Form for filling out a resume in English. Beautiful presentation: how to write a resume in English. Sample resume in English

The resume in English is called the mysterious "CV". CV stands for curriculum vitae, which translated from Latin means "life path". A CV is a summary of your skills, experience, and education.

In the United States and Canada, the term resume, which is more understandable to us, is also used along with CV. Technically, in English language CV and resume are one and the same, but curriculum vitae is generally considered to involve a more detailed story about oneself.

Resume structure

Depending on the specific case for which the English CV is drawn up, its structure may vary, however, there is a general pattern, according to which each CV should include several points.

Personal details - personal data

In this section, indicate your name, address, date of birth (in the tolerant West, this item is optional to exclude the possibility of discrimination), contact information (phone, email).

Photo is also an optional item in the curriculum vitae, for the same reasons as the date of birth. In the UK, CV photography is required only for actors.

Education and qualifications - education and qualifications

Here indicate higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in the reverse order of their graduation, that is, starting with the last one. After that, do not forget to indicate additional trainings, advanced training, etc.

Work experience - work experience

When describing work experience in English, try to use action words such as developed, planned, organized. It is more important for an employer to know what you have achieved, not what you have done.

Interests and achievements - interests and achievements

Please keep this section short and concise. Your "interests" shouldn't be longer than your "experience" and "skills."

Achievements here mean all your successes outside of professional activity. However, try to tie them indirectly to work. For example, it will be great if you led a sports team or student council at the university, organized a hobby group, and volunteered. Do not list many "passive" hobbies: reading, watching TV, collecting, playing computer games.

Skills - skills

It is understood that you have mentioned your main professional skills in the "work experience" section. If you missed something, add it here. Do not forget other useful skills for work, for example, a high level of English confirmed by a certificate, fluency in office software, driving skills.

Recommendations mean not only a characteristic from a previous place of work, but also simply contacts of previous employers and colleagues who are ready to confirm your professional qualities. This section is optional. In cases where the applicant submits a resume to different companies, usually in this section they write “References are available on request” - I can provide recommendations upon request.

In the case of submitting a resume to one specific company for a specific position, you can fill out this section right away. Usually, no more than two contacts and recommendations are indicated.

What English-speaking employers pay attention to first of all

  • Write confidently and positively.
  • Focus on your accomplishments, not responsibilities. If possible, provide figures to support it. For example, "increased (a) the company's revenue by 7%."
  • Prioritize the skills and experience that best fit the desired position.
  • Focus on the quality of your accomplishments, not quantity.
  • Expand your list of skills with topics that will give you an edge over the competition. For example, knowledge of a foreign language besides English or the basics of web design and layout, etc.
  • Place all information on one or two A4 pages.
  • Check your spelling and grammar carefully. Just a few gross mistakes, and the employer already has a reason to reject your candidacy.
  • When posting your resume on the Internet, don't forget to add keywords / tags.
  • In the first sentences, write down your greatest strengths and competitive advantages in order to grab the employer's attention right away.
  • Include in your resume all your achievements and awards, directly or indirectly related to your profession. These can be prizes from university olympiads, scholarship grants, participation in research competitions, conferences, etc.

Useful words when writing a resume

free English - fluent English
advanced level of English - advanced english
native Russian - native Russian
unemployed - unemployed
job vacancy - vacancy
age - age
fee - fee
capabilities - abilities
Date of Birth - date of birth
position - position
Additional Information - extracurricular activities
achievements - accomplishments
employment - employment
wage - salary
quality - job qualification
qualified - qualified
Work - job
apply for a job in a company - join the company
claim - claim
vocation - calling
skills - skills
an agreed meeting - appointment
FULL NAME - full name
goals - career goals
purpose - goal
marital status - marital status
married - married
single - single
full-time work - full-time employment
part-time work - part-time employment
work as - work in the capacity of
employer - employer
summary - resume, CV
referee - referee
recommendations - reference
supervisor - head
can be provided upon request - applied upon request
make appointment - to make an appointment
find a place of work - find a position
education - education
announcement - advertisment
duties - responsibilities, duties
graduated with honors - graduated with high honors
experienced - experienced
the Department - department
cancel the appointment - to cancel an appointment
Until now - till present
work searches - job hunting
personal data - personal information
Place of Birth - place of birth
strengths - personal strengths
employee - employee
insurance - insurance
claim - claim
skills - skills
an agreed meeting - appointment

An example of a good resume

IT Specialist Resume Sample

English for work

Resume in English: how to get your dream job?

