter 1
We know that wisdom, patience, experience
They will help you in any circumstances of life.
We have learned and will continue to learn from you.
And we promise to work hard!
Presenter 1
We welcome the kindest...
Presenter 2
The most responsive...
Presenter 1
The most understanding...
Presenter 2
The fairest...
Presenters 1 and 2
our dear teachers.
Presenter 1
Teachers are like us
And they always wait for the holidays too,
But they have time to rest
And again with inspiration we hit the road.
Presenter 2
We wish happiness to our school,
To her dear teachers!
Flowers, which are the most tender and beautiful of all,
Let me present it to you.

Presenter 1
May you have more joy
Tenderness, love, flowers, kindness.
Well, we will try to grow like this,
So as not to upset you ever.

Presenter 2: The time has come for the school meeting.
May our dreams come true.
Presenter 1
We ask all students today: To be a master at school, not a guest. There are many schools, but this one is like an undiscovered planet for you, Which you will have to get to know! Love, cherish, preserve longer.
So, the solemn moment comes. A minute of attention! Freeze, student! Now it will ring, your first bell, you will be invited to the first lesson.
Presenter 1: The right to make a call is granted to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
We wish you nothing but success in the new school year, guys!
Bon Voyage!
Presenter 1: About our school we can say:
She's in a good mood!
An enviable past!
And a wonderful future!
Presenter 2:
According to our tradition, the youngest students - 1st grade - are the first to enter school, and older students lead them to their classes.
(taking hands and leaving, music sounds)
This is the ceremonial line, dedicated to the holiday The first bell and Knowledge Day are declared closed.

The 2017-2018 academic year in Russian schools and kindergartens will begin with a line. Teachers organize interesting activities for preschoolers children's party, and teachers will prepare presentations for first-graders for the Day of Knowledge. As a rule, on September 1, the script for the First Bell is written not only by teachers, but also by senior school staff. They may suggest spending the school day in an unusual way - for example, organizing an excursion to the library. When choosing a celebration scenario on Knowledge Day, students and teachers vote. Their final decision always depends on the number of people supporting the idea of ​​a children's party.

Scenario for Knowledge Day 2017-2018 academic year - Lineup for September 1

Examples of lineup scenarios for September 1 - Knowledge Day in the 2017-2018 academic year

When drawing up a scenario for September 1, the parent committee and teachers will select cheerful music to open the Day of Knowledge. The most popular songs heard on the first day of September are “What they teach at school”, “Hello, school”, “My first teacher”. All classes are built in the schoolyard or in a lined hall. First, the director and head teachers of the school take the floor. Then the parents and the class teacher speak. The most active, caring students taking part in the holiday read poems about teachers and subjects. Sometimes the ceremonial line follows a different scenario - it is opened by the presenters, each time introducing a person congratulating the boys, girls and teachers on the beginning of the school year.

Line September 1 in 11th grade - Interesting scenario for Knowledge Day

The ceremonial lineup opens on September 1st with the Russian anthem. Students watch our country's flag being raised. After this, the school principal introduces the first-graders to their first teachers. An 11th grader leads a girl from 1st grade by the hand, ringing a bell - this is how the First Bell is given. Typically, Knowledge Days are held according to this scenario in most schools. However, today some educational institutions abandon the ordinary and offer an original, incredibly interesting program, which is accepted by the children with a bang. For example, first-graders and their parents are asked to take their first oath. In 11th grade, future graduates can show skits depicting the upcoming Unified State Examination.

Repeat after us guys (Read by two 11th graders)

We're students high school(take turns saying their first and last names) in the face of our comrades, parents and teachers, we solemnly swear:

  • Never go to school...with lessons unlearned! (We swear)
  • Never carry a change of shoes... in the same bag with sandwiches.
  • Never solve problems by... copying from your neighbor.
  • Never open textbooks... with dirty hands.
  • Never finish a quarter...with bad grades.
  • Never invite parents to meetings... 5 minutes before they start.
  • Never show your diary to your parents... on holidays and birthdays! (We swear)

Oath of the Class Teacher:

I swear and promise:

  • Teach children everything!
  • Be an example to them in everything!
  • Serve the school faithfully!
  • Love your job! (I swear)

We invite parents to take the oath.

