Download abstract and presentations for a lesson in technology or fine arts. Zhostovo painting. How to draw for children in stages Presentation of the Zhostovo tray step by step drawing

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Not far from Moscow, among the wide expanses of the Russian Plain, in a very picturesque place, the village of Zhostovo spread its possessions. The village near Moscow became known to the whole world because of a seemingly common item in everyday life - a metal tray, but no one in the world can paint flowers on metal better than local craftsmen.

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Zhostovo village, Mytishchensky district, Moscow region. The craft arose in the first half of the 19th century on the basis of the production of papier-mâché lacquerware. For almost two centuries, truly remarkable works of art have come out of the hands of true masters of their craft - painted Zhostovo trays. Zhostovo

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Zhostovo decorative painting is an original type of Russian folk art. Over the course of two centuries, many generations of Zhostovo masters developed original pictorial, compositional and technical techniques for performing Zhostovo painting. GO

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how does it differ from other folk crafts in Russia? What kind specific traits It has? We are going on our first trip to visit the workshop of folk artists! The art of Zhostovo painting GO PRESENTATION VIDIO

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The art of Zhostovo painting What characteristic features of Zhostovo painting can you single out?

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Floral motif of Zhostovo's trays The main motif of Zhostovo's painting is a flower bouquet, in which large garden and small field flowers alternate. The picturesque transfer of the real form of the painted flower is combined with the magnificent decorative brilliance of the color scheme itself.

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In Zhostovo they write on a black, red, yellow, blue, green background, but the most common, "classic" is black. Usually in the center there are large flowers painted in bright colors. Small ones are painted along the edges of the tray, they are made slightly darkened and seem to merge with the background. As a result of such a painting, both flowers and leaves seem to protrude from the depths, which gives the painting a special beauty.

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LEARNING TO DRAW performing elements of the floral motif of the Zhostovo painting (using blanks)

The painting is carried out by means of a free brush stroke, without preliminary drawing. The volumes of flowers and leaves seem to grow out of the depth of the background. This is done by gradually moving from dark tones to lighter ones. The multi-layer painting is distinguished by the careful writing of each element of the motif and a fine color scheme. In the Zhostovo painting, the flowers seem to come to life.

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LEARNING TO DRAW performing elements of the floral motif of the Zhostovo painting (using blanks OR separately)

1. Filling in 2. Straightening Tenezhka Glare Drawing 3. Ornamentation GO GO Means of artistic expression Technique of drawing with a stroke

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The main theme of decorating Zhostovo wrought iron trays is bouquets of flowers, flower garlands. But it is impossible not to admire the peculiar STILL LIFES, FRUIT AND BERRY MOTIVE, AND ANIMAL WORLD

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The art of Zhostovo painting We are going on a second trip to visit the workshop of folk artists! GO

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What motifs prevail in the ornament of the viewed works

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Still lifes, fruit and berry motif, animals (birds) ZHOSTOV'S TRAYS

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Zhostovo forged trays

The main theme of decorating Zhostovo wrought iron trays is bouquets of flowers (fruits and berries), garlands, original still lifes.

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A worthy place in Zhostov's collection is occupied by narrative painting. And again We are going to visit the workshop of folk artists! GO

The history of the Zhostovo craft dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, when in a number of villages near Moscow and the villages of the former Troitskaya volost - Zhostovo, Ostashkovo, Khlebnikovo, Troitskoye - workshops for the manufacture of painted lacquer products from papier-mâché arose. The craft of painted metal trays arose in the middle of the 18th century. In 1830, the production of trays in Zhostovo and the surrounding villages increased. The first forged metal trays decorated with flower painting appeared. The emergence of the Zhostovo painted tray is associated with the name of the Vishnyakov brothers.

The main motif of Zhostovo painting is a flower bouquet. In the original art of the Zhostovo masters, a realistic feeling of the living form of flowers and fruits is combined with decorative generalization, akin to Russian folk brush painting on chests, birch bark tues, spinning wheels, etc.

Zamalyovka. With diluted paint on the prepared surface, the artist applies the silhouettes of flowers and leaves in accordance with his plan. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the beauty and expressiveness of the silhouette of flowers, buds, leaves and stems, the rhythmic arrangement of colorful spots, the ratio of the scale of the painting and the background of the tray. The painting is dried in drying cabinets for twelve hours at a certain temperature.

Color lining. One of the most important stages of layered Zhostovo writing. The shape of the bouquet takes on flesh, many details are specified, a contrasting or more harmonious structure of the entire composition is highlighted and realized. operations aimed at emphasizing volume.

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Slides captions:

Primary school teacher MOKU Ustper school Lisikhina Galina Petrovna Fine art. Topic: "Zhostovo beauty"

Zhostovo painting of metal trays.