We all want to have a good and interesting job in which we can prove ourselves and realize our ambitious plans. But before you get this very job and start conquering the world, you need to be interviewed for the desired position. And even before meeting with a potential employer, we will need to send our resume to an open position.

A good resume can be difficult to write even in your native language, and in English it can seem like an impossible task at all. But this is not at all the case. As in any other business, it is important to know the basic rules and some "tricks" that will distinguish your candidacy from others and help to interest a potential employer.

In this article, you will learn how to write a CV (resume) in English, how to talk about past work experience, education, basic skills, and how to write a good cover letter.

Rules for drafting and formatting a resume in English

A resume is your business card. The employer will use it to evaluate you and your skills for the first time even before a personal meeting. A well-written resume increases the chances of being invited to the next stage - the interview. But we'll talk about it a little later.

Before you start writing your own resume in English, it is worth remembering that there is no one-size-fits-all perfect resume.

Tip: Write a new resume and cover letter for each position you are applying for.

First of all, the employer wants to see a living person behind the soulless text, because it is he, and not his flawlessly composed resume, who will take a vacant position in the company.

Different jobs may need to highlight different aspects of your career and past skills acquired. This is why it is recommended that you update your resume regularly and review it carefully each time before submitting.

If you are submitting a resume to a job search service, it should be detailed and detailed in order to present you well from different angles.

However, there are a few basic rules to keep in mind:

  • Keep your resume short and concise
  • Highlight the most important aspects of your past career, but do not get carried away with writing. Anything you would like to say or emphasize in excess of the information specified in the resume - write in your cover letter. The best option is 2 A4 pages.

  • Your resume should make a good impression on you.
  • Indicate the merits or achievements in past jobs - this will be your advantage. If you are a beginner specialist, please tell us more about what skills you acquired during your studies and what internships you took.

  • The resume should be written in a business tone
  • Avoid slang and informal phrases. From the very first lines of the resume, it should speak of you as a professional.

  • The resume must be readable
  • Take the time to write your resume. It should be written in a consistent style, broken down by major topics, and easy to read.

  • The resume must be literate
  • Spelling mistakes on your resume is a surefire way to get rejected. Before sending, it is worth re-reading the text several times. Better yet, check it out using special services. You can also share your resume with a friend or family member. A fresh look from the outside will not hurt.

Resume or CV?

In Great Britain and Ireland, the use of the term CV is widespread, which was then borrowed by many other countries. CV is an abbreviation for the Latin expression Curriculum Vitae, which translates to "the course of life."

In the United States, however, a resume is denoted by the word résumé [ˈrezəmeɪ] that we understand. CV is not so widespread in America and is used more in academia and in the niche community than in job recruiting.

The summary is divided into main sections:

  • Personal information
  • Objective / Professional Summary (Vacancy you are applying for or desired field of activity)
  • Work experience / Employment history
  • Education
  • Personal qualities
  • Special skills
  • Interests
  • References

Let's consider each of them in more detail:

Personal information

This section is the "header" of the resume, which contains standard personal data: name, surname, address, phone number, email and other ways to contact you. Whether to provide more detailed information (age, marital status, nationality) is up to you. The employer should consider the resume without any prejudice and evaluate you only as a specialist.

Name: Petr Sinichkin
Address: 20 Lenina Street, apt. 34, Moscow, 215315, Russia
Phone number
- home: + 7-XXX-XXX-XXXX
- mobile: + 7-XXX-XXX-XXXX
Date of birth: 15th December 1990
Email [email protected]
Social Media:
- Facebook:
- LinkedIn:

Objective / Professional Summary

At the very beginning of your resume, you can identify the area in which you want to work by identifying your key skills. Don't write too much - leave the details for your cover letter. One or two sentences are enough. For instance:

I am seeking a competitive and promising position where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English - I am looking for a competitive and promising position where I can use my ability to communicate with people and apply my knowledge of English.

Work Experience

This is one of the most important points in a resume. Work experience should list any previous vacancies that you have held or where you completed an internship.

Places of work are listed in descending order. That is, starting with the most recent one on which you worked or are working now. The last 3-5 jobs will be enough.

For each of them, indicate the position held and the responsibilities that you performed on it. If there are good indicators that you are proud of, be sure to indicate them too and pay attention to the wording. Compare the two sentences:

Significantly increased income and the client base between 2006 and 2008 - Significantly increased profit and customer base between 2006 and 2008.

