Organizational structure of the hotel. Organizational structure of a modern hotel Organizational structure of a hotel enterprise briefly

The organizational structure of an enterprise is understood as a set of units interconnected by a horizontal and vertical communication system, functioning as a single whole, within which the management process takes place aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise.

When designing a hotel enterprise, principles generally accepted in the practice of creating enterprises are used. These principles determine the future organizational structure of the hotel and, in many respects, its livelihoods. The principles for designing a hotel structure are:

Division of labor and specialization of employees;

Departmentalization and cooperation of divisions;

Communication and coordination of services;

Determining the scale of controllability and delegation of authority;

Hierarchy of hotel structure management.

1. The principle of division of labor between employees and departments. In a hotel, all the work to provide services to the guest is carried out in various areas, since it is impossible to imagine that all the work to serve the guests will be carried out by only one service. Therefore, any enterprise, including hotels, when organizing work, divides it into areas in which the employee begins and finishes work. For example, the “Reception and Accommodation of Guests” service receives a guest and checks him out from the hotel, at the same time, within this service, an employee can specialize, performing the functions of a night auditor or cashier or an employee providing any information to the guest about the hotel, about the sights of the city. The division of labor occurs in two directions: Horizontal, when specialists who arrive at the hotel transform the service that moves from department to department, for example, reception and accommodation of a guest - servicing his room - providing additional services in the hotel, including excursions, - meals - settlement with the guest and his departure.

Vertical - division of labor is associated with the allocation of management functions and levels of hierarchy, not only in the hotel as a whole, but also in each service department and specialized groups. The result of this division of labor is the formation of specializations.

2. The principle of departmentalization is the grouping of identical work and the employees performing these works into organizationally separate departments and groups. There are several approaches to the process of combining specialized work - this is grouping work around resources or around results.

3. Communication and coordination. The hotel, consisting of many services and departments, is a single whole thanks to organized communication channels. Through the communication system in the hotel,

There is coordination of the activities of departments. There are a great many communication channels and methods of transmitting information, but the most characteristic of any organization are communication systems that affect the activities of the hotel - vertical and horizontal, formal and informal communication systems. Vertical connections unite hierarchical levels; usually this connection is used to transmit management and production orders and decisions, both in the hotel as a whole and within all its services. Horizontal connections are connections between two or more equal hierarchical departments or employees. For example, the room service service and the procurement service for goods and materials for room service.

Formal communication is a channel for transmitting official information that is binding. Informal connections include information also related to production activities, but not of an orderly nature; rather, they are consultations, discussions or debates on complex production problems.

4. The principle of scale of control is one of the indicators of hotel performance. This is the ratio of the number of management personnel and employees, which must correspond to the volume of work. If this principle is violated, labor, economic and financial indicators actively

Hotel prices are declining. In a hotel, each manager is limited by time, level of competence in his professional activity as well as the level of decision-making and the possibility of delegation of authority.

Experts in the field of labor management determined the level of controllability

in organizations, these indicators can be used for hotels.

Thus, a senior manager is able to contact no more than 7 subordinates per day. Middle-level managers can have up to 15 employees under their command, and lower-level managers can have up to 20-30 subordinates.

The formation of the organizational structure of hotels is related to the size of the hotels. In small and medium-sized hotels, where the number of guests and, accordingly, service personnel is not large, all organizational and management decisions and control functions are carried out by the managers themselves. However, in large hotels, the scale and complexity of work increases sharply and the manager is not able to control all production tasks, so he delegates some of the problems to his deputies, from whom the Council under the General Director (headquarters) is formed.

In relation to the delegation of authority to employees of individual decision-making functions, a manager can use the well-known ABC principle, based on the distribution of all matters that need to be resolved during the working day into four parts based on the “importance” and “urgency” of their implementation.

To the group A There must be very important and very urgent matters that must be executed immediately and there is no need to delegate them to your deputies.

To the group IN Includes important but not urgent matters; to resolve these matters, precise deadlines should be set and, as necessary, delegated to deputies.

To the group WITH includes matters that are not very important, but urgent, the solution of which can be delegated to middle managers.

The fourth group includes matters that are not at all within the competence of the manager. These matters, without any delegation, should be handled without the intervention of high management.

5. The principle of hierarchy in the hotel industry means the number of management levels. The hierarchy of hotel management can be figuratively represented as a Christmas tree, at the top of which is the general director, below are the heads of services, below are middle managers, even lower are the performers. The number of levels determines the efficiency of management and the speed of information flow from top to bottom and from bottom to top and, consequently, the speed of decision making.

The concept for the creation and development of hotels provides for the creation of a service quality management system, which will guarantee increased efficiency of room sales by improving booking methods and investing in new guest service technologies. based on market research. This concept also states that hotel services will be in demand when hotel management correctly identifies its target market and satisfies guests more effectively than competitors.

The choice by hotel management of the concept of organizing a hotel enterprise means the choice of structures and development strategy for hotels.

Market conditions for running a hotel business place high demands on quality, adaptation and rapid restructuring of the organizational structure of hotels when market conditions change. All changes are usually provided for in the strategic development plan of hotel enterprises. Making decisions to accelerate changes is often associated with competition in the local accommodation market.

The most widespread in the hotel business are: linear; functional; linear-functional; matrix organizational structures.

Fig.3 Organigram of the organizational structure of a small hotel

Linear organizational structures– one of the simple structures that

paradise are used to create small hotels. This structure implies that the hotel manager is subordinate to managers, who are directly subordinate to performers who perform similar but different functions. In this option, the manager (one of the deputy managers) must be a generalist to ensure the quality of work of all middle managers.

Figure 3 shows the organizational diagram of a typical small hotel built according to a linear principle.

The structure of small hotels contains only the necessary services, staffed by general specialists who combine several diverse types of activities.

Their structure also depends on the form of ownership of small hotels, their financial position, so the owners of small family hotels can generally abandon individual full-time employees, using an outsourcing system, i.e. temporary hiring of specialists.

Functional structures. The essence of this structure is that the performance of all monotonous functions is assigned to specific specialists who unite services that perform approximately the same functions. Thus, performers of the same specialty, but of different specializations, report to the middle manager of a particular direction. For example, a financial director reports to financial department, planning department, accounting department, labor and wages department, cash desk, securities department. Hence, such an organizational structure is usually called functional. The disadvantage of such a structure is its cumbersomeness and, as a consequence, the complexity of management.

Linear-functional organizational structure is presented in Figure 4. For hotel enterprises, the linear-functional structure is the most effective in terms of eliminating duplication in the performance of production functions, reducing acceptance procedures management decisions. In this structure, the upper part of the hotel management hierarchy is a linear structure, the lower part, starting with middle managers, is functional.


Fig.4. An abbreviated example of a linear-functional organizational structure of hotels

If it is necessary to make decisions on the introduction of new guest service technologies in large independent and chain hotels, special “development groups” are created, consisting of marketers, leading managers in specific areas, specialists in financial planning, information technology specialists, built on a matrix principle.

Matrix structure a group created to introduce innovation differs from other structures in its autonomy, locality and short-term existence. Group employees report simultaneously to several line managers of different services where specialists are on staff. The group coordinator is appointed by the hotel director. After completing the task, the group disbands.

Organizational structures for ease of perception and understanding

functional connections, the movement of management information and document flow are depicted in the form of diagrams called “Organigrams”.

The organigram of a hotel enterprise shows a real, currently operating diagram of the organizational structure, however, over time, the organigram may not coincide with the structure of the hotel enterprise developed several years ago, this indicates that changes have occurred, both within the hotel and in the market segment, where there is a hotel. Then the hotel's organizational chart must be changed. Organigrams are created not only for the hotel as a whole, but also for various services, departments and groups.

The main services in the organizational structure of hotel enterprises, according to the classification criteria of profitability and contact with guests, can be divided into groups:

1. By income-generating: room management service, food service, commercial service;.

2. By contact with the guest:

2.1 in contact with the guest: reception and accommodation service; room service; food service (restaurant, bars, cafes); security at the entrance and on the floors.

2.2 not in contact with the guest: HR service;

Product and equipment procurement services; accounting and financial services; technical service; economic service.

The classification of services by functional basis can be presented as follows:

1. personnel service - sample positions: head of service, specialists in organizing the hiring and dismissal of employees; on development, training and performance evaluation of hotel employees.

2. engineering service - chief engineer, specialists in the repair and maintenance of room equipment, buildings and territories;

3. accounting and financial service – Chief Accountant, planning manager - financial department, sales manager, financial food controller, food manager material resources, auditor, credit manager, customer accounts manager, supplier accounts manager, payments manager, securities manager, chief cashier;

4. security service – sample positions : head of the security department, security of guests' property, security of the building and territory, fire protection, group information security;

5. food service - sample positions: director of catering services, chief chef, main menu chef, banquet chef, pastry chef, hall administrators, services manager

the din of food in the hotel rooms, the senior manager of the hall (head waiter),

beverage group (samelier), catering group, banquet manager;

6. commercial service – exemplary positions: head of department for

marketing and sales, accommodation market research group, public relations group, conference and exhibition manager, corporate client manager, travel agency manager;

7. room service - sample positions: head of room service, reception and accommodation manager, reservation managers, chief communications operator, night manager

duty, senior maid service and cleaning services;

8. logistics service - service manager, procurement specialist, product delivery manager, warehousing and storage specialist.

