Make a polaroid frame. How and where to take a Polaroid photo for Instagram? We will not bypass the head of the house - the refrigerator. It is the refrigerator that is a wonderful plane for your Polaroid applications. All you need is fantasy and a bunch of not

The cyclical fashion returns us to the white retro frames, scuffs and other highlights that were created using a Polaroid camera a couple of decades ago. How to take a Polaroid photo to make your shots look vintage and super-super original?


The first app with a Polaroid-like frame is called Nomo. Shooting here is as close as possible to the long filming process of the 70s and 80s. You need to choose a good shot, and then click on the button.

In the application, you can take shots with both the front and rear cameras.


Unfold. Some frames are free (for example, a set of CS1 templates), and some are paid. The examples use frames from the set FF1.

If this application is missing on your phone, then here


Polaroid style photos can be taken in the MolyCam app. The program only offers 1 white retro frame. But for aesthetes this is enough! After all, the application is full of vintage effects that can be applied to the picture.


There is a white Polaroid photo frame with wide white borders in a program called Instans. There you can also process the image to your taste, artificially age it or apply a trendy old-fashioned filter.


How to take a Polaroid photo? Try using frames from Pixlr-o-matic app. This option is more suitable for horizontal photographs. The best frame has a name Nolaroid.

WITH Orvi applause

Be the most stylish! Use super effects.

When I asked our enthusiast of instant photography Dmitry But what creative can be done with the resulting Polaroid photos, he answered simply and beautifully: "Whatever!"

I tried to structure "anything" into 10 ideas: for home and holidays.

For home

In the native four (or more) walls, you can have fun doing the decor.

1. If you deny shovel wall carpets, and the time of rebellious rock posters is in the past for you, but filling the void at the head of the bed is vital - feel free to sculpt Polaroids on the wall. Make a square or a chaotic applique of them, or you can even frame and turn them into a huge panel.

Such a creation looks beautiful not only above the bed. You have at least four walls - so go for it on all sides!

A variation on this theme can be a Polaroid calendar:

2. The next contender to hit your wall is a map. But I propose to bring the meridians and parallels to life with snapshots. Just attach the photos you took there to the places of your travels. Each new trip is a new memorable photo on the map.

3. If you travel a lot and are worried that the card will not take the number of photos, you can select a separate frame for each trip and place several photos in it. One trip - one frame per wall or shelf. So your pleasant memories will always be in sight (as in the Kiev store Fotovramke).

By the way, you can not just lay out the photo and close it with glass on top, you can stretch small strings between the edges of the frame and hang pictures on them:

4. And this method is a blow below the belt for all grandmothers. Down with conservation - roll up Polaroids in cans! Just find the cans by size (about half a liter) and squeeze the pictures inside. You can add flower petals or colored pebbles there. It is better to close the lid so that the photo does not get dusty. And then place it around the house wherever you want.

5. You can also have a Polaroid tree as a decoration in your home. It doesn't need to be planted or chopped, just take a few branches, attach them to a jar of sand or any other dense filler, and attach your snapshots to the branches with paper clips or thread. Such a structure can be placed on a table or windowsill as a flowerpot. It should look something like this:

Winter version: we do the same with the Christmas tree and save ourselves from the need to buy holiday decorations.

6. Let's not bypass the head of the house - the refrigerator. It is the refrigerator that is a wonderful plane for your Polaroid applications. All you need is a fantasy and a bunch of small magnets.

7. A safe option for home decoration is a garland with polaroids. It can be made both from thin ropes and from ribbons or "rain". Horizontal, vertical, against a wall or under a ceiling - you decide. It can be either a thematic decoration or an everyday one. And most importantly, it can always be changed or removed painlessly.

A subspecies of a garland is the idea of ​​a "Polaroid wreath". This is something like a mistletoe wreath that is hung on the door during the New Year's holidays, only from a photo. We do it according to the principle of a garland, we just put the whole thing in a circle.

For the holidays

8. If you are a supporter of written invitations to the holiday - this idea is for you. The polaroid photograph can be glued on top of a double sheet of paper, inside which you can write everything you need. Or even indicate the time and place at the bottom of the white Polaroid frame - succinctly and clearly.

The same principle can be used to make original greeting cards:

9. With the help of snapshots, you can creatively congratulate or confess your love. True, for this you need a room into which your object of wishes will definitely enter.

You buy an armful of balloons filled with helium, and tie Polaroids to them with threads or ribbons (you can even write something on them - if anything, they will be a cheat sheet for you. You close this installation in the room and wait for the hero of the occasion to arrive.

10. But the tenth idea is not about pictures, but it is rightfully original and Polaroid. It was suggested by one of Fotovramke's friends, who arranged a retro Polaroid day.

He and his girlfriend dressed in vintage, walked around the city, rode the Ferris wheel, listened to old records and captured the moments of this funny day with the help of an instant camera - in short, they made themselves a real retro atmosphere. Therefore, if ideas for unusual dates have dried up, try this retro version.

Dima Booth was right when he said that you can do anything with Polaroids - there is a place for fantasy to roam. So, if you are visited by original Polaroid ideas, come to Kiev or Odessa, tell me, take advice - the Fotovramke team will be happy to help in implementation.

(All photos, except for the Kiev store, were found using Google and submitted without sources, because there are too many of them. Thanks for your understanding)

There were times when we could see photos only after processing them. Film stores were all over the place and it was quite a bustling business, as everyone could choose the frames they liked first before sending them to print. Then the ball was ruled by the company Polaroid, which managed to make sure that the photos were printed within a few seconds after shooting. The Polaroids have been a huge success and are missed by many.