Increased income from $ 750,000 in 2006 to $ 3 million in 2008 and doubled the client base from 15,000 to 30,000 - Increased profit from $ 750 thousand in 2006 to $ 3 million in 2008 and doubled the client base from 15 thousand to 30 thousand.

The second sentence presents the candidate in a more favorable light because it relies on quantitative facts and impressive metrics. At the interview, you will likely be asked to talk about your accomplishments in your previous job, so why not include them on your resume.

It is also worth mentioning in this section your main responsibilities in the previous position and the key skills that you gained in each of the past positions. Use a bulleted list for decoration. For instance:

Company Name,
2016 - present
St. Petersburg, Russia

Financial analyst

Preparing business plans
- Planning investment activities and budget
- Analyzing data
- Preparing financial forecasts
- Preparing reports

Name of the company
2016 - present
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Financial analyst

Preparation of business plans
- Investment planning and budgeting
- Data analysis
- Preparation of financial forecasts
- Preparation of reports

Advice: if a resume is drawn up for a specific vacancy, in your work experience, pay attention to those points that are more suitable for the desired future position. Draw the employer's attention to the experience, qualifications and achievements that will help you in the position for which you are applying.

If you volunteered or took work internships - be sure to indicate this in the section work experience.

Better to avoid large time gaps between jobs. If you have been traveling for some time, receiving treatment or caring for a relative - briefly indicate this in your resume. This will help you avoid awkward interview questions.


In this section, list all places where you received your education. This can be a university, college, additional courses, and so on. Likewise with the work experience section - indicate educational institutions in reverse order, starting with the last one. Be sure to include the year of graduation or the date of the course.

All seminars, trainings and other courses that you took are indicated here. If you have confirmed certificates of additional education or awards that you deem it necessary to tell about - write about them in the section education.

There are different ways to indicate the places of study. Here are some common options:

South Ural State University, Marketing department, Master's degree in Marketing (2010-2012)

South Ural State University, Department of Marketing, Master's degree in Marketing (2010-2012)

September 2007 - June 2012
Moscow State University
Advertising specialist

Additional qualifications and courses are listed in the order they are listed. For instance:

Marketing Specialist courses in Moscow Marketing College, started in 2016 up to present- Courses for marketing specialists, Moscow College of Marketing, from 2016 to the present

Certificate in Social Media Marketing, 2018 - Certificate in Social Media Marketing, 2018

Personal Qualities

For many, this section becomes a stumbling block, because in it you need to describe yourself from the outside and indicate your best qualities. It is important to find a balance between bragging and being overly modest.

Tip: put yourself in the employer's shoes and think about what personality traits are right for the desired position. For example, the ability to find a common language with people and high stress tolerance are suitable for a sales manager, but attentiveness and the ability to repetitive work are more positive qualities for an editor or accountant than for a creative specialist.

In the resume, you can indicate such personal qualities as proactive(initiative), communicative(communicable), organized(collected, organized) and others. For a complete list of qualities and skills, see this article below in the Resume Vocabulary section.

Special Skills

In the same section, you can indicate your special skills that will help when applying for a job or any other additional information(additional information) that may be helpful and present you in a favorable light.

Among the main special skills, you can indicate the knowledge of foreign languages. For instance:

Native Russian - Native Russian
Fluent English - Fluent English
Basic (knowledge of) German - Basic knowledge of the German language

Knowledge and skills in other areas, for example, computer literacy(computer literacy) is accompanied by a listing of the mastered programs (Microsoft Office, Outlook Express, 1C, Adobe Photoshop, etc.), and the presence driving license(driver's license) must be indicated with the category (category B).

For key skills, it will not be superfluous to indicate the level of proficiency: beginner (beginner), intermediate (intermediate) or expert (expert).

Knowledge level (background) in a particular area can be expressed using phrases:

in-depth knowledge of ... - deep knowledge in ...
well-developed skills in ... - well-developed skills ...
with broad experience in… - with broad experience in…
in-depth understanding of ... - deep understanding ...

excellent written and verbal communication skills - excellent written and oral communication skills
speaking in public - the ability to speak in front of an audience
solve technical problems easily - easily solve technical problems
read and write in English fluently - I read and write fluently in English
and others.

Tip: list the main skills, no more than 10. Do not overload your resume with unnecessary information.

Interests and Achievements

In this section, do not write about how you like to read books or cook dishes from around the world. This is unnecessary information for the employer.

But if you have personal achievements or hobbies that you are proud of - indicate them in this section. A hobby for sports or art will make a good impression. If your personal interests will be useful in the vacancy for which you are applying, it is better to tell about them.