We, the parents of students, solemnly promise:

Parents' oath:

  • We will always help children with their studies! (YES)
  • So that the school is proud of the children!
  • We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks!
  • Formulas to remember are nonsense for us!
  • We swear to never scold children!
  • Just scold a little sometimes!
  • Let's be calm, like water in a river!
  • We will be wise, like a star in the sky!
  • Let's get up in the cold in the morning!
  • To be on time both here and there!
  • When the school holidays are over, we’ll go for a walk with the children! (YES)

11th grade students present gifts to 1st grade students.

Examples of interesting scenarios for Knowledge Day in 11th grade - Lineup on September 1 at school

For the 11th grade kids, the celebration on September 1 is a touching event. Future graduates realize that this first school bell rings for them for the last time. Very soon they will say goodbye to the teachers who have become true friends for the students. Many grown-up boys and girls will never meet their classmates again - they will choose universities far from home and will later work and live in other cities and countries. All this will happen... but only after four quarters of the school journey. Now, following the script written for them by the most creative high school students, students show interesting scenes from school life to the guests gathered for Knowledge Day, read poems written by them, sing fiery songs remade in new way, and are simply happy to see their home school.

11th grade performance

Graduates welcome newcomers and give them parting words in poetic form:

1st graduate:

Glad to see you guys

For the first time at our school,

Your boss is coming soon

Your family will show you the class.

2nd graduate:

School will help you grow up,

And will open the path to knowledge,

You just have to be very brave

You should quickly step into it.

3rd graduate:

First grade is starting for you,

We're at the end of the road

All we got here is

We wish you to find it.

4th graduate:

So that parting words remain

By your side until the end,

We sent gifts

Happy messenger to you.

Having gone through a difficult school path,

You have grown up unnoticed

We found friends and the key to life,

Over the years they have become wiser.

Now you gotta push

And pass exams in the spring,

So that they can keep the certificate

You are proud of yourself.

Scenario for an unusual holiday on September 1 - Knowledge Day in kindergarten

Before the start of the school year, kindergarten teachers and parents of preschoolers prepare a scenario for an unusual children's holiday. Since future first-graders cannot sit for a long time, much less stand still, active, outdoor games and fun events are often chosen for the Day of Knowledge at preschool educational institutions. Talking about the history of the celebration of September 1, the teacher can offer boys and girls a “train trip” to various stations. “Arriving” at the next station, preschool children perform certain tasks - answer quiz questions, guess riddles, sing songs together, recite poetry.

Examples of unusual scenarios for the holiday on September 1 - Kindergarten celebrates Knowledge Day

Educators who want to really interest kindergarten children in a story about the Day of Knowledge should invite preschoolers to join in an unusual game. The Fun Train scenario involves traveling through several “stations.” For example, at the Skazochnaya station, future first-graders meet Russian heroes folk tales lost in the forest. They will be helped by the correct answers given by preschoolers. "Baba Yaga" can ask boys and girls to help her count the mushrooms prepared for the magic potion. “Kolobok” may ask you to remind him of the words of a famous children's song. Arriving at the Igrovaya station on September 1, the preschool children, while playing, take a little rest from completing previous difficult tasks. The cheerful children's holiday ends with a “sweet table” served by the parents of the children.

September 1 ― Scenario of the Day of Knowledge and First Bell for first graders

Since first-graders on September 1 are just beginning their acquaintance with the world called “school,” on Knowledge Day their first teacher must choose for them a holiday scenario suitable for their age. Children 6-7 years old will quickly understand what they have to do during the school year if the teacher prepares a presentation for them about the school. After the line and the First Bell, the teacher must invite all first-graders to the class and seat them at their desks. In some schools, teachers like to show slides - photos from the school life of other classes. In other educational institutions, parents edit videos about future lessons and show them this short film on the first day of autumn.

Examples of scenarios for Knowledge Day on September 1 - First bell for first graders

After the ceremonial school assembly and the First Bell on September 1, the teacher must lead the first graders to their class. Traditionally, the Knowledge Day scenario involves starting the school year with a Peace lesson. Despite the seeming routine of such a plan, today such events are more important than ever. The threat of war has again increased on earth, and the teacher is able to explain to children 6-7 years old how important it is to remain attentive and kind to each other. A person who perceives another as an equal will never come into conflict with him. Parents of students can help the teacher prepare a presentation for the lesson.