9. technical service - approximate service positions: chief engineer, administrator, department for maintaining engineering systems, department for repairing the building, rooms, maintaining the territory, head of the workshop,

Control questions

1. What is the concept of creating a hotel enterprise?

2. What is the design principle of “division of labor and specialization”?

3. What problems are solved when using the principle of “departmentation and cooperation” when creating functional services?

4. What connections are formed in an organization when creating a hierarchical structure of a hotel?

5. What is the purpose and mission of hotels and other accommodation facilities?

6. On what regulatory documents is the design assignment based?

for the construction of a hotel building and premises?

7. What factors influence the organizational structures of hotels?

8. What is the main organizational and management structure used when creating a hotel enterprise?

9. What are the differences between the organizational structures of small hotels?

from organizational structures of large independent ones and those included in the chain?

9.3. Structure of a hotel enterprise providing hospitality services

Organizational structure of a hotel enterprise is determined by the purpose of the hotel, its location, the specifics of the guests and other factors. It is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities assigned to each of its employees.

As human civilization developed, the provision of hospitable services to people who found themselves, for one reason or another, outside their home (outside their “closed space”) turned into a profession for more and more people, until it turned into a genuine industry. In American studies, this industry combines all related sectors of the economy that specialize in serving traveling people through specialized enterprises: hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, national parks, cultural and recreational parks. The restaurant, tourism, and especially hotel businesses have grown in size in the United States. The study of its economic and managerial foundations has become an independent branch of economic science, and management and marketing of services began to be taught at the university level. The educational process of training specialists in the hotel industry is associated with certain difficulties, which include an insufficient number of scientific generalizations of systematized textbooks on the organization of service and data processing in hotels. In fact, the hotel consists of several enterprises, the key to the success of each of which is a clear knowledge and execution of their job descriptions.

In the hotel structure, one can distinguish a reception and accommodation service, an administrative and economic service and a security service. Let us dwell on the characteristics of these divisions and, accordingly, on the activities of the personnel performing the main activities related to the provision of hotel services.

Hotel manager

The manager bears full responsibility for the operation of the hotel as a whole and each of his employees. He is the leader of the team, and as such is responsible to the owners for how much income the hotel entrusted to him brings.

So, to succeed as a manager, you need to have a number of personal qualities. People who have clearly succeeded in this role have leadership qualities, are attentive to detail, know how to complete every task and communicate with different people.

Another essential quality of a good manager is the ability to create a team. Management functions usually include foresight, planning, organization, implementation and evaluation. But since hotels exist to sell the use of their rooms and to ensure that guests feel comfortable in those rooms, the manager must assume the functions of a sales manager and devote up to 75% of his time to them.

Reception and registration service

Pre-ordering of places, registration upon check-in, payment for accommodation and provision of services, check-out takes place at the reception and accommodation service, where the duty administrator, receptionist, and cashier work.

The reception and accommodation service is the first department that the guest meets when arriving at the hotel. The impressions received from this acquaintance largely shape guest reviews of the quality of service as a whole.

The main functions of the reception service are: hotel reservations, registration and accommodation of guests, processing of payments upon departure, provision of various information. But the duties of reception workers, as well as the skills and knowledge required to perform them, are defined by job descriptions.

Administrative and economic (castella) service

This is the hotel's largest division in terms of staff. More than 50% of all hotel employees work there. It is headed by the director of administrative and economic services, or executive castellan. Its specificity official duties requires organizational skills, exactingness, motivation and commitment to high standards.

An experienced castellan (service director) adheres to the following rules in his work: to achieve efficiency, you need to distribute tasks among subordinates; monitor and support feedback with subordinates; carry out regular inventory; equanimity, understanding and diligence will help in times of conflict with guests and superiors; involving subordinates in rationalization planning; send staff to advanced training courses for their career development; coordinate the work of their service with the administrative, engineering and laundry departments.

The main job responsibilities of the director of administrative and economic services:

Manage people, monitor equipment and supplies.
- Maintain cleanliness and order in guest rooms and common areas.
- Manage the service in accordance with the financial policy of the general manager.
- Maintain documentation.

Working hours of the service director 07.45 - 18.00:

Together with the head of the night cleaning team, check the cleanliness of the corridors and halls.
- Check the entries in the administrative journal.
- View the forecast for the occupancy of hotel rooms and check the number of people checking out.
- Check reports for the previous day, check the number of guests who arrived the day before, find out if any “VIPs” are expected to arrive, so that appropriate preparations can be made.
- Take part in a meeting of the administrative and economic service.
- Solve current problems.
- Take part in training new staff.
- Conduct a meeting with managers and senior sectors.
- Issue orders for various types of work.
- Check the budget.
- Approve purchase orders.
- Check inventory.
- Check the cleanliness of guest rooms.
- View orders received from operators.
- Talk to potential employees.

The director's work is very complex, depending on the size of the hotel, he needs assistants who would direct the work of the maids responsible for various sectors of the hotel (floors, flights).

The deputy director, for example, divides the hotel into sectors and draws up a cleaning schedule. Hotel rooms are shown on floor plans. If the room is free, there is no record against it; if it is occupied, then a note is made KZ (room occupied). If the guest is going to vacate the room soon - SO (vacation soon), PP (stay extended). Rooms that cannot be accommodated due to an accident - AC (emergency), VIP - for important persons and specific instructions for preparations, etc.

Security Service

Protecting guests and their property is an important aspect of hotel operations. The money ordered by the courts to be paid by hotels to their guests whom they were unable to protect amounts to a truly enormous amount. Hotels suffer big losses if the security service is poorly organized and professionally managed. The hotel owner and employees are required by law to know and take all necessary precautions to protect guests from robbery, fraud, violence and other crimes against the person.

The security service is directly headed by the person responsible for security, who reports to the director on duty. His responsibility includes the following issues:

Development of emergency response procedures;
- daily security of guest rooms;
- key control;
- theft prevention, lock control;
- access control to the hotel building;
- alarm system;
- territory control;
- Outdoor Lighting;
- surveillance system using television monitors;
- safes and fireproof cabinets;
- collection and storage of information.

The Security Officer is responsible for communicating with local fire departments, police authorities, city security agencies, and all other hotel departments. Security workers must respond adequately to emergency situations, perform their functions quickly, skillfully and tactfully. They respond to and investigate all incidents, drawing up reports of thefts, accidents, statements and other incidents, using appropriate forms and logs. This service must monitor strict compliance by all employees with safety regulations, as well as health requirements, preparedness in case of emergency or emergency circumstances. The security service must strive to prevent any accidents or crimes, since such incidents can cost the hotel not only a lot of money, but also its reputation.

Room management service

The room management service deals with issues related to booking rooms, receiving tourists arriving at the hotel, registering them and placing them in their rooms, as well as sending them home or to the next point of the travel route after the end of the tour, provides service to tourists in the rooms, and maintains the necessary sanitary conditions. -hygienic condition of rooms and level of comfort in residential premises, provides household services to guests.

Composition of the service: director or manager of room operation, reception service, maid service, joint service service (doormen, bellhops, cloakroom attendants, garage attendants), receptionist service, concierge service, bellhop service, housekeeping inspector, security service.

Depending on the size of the enterprise, the room management department may consist of one or more divisions. The main ones, which form the basis of the enterprise, are the reception service, the reception service and the maid service, as well as the reservation service.

Rice. 9. Hotel room management structure

Reservation Service

It is advisable for both the hotel and the guest that rooms are booked in advance, and the sooner the better. This allows the hotel to more systematically carry out its marketing policy, and the client pays lower prices.

In the United States, there are several ways to book rooms, regardless of whether the reservation is made traditionally or through a computer system.

It must be said that hotel accommodation, like a seat on a plane, train or bus, is a perishable product. If the opportunity to sell them is missed, it is lost forever. Therefore, the reservation service does everything in its power to fill available rooms in advance and as early as possible.

Hotels tend to host events such as symposiums, festivals, and congresses that require advance reservations. Such events are eagerly awaited throughout the year.

Rooms not booked in advance are transferred for direct sale to the accommodation service, whose responsibility is to attract the largest possible number of guests with accommodation at the highest price.

It often happens that demand at certain periods of time may exceed supply, and then the hotel makes a so-called double booking, i.e. confirms accommodation for additional groups or individuals even when all the places are already occupied.

Management faces a constant challenge: is it better to take the risk of double booking or remain with an underutilized room stock. Thus, a successful hotel walks a tightrope, balancing between underbooking and double booking. Both are bad, since in the first case the hotel misses its opportunity to get maximum profit, and in the second, it is forced to pay a penalty for refusing already confirmed accommodation.

That's why the reservations department is forced to carefully monitor the market, meticulously collecting reservation requests and catching any increase in demand that the hotel could use, increasing the cost of accommodation and giving the company more income.

Hotels work hard to research their potential customers. This is helped by numerous marketing research consumer market, constantly published in periodicals. The most attractive for hotels are businessmen and government officials, who in total make up over 60% of consumers of hotel services. A significant share of all booking requests are also sent by companies planning their conventions and conferences, city accommodation bureaus that supervise the holding of various symposiums, as well as travel agents for their tourist groups. Very often, a reservation resembles a rental, since it is carried out for a long period, a year or two, and affects several rooms and even floors.