Today, we print photos much less often. We limit ourselves to viewing them on a phone or computer screen and, at best, share the cards on social networks. Nobody buys photo albums anymore - digital photo hosting sites have taken their place. But it seems that Printic is ready to revive the good tradition of printing their photos.

Printic is an iPhone app that lets you print your Instagram, Facebook or iPhone photos (99 cents per shot). Within three days, the service will deliver them to you and your friends by mail in North America or Europe. Everything works simply - you select photos, crop them and specify recipients. Optionally, you can send a text message. The package will come in a nice orange envelope.

Agree, 3 × 4 Polaroid-style photos will delight everyone who at least once missed the era of square film shots. And those who did not manage to catch that era will also be very pleased to receive alive photos that you can touch, not just email a friend.

We can say that Printic has combined the best of modern technology and real photography. Who knows, maybe this service will become as popular as Polaroid was in its day. What do you think? Was it pleasant for you to get a real shot? Or do you prefer digital format?

If you love retro photography, then you probably at least once thought about trying to age your photos in order to make them look more vintage and mysterious. In this article, we will look at the most popular type of retro photo cards - Polaroid style photographs. How to achieve the Polaroid effect using a computer or phone?

Is polaroid photography easy and simple?

Usually, when the word "retro" is mentioned, associations with monochrome or texture photography appear. But the Polaroid effect is a lively, interesting card with a special style. The easiest way to get the cherished square pictures is to go to a photo workshop, where they will not only process you, but also print them. But let's try it ourselves.

You can use dedicated photo processing sites such as This service is specially tailored specifically for the Polaroid effect. Here you can select the area of ​​the photo that will be included in the final version, the effect, the frame and even the fill color of the photo - red, blue, green. You can add a signature to the card. The free version of the site allows you to get a fairly normal quality, however, if you want better quality images, for a fee, the resolution of the photos can be made higher.

Another fairly lightweight site for such photographs is, which helps you write captions on photos and rotate the composition. Here you cannot select the area of ​​the photo that will be included in the image, and the site may crop it in a different way than you would like.

Polaroid in Photoshop - the easiest lesson

To get a photo with a polaroid effect using Photoshop, you need to follow the instructions below. First you need to open the photo and duplicate the layer, change the blending mode to soft light. Next, you need to create a new layer and fill it with # 070142 color, setting the blending mode to exclusion. After that, create a new layer and fill it with # de9b82 color, change the blending mode to soft light and opacity to 75%. Then create a new layer and fill it with # fed1eb with soft light and 50% opacity, fill this layer with # 070044 and put an exclusion overlay.

After the done manipulations, the layer with the original photo is duplicated, dragged to the top and the blending mode is changed to soft light. Now you can crop the photo and paste it into the previously downloaded Polaroid template.

Polaroid software

What photo program can help you get this effect? Among the most popular for IOS users are such programs as Polamatic, Instant, ShakeItPhoto, Swing, Afterlight. There are also interesting applications for Android smartphone owners: Instant, Polamatic, InstaMini, PolaroidFx and others. All of these applications are intuitive and easy to use.

Instant cameras from Polaroid are remembered for the many unusual look of the finished photograph, which is made in a small frame and contains free space for the inscription at the bottom. Unfortunately, not everyone now has the opportunity to make such pictures on their own, however, you can add just one effect using a special online service to get an image in a similar design.

Polaroid-style processing is now available on many sites whose main functionality is focused on image processing. We will not consider all of them, but just take two popular web resources as an example and describe step by step the process of adding the effect you need.

Method 1: PhotoFunia

The PhotoFunia site has collected more than six hundred different effects and filters, among which is the one we are considering. Its application is carried out literally in a few clicks, and the whole procedure looks like this:

  1. Open the main page of PhotoFunia and go to the search for the effect by entering the query in the line Polaroid.
  2. You will be offered a choice of one of several processing options. Choose the one that you think is the most suitable for you.
  3. Now you can learn more about the filter and see examples.
  4. After that, start adding the image.
  5. To select a snapshot stored on your computer, click the button Download from device.
  6. In the browser that opens, select the photo with the left mouse button, and then click on "Open".
  7. If your photo has a high resolution, you will need to crop it to select an appropriate area.
  8. You can also add text, which will be displayed on a white background below the picture.
  9. After completing all the settings, proceed to save.
  10. Choose the size that suits you or purchase a different design option, such as a postcard.
  11. Now you can preview the finished photo.

You didn't have to perform any complex actions, managing the editor on the site is extremely clear, even an inexperienced user can handle it. This completes the work with PhotoFunia, let's consider the next option.

Method 2: IMGonline

The interface of the IMGonline Internet resource is made in an outdated style. There are no familiar buttons here, as in many editors, and each tool must be opened in a separate tab and a picture must be loaded for it. However, he copes with the task perfectly, and this also applies to the application of processing in the Polaroid style.

  1. Check out an example of how the effect works on a photo, and then move on.
  2. Add a picture by clicking on "Select a file".
  3. As with the first method, select the file and then click on "Open".
  4. The next step is to set up your Polaroid photography. You should set the angle of rotation of the image, its direction and add text if necessary.
  5. Set the compression parameters, the final file weight will depend on this.
  6. To start processing, click on the button "OK".
  7. You can open the finished image, download it, or return to the editor to work with other projects.