September 1 ― Script in the library

When choosing a scenario for September 1, some schools offer to hold events on Knowledge Day in the city or school library. Despite the intensity of the first school day, the children will be happy to meet after school with the guests of the holiday - modern writers and poets who write about the life of the city and its most restless inhabitants - students and kindergarteners. Together with their children, they can take part in unusual quizzes dedicated to the history of the region. Libraries often organize thematic book exhibitions to mark the start of a new school year. Schoolchildren get acquainted with the latest fiction and educational literature.

Approximate scenario for the holiday of September 1 in the library

Today, many teachers are very approving of the scenario of holding the September 1 holiday in the library. To encourage children's curiosity, they invite them to quizzes and poetry competitions held by local writers and poets. Writers can read excerpts from their new works to schoolchildren and even give each student who comes to the holiday a new book. The winners of the competitions will receive “smart” gifts - collections of poems, songs, stories about school. The library can also host a “video tour” - a presentation of slides dedicated to the historical places of the city.

Traditionally, on September 1, teachers prepare a script for an interesting holiday at school for grades 1-11. On Knowledge Day, a script for celebrations in kindergarten written by teachers and heads of preschool educational institutions. In the new 2017-2018 academic year, all educational institutions in Russia will host ceremonial assemblies, a Peace lesson for first-graders and unusual events, for example, excursions to the city library.

Lineup scenario September 1, 2017-2018 academic year



Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents!

Presenter 2:

Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good it brings us.

After all, today is the day of the beginning of school, new meetings with the huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us.


Good mood to you and those who came here for the first time, and to those who spent so many interesting and useful years in our school.

Presenter 2:

Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!

Presenter 1

September is here! And with him you will go to the courtyard of our beloved school.

Presenter 2

Look around. Next to you are teachers and friends whom you probably missed.

Presenter 1

Take a closer look. Friends have changed. In three months they have matured by exactly 1 year, because you have moved to the next grade.

Presenter 2

And today a new year begins for us, a new school year. And this is precisely what we congratulate all of you on, dear guys.

We wish you success in your studies! Let your classes remain as friendly, because together it will be easier to solve problems.


September has come, summer has ended,

The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived.


Children, parents, teachers,

Happy holiday, friends!

Presenter 1:

A solemn and exciting moment is approaching on our holiday. After all
Now this will include those who came to first grade for the first time. Let's get them
Let's welcome and invite Oksana Evgenievna Tonkikh with our first teacher.

(1st class enters with music).

The song “School Years” is playing

Presenter 1: Tatyana Vasilievna! Teaching and student staff of the “Basic secondary school in the village of Amgun”back to the beginningthe new 2017-2018 academic year is ready. Allow the celebration of the Day of Knowledge to be considered open.

Director: The line dedicated to the beginning of the new school year is considered open!

Presenter 2:

Russia! Russia!

Great power!

Dear, powerful and many-sided!

You are the source of inspiration and life!

And your home school is your island!

Let your heart beat louder

The anthem of our great Russia sounds!

Presenter 1

School! Attention!

Stand still during the performance of the Russian national anthem!

The Russian anthem is being played

Presenter 2:

The situation is not new

And completely understandable,

If the director took the floor,

Everything is in complete silence.

We wait with excitement every time,

What will he tell us now?

The floor for greetings is given to the director of the school, Tatyana Vasilievna Gainislamova.


Hello school!
You're not just a building
You are like home to us.
Every morning for a date
We are preparing carefully with you!


Hello school! About you with excitement
We write awkward poems. . .
Every year new arrivals come,
And graduates go into life. . .


There are various holidays throughout the year,

And today is your holiday.

First graders go for the first time

To your friendly school class.


Yesterday they only told you “baby”

Sometimes called "prankster"

Today you are sitting at your desk,
And your name is First-grader.


Today is not just Knowledge Day, today is the birthday of the new school year.

Presenter 2:

I have a surprise for you,

Now 1st grade will perform here

What's the surprise?

And the fact is that without such guys it’s impossible,

They, you will see this personally,

They only want to get excellent grades.

Performance by first graders

1. Who said there were questions (Milena Boldyreva)
Too much for us?
It is no coincidence that this autumn

We come to first grade.

We, going to this holiday,
We know: this is our holiday!
After all, today is a first grader -
The most important character.

Everyone around was so happy -
Today you and I are at school!

And they jumped up for joy

Even prices for flowers!

2. How many joyful, cheerful ones (Nikolai Timofeev)
There are faces everywhere - look!

Personally, the school director

I smiled three times!

3. Now the first school bell will ring, (Kulikov)

The teacher will start our first lesson,

Show us the school, show us the class,

He will tell his own story about the life of the country.