The widespread development of hotel chains with their own network of members has given rise to a new centralized reservation system, as a result of which a large part of the hotel quota (60-70%) is under the control of the centralized reservation system of the companies. The remaining number of rooms can be booked directly by the hotel. Such a system provides great advantages to the hotel, insuring it against recession and increasing the profitability of the room stock during unfavorable periods of the year. However, this system creates difficulties during periods when the demand for hotel rooms increases significantly, and the administration could maneuver prices more flexibly, taking this into account.

Receptionist service

Technologically, the structure of the receptionist service is built in such a way that the main function - providing information - is successfully performed. Information through the receptionist service moves in two directions: to guests and to the administration. Information goes to guests when it comes to informing them about the types of services provided by the hotel. The responsibility to provide information about the hotel lies with all employees of the reception service, but it can be entirely assigned to individual employees, whose duties are limited to this. Their functions include providing information on a wide range of topics, including information about local attractions, public transport and various local features.

The immediate responsibilities of the receptionist service include transmitting information to various departments of the hotel company about the needs of clients. The content of the receptionist service may change during periods of particularly large influx of guests.

During check-in/check-out, information is exchanged with the relevant departments of the hotel. Let's assume that the combined service group consists of doormen, bellhops, and garage employees. In most cases, these employees act in accordance with information received from the reception desk.

The receptionist service is a kind of spinal cord of the entire hotel management system. This is the place where the guest turns whenever he has problems. The first impression that a guest receives from a hotel depends on the service of the receptionist.

The main task of the receptionist service is to receive and register arriving guests and place them in rooms that have been booked and ready for occupancy. The procedure for registration, reception and room preparation may vary from hotel to hotel. This largely depends on the size of the enterprise, the degree of mechanization and automation, and the availability of computer systems.

The traditional system for monitoring the number of rooms in a hotel requires that the receptionist service must have a file cabinet containing information about the occupancy of rooms and the availability of free places. This allows you to control the loading of numbers. The traditional method of control is simple and consists of having cards on which the guest’s name and all information about the timing of accommodation and the nature of payments are entered. The card is inserted into the section that corresponds to a specific hotel room.

Reception service

All hotels have a clear management hierarchy, within which all its members occupy a certain place in accordance with their status.

Many hotels make the guest arrival process seem straightforward. The guest is welcomed, his information is checked, payment is made and a room is selected. Most guests check in without a single thought about the complexity of the front office functions. Nevertheless, the registration process is quite important as an essential part of a comprehensive assessment of the hotel’s operation.

A perfect check-in goes unnoticed by the guest because the entire hotel - and the front desk - functions smoothly. From the attendant who parks the car, to the doorman who greets the guest, from the bellman who handles luggage, to the staff behind the counter, the entire system works in sync. Three to four minutes after arrival, the satisfied guest goes to his room.

The sequence of the guest arrival process can be represented as follows:

- meeting the guest with a representative of the garage service;
- meeting the guest leaving the car by the doorman;
- accommodation, which is carried out by the receptionist who directly receives the guest (checks and identifies payment for the reservation, registers the guest’s arrival);
- the bellman assists with the delivery of luggage, placing the guest in the room, and checks the receipt for accommodation;
- maid service ensures the cleanliness and comfort of the room;
- the hotel security service takes care of the safety of luggage and the security of the guest’s identity.

The maid introduces the guest to the quantity and quality of services in the rooms (video in the room, electronic lock system, energy management system, minibar, refrigerator and safe in the room, telephone service, TV shopping), and accompanies him to the room. Her responsibilities include answering all questions of interest to the guest regarding the hotel service provided and related services.

First impressions are the most important, and that is why the process of arrival and registration is often referred to in foreign literature as the “moment of truth”. Experienced managers try to make this process extremely fast and enjoyable for the guest. While waiting for baggage delivery and paperwork, travelers may be offered hot tea, coffee or soft drinks.

Front office often doesn't get a second chance to make a good first impression. The reservation department is headed by a manager who reports to the director of the service department. The reservation department is open from 8.00 to 18.00. The job of his employees is to sell all the available hotel rooms for the highest possible price, and therefore they must fight for each potential client, convincing them that their hotel not only meets his expectations, but even exceeds them. However, the client should not have the impression that they are trying to get extra money from him.

Different types of hotels differ in their level of service. This difference in service is especially noticeable during the guest arrival and check-in process. Low-end hotels generally do not have employees working with arriving guests between the front door and the front desk. In such hotels, the guest can only contact the receptionist at the counter.

Luxury hotels, on the other hand, have several representatives serving guests from the moment of arrival until the moment of check-in. Guests may meet with the garage attendant, doorman and bellhop before approaching the front desk.

The first employee that guests often encounter in a luxury hotel is the garage attendant. The garage attendant greets guests as they arrive, opens their car door, can help place luggage on a cart, and is responsible for the safety of the vehicle. This type of service is provided by many upscale hotels. However, not all full service hotels offer garage service. It is most often found in hotels located in the city center, where parking spaces are in short supply and self-parking is inconvenient for guests.

This department generates income for many hotels. By charging a guest parking fee each day, the garage department generates revenue that goes towards

To pay the costs of maintaining and insuring a parking lot or parking space. Parking fees are added directly to the guest's bill. In addition, many guests tip the attendant every time their car is parked.

Many hotels transfer the authority to provide this type of service to a private company responsible for parking operations.

The registration procedure is usually quick. The guest indicates his address, name on the registration card, signs it, and the receptionist indicates the dates of arrival and departure, number, price and personal code. From the computer, much of the data is printed during the previous night, so logging time is reduced.

Given that managers are trying to speed up this process, registration cards provide a lot of additional information. The content of these additional messages varies. Messages like these are necessary, but guests are unlikely to read them during the check-in process. Therefore, messages are repeated on notices posted in rooms.

A short list of marketing instructions and messages that are used for in-room postings (for guests willing to sacrifice the time to read them) typically includes:

General information, hotel plan, exterior view of the hotel, telephone directory of services; a list of shops located in the hall;
- staff knowledge of foreign languages;
- airport and taxi phone numbers;
- Local Attractions;
- a bus (sometimes a permanent shuttle) that will take the guest to the airport;
- currency exchange point;
- map of the city with highway markings.

In addition to general information, the guest is offered special information, including:

About the checkout time, possible allowances (discounts) in payment for the room; restrictions for visitors adopted at this hotel related to the presence of pets;
- availability of a safe for storing valuables in the room;
- benefits for people who book a room in advance.

In addition, the room contains additional instructions describing the check-out procedure; characteristics of electrical appliances; actions in case of fire; number security requirements; what to do if there are errors on the accommodation receipt; how to use internal video channels, their cost; how to use the minibar and what the cost of drinks is and how to pay for them.

Such messages are printed in several languages ​​if management is attentive to guests and the hotel wants to enter the international market.

Maid service

The head of the maid service can be called differently. Most often, this is the executive director of the maid service, the director of room maintenance, the director of in-hotel services. Be that as it may, the person holding such a position is responsible for the work of the staff in maintaining cleanliness and order in residential and office premises hotels.

Residential areas include rooms, hallways, foyers, walkways, and all public restrooms. Service premises include service areas and transitions between them, as well as all office offices. The duty of the maid service is to maintain cleanliness and order in these premises. A derivative of this function is the function of informing the receptionist service about the readiness of the rooms for occupancy.

A typical housekeeping team consists of a head housekeeper, shift managers, shift supervisors, housekeepers and workers, and in luxury hotels, also stewards. The responsibilities of these workers are to determine cycles. The head maid receives a task, which she distributes among her subordinates. Her competence includes the distribution of work taking into account the staffing table, as well as the performance of all administrative functions assigned to her by the executive director.

The shift manager carries out the orders of the head maid, as well as her duties in case she is absent. Shift supervisors provide dual oversight of shifts of maids to ensure that the premises are cleaned to standard. Their responsibility also includes transmitting information about free and occupied rooms to the receptionist service, so that the free ones are sold and the occupied ones are taken into account by the control system.

The daily duty of a maid is to perform a shift task, i.e., cleaning rooms, regardless of whether they are occupied or free, and upon completion of cleaning, inform the supervisor for the purpose of accounting and quality control.

Workers have the arduous task of moving furniture, as well as delivering clean linens and maid utility carts to the floors.

Luxury hotels have stewards who are part of the room departments. Their shift starts in the afternoon. Responsibilities include providing each room or apartment with fresh towels, making the room look elegant, and installing an extra bed.

The maid service is in most cases the most functionally significant department when it comes to providing hotel accommodation. This unit is responsible for cleaning rooms, halls, toilets, corridors and other internal areas in which clients are received and served. The maids transform the used product, which is a hotel room after the guests have checked out, into a clean and comfortable room ready for subsequent sale. The maid service operates an on-site laundry facility where used bed linens, towels, and sometimes tablecloths are turned back into clean, ready-to-use products.

The night auditor starts work around 1 am, checking and summing up guests' accounts payable.

Thus, providing quality services to everyone staying in a hotel requires a fairly extensive number of services.

Having studied the materials in this section, you have received information that:

The service provided at the hotel has its own specific characteristics;
- for the high-quality provision of hotel services, a rather complex structure has been created that is responsible for the quality, timeliness and level of service provision;
- each group of hotel staff is responsible for a certain stage of providing services to the guest.