The famous Zhostovo bouquet! Red-scarlet buds In the emeralds of the leaves drown. Forget-me-nots and peonies Framing the pool of roses. There is on a Zhostovo tray And a bouquet, burning in the night, A bird-fire that brings news. There is a tray that gives fruit ...

Zhostovo is an old village in the north of Moscow, in the Mytishchi district, on the picturesque bank of the Klyazma reservoir.

Bright flower bouquet on a black background.

Smaller flowers: bluebells, lilies of the valley, violets, forget-me-nots, daisies, cornflowers, pansies - loom on the sides.


Art lesson in grade 5

Lesson topic : The Art of Zhostovo. Zhostovo trays.

Target: the formation of the artistic culture of students through acquaintance with Zhostovo painting


  • development creative imagination students
  • the formation of an educational environment through the acquaintance of students with the Russian folk craft of Zhostovo;
  • education of aesthetic taste

Equipment : Illustrations of Zhostovo trays, presentation,

With a fairy tale about Zhostovo painting, a poem about Zhostovo painting.

During the classes.

  1. Org. moment. Self-determination to activity

We continue our acquaintance with Russian folk crafts.

Look at the screen and tell me what folk crafts do you know?

slide 1 topic

Slide 2 - 3 (Gzhel)

And, this unusual-looking object that fascinates with the beauty of the combination of white and blue?

What is this industry?

Slide 4-5 (Khokhloma)

But these items, which are decorated with bright wood painting?

Slide 6-11 - The topic of the lesson.

(A slide with a Zhostovo tray remained on the screen)

Guys, what do you think this is? (This is a tray)

2. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Motivation learning activities students.

For 200 years people have been pleased with the applied art of the masters of the village of Zhostovo near Moscow.

So, what's the topic of today's lesson?

What would you like to learn about in class?

Today in the lesson we will learn where such trays are made, the history of the emergence of this craft and draw a tray.

(Speech, slide show)

1 student

Landscapes and flower arrangements are good on the sparkling varnished black, blue, red, pale yellow surface of the tray: wreaths of flowers, lush bouquets, sometimes combined with fruits and birds, berries and leaves. How many trays, so many image options.

(tray in hand).

2 students

The Zhostovo master never repeats the same drawing. The free manner of writing gives the master the opportunity to fantasize, improvise. This is the basic principle of Zhostovo painting. But the connection with tradition is always preserved. The shape of the trays can be varied

(slide show)

Variety of shapes:combined.

The composition often depends on the shape of the tray and can be in the form:

- “wreath”, “bouquet”, “baskets”.


But, the most common type of Zhostovo painting of trays is a bouquet located in the center of the tray and framed along the board with a small golden pattern..

Variety of shapes:polygonal, round, oval,combined.

Among the Zhostovo trays, you cannot find two completely identical ones; the craftsmen work creatively without copying other people's samples and without repeating their own.

3. Physical education minute

4. Creative and practical activities.

Teacher's story:

- Not far from Moscow in a very picturesque place is the village of Zhostovo. This village has become famous not only in our country, but also abroad. And it is famous for the fact that no one better than local craftsmen can paint flowers on iron trays. The Zhostovo tray is large and juicy garden and wild flowers surrounded by fresh foliage, as if thrown onto a prepared background. Often flowers accompany images of fruits, berries.birds The sides of the trays are often decorated with a light gold pattern.

After the story, we need to fill in the table.

Student's story:

- How did this amazing craft come about? In the 19th century, an overseas drink, tea, became widespread in Russia. There was a whole ceremony of tea drinking. Along with the samovar, a tray was placed on the table, which also became an indispensable participant in Russian tea drinking.

For a long time, papier-mâché trays were used in central Russia.It should be noted that Zhostovo was famous for blacksmiths, so the idea of ​​the Zhostovo tray fell on fertile ground. In old books there were records that in 1825 a local peasant Philip Vishnyakov and his son opened a workshop for the production of metal painted trays.

5. Self-examination, evaluation of your work


Zhostovo painting


Moscow region

S. Zhostovo






Flowers, fruits, leaves




Bouquet, wreath, corner, basket.

6. Creative task.

Now let's move on to the practical task. We need to sketch the tray

7. Reflection

What did you like about the lesson today?

Homework. Find an illustration of Zhostovo trays at home and bring it to the next lesson.

Write on the board: Zhostovo bouquet.

Teacher: Not far from Moscow, in a very picturesque place, is the village of Zhostovo. Everyone knows this village - not only in our country, but also abroad. It is famous for the fact that no one is better than those local craftsmen who can draw flowers on iron trays. The craft appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. At that time, an overseas drink, tea, was widespread in Russia. And now a whole ritual has arisen - a tea party, in which trays have become indispensable participants.