And you, our mothers, don’t you dare cry!

Looming under the windows, making loud noise.

So that we at school will not be ashamed of you,

After all, the school charter is for everyone...

And for you!

4. You all admire us, (Odokienko Kristina)

And remember us.

We promise the best

Will be at school...

All: First class!

5. I dreamed about books today (Dove Sophia)

They walked in formation, lay down in the briefcase,

Pencils in a notebook

They wrote: “Everything is fine!

We are clean, neat, new,

We are ready to study!”

6. We are now very big, (Proyavchenko Vlada)

We came to school.

And now no one will say

That we are kids.

Stay home, dolls,

I'm leaving to go to school

No time to play now

7. A lot of different new knowledge (Vera Grishinkova)
Will bring us a lesson,

And we are ready to learn

Like no one before us could!

The school needs to know
They knew our names -
Will fit it in from a class magazine
They are in history!

We want the Holiday of Knowledge
From now on it has become our day!

Wish us “good luck”, Well, we won’t let you down!


Dear kids! Put your ears on top!

Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.

Masters of tests and essays.

Professors for passing tests and exams.

Inventors of the newest types of cribs.

The oldest students at the school are ninth graders.

And I am pleased to give the floor to them.

Performance by ninth graders.

1 Dear first graders! Today is the most joyful day of your life!

Today you came to us just as boys and girls.

And in just a few minutes you will become students of our school.

And we, as her oldest students, want to give you some advice!

2 We're a little older than you,

And we are burning with desire

Convey your order

And our wishes!

3 “Gnaw” science for later

Don't leave.

Then there is soup with a cat!

Read more!

4. So that conversations “on the carpet”

Were very rare

Don't fight in the yard

Don't "pull" your neighbor!

5 Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to your elders

Hurry up everyone for recess

Don't rush!

6 Love physical education -

It will be useful in life

Correct your figure

Pump up your muscles.

7. And you all need to remember:

Mind strength is more important!

Faith, friendship - that’s what is sacred!

You are stronger with them.

8. Smile more often, wider,

Laugh loudly.

Respond to misfortunes

With my kindness.

9. Well, be brave on the long journey

School-like, interesting!

And don’t forget on the road

Home, friends and song!

10. Our dear first class,
We give this order:

Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

Accustom yourself to order.

Don't play hide and seek with things.

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

Dress neatly

So that it was pleasant to watch.

Don't giggle in class.

Don't move the table back and forth.

Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant.

Try to help everyone at school.

Take care of our school

And love your teachers!

That's all our advice.

They are wiser and simpler.

Don't forget them, my friend.

Start your school journey!

Graduates give gifts and flowers to first-graders

Presenter 2:

Special congratulations, thanks,

We would like to dedicate warm lines to

For those who are at school, studying and children

He gave most of his life in the world.

Presenter 1

We know that wisdom, patience, experience

They will help you in any circumstances of life.

We have learned and will continue to learn from you.

And we promise to work hard!

Presenter 1

We welcome the kindest...

Presenter 2

The most responsive...

Presenter 1

The most understanding...

Presenter 2

The fairest...

Presenters 1 and 2

our dear teachers.

Presenter 1

Teachers are like us

And they always wait for the holidays too,

But they have time to rest

And again with inspiration we hit the road.

Presenter 2

We wish happiness to our school,

To her dear teachers!

Flowers, which are the most tender and beautiful of all,

Let me present it to you.

Presenter 1

May you have more joy

Tenderness, love, flowers, kindness.

Well, we will try to grow like this,

So as not to upset you ever.

Presenter 2 : It's time for the school meeting.

May our dreams come true.

Presenter 1

Today we ask all students:
Be a host at school, not a guest.
There are many schools, but this one is like an undiscovered planet for you,
Which you will have to know!
Love, cherish, preserve longer.

So, the solemn moment comes.
Just a minute!
Freeze, student!
Now it will ring, your first call,
You will be invited to your first lesson.

Presenter 1: The right to make a call is granted to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


We wish you nothing but success in the new school year, guys!

Bon Voyage!

Presenter 1: About our school you can say:

She's in a good mood!

An enviable past!

And a wonderful future!

Presenter 2:

According to our tradition, the youngest students enter school first- 1st grade, and high school students take them to classes.

(taking hands and leaving, music sounds)


At this point, the solemn assembly dedicated to the holiday of the First Bell and the Day of Knowledge is declared closed.