The organizational structure of a hotel enterprise is determined by the purpose of the hotel, its location, the specifics of the guests and other factors. It is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities assigned to each of its employees.
In the hotel structure, one can distinguish a reception and accommodation service, an administrative and economic service and a security service. Let us dwell on the characteristics of these divisions and, accordingly, on the activities of the personnel performing the main activities related to the provision of hotel services.

Hotel manager
The manager bears full responsibility for the operation of the hotel as a whole and each of his employees. He is the leader of the team, and as such is responsible to the owners for how much income the hotel entrusted to him brings.

Reception and registration service
Pre-ordering of places, registration upon check-in, payment for accommodation and provision of services, check-out takes place at the reception and accommodation service, where the duty administrator, receptionist, and cashier work.

Administrative and economic (castella) service
This is the hotel's largest division in terms of staff. More than 50% of all hotel employees work there. It is headed by the director of administrative and economic services, or executive castellan. The specifics of his official duties require organizational skills, exactingness, motivation and the desire to meet high standards.

security Service
Protecting guests and their property is an important aspect of hotel operations. The money ordered by the courts to be paid by hotels to their guests whom they were unable to protect amounts to a truly enormous amount. Hotels suffer big losses if the security service is poorly organized and professionally managed. The hotel owner and employees are required by law to know and take all necessary precautions to protect guests from robbery, fraud, violence and other crimes against the person.

Room management service
The room management service deals with issues related to booking rooms, receiving tourists arriving at the hotel, registering them and placing them in their rooms, as well as sending them home or to the next point of the travel route after the end of the tour, provides service to tourists in the rooms, and maintains the necessary sanitary conditions. -hygienic condition of rooms and level of comfort in residential premises, provides household services to guests.

Reservation Service
It is advisable for both the hotel and the guest that rooms are booked in advance, and the sooner the better. This allows the hotel to more systematically implement its marketing policy, and the client pays lower prices.

Receptionist service
Technologically, the structure of the receptionist service is built in such a way that the main function - providing information - is successfully performed. Information through the receptionist service moves in two directions: to guests and to the administration. Information goes to guests when it comes to informing them about the types of services provided by the hotel. The responsibility to provide information about the hotel lies with all employees of the reception service, but it can be entirely assigned to individual employees, whose duties are limited to this. Their functions include providing information on a wide range of topics, including information about local attractions, public transport and various local features.

Reception service
All hotels have a clear management hierarchy, within which all its members occupy a certain place in accordance with their status.

Maid service
The head of the maid service can be called differently. Most often, this is the executive director of the maid service, the director of room maintenance, the director of in-hotel services. Be that as it may, the person holding such a position is responsible for the work of the staff to maintain cleanliness and order in the residential and service areas of the hotel.

22)Organizational structure of hotel management

Organizational structure of hotel management The main function of a hotel company is to provide temporary housing to all travelers. Moreover, the housing is quite comfortable and relatively inexpensive, optimally combining price and quality. In modern conditions, the control system must be simple and flexible in order to be competitive. It must have the following characteristics:

A small number of management levels;
- compact units staffed by qualified specialists;
- production of services and organization of work aimed at consumers (guests of the enterprise).

Management classic Henri Fayol formulated the following principles for creating a good organization, which should include the following components.

1. Unity of management. Regardless of the structure of the organization, the degree of decentralization and delegation of authority, one person must bear full and absolute responsibility for the activities of the entire enterprise.
2. Scalar method of transfer of authority. Full and absolute responsibility means the right not only to manage, but also to transfer and delegate part of the powers to other persons along the line of management.
3. Unity of subordination. Any employee can and should have only one manager.
4. The principle of correspondence, meaning that delegated authority must correspond to the level of responsibility. If a person is assigned certain responsibilities, then he must be given the appropriate powers necessary to fulfill these responsibilities.
5. Communication, both formal and informal, must be established and maintained at all times.
6. Flexibility. The structure of the organization should allow adjustments to be made in connection with changes in methods, objectives, goals, scale commercial activities, the emergence of new technologies and resources.
7. Availability of all levels of the organization. Any employee of the organization should have the right and opportunity to file a complaint, comment or make a complaint to the appropriate manager.
8. The essence of the organizational structure is the delegation of rights and responsibilities for the division of labor. The organizational structure of a hotel is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities assigned to each of its employees.

The purpose of the organizational structure is:

Division of labor;
- defining the tasks and responsibilities of employees;
- definition of roles and relationships (the powers that bind senior management with lower levels of employees. These relationships are established through delegation, which means the transfer of powers and tasks to a person who takes responsibility for their implementation).

For efficient work management must distribute among employees all those tasks that are necessary to achieve the goal of the enterprise.

But if existing tasks are not delegated, then the manager will have to perform them himself.

23) Hotel administrative service

Administrative service- a hotel division responsible for organizing the management of all services of the hotel complex, resolving financial issues, staffing issues, etc. Its functions include: organizing the management of all services of the hotel complex, resolving financial issues, personnel management, monitoring compliance with norms and regulations on labor protection, safety, fire and environmental safety. It consists of: a secretariat, a financial service, a personnel service, an ecologist, and fire and safety inspectors.

The administrative service includes the general director, his deputies in areas, assistants to the general director, press secretaries, and auditors. The management team of the organization is responsible for all areas of the hotel’s activities: management, marketing, finance, personnel management, organizational culture, production. High management efficiency indicators are unattainable without centralization of management and the formation of an integrated administrative system.

Related information.

Existing hotel information systems are combined into various services. In first place is internal organization, which is designed to guide employees and direct their activities to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

Strict subordination and internal communications of the organization will help to correctly design information systems.

The structure of the hotel enterprise includes the following services:

1) service department;

2) food complex;

3) HR department, accounting department.

The service department includes:

1) chief administrator;

2) room management service;

4) reservation department;

5) reservation department;

6) administrative and economic unit;

8) service personnel (receptionist service, maid service);

9) security service;

10) financial service;

11) personnel service;

12) secretariat;

13) night auditor.

The food complex may consist of:

2) restaurant;

3) bars, cafes;

4) sections for cleaning interior spaces and washing dishes;

5) public events service department.

Now let's take a closer look at each department. Most hotels have a linear-functional management structure.

Main Responsibilities chief administrator can be considered maintaining balance guest accounts, offering hotel services to guests (delivery of mail, messages, faxes, etc.), managing the sales of rooms. The chief administrator controls the automated management system. A computerized control system is a system consisting of a set of computer programs that can collect and use information for the operation of management and support offices. IN automatic system management includes four particularly important programs that provide the administrator with the necessary information in such areas as:

1) general management issues;

2) management of payments to guests;

3) management of the reservation service;

4) guest service management.

Room management service reserves rooms, receives guests, registers them and places them, maintains the sanitary and hygienic condition of the rooms, and also provides household services to guests.

The service includes:

1) director;

2) room management manager;

3) reception and accommodation service;

4) maid service;

5) customer service;

6) messenger service;

7) porter service;

8) concierge service;

9) security service.

Reception and accommodation service. The guest's first impression of the hotel depends on this service. The tasks of the service are to control the process of receiving and accommodating guests and resolving conflicts. The accommodation service uses unreserved rooms to sell directly to customers at a higher price.

Reservation service. The manager who heads this service reports to the director of the service department. The main task of managers is to sell all empty hotel rooms as expensive as possible, convincing the client that the hotel meets his requirements and even exceeds his expectations. A manager must fight for every client.

Reservation Service collects reservation requests and monitors the increase in demand, based on which it increases the cost of accommodation. Rooms that have not been pre-booked are transferred to the accommodation service for the purpose of their subsequent sale at a higher price. The responsibilities of this service include monitoring the situation in the hotel, collecting applications for reserving available rooms and identifying opportunities for increasing demand, which the hotel could use to increase the cost of accommodation in order to generate more income for the company.

Administrative Housekeeping Service- This is the largest service, employing about 50% of all employees. Surveys conducted among guests highlight the importance of this service.

Communications Service Provides internal communications for official use and communication with the client. The communication center operates 24 hours a day.

Service staff. At the head is a manager, whose subordination includes doormen, receptionists and bellhops.

Doormen greet guests at the entrance to the hotel. They are usually dressed in brightly colored uniforms. The responsibilities of doormen include greeting guests, helping them get out of their cars, or calling a taxi.

Receptionist service exercises control over the hotel's room stock, maintaining a card index of room occupancy and availability, and performs the functions of an information center. Information through the receptionist service moves in two directions - to guests (if we are talking about information about the types of services provided by the hotel, local attractions, public transport, etc.) and to various departments of the hotel enterprise.

Maid service is the most functionally significant division when it comes to receiving hotel accommodation services, since this division is responsible for cleaning rooms, halls, corridors and other internal premises in which clients are received and served. The responsibilities of this service include cleaning rooms, halls, and corridors.

The person in charge of the maid service is responsible for the work of the staff to maintain cleanliness and order in the residential and office premises of the hotel.

The head maid receives instructions from the director and conveys them to her subordinates, distributes responsibilities among them, while simultaneously performing administrative functions assigned to her by the executive director.

Bellhops must accompany the guest to his room, help carry luggage and settle into the room. The bellhop explains to the guest what and how it works, for example, laundry, TV, room service, restaurant, swimming pool.

Security Service performs the functions of maintaining order and security in the hotel, as the establishment is responsible for providing the reasonable safety of its customers. This service deals with issues such as the development of emergency response strategies, day-to-day room security, key control, hotel entrance control, territory control, safes, information collection and storage, and alarm systems.