This section indicates the contacts of people from whom the future employer can find out about you and ask various questions regarding your personality and experience. Therefore, in this section it is worth indicating people who will talk about you from a positive side.

If you have no work experience, you can indicate the contacts of a teacher at the university or a person under whose guidance you did your internship.

In addition, these people should be aware that you include their details on your resume and should be ready to receive a call from the employer. Usually 1-2 contacts are indicated.

If you do not want to disclose this data to unauthorized persons, you can limit yourself to a standard phrase that the recommendations available upon request(available upon request).

Cover letter for resume in English

Cover letter(cover letter) is just as important as the resume itself. Many job seekers do not submit any additional information beyond their resume, but all HR managers(HR managers) argue that the cover letter has a positive effect on the image of the future employee. The main purpose of a cover letter is to help you get an invitation for an interview.

A cover letter makes it possible to more clearly define your position and explain why you are interested in this vacancy and stimulate interest in your candidacy from a potential employer.

The cover letter should be in a neutral business tone. Emphasize the aspects of the job posting, but do not overload the letter with emotion. Everything that is indicated in the cover letter should be relevant to the position(apply to the position) you are applying for.

Despite the fact that cover letters are written in free form, the following rules for composing a cover letter can be distinguished:

Structured information
- No more than one printed page
- Brevity and professionalism
- No grammatical errors
- Includes key job and job skills

Cover letter sections


At the very beginning, indicate how you learned about the vacancy and what position you are interested in.

For instance:

I am looking for a part-time job at ...- I am looking for a part-time job in ...

I would like to find out about employment opportunities in the finance department mentioned on your website- I would like to inquire about the vacancies in the finance department mentioned on your website

Main part

In the main body of your letter, include your reasons for being interested in the position. Your motivation can attract a potential employer. Also, highlight the skills that will help you get the job. For instance:

With my educational background and a strong interest in business I think I will be a great asset to your company. I speak German and Japanese and am at ease in a multicultural environment. My career aim is to work in the HR department - Due to my education and interest in business, I believe that I will become a valuable person in your company. I speak German and Japanese and feel good in a multicultural environment. The goal of my career is to work in the HR department.


In the last part of your cover letter, indicate that you are interested in the interview and leave your contact details.

For instance:

I will be glad to discuss my experience during the job interview with you. If you need any additional information, please contact me by phone: +1 893 65 67 89- I will be happy to discuss my experience in the interview with you. If you need more information, please contact me at +1 893 65 67 89.

And of course, don't forget to check your letter for grammatical and stylistic errors.

Resume vocabulary

Personal qualities

  • Approachable - Meeting-going, responsive
  • Articulate - Able to articulate and articulate his thoughts
  • Attentive - Attentive
  • Broad-minded - Broad-minded
  • Calm - Calm, balanced
  • Capable - Capable, skillful
  • Cheerful - Cheerful
  • Committed - Committed
  • Communicative - Sociable
  • Confident - Confident
  • Conscientious - Conscientious, conscientious
  • Cooperative - Easily collaborate with other people
  • Courteous - Polite, courteous
  • Creative - Creative, inventive
  • Dependable / Reliable - Reliable, trustworthy
  • Decisive - Decisive
  • Determined - Purposeful
  • Diligent - Diligent, diligent, executive
  • Eager to learn - Ready to learn new things
  • Eloquent - Eloquent, Persuasive
  • Energetic - Energetic, active
  • Enthusiastic - Enthusiastic, enthusiastic
  • Flexible - Flexible, able to adapt
  • Hard-working - Hardworking
  • Honest - Honest
  • Independent - Independent, independent
  • Proactive - Proactive
  • Inquisitive - Inquisitive
  • Insightful / Astute - Insightful
  • Meticulous - Meticulous
  • Open-minded - open to new, unbiased
  • Optimistic - Optimistic
  • Organized - Collected, organized
  • Persuasive - Persuasive
  • Positive - Positive
  • Punctual - Punctual
  • Self-motivated - Self-motivated, not needing additional motivation
  • Versatile - Versatile


  • Ability to work efficiently both individually and in a team - Ability to work efficiently both independently and in a team
  • Ability to work under pressure - Ability to work in stressful situations
  • Business communication skills - Ability to communicate in a business environment
  • Communicative skills / Social skills - Good communication skills
  • Conflict management skills - Ability to resolve conflict situations
  • Creative thinking skills - Creative thinking
  • Critical thinking skills - Critical thinking
  • Decision making skills - Decision making
  • Effective listening skills - Ