Changing the organizational structure of the enterprise. Managing changes in organizational structures by stages of the organization's life cycle The purpose of changing the organizational structure of the enterprise

Concept and goals of organizational management structure

The organizational structure of management includes the internal structure of organizations, a set of divisions and members of organizations that are mutually interconnected, as well as social communities. This concept includes two definitions:

  • Organization;
  • Structure.

The concept of structure includes a large number of definitions. This:

  • The location and connection of the main components of something, structure;
  • Form of ordering of system components;
  • A set of interconnected links that form a system regardless of its components and tasks.

In addition, the structure is a specific component of the system, which differs from the structure in the presence of a goal orientation. Structure includes the internal form of organization of the system, as well as its statics.

In the management of social as well as economic systems, the concept of organization is traditionally used to refer to a certain number of people or groups that are united to achieve a certain goal, applying the principles of division of labor and responsibilities that occur on the basis of a specific structure.

Note 1

Components, divisions, or positions in an organizational structure are formed to perform a specific number of management functions or jobs that lead to the achievement of the organization's overall goals. To perform these functions, officials must have specific rights related to the management of resources. In addition, they must bear some responsibility for the performance of these functions.

A large number of different connections are formed between departments and positions:

  • Linear;
  • Functional;
  • Interfunctional.

Traditionally, the following goals of management organization are distinguished:

  • Goal of rapid growth;
  • The goal of stable growth;
  • Purpose of reduction.

Changes in organizational structure

In accordance with the changed conditions, changes in the organizational structure are one of the main tasks of management. In a large number of cases, decisions related to changes in the organizational structure are made by the top managers of the organization. This is part of their main job. The most significant organizational transformations cannot occur until such time as there is greater confidence that there are objective reasons for this.

The main reason for this is the unsatisfactory performance of the organization. This is due to unsuccessful attempts to use completely different methods to reduce rising costs, increase productivity, and increase both domestic and foreign markets.

Note 2

Traditionally, measures such as changes occurring in the composition and level of qualifications of workers, and the use of the most advanced management techniques are used.

Other reasons for changing the organizational structure include: Change of leadership of the organization;

  • Increasing the scale of the organization's work;
  • Merger of business entities;
  • The impact of various production process technologies;
  • The external economic situation in the country;
  • Increasing the range of products manufactured or services provided by the organization;
  • Entering new markets;
  • Additional development of completely new production processes.

June 03, 2012

Changing organizational structure takes time—long periods of reflection in the quiet of the office and away from the line of fire where major events are unfolding. Changing the organizational structure or reorganization is a very painful process, accompanied by hazing, conflicting goals and imperfect reward systems. At this stage, as a rule, three main problems arise: delegation of authority, change of leadership and change of goals.

Delegation of powers when forming an organizational structure

Delegation of powers to the founder of a business is the main problem when forming the organizational structure of an enterprise.

Let's consider the option of forming an organizational structure when the founder of a business cedes the reins of his board to a more experienced manager.

No, he is not resigning, but rather giving up control. What skills should a new manager have? This is an independent professional manager. He comes to work on time and strictly works his assigned hours. All day he sits in his office at the computer and studies documentation. He says little, but does a lot. And tells the founder what not to do. He is not sociable and not friendly.

When forming an organizational structure, as a rule, a conflict arises between the manager and the founder. Very often the new manager does not suit the founder because he is not like him, which is a mistake. Now the founder needs a leader who will complement him.

But be that as it may, some problems are replaced by other problems. The fact is that the new manager has to work in conditions of hazing. Veterans who have walked the path from the very beginning usually put a spoke in the wheels of new leaders. Frank complaints about the new leader begin. The founder is also the first to break the rules that the new boss introduces.

The manager finds himself in a hopeless situation and asks himself why he accepted this offer in the first place. He feels exhausted, exhausted, disliked by others, and realizes that no one appreciated his attempts to contribute to the improvement of the organization. Sometimes workers lash out at the founder himself, forcing them to relinquish power.

In the process of forming an organizational structure, a new professional manager sometimes also does not behave very professionally. To increase control, they become extravagant, buying computers and hiring consultants. And the founders stand by and watch their organization die.

New goals of the enterprise organizational structure

One of the reasons for changing the organizational structure is poor accounting at the enterprise.

The business is suffering losses, but no one notices. Most likely, this is because the company by this time has many products, uses a large number of pricing agreements, and it can be very difficult to track all the information. Accounting can do this, but with a six-month delay. As a result, employees quit or turn against the business founder. Therefore, it is necessary to change the goals. Refocusing from the goal of “more is better” to the goal of “better is more” is another problem in creating an organizational structure.

Very often, to improve the organizational structure, entrepreneurs decide to use reengineering. According to the definition given in the economic dictionary, REENGINEERING is

  • 1) the process of recovery of enterprises, firms, companies by raising technical solutions to a new level;
  • 2) creation of fundamentally new effective business processes in management, which previously did not exist in the organization or enterprise.
For this purpose, new computers are purchased. But at the same time they only seek to accelerate their mistakes. In fact, computerization and reengineering are now bad for business.

The result of changing the organizational structure of the organization

As a rule, the negative result of changing the organizational structure, that is, delegation of authority, change of leadership and change of goals, are conflicts between:
  • guards and newcomers;
  • founder and professional manager;
  • founder and team;
  • corporate and individual goals.
The administration and workers are divided into groups - one for and the other against any project or system. As a result, people waste energy on internal fights. The number of layoffs is growing. The situation is even worse when it is a family business. Wife, parents, children and other relatives stop talking to each other. Sometimes lawyers are even involved. Yesterday's friends turn into enemies. Children rebel against their fathers.

But is it worth attacking the business founder when creating an organizational structure? A founder is a person with entrepreneurial talent who now feels that he does not have the opportunity to implement new ideas. He loved his business when it was small and flexible.

When an organization loses its flexibility and becomes politicized, the founder leaves it. But then the business organization begins to die because it loses its entrepreneurial spirit. Under the motto “Work with the system and follow the rules,” it will never reach the “Successful Business” stage.

Changing an organizational structure is a very difficult matter. Individuals can play an important role in it. During the growth stage, businesses are structured around people, but over time, the business's organizational chart becomes confusing. Now, instead of allowing the enterprise to be structured around people, people must serve organizational needs themselves.

New organizational structure and timing. Changing the organizational structure is very important to do on time. This moment should be chosen when the company is feeling great.

But, unfortunately, people with such self-discipline are very rare. One who is such will be a real success. But still, more often, inward reorientation occurs when an enterprise finds itself in crisis.

Formation of the organizational structure of the enterprise
When creating a new organizational structure, an enterprise needs to focus on the desired results and the process of achieving them at the same time.

formulate a mission so that each team member knows where their enterprise is heading.

And only after the company defines its mission, then and only then will it be possible to establish administrative order in it. At the same time, the newly created organizational structure must strictly comply with the organizational mission.

Next, the team should leave under the authority of the founder the area of ​​activity that attracts him most. The new organizational structure must protect the entrepreneurial potential coming from the founder.

And only then transfer entrepreneurial functions to lower levels, thereby relieving the founder, making him chairman of the board of directors or chief business officer.

The company must then change its information system. What is it for? The fact is that in a growing company, information systems are created for a specific situation. It is supplemented, modernized, everyone customizes it for themselves.

As a result, such an information system does not reflect much of where the organization is going. Rather, you will see what the organization was in the past. In addition, it does not meet the information needs of the new organizational structure.

And if people do not have information, then organizations do not have the power to make decisions. And then the new organizational structure will not work.

Considering an organization as a living organism, we can assume that the structure is the skeleton, the personnel of the organization are the muscles, the leadership of the organization is the brain, and the organizational culture is its soul.

When creating and changing the structure of an organization, it is necessary to clearly link its tasks and the people performing them, so that everyone understands what they do, to whom they report, who and what they manage, and what they are responsible for? Therefore, the organizational structure is one of the most important tools for achieving the goals of the organization. Imagine a fruit tree whose crown is not formed or dead dry branches are cut off. Eventually it goes wild. Its branches will interfere with each other. The same thing happens to a company if the manager is not constantly improving its structure.

The market situation is changing, new directions and new clients are emerging. The strategic goals and objectives of the company change accordingly. And any change in the strategy, intentions, and goals of the business must be reflected in the structure, otherwise the company will not be able to adapt to new conditions. This diagram, like a map of military operations, should reflect the direction of the main attack and the lines to be taken. It is important for a leader to clearly understand who will take the new milestone and with what forces. It may be necessary to form a “shock” unit with specific functions, staffed by people who are clearly aware of their task. And it is necessary that the new division organically and harmoniously fit into the working structure, otherwise the whole system will begin to fail.

So, if the manager feels that the tasks he sets remain unfulfilled, interesting programs freeze, perhaps a diagnosis of the organizational structure and its adjustment is necessary.

However, even if no new directions are created, it is necessary to periodically adjust the structure. After all, a dynamically developing company is a growing organism, where some changes, movements, shifts occur all the time. Some divisions are abolished, others are reorganized; Some people take on more functions, tasks and responsibilities, while others, on the contrary, have less responsibility, fewer tasks, etc. All this requires adequate display on paper. The manager’s task is to see this in time and make the necessary adjustments. Here, as in architecture, form serves function. If the function changes, the form must also change.

Company management and organizational structure are directly related. A well-thought-out and clearly constructed structure increases controllability, and hence the speed of movement towards the goal. Today there is a lot of talk about business transparency, but transparency should concern not only financial indicators. When the mission, strategy and goals of the company are reflected in an adequate organizational structure, it becomes clear to everyone - employees, clients, and partners of the company, and not just the manager - what kind of organization it is, what goals it realizes, what role it plays this or that department or employee. If the structure is incomprehensible, amorphous, and does not work for results, the company will face organizational chaos.

There are concepts of formal and informal organizational systems. And sometimes, especially in large corporations, these systems exist in parallel: formal - on paper, in documents, informal - in reality. If what is declared on paper and in public statements differs significantly from reality, we can talk about a peculiar, but very common “organizational schizophrenia”. Such a “split” hits the organization very hard, and not everyone is able to recover from such blows, because any business turns into a problem, a lot of questions arise to which no one can give an intelligible answer. And any uncertainty, ambiguity, or misunderstanding causes anxiety, conflicts, and sabotage.

The structure must be such as to ensure the achievement of results that are truly meaningful and important to the design and priorities of the business. But it is important to understand that even an adequate structure does not guarantee results. But if it is inadequate, it nullifies even the most purposeful efforts.

Line managers head teams, departments, workshops, production and are responsible for order in their assigned areas of activity, proper behavior of employees, full use of technical potential and human resources, execution of the plan and established regulations. At the same time, line managers are not responsible for developing plans (except for social development) and regulations.

Functional management

The emergence of this type of management is associated with the need to improve various aspects of activity and improve servicing of the main target process, for example, the production of products or the provision of specialized services. Functional managers deal with issues of qualifications and professional skills of personnel, labor safety, as well as technological, personnel, environmental, social, psychological and other types of support for core activities. The most common functional subsystems include services: financial and accounting, planning, marketing, engineering, regulatory control, personnel management, business maintenance, etc.

Strictly speaking, all divisions can be called functional, but in practice only those that serve the processes of the main (core) activity are considered as such.

At the same time, each functional service contains elements of administrative management.

Operational management

According to formal characteristics, the operational management service can be classified as a functional subsystem, but its significant difference is the work to coordinate the actions of all linear and functional departments associated with the main production in real time and space. The operational management subsystem conducts current processes according to the approved plan (schedule), coordinating the operations and procedures of the main “production conveyor” with the actions of related companies - service and control units. The operational management service includes: the apparatus of dispatching services of factories, managers in hotels and restaurants, office managers in offices, business management in ministries, structures of scientific secretaries in institutes, etc.