The hotel company can entrust these duties to its own service or involve a third party.

Administered administration services all are located financial questions and personnel. This service creates and maintains the necessary conditions labor for personnel, monitors the norms and regulations of safety, fire and environmental safety. She manages and is responsible for all hotel services. Administrative services include:

1) financial service;

2) personnel service;

3) secretariat;

4) fire safety engineer;

5) safety engineer.

Financial service deals with the financial support of the enterprise, receives reports from the cashiers of each outlet of the enterprise, including the food service, the receptionist service, souvenir kiosks and sports complexes, if any. The service in question maintains a unified financial accounting of expenses and income of the enterprise, income from retail outlets, carries out operations to record paid working hours, paid bonuses, as well as tips received by individual employees.

Personnel department resolves issues of selection, placement and advanced training of personnel. The responsibilities of this unit include maintaining the personal affairs of all hotel employees.

Secretariat deals with issues of documentation and information support for the activities of the hotel complex.

Night auditor. His job begins at night and consists of checking and summing up guests' accounts payable.

Service Catering serves guests in cafes, bars, restaurants on the hotel premises, and also organizes and serves banquets, presentations, etc.

Catering service includes:

3) restaurants;

The responsibilities of the head of the catering service are:

1) menu preparation;

2) delivery of necessary products;

3) quality control of finished products;

4) distribution of service personnel among areas.

Food service departments are headed by managers. This department includes managers who monitor room service.

The basis of all restaurants is the menu, according to which guests are served.

Kitchen. The role of this service is very important, since every person has a need for food. Vacationers experience a greater sense of satisfaction if the food has been prepared in a tasty and nutritious manner. A lot depends on the qualifications of the cooks.

This service includes restaurants, bars, cafes, and room service.

The only thing that can spoil the impression of well-prepared food is poor service. To prevent this from happening, the staff must serve the guest on time.

For the proper functioning of the kitchen, timely delivery of food and drinks in sufficient quantity and proper quality is necessary. The food and beverage department monitors those products and drinks that are in greatest demand, constantly looking for opportunities to update the range.

Transportation Department serves guests by bringing them to the hotel, providing tourists with cars for use, and ensuring timely delivery of food and drinks.

Gambling establishments, leisure centers offer hotel clients gambling services, such as slot machines, casinos, and all kinds of games and entertainment. The leisure center organizes various meetings, concerts, excursions, various clubs based on the interests and hobbies of guests, etc. In a word, this department is involved in attracting guests to active recreation.

Commercial service analyzes the results of economic and financial activities. The commercial service is headed by a commercial director. He supervises the organization of banquet services. Representatives of commercial services are looking for contacts with organizers of congress events, discussing the use of hotel premises for meetings.

Engineering Services are responsible for the technical equipment and equipment of the hotel (air conditioning systems, heat supply, etc.).

Engineering services include:

1) chief engineer;

2) current repair service;

3) territory improvement service;

4) communication service.

Add to list support services includes laundry and linen services, cleaning services, and warehouse.

Part additional services Paid services included:

2) swimming pool;

3) hairdresser;

4) solarium;

5) sports facilities and other units.

There are also hidden units in hotels. This sales department And marketing.

The responsibilities of sales and marketing employees can be divided into four groups, including:

1) sale of a hotel product;

2) sale of services for organizing business seminars and conferences;

4) public relations.

The marketing department works in close cooperation with the administrative service. The task of marketers is to research the market and determine the segment in which they will work. They also study the work of their competitors, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. If a guest has any need, the administrative service notifies not only the department that can satisfy this need, but also the marketing department.

The marketing department is an analytical center that collects various types of information and builds a sales strategy on its basis.

Information department consists of systems divided into several modules.

Manager module(hotel management support system). It creates reports automatically. You can, for example, set the system to print reports on the activities of various departments at certain times.

Administrative Service Module. This system collects data on the technical condition of rooms, the status of rooms, room prices, and the current occupancy of the hotel. With its help, reservations and registration of guests are carried out, and regular customers. We can say that the administrative service maintains the guest’s personal account, which reflects the expenses that the guest made in the room, the payment for food in a restaurant, dry cleaning, etc.

Reservation department module designed for automated operation of the room reservation department.

Power Division Module. The kitchen receives information from suppliers, from the room service department to the central kitchen terminal - orders from hotel clients. Orders are also transferred from the sales floors.

Maids department module. This module is used to provide information about the status of rooms. Each number is assigned a status of either “Free” or “Busy”.

The information department is located outside the hotel and therefore is not part of the main network of the hotel complex. Information workers are “suppliers” to hotel guests and therefore have no direct connection with the hotel's internal departments.

Occupies a special place in any hotel enterprise supervisor. Decisions of a strategic nature (focus on resort services, the procedure and system of settlements with clients) are made owner, general director or hotel manager, which occupy a central place in the field of management.

The general director or manager are representatives of the owner of the enterprise to the management staff, on the one hand, and guests of the enterprise, on the other.

In addition, the general director solves problems related to the general areas of the enterprise’s activities, including the implementation of financial policy, which may include determining limits on personnel costs, maximum allocations for administrative and business needs, purchasing policy issues, etc.

In large hotels and hotels, there is an executive committee and the position of executive director for round-the-clock supervision and control of staff. The presence of an executive committee is typical for hotel enterprises where there is a share of foreign capital. This committee includes heads of various departments of the hotel enterprise.

Heads of structural divisions make decisions within their divisions and are responsible to senior management.

Hotels also have middle management, which includes certain management services. Each service has a manager, assistant manager, supervisor and hostess.

In the entire management hierarchy, management occupies a dominant role. In order for local management to be more effective, it is necessary to have several levels of management, and there should be a minimum number of units.

3.2. Types of hotels and their classification in Russia and abroad

Hotel– a house for temporary residence of visitors with single or multiple rooms and services.

Currently, all over the world, all hotel industry enterprises are subject to mandatory classification, the purpose of which is to determine whether the hotel and rooms meet the established criteria.

Hotels are classified according to different criteria, but there are several most common classifications. It should be noted that attempts have been made to create a unified classification of hotel enterprises, but such a classification still does not exist.

IN Russian Federation classification of hotels is carried out on the basis of the order of the Federal Agency for Tourism dated July 21, 2005 No. 86 “On approval of the Classification System for hotels and other accommodation facilities.” The normative act replaced the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2003 No. 197 “On approval of the Regulations on the state system of classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities,” which became invalid.

The above-mentioned normative act establishes the organizational structure of the classification system and its participants, the procedure for carrying out classification, the forms of documents required for classification, and others no less important points. Increased attention is focused on the services provided by the hotel, food and staff qualifications.

The goals pursued by the state hotel classification system:

1) achieve stability in the quality of service;

2) bring the Russian classification system into line with international standards;

3) differentiate hotels depending on the range and quality of services provided;

4) help the consumer make the right choice based on their own needs;

5) guarantee to the consumer that the hotel’s star rating is based on the results of the classification and corresponds to the category;

6) increase the competitiveness of hotels;

7) promote the development of tourism in the country, as this will lead to an increase in the revenue side of the country’s budget.

The classification system took into account previous errors that arose as a result of assessing a number of rooms, rather than the entire stock of rooms, as this led to inconsistencies in the quality of the rooms of this stock. Now an expert assessment of 100% of the numbers is provided, and the category is assigned according to the worst number.

The modern classification procedure consists of three stages.

First stage. It is assessed whether the hotel meets the requirements set out in the classification system for the accommodation facility as a whole. This procedure is needed to assign a category number from “No stars” to “Five stars”.

The classification is based on a point system. At the moment, not just the quantity of technical and other means of the room is being assessed, but also their quality. To be assigned a category, you must score a certain number of points. Thus, the category “Five Stars” corresponds to 120 points, “Four Stars” – 100 points, “Three Stars” – 80 points, “Two Stars” – 50 points, “One Star” – 20 points. The total score ultimately determines which category should be assigned to the hotel.

An expert commission of a single classification body is involved to carry out the assessment. The responsibilities of this body include organizing the work of experts throughout the country using a unified methodology and drawing up protocols and reports on the work performed.

The second stage is primarily the work of the certification commission, which is created by the governing body of the system.

The certification commission includes:

1) the chairman of the certification commission, elected by the members of the commission;

2) representatives of the federal executive body in the field of tourism;

3) representatives of the central body of the System of Classification of Hotels and Other Accommodation Facilities (CHS);

4) representatives of tourism industry organizations and other organizations operating in the field of tourism (clause 6.4. Classification system for hotels and other accommodation facilities, approved by order of the Federal Tourism Agency of July 21, 2005 No. 86). According to the provisions of the said System, representatives of classification bodies and executive authorities in the field of tourism of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can take part in meetings of the certification commission.

The third stage is expert control of classified hotels and other accommodation facilities.

Expert control classified hotels and other accommodation facilities is carried out in the form of inspections and is established for the entire period of validity of the category certificate. The organization of inspections is carried out by classification bodies (clause 7.4 of the System).

Checks can be of two types:

1) next;

2) extraordinary.