In Moscow, in rich houses there were painted metal trays, but they were made in the Urals or in St. Petersburg. But one day, craftsmen from the Moscow region transferred the technology of varnish processing of papier-mâché boxes to iron, the same primers, varnishes and oil paints. An entry was found in old books that in 1925 a local peasant Philip Vishnyakov and his son opened their workshop. Following them, Belyaev, Tsyganov and others opened their workshops. What kind of trays were not made by the masters! And large - "skater" and small "snacks".

And these trays had a very different shape: oval, rectangular, round and even triangular for triangular tables! Patterns of flower bouquets on trays are pleasing to the eye!

Zhostovo is not easy for you
Village near Moscow.
The skill of the craftsmen there
They are famous for a long time.
Freshness of the morning, pearls grew
And the bloom of summer
Poured onto a tray
Bouquet colors. (V. Borisova)

The black background shines with lacquer.
And there is beauty on it,
Scarlet, yellow with red poppy
It's just miracles.
The bells have opened
Forget-me-nots lined up
Glittered, sparkled
Look at everything!
Scarlet roses on a tray
All nature is God's gift
There are no such trays in the world
They are like a spring garden!

The main motif of Zhostovo painting is a flower bouquet. Bouquet may contain wild flowers and garden flowers. It can be dahlias and roses, chamomile and cornflowers, lilies, apple flowers. The flowers on the Zhostovo trays are not placed randomly, but in order: large in the center, medium, small along the edges.

Question: What is depicted on all the presented trays?

Answer: Flower bouquets.

Question: How are the flowers arranged on the trays?

Answer: In the center - large, and smaller at the edges.

Question: What shape are the trays?

Answer: Round, oval.

Guys, today you will try to draw an apple tree flower (five leaf).

Question: What time of year does the apple tree bloom?

Answer: Spring.

Question: How many petals does an apple blossom have?

1. Before the artist begins to paint the blank of the tray, it is covered with paint: red, green, yellow, blue, but most often black. This stage is called "priming".

2. The next stage is called "Zamalevok". This is the beginning of the future pattern. We apply the silhouettes of flowers and leaves.

3. At the “Shadow” stage - from the word “shadow” - we apply colored shadows with translucent paints, and the flowers have volume.

4. Then the "Laying" stage is the most important stage. The shape of the bouquet takes on details.

5. Stage "Glare" - the imposition of highlights, the bouquet seems to be illuminated, the highlight creates a mood.

6. "Drawing" - the final stage on working with a bouquet. With a thin brush, the veins on the leaves and the center of the flowers are drawn.

8. The final stage "Cleaning" - the side of the tray is decorated with a floral pattern. It can be modest, or it can be more intense.

Teacher: And now we will learn how to perform the stages of painting the Zhostovo bouquet in the same way as folk masters do.

To make the flower even, you can turn the saucer so that the cinquefoil is always located heart down.

In the process of independent work, the teacher provides children with creative freedom, providing individual assistance. You can turn on soft folk music. There is an exhibition at the end of the lesson. The children set their work on a special stand and, together with the teacher, choose best work. The teacher does not forget to praise each student, to mark in the toy what was best done.

Question: What folk craft did we meet today?

Answer: With Zhostovo painting.

Question: What elements of Zhostovo painting can we paint?

Answer: Pentate leaf.

Question: What products are painted on?

Answer: It is performed on metal trays.

Inserting a picture

Made by the teacher of IZO Fedorova OM



Made from thin sheet steel. Steel sheets after stamping are primed, polished and coated with several layers of oil varnish. Trays are painted by hand. Usually bouquets of flowers are depicted on a black background.

The history of the Zhostovo fishery

  • dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, when in a number of villages and villages near Moscow of the former Troitsk volost (now the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region) - Zhostovo, Ostashkov, Khlebnikov, Troitsky and others - workshops for the manufacture of painted papier-mâché lacquerware appeared.

  • The first varnishing establishment in the Moscow region was the factory of the merchants Korobov-Lukutins, founded at the end of the 18th century in the village of Fedoskino, 7 km from Zhostovo.
  • Zhostovo became a kind of center for the craft of lacquer painting on metal trays.
  • The creators of colorful, mostly floral ornaments were simple Russian peasants.
  • They brought to lacquer painting bright cheerfulness of colors, simplicity and intelligibility of images, accuracy of characteristics, clarity of drawing.

Main Theme Decoration

  • The main theme of decorating Zhostovo trays is bouquets of flowers, garlands, original still lifes. The painting is carried out by means of a free brush stroke, without preliminary drawing. The most commonly used black background. The volumes of flowers and leaves seem to grow out of the depth of the background. This is done by gradually moving from dark tones to lighter ones. In the painting, flowers seem to come to life


Paint your tray or complete a piece of painting.

  • Think about the shape of the tray and cut it out.
  • Outline the composition of the bouquet of large, medium and small forms.
  • Work straight away with a brush.