The division of management processes into subsystems, one of which (operational) is an integrating one, can dramatically increase the efficiency of companies, since specialization creates conditions for the high-quality performance of individual functions and tasks, and integration within the framework of operational management ensures the consistency of various types of activities in the current work of departments and services

With further growth of the organization, branching and fragmentation of functions, the volume of transmitted information and interfunctional connections continues to increase nonlinearly. Interdependence, mutual influence and penetration of services into each other's work are increasing. The volume of necessary approvals is increasing. The deadlines for completing work are being delayed. The number of deviations associated with inconsistency of information aspects (interfaces), incentives, interests, goals and priorities is growing. Additional resources are required to eliminate regularly occurring interfunctional contradictions. Centralized operational management bodies are no longer coping with their coordinating mission. The centralization resource has been exhausted. New approaches to organizing management are needed.

Matrix structure

The sixth stage in the evolution of the organizational structure is practically impossible without a developed mechanism for systemic management of the improvement of organizational relations.

The matrix structure allows you to organically combine linear, functional and centralized operational management with the principles of decentralization and independence of organizational units in local areas that have clearly defined tasks.

A matrix organization is typical for companies that solve complex, non-standard problems involving multidisciplinary specialists and departments. Typically, such tasks are not repeated, so to solve them, temporary project teams are created, staffed with specialists from among the employees of the organization in order to save resources. In the future, with a steady flow of repeatable tasks, project teams can transform into departments and services or transform into branches.

The name "matrix structure" comes from the word matrix - table. The interpretation of the matrix organization is presented in Fig. 7. Specialized services provide functional leadership in areas (blue arrows). The heads of functional subsystems are the top of the hierarchical structure of their departments, while simultaneously continuing the lines of administrative control coming from the general director (red arrows). The main activity is indicated by a large red arrow. In a matrix structure, functional subsystems not only serve the main production, but also improve their own hardware methods, techniques, and technical means. Finally, they participate in one-time events and individual projects (multi-colored horizontal arrows).

Thus, specific units and performers are subject to the influence of both vertical and horizontal regulatory influences. At the same time, there is a need to coordinate the sequence of work flows and the distribution of material and human resources in the time and space of the organization. This function is performed by the operational management subsystem (Fig. 8).

The matrix structure allows you to combine responsibility for the final result of a “team of like-minded people” (in project structures), in-depth specialization (in functional services) and the effect of targeted and economical use of resources with centralized operational management of the unified process of enterprise functioning.

The combination of the properties of a matrix model with the benefits of a centralized linear-functional structure is a sign of a high management culture. Such an organization is created over years, and sometimes decades, by the work of a permanent staff of managers and professional specialists.

In Fig. Figure 9 shows a diagram of the administrative structure, in the configuration of which the principles of the matrix model are implemented with the introduction of elements that ensure self-organization and structural and functional self-tuning (in Figure 9, the department of system analysis and management development). An example is given of an enterprise that repairs and maintains equipment at gas pumping stations.

Vertical lines running from the general director to the heads of services and divisions indicate the channels of line management. Administrative and functional management of functional subsystems is shown using blue arrows.

Each department head is an administrator in relation to his subordinates.

The functional services in this example are: chief engineer, procurement, general issues and safety, financial and economic, and personnel.

The linear structure of the main production is represented by connections along the line of general director - deputy for production - production manager - shop managers.

The operational management service (dotted lines) is divided into levels: senior management regulates relations between services, lower management regulates relations between production and service divisions.

The table presents the advantages and disadvantages of various types of administrative structures.

One can make a cautious assumption that with the development of information technologies (in particular ERP) and management theory, trends in the effective distribution of operations and procedures, taking into account and coordinating the interests of both individual employees and entire departments will strengthen. Ultimately, this will release the creativity of employees (within the framework of agreed interests) and weaken the bonds of centralization, thus enhancing the synergistic effect.

The sequence of evolution of the administrative structures presented above is not strict. This development reflects only general patterns. In practice, one can find examples of a formal structure at a fairly high organizational level. However, a careful study of the business process will certainly show a significant discrepancy between formal settings and the real development of the company. Behind modern job titles and a beautiful scheme, for example, a matrix administrative structure, archaic forms of the artel method of management (“teams of like-minded people”) are sometimes hidden.

For company management, coordinating the administrative structure with the distribution of authority across functions and processes is of fundamental importance. The inconsistency of these parameters with each other leads to confusion and personnel leapfrog, depriving the organization of stability and prospects.

Bringing administrative and functional management, as well as many other structure-forming factors, into compliance with target settings is called organizational-functional tuning. This activity requires special knowledge about the processes occurring in the company, as well as the presence in the management system of a regular function for monitoring key parameters of the organization.

There are many things to remember when running a business, but a manager must first understand:

For what purposes was the company created?

Which management tools are most effective in achieving these goals.

The success of a business is largely determined by the company's infrastructure. That is why one of the main tasks of a manager is its creation, which is impossible without developing an organizational programming system that includes: mission, functions, organizational structure, regulations on departments, job descriptions.

Organizational Programming Pyramid

Mission, whether it is issued as a document or not, it always exists as the ideology of the company. It is designed to coordinate and coordinate the work of company employees to achieve stated goals. At the same time, the mission helps the company take the right position in the partner value chain, optimally realizing its potential.

The transition to professional corporate management based on procedures is fundamentally impossible without the development of a mission. It is thanks to the mission through the awareness of goals and strategies, as well as the list of areas of commercial activity, that the company can decide on its functionality - a list of constantly reproducible business functions, management functions and support functions.

This makes it possible to formulate basic corporate regulations - regulations on the organizational structure of the company as a whole and a package of regulations on individual divisions that establish the areas of responsibility of management. Further detailing of these documents makes it possible to obtain personnel management regulations - regulations on functional responsibilities and job descriptions.

When creating and changing the structure of an organization, it is necessary to clearly link its tasks and the people performing them, so that everyone understands what they do, to whom they report, who and what they manage, and what they are responsible for? Therefore, the organizational structure is one of the most important tools for achieving the goals of the organization.

Imagine a fruit tree whose crown is not formed or dead, dry branches are cut off. Eventually it goes wild. Its branches will interfere with each other. The same thing happens to a company if the manager is not constantly improving its structure.

The market situation is changing, new directions and new clients are emerging. Change accordingly strategic goals and objectives of the company. And any change in the strategy, intentions, and goals of the business must be reflected in the structure, otherwise the company will not be able to adapt to new conditions.

All this requires adequate display on paper.

Due to these circumstances, the form of labor changes, which means that workers can be either in surplus or in shortage. In addition, adjustments may be made to important paper due to changes in tariff rates. Adjustments to the minimum wage are regularly made to the Federal Law, and the management of the organization, if funds allow, can raise the wage as a percentage of the salary. The basis for changes in the staffing table can be accounting documentation. In addition, results that indicate a decrease in profitability or a disruption in supplies may be a reason to lay off some employees. And, if the administrator draws up a document that talks about the increasing amount of work due to the introduced innovations, then this will be a reason to recruit new people to the staff.

How to change the structure of an enterprise correctly?

Important! Thus, there was no actual reduction in position, since when the number or staff of an enterprise is reduced, the very need for work of a certain kind disappears, whereas in this case the need for the work previously performed by the employee at the employer is preserved. That is, the change in staff amounted to a renaming of the position, while the job responsibilities of the employees remained the same. Consequently, no organizational or technological changes in working conditions at the enterprise occurred.

In the process of staff reduction, a new position was introduced into the staffing table, the responsibilities for which are similar to the responsibilities for the excluded position and the operation of the enterprise without an employee responsible for personnel matters is impossible, and therefore the employee could not be dismissed under clause 2 of part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code RF.

Dismissal when changing the organizational structure


The Youth Sports School was a structural unit. Now, based on the changed name, the institution is a full-time youth sports school with the possibility of carrying out paid activities. Accordingly, the organizational structure is changing to make it possible for children's sports schools to operate in full and with the possibility of opening branches. #3 IP/Host: 95.167.175. Re: Change in staffing The organization's employee went on maternity leave.

During maternity leave, the staffing table changes, where her position is indicated, the salary is set lower than usual, the employee who is on maternity leave was not notified about this. The Social Insurance Fund began to calculate maternity benefits according to the new staffing table with a lower salary. The employee filed a lawsuit against the FSS. What is wrong with the organization and how can this threaten the organization? #4 IP/Host: 62.181.51.

Changing the company structure


Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that changes to the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties are allowed only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract and such an agreement is concluded in writing. But there are exceptions to this norm. This provision provides for the possibility of changing the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties at the initiative of the employer in the cases specified in Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to changing the employee’s labor function. The labor function also refers to the specific type of work assigned to the employee.

The concept of “labor function” differs in content from the concept of “job duties”. Labor duties determine the essence of the labor function performed by the employee, specify the type of work performed for a specific position (profession, specialty).

Judicial practice related to renaming an employee’s position

The employer often decides to rename a number of employee positions in the staffing table. In one case, the company pursues the goal of bringing positions in accordance with the trends of the times (for example, the position of “salesperson” is renamed to the position of “sales manager”) with full preservation of job responsibilities, in the other - due to a change in the organizational structure of the company. Making a decision to change the structure, staffing table, number of employees of an organization falls within the exclusive competence of the employer, who has the right to terminate an employment contract with an employee due to a reduction in the number or staff of the organization’s employees, subject to the established procedure for dismissal and guarantees against arbitrary dismissal (Definition Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2015 No. 2768-O).

Changes in organizational structure and their goals

  • Themes:
  • Job Descriptions
  • Staffing table

Question Hello, experts! We plan to make changes to the structure of the organization, to merge departments (economists and sales department), etc., while some positions are planned to be removed altogether, and some to add new positions. Please tell me if there are any step-by-step rules (procedures, instructions) when changing the structure of an organization. Thank you in advance, Svetlana Moskvitina. Answer The structure of the organization is established based on the volume and content of the tasks solved by the organization, the direction and intensity of the information and documentation flows that have developed in the organization, and taking into account its organizational and material capabilities.

Reasons for making changes to the staffing table

Consequently, the procedure for registering a new structural unit largely depends on the system of local regulations in force in your organization, other internal documents and established practices, which may also be reflected in the regulations for the creation of internal structural units. Thus, you need to: 1. Make changes to the organizational structure. In many organizations, the organizational structure is approved as one of the internal documents.
As a rule, it is drawn up in the form of a diagram, which allows you to visualize the relationships and interactions of departments and individual officials who are not part of any of the departments, key top managers. Therefore, in this structure you need to reflect new structural divisions (departments) and remove old ones. 2. Develop Regulations on the structural unit.
The two-week period also includes non-working days. This procedure is provided for in Article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This procedure also applies to dismissed retired employees who, on a general basis, can claim to receive an average monthly salary during the third month from the date of reduction (letter of Rostrud dated December 28, 2005 No. 2191-6-2, dated September 13, 2005 No. 1539-6-2). Additional guarantees regarding the preservation of average earnings during the period of employment apply to workers in the northern regions.
In addition, an expanded list of guarantees that can be reduced can be established in industry agreements. For example, employees in the oil and gas industry, warned of impending dismissal, are given one day a month to look for work while maintaining average earnings (clause 5.1.3 of the Industry Agreement dated December 7, 2010).