According to the above-mentioned paragraph of the System, the procedure for conducting regular expert inspections is determined by the certification commission when making a decision on certification of a hotel and other accommodation facility. During the inspection, experts check the elimination of inconsistencies identified during previous inspections, but which did not influence the decision to issue/confirm the validity of a category certificate, and also record inconsistencies that arose during the past period. Based on the results of the inspection, the classification body draws up an expert inspection report and sends it to the CSC for submission to the certification commission, which makes a decision on confirming the category certificate. The decision is transferred to the DSP for registration and forwarding to the applicant with notification of receipt.

Extraordinary inspections are carried out as directed by the DSP in the following cases:

1) if there is information about claims against a hotel and other accommodation facility that has a category certificate received by the federal executive body in the field of tourism, the central public service center or executive authorities in the field of tourism of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

2) in case of significant changes in the technology of service provision, organizational structure and staffing of a hotel and other accommodation facility, which may affect the quality of services provided (clause 7.4 of the System).

If the results of the inspection are negative, the certification commission has the right to decide to suspend or cancel the validity of the category certificate. The decision is transferred to the DSP for delivery to the applicant with notification of delivery (clause 7.4.1 of the System).

Upon expiration of the validity period of the category certificate, re-classification is carried out (clause 7.5 of the System).

Classification system- This is a voluntary procedure. But at present, the state assessment system has proven itself on the positive side, as it helps to increase the competitiveness of the hotel enterprise and leads to an increase in its occupancy and income.

Get the desired information about all businesses that meet the requirements state system, can be found on the official website of the federal executive body in the field of tourism.

There is no doubt that the current hotel classification system helps to improve the quality of service in Russian hotels.

Hotels are classified according to various criteria, for example, depending on the size of the room or its type, the level of comfort, the number of services provided and other factors.

The classification allows the client to choose a hotel according to his needs that would match the quality of service and infrastructure.

Hotels differ on the following grounds:

1) form of ownership;

2) room price;

3) location;

4) comfort;

5) capacity;

6) duration of work;

7) food;

8) length of stay;

9) functional purpose;

10) type of construction of the hotel building;

11) accommodation facilities.

Depending on the form of ownership, the following hotels are distinguished:

1) municipally owned;

2) privately owned;

3) departmental;

4) mixed ownership;

5) belonging to public organizations;

6) created with the involvement of foreign capital.

Depending on the price per room, the following hotels can be distinguished:

1) budget;

2) economy class;

3) average;

4) first-class;

5) apartments;

6) fashionable.

Classification of hotels by location:

1) located within the city;

2) located on the sea coast (distance from the sea plays a big role);

3) located in the mountains.

Classification of hotel enterprises by comfort level:

1) general characteristics all available rooms (room area, number of single, multi-room rooms);

2) technical condition furniture, equipment;

3) availability and conditions in restaurants, cafes, bars;

4) architectural and technical condition of buildings;

5) arrangement of both the hotel territory and the adjacent one;

6) technical equipment rooms and the entire hotel as a whole;

7) additional services.

Depending on the capacity, hotels are distinguished:

1) small sizes (up to 100 rooms);

2) medium size (from 100 to 300 rooms);

3) large sizes (from 300 to 1000 rooms);

4) gigantic size (more than 1000 rooms).

Depending on the duration of operation, hotels are:

1) year-round;

2) two-season;

3) one-season.

Depending on the food provided, there are:

1) full board (accommodation and three meals a day);

2) accommodation and breakfast only.

Depending on the length of stay of hotel guests, there are:

1) designed for a long stay of the guest;

2) designed for a short duration of the guest’s stay.

Depending on the functional purpose:

1) target hotels, which include:

a) business hotels;

b) hotels for holidays;

2) transit hotels intended for short-term stops;

3) hotels intended for permanent residence of guests.

Depending on the type of structure and material used for construction, the following hotels can be distinguished:

1) frame;

2) monolithic;

3) block.

Let's take a closer look classification of accommodation facilities.

Based on the standard classification of accommodation facilities, we can distinguish:

1) collective accommodation facilities- an enterprise that has a unified management apparatus and constantly provides visitors with accommodation and accommodation services in rooms (the number of rooms must be more than ten);

2) individual accommodation facilities, which include apartments, rooms in apartments, houses for rent.

Collective accommodation facilities are divided into two large subtypes:

1) hotel-type enterprises - buildings in which the number of rooms exceeds 100. Hotel-type enterprises have the following significant differences:

a) size (less than 100 rooms, from 100 to 300 rooms, over 300 rooms);

b) luxury hotels, first class hotels and economy class hotels, depending on the level and quality of service;

c) type of management;

2) specialized enterprises - facilities that specialize not just in accommodating clients, but also perform some other specialized function.

The following are distinguished: specialized accommodation facilities:

1) establishments designed to improve the health of their guests (sanatoriums, dispensaries);

2) rest houses, labor and recreation camps, tourist, sports centers, recreation centers;

3) tourist sites;

4) transport, both land and water, adapted for overnight accommodation;

5) campsites.

The above parameters play an important role in the classification of hotels.

Let's take a closer look at the typology of hotels. So, the following is currently used all over the world hotel typology.

Hotel. One of the types of enterprise. Usually located in a large city. The hotel offers a wide range of services provided by a large staff of staff

Luxury hotel. An enterprise located in the city center and having a small number of rooms. Mainly located in the center of a large city with a developed economy. Characterized by the presence of good staff who can satisfy the needs of the most demanding guest. The room price is usually very high, since the hotel provides all possible types of services.

The next type of hotel is middle class hotel, an enterprise located in the city center or city limits, with a capacity larger than a luxury hotel (400–2000 beds). It includes a fairly large list of services, which is why the prices are not lower than a luxury hotel. Designed to accommodate businessmen, individual tourists, participants of congresses and conferences. Highly qualified personnel perform all types of services.

Hotel-resort (resort hotel) located in a resort area, near lakes, mountains, oceans, etc. It offers a full range of services, including here you can even get a range of special medical care and dietary nutrition.

Private hotel. It is small in capacity and located in suburban and rural areas. Such hotels are also called “bed and breakfast” because the service usually includes breakfast and early dinner in a homely setting. The services of such hotels are often used by businessmen and route tourists seeking the comfort of home.

Hotel-apartment– from small to medium sizes, with a capacity of up to 400 seats. Located in large cities with a large number of visiting citizens. They are similar to apartment-type hotels and are used as temporary housing. Designed for family tourists and businessmen, merchants staying for a long time. The price depends on the length of stay. Average level of service (self-service).

Motel. Hotels of this type are usually located outside the city, near highways; these are medium-sized enterprises with a capacity of up to 400 beds. Due to the small number of staff, such hotels are characterized by an average level of service. The number of staff is small.

Economy class hotel. The enterprise is of medium capacity, approximately 150 places. Located near highways, in rural or suburban areas. This type of hotel has a limited range of services and is characterized by simple and fast service. The main contingent is businessmen and individual tourists (travelers) who want to save on accommodation.

Flytel is an air hotel, or, as it is also called, a “flying hotel.” An extremely rare, expensive and scarce type of hotel. Equipped with a landing pad.

Flotel- a large floating hotel, it is also called a “resort on the water”, providing tourists with a first-class vacation. The hotel offers comfortable rooms, a large number of services, such as snorkeling equipment, a swimming pool, water skiing, libraries, gyms, scuba diving and spearfishing. The rooms are comfortable, equipped with telephones, faxes, televisions, etc.

Aparthotel consists of several apartments, the price of which does not depend on the number of guests living in them. Based on self-service (guests prepare their own food).

Gostiny Dvor has simple maintenance. There must be a restaurant or bar.

Bungalow– a small building made of lightweight materials designed to accommodate tourists.

Camping– places to stay overnight, often in tents or summer houses. Clients are car, motorcycle, and bicycle tourists.

Rotel– a mobile hotel consisting of specialized trailers with several compartments separated from each other, equipped with sleeping chairs. The compartments also have a locker room, a refrigerator, and a toilet.

Botel– a small hotel located on the water. It is a converted sailing vessel.

Aquatel- a stationary ship, not suitable for its intended purpose and used as a hotel.

Let's consider another classification of hotels - by location. Depending on this, hotels can be called central (located in the city center), resort (in a resort area), casino (in one of the gambling centers), air terminal (near the airport), highway (on the highway).

Central hotels located in the city center, convenient for visitors both on business and for entertainment. They can be intended for short-term and long-term residence. They offer a wide variety of services and living conditions. Usually hotels have restaurants, cafes, bars, lounges, dance halls, and clubs.

Resort hotels. Their construction began to grow with the development of railway transport. City residents flock to exotic regions during the holidays. At first these resort hotels were seasonal. But as automobiles and airplanes made even remote regions accessible and people began to travel more frequently, many resorts became year-round resorts. Some of them have a sports bias (the list of services includes water skiing, golf, fishing), others specialize in family recreation. Many hotels, in order to survive in a competitive environment, are forced to be resourceful, catering to different types of guests. Some hotels do not allow guests with children, adapting to the tastes of others who do not like children's noise. Other hotels organize full-fledged family vacations. Such hotels provide for the organization of activities for children and give parents the opportunity to relax in adult company.

Airport hotels they do not complain about the lack of clients, since many passengers pass through the airports - business travelers and vacationers (both single and in groups). Some people stay in such hotels because they arrived on a late or early flight, others because they are making a transfer. Airport hotels are full-service hotels (with a capacity of 200–600 rooms). Due to the fact that many guests have difficulty adjusting to the time zone, hotels are forced to extend the opening hours of restaurants, bars, cafes, room service, in general, work around the clock. To attract business people, some hotels have begun to equip special meeting rooms.