Change of staff due to changes in the structure of the organization

Re: laying off an employee Hello! How to notify employees about changes in the staffing table if it is not yet known what changes will occur? The director asked all employees to notify. but I don’t know what to write. #19 IP/Host: 193.105.11. Registration date: 10.20.2010 Messages: 47,004 Re: Changing the staffing structure of an institution, how to notify employees about changes in the staffing table if it is not yet known what changes will occur? The director asked all employees to notify. but I don’t know what to write. do not notify in any way - there is nothing to notify about yet. “You shouldn’t waste time trying to figure out whether you love a person or not. Act as if you were sure that you love him” (c) #20 IP/Host: 89.248.118. Re: laying off an employee Hello! Our accountant went on maternity leave. there is the concept of a spare unit. We will not accept a person in her place.
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Good afternoon. The bank's organization is changing. structure and staffing, I am being offered a demotion due to the fact that my department is not included in the new staffing. If you disagree with the proposed position, can the employer fire you under Article 77.7 of the Labor Code? no change of position
labor function of the employee? Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:

  • Can a single mother be fired due to a change in the organizational structure and staff reduction?
  • Dismissal due to optimization of the organizational structure of the organization.

Re: The position was reduced, but the warning was given verbally after 2 months Hello! My question is very confusing! a reorganization took place and the staffing table changed from 11/28/12, the position was reduced, the employee was notified verbally only on 01/21/13, then the staffing table changed from 01/01/2013, there is no position, as of 02/01/13 the new enterprise provides a list of vacant positions (for men) to replace the office manager, and applications for transfer to a new enterprise were written by all employees from 01/01/13. The application is ignored and the transfer order is not provided within a month! They familiarize themselves with the list only on 02/01/13 and make a protocol on familiarization/refusal of the positions provided.


Organizational structure management is the internal structure of an enterprise, including a set of divisions and its members.

The concept of organizational structure includes two components: structure and organization. Structure is the arrangement and connection between the main components of something, their structure. In addition, the structure is considered a specific component of the system, differing from the structure by the presence of a target orientation.

Structure consists of the internal form of organization of the system, including its statics. When managing social and economic systems, they use the concept of an organization, which is a certain number of people (groups of people) united to achieve a corresponding goal.

Changes in organizational structure and their goals

Changes in the organizational structure and their goals are the processes of replacing obsolete parts of it that are unable to adequately perform their functions with new ones, as well as supplementing them with previously non-existent ones. Changes in the organizational structure are carried out to bring its capabilities closer to the requirements of life.

Organizational problems can most often be associated with outdated enterprise structures, management systems, failures in information exchange, etc.

Changes in the organizational structure and their goals require the enterprise to take measures in the area of ​​updating the main areas of operation. Even if business is going well and the company is at its peak, updates are often necessary to achieve or maintain a leading position.

Thus, changes in the organizational structure and their goals are a continuous process and the most important object of management.

Changes in organizational structures

Changes in organizational structure and their goals can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. First of all, these changes can be planned or unplanned. Planned changes in the organizational structure and their goals are characterized by evolutionary development, the trends of which can be easily tracked and a more appropriate moment for carrying out changes can be identified in advance. Unplanned changes in most cases occur spontaneously when unexpected situations occur. For this reason, their process often becomes spontaneous and uncontrollable.

Changes can also be one-time or multi-stage in nature, which in most cases is determined by their scale, available time, internal flexibility of the company, and its ability to change.

If a change is imposed on members of the organization, it may cause their dissatisfaction, which leads to a decrease in business activity. It may not always be possible and appropriate to coordinate certain problems with the performers, but whenever possible it is recommended to do it through the involvement of ordinary employees of the enterprise to jointly develop solutions, provide advice, etc.

Goals of changes in organizational structures

Changes in the organizational structure and their goals can be identified:

  1. Increasing the scale of activity by continuously increasing the size of the company. In the case when the basic structure does not change, coordination becomes difficult, managers are overloaded, and the functioning of the company deteriorates.
  2. Expanding the range of manufactured goods, entering other markets, mastering additional production processes.
  3. Merger of enterprises. The merger of two or more companies will necessarily introduce certain changes in the organizational structure. A merger with a smaller unit may have less impact on the structure, but if this type of merger goes on for a long time, changes in the organizational structure will become inevitable.
  4. Changes in control technology.