Hotels on the motorway became popular in the 1950–1960s. Americans need hotels of this type due to the development of the automobile industry. They needed a convenient and inexpensive place to stay for the night so they could simply come, rent a room and park their car under its windows. Over time, some amenities were added, such as restaurants, swimming pools, game rooms, lounges, satellite TV. Such hotels are usually located on the outskirts of large and small cities.

There is another method of classifying hotels - by type of service. They come in full-service, economy class, extended stay hotels and apartments.

IN full service hotels offer a full range of services, amenities and comfort. These hotels also have restaurants, cafes, bars, lounges, banquet halls, and conference rooms. For business people there is a business center, fax, and computer modem.

Budget and economy hotels offer clean and spacious rooms without frills. These types of hotels became popular and focused on overnight accommodation rather than food for guests. These hotels have no restaurants at all; the only thing they can offer is breakfast (tea or coffee with a bun).

Extended stay hotels. Such hotels are aimed at long-term stays of guests. But if they have rooms available, they accept guests for a short period of time. Guests who rent rooms for a long time receive a discount depending on the length of stay. The clients of such hotels are mainly businessmen and technical intellectuals or families who have changed their place of residence. These hotels are equipped with a kitchen with a stove and cooking utensils. Guests are offered free breakfast and evening cocktails. Some hotels have a business center and lounges.

Apartment hotels. These hotels offer a homely experience to their clients who are in their city for various reasons. They have additional space in the form of a living room with upholstered furniture, as well as a small kitchen with a pantry for food.

Today there are about 30 different hotel classification systems. Each country, as a rule, has its own standards based on cultural and national characteristics.

The most common classifications:

1) star system. Hotels are divided into categories from one to five stars. The more stars, the more services the hotel provides;

2) letter system. Hotels are divided into four categories, designated by the letters A, B, C, D;

3) crown (or key) system;

4) Indian point system. Points are given by an expert commission.

Let's move on to consider the international classification of hotels.

In many European countries, as well as China and Egypt, as well as in Russia, a star classification system for hotels is used.

One star hotel. These hotels are mainly used by independent travelers. Travel companies almost never offer such hotels for accommodation. These hotels are usually located on the outskirts or near the center. This is usually a very small hotel (six to ten rooms), served by one family. No meals are provided here.

Two star hotel. Travel agencies offer such hotels when tourists only need bed and breakfast. Sometimes the two-star level implies the presence of amenities (shower and TV). Breakfast is usually provided.

Three star hotel. Such hotels are the best choice for most regular travelers. They are the most common throughout the world. The rooms of such hotels are equipped with all amenities (telephone, TV, possibly minibar). Hotel service in different countries of the world may differ significantly from each other.

Four star hotel. These are hotels with a high level of service. They are distinguished by a high level of comfort and a convenient location. They are mainly located in the city center. Hotels of this category, as a rule, provide many additional free services. Possibility of unlimited access to the gym and swimming pools. In a four-star hotel, the room looks like an ordinary living room with standard household appliances.

Five star hotel is a city with the infrastructure necessary for life. These hotels have several restaurants, bars, a nightclub and shops, as well as hairdressers and laundries, fitness and business centers, swimming pools and beauty salons. The rooms of a five-star hotel should have a full set of necessary cosmetics in the bathroom, slippers in front of the bed, a minibar, a telephone, a color TV, air conditioning and other luxuries that make life easier.

In Greece, the letter classification system is popular. They are divided, as mentioned, into four categories: A, B, C, D. Category A corresponds to a four-star hotel, category B to a three-star hotel, C to a two-star hotel, category D to a hotel of the highest category.

The classification of English hotels is quite complex. On the facades of hotels there are not stars, but crowns. To find out the hotel category, you need to subtract one from the total number of crowns.

The UK is characterized by a “crown” system, which is considered the most correct. This classification was proposed by the Association of British Travel Agents:

1) budget hotels (one crown), they are located in the central part of the city and have a minimum of amenities;

2) tourist class hotels (two crowns) have a bar and restaurant;

3) middle class hotels (three crowns) have a high level of service;

4) first class hotels (four crowns);

The classification of Italian hotels is quite confusing; there is no official “star” scale in the country. According to the standards adopted in Italy, hotels are classified into three categories. The first category can be conditionally classified as four-star; the second category - to three-star, the third category - to two-star.

Different countries have their own classification of hotels. Hotels of the same category located in different countries have significant differences. Therefore, when choosing a hotel, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the assessment adopted in a particular state.



Department of Management


by discipline


Option No. 12

Is done by a student:

4th year, ZMO-7.1

Kurbanova Z.A.

"__" ______ 2010

1. Functional and technological structure of the hotel enterprise

Functional services of a hotel enterprise: auxiliary and additional services; concept of technology, technological structure and content of technological processes in a hotel, their equipment and technical equipment, spatial and planning organization; life support systems in a hotel. These functions are described in more detail in Table 1.

Table 1.


Functions performed

senior managers link

carries out daily operational management of the hotel staff, supervises the work of subordinates and resolves all emerging problems. At the same time, it must also provide strategic management objectives. It is the CEO who represents to the board of directors financial plan(budget) of the hotel and is responsible for its implementation. In addition to annual plans, the CEO is responsible for developing a long-term (usually five-year) plan that defines the long-term goals of the enterprise and develops strategies to achieve those goals.

food services

engineering and technology services

In addition to restaurants, a large hotel necessarily has several smaller catering establishments: bars, coffee shops, buffets, etc.

In small hotels, the restaurant chef also combines the functions of a manager.

The restaurant business is by no means a simple business, although, at first glance, the formula for success is quite simple: a combination of good food, good service and time

security services

For successful work It is very important for the security service to have a good relationship with other departments of the hotel, primarily with the financial department and the personnel department. Security control must be combined with financial control, and together with the personnel department, the security service develops and monitors those entering work in order to exclude the admission of criminal elements.

The security service develops a project for the hotel's security system, which is approved by the general director after discussion with the heads of other departments. This document covers all aspects of security (the functions of the security service, its relationships with other departments, the system of technical security equipment, the actions of hotel employees in critical situations - fire, explosion threat, etc.).

procurement services

The function of the department is to purchase the necessary goods of the required quality at a reasonable price in right time. At the same time, the optimal amount of inventory in the hotel must be maintained, since storage costs money, and many purchased goods may deteriorate if stored for an excessively long time.

Planning organization of technological processes of the floor of a hotel-type enterprise: planning organization of the main technical process of consumption of services for the composition of rooms, planning organization of the main technical cycle of consumption of services in rooms and their classification according to the level of comfort and capacity; planning organization of the servicing technical cycle of consumption of services in the service premises of the residential floor of the hotel, their planning and classification by location on the residential floor, composition of the premises; types of horizontal and vertical communications on the residential floor, planning organization of the servicing technical cycle of service consumption; standards, their impact on technological processes on the residential floor.

2. Principles for constructing the organizational structure of a hotel enterprise

The organizational structure of an enterprise is a form of division of labor that assigns certain management functions to structural divisions different levels of hierarchy.

The organizational structure of enterprise management is adequate to the structure of the enterprise itself and corresponds to the scale and functional purpose of the managed objects. Large enterprises specializing in the production of complex and labor-intensive types of products (for example, cars, aircraft, metals, petroleum products, etc.) usually consist of dozens of workshops, laboratories and departments. To coordinate their activities, a complex hierarchical management structure is created.

The need to create a multi-echelon management system is often due to the diversification of production. Release wide range products that are technologically unrelated to each other often requires the formation of production and sales management bodies for each type of product. At the same time, small enterprises are characterized by the presence of the simplest organizational structures: manager - executive. The organizational structure of management at an enterprise is built on the principle of subordination of a lower body to a higher one. For example, the heads of a workshop laboratory or a workshop accounting department report respectively to the management of the central factory laboratory and the chief accountant of the enterprise. The heads of workshops and departments report either directly to the director or to one of the deputy directors.

The essence of management is the collection, processing, storage and issuance of information in the form of programs, plans, orders, standards, tasks. Each of these documents contains detailed information about what, when and by whom should be done, to what extent certain resources can be used, from whom to obtain source materials and to whom to transfer finished product. They indicate the rights and obligations of performers, establish the necessary technical, economic and social restrictions, and provide for control of execution.

The internal structure of management bodies is mainly stepwise, especially in large and medium-sized enterprises.

The changing nature of demand and the need to maintain or expand market niches require increasingly more dynamism from organizational structures. Increasingly, we have to change products, expand the range, and diversify production. Under these conditions, first of all, material flows and connections between production units change; in more complex conditions, the composition and specialization of the elements of the production structure changes with a corresponding change in connections. The development of such processes was the impetus for the emergence of project management and matrix schemes. In large firms of a predominantly corporate type, the practice of industrialized countries has led to a transition from a linear-functional scheme to divisional structures.

The organizational management structure must meet a number of specific criteria that characterize its optimality. These include:

The shortest path from the control system link to the controlled object;

Optimal number of steps and links;

The smallest number of “inputs” and “outputs” of each link;

A clear composition of types of management work for each link;

No duplication of work.

There is no single organizational structure for enterprise management that is optimal for all situations. The relative effectiveness of a particular type of structure is determined by various external and internal conditions, as well as the strategies implemented.

When developing a management structure, it is important to study the specifics of organizational relationships and, on the basis of this, develop recommendations for creating a rational organizational management structure.

Let's consider the main types of enterprise management structures: hierarchical (bureaucratic, rigid) and organic (flexible).

2.1 Hierarchical type of management structures

Management structures at many modern enterprises built in accordance with management principles formulated at the beginning of the 20th century. The most complete formulation of these principles was given by the German sociologist Max Weber (the concept of rational bureaucracy), which include:

· the principle of hierarchy of management levels, in which each lower level is controlled by a higher one and is subordinate to it;

· the principle of compliance of the powers and responsibilities of management employees with their place in the hierarchy;

· the principle of division of labor into separate functions and specialization of workers according to the functions performed;

· the principle of formalization and standardization of activities, ensuring the uniformity of employees’ performance of their duties and the coordination of various tasks;

· the principle of impersonality in the performance of their functions by employees;

Applied to production structure Enterprise linear-functional management structure has a number of varieties: corps, shop and non-shop.

Fig.1. Case control circuit

Fig.2. Workshop control diagram.

Rice. 3. Shopless control scheme.

The hull management structure is used in very large enterprises, primarily in mechanical engineering, where a variety of products are produced in mass quantities for a given type of product.

The shop management structure has become widespread in large and medium-sized enterprises.

A shopless management structure is appropriate for small enterprises with a workforce of less than 1000 people (for enterprises in the machine-building complex). The advantage of this structure is that production shops, regardless of their location on the factory territory, are freed from performing administrative and economic functions, which are transferred entirely to the plant management.

2.2 Organic type of management structures

The main property of management structures organic type is their ability to change their shape, adapting to changing conditions. When introducing these structures, it is necessary to simultaneously change the relationships between the divisions of the enterprise. If you maintain the system of planning, control, distribution of resources, leadership style, methods of motivating staff, and do not support the desire of employees for self-development, the results of the implementation of such structures may be negative.

2.3 New in types of organizations

In the last quarter of the 20th century. humanity has entered a new stage of its development - the stage of building an information society. Originated back in the 20s. in the depths of industrial society, it gave its first sprouts in the 40s, and in the 50s. They began to talk about the onset of the information economy and the transformation of information into the most important commodity. In the 60s There were predictions about the transformation of an industrial society into an information society. In the early 80s. the most developed countries have already risen to its first stage.

During the formation of a new society, material production, worldview, life and education, art and culture undergo radical changes. Not only the forms, but also the content of activities change. In this context, it is important to understand the new requirements that the information society places on the design of an organization, the integration or division of work in it. If in before information society If the principle “everyone should know/be able to do so much that in total everyone knows/can do everything” applies, then in the information society the principle “everyone should know/be able to do so much about everything in order to be independent in their interaction with others” applies.

The progress of computer science destroyed the isolation of organizations and made those that used structures that ensure this quality ineffective. One of the important consequences of this was a significant rapprochement between the producer and the consumer. And this, in turn, forced the manufacturer to respond even more quickly to changes in consumer requirements and to satisfy the latter’s needs even more efficiently. Recently, the literature has examined various new types of organizations that successfully operate in the “information” environment.

3. Practical task

The reception administration received a call from a guest who stayed at the hotel last year (6.5 months ago). The guest states that he forgot a sweater in his room and asks to return the forgotten item to him, since he will soon be in the city where the hotel is located. The guest is surprised that he was not reminded of the forgotten item when leaving the hotel.

(After an investigation, it was established that in the room where the guest of the maid lived, a sweater was actually found and transferred to the lost and found, and 6 months later the sweater was transferred to special government agencies, as evidenced by the transfer act).

What should the front desk administrator respond to a guest's letter?

What should be the procedure for dealing with forgotten items in a hotel?

What violations were committed?

What measures should the hotel take to obtain permission? conflict situation?

The order of events according to the instructions.

When cleaning the room after the guest's departure, you must first make sure that:

Nothing was missing from the hotel property in the room (and if this happened, then act according to the instructions available in each hotel in this regard), but our case is different.

There are no things forgotten or left by guests in the room (otherwise you should act in accordance with the procedure established in the hotel for such cases) - this is our case.

All technical equipment is working properly (if not, then submit requests for repairs to the hotel’s engineering and technical service).

All things forgotten by the guest in the room are transferred according to the act to the storage room; the administration and service personnel are obliged to take measures to return them to the owner. If after 6 months (and for foreign guests - after one year - 1 year) the owner is not found, the forgotten items are sold in accordance with the established procedure.

When cleaning and discovering forgotten things, the maid is obliged to inform the supervisor about the find or the security service. It is advisable to find the owner of the forgotten item as soon as possible before the guest leaves the hotel. If the guest has already left the hotel, then the found items are sent to maintenance department for storage. All finds are recorded in a special journal by a manager or supervisor.

When describing things, you need to know certain rules and act in this matter extremely carefully and very professionally. It is recommended to make only an external, visual description of forgotten things, especially for jewelry and fur items. Let's say, at first glance, what appears to be a gold bracelet is found. It would not be correct to write that a gold bracelet was found, but it would be correct to write that a bracelet made of yellow metal was found. Or, for example, the guests forgot a ring and it looks like a ring made of platinum or silver with a diamond. In this case, the item should be registered as follows: a white metal ring with a colorless, transparent stone was found.

After registration, forgotten items are placed in special bags of appropriate sizes, to which a small card is attached with information transferred from the lost items registration log:

Registration number

Guest name

Place where the item was found

Name of item

Name of the person who found the item


Manager or Supervisor signature.

These cards help to systematize the search for forgotten things.

As a rule, in hotels the storage period for forgotten items is one year and one day.

Our case.

Because during the client’s departure, the sweater was not found and, which was not immediately reported to the departing person, then the client’s claims are quite justified, however, the client could have forgotten the sweater not in the room, but in the hotel establishment, and time passed before finding out who it belonged to, then the sweater in the hotel (not a valuable thing) had to be kept for six months, after which it was sold in the prescribed manner. - there are no things forgotten or left by guests in the room (otherwise you should act in accordance with the procedure established in the hotel for such cases) - this is our case. In this case, to resolve the conflict, it is necessary to apologize to the client and agree on a compromise.

4. Individual task No. 12

Organization of work on the reception and accommodation of guests at hotel enterprises in a high level of comfort in Greater Yalta and abroad.

Greater Yalta is the main and oldest resort center in Ukraine, which provides almost year-round sanatorium and resort treatment, and a center for congress, sports and cruise tourism.

According to the Yalta City State Administration, there are over 140 officially registered mini-hotels on the territory of Greater Yalta. At the same time, the total number of small hotel business facilities reaches 300 and increases by 50-60 annually.

“A hotel is an enterprise that provides people outside the home with a range of services, the most important of which are equally the accommodation and catering services.”

The essence of providing accommodation services is that, on the one hand, special premises (hotel rooms) are provided for use, on the other hand, services are provided directly by the hotel staff: porter services for receiving and registering guests, maid services for cleaning hotel rooms etc.

Hotel rooms are the main element of the accommodation service. These are multifunctional rooms designed for relaxation, sleep, and work of resident guests. Their most important function is to enable sleep. The importance of other functions of hotel rooms primarily depends on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of the guests. For example, in business hotels.

Different hotels have different categories of rooms, differing from each other in size, furniture, equipment, equipment, etc. However, regardless of the category, the hotel room must have the following furniture and equipment: bed, chair and armchair, night table, wardrobe, general lighting, trash bin. In addition, each room must contain information about the hotel and an evacuation plan in case of fire.

Hotel service is a leading branch of the service sector.

The room management service carries out the main business processes for receiving and servicing guests, and in many ways it determines the quality of the services provided. From this point of view, this service is one of the main objects primarily subject to automation. This division includes front office workers, housekeeping staff, a joint service department, including doormen, bellhops, porters, car drivers, security service, etc.

The main functions of the service include: room reservations; reception, registration and accommodation of guests; accepting payment for services provided and preparing the necessary documentation upon departure of guests; providing a variety of household services to guests; maintaining the sanitary and hygienic condition of the rooms.

The commercial service is usually represented by marketing and advertising departments, which perform tasks related to market research, competitors, identifying the needs of regular and potential guests, development and implementation of advertising campaigns, public relations events, etc. The main goal of the service is to promote the existing hotel product, as well as develop proposals for the creation of new types of services that are highly likely to be in demand in the market. From an information point of view, the main block of information necessary for work is provided by the reception and accommodation service. It is on the basis of this data that marketing research is carried out. Ancillary services provide additional paid services. These services are informationally connected with the reception and accommodation service, which receives information about received additional services, the cost of which is taken into account when registering the guest's account.

Organize the operation of the hotel complex with maximum efficiency.

Among foreign hotel information systems, the most famous is the Fidelio system, as well as Lodging Touch. To date, a number of developments by domestic companies have appeared and are successfully operating, providing automation of hotel complex management. These include software products "Edelweiss", "Reconline", "Barsum" (company "Rek-Soft"), the Hotel-2000 system (company "Intour-Soft"), software complex "Russian Hotel" (company "Service Plus" together with the East Concept company), the Hotel-Simple, Meridian-1 systems (Nortel), the Kei-Hotel system (Kei-Company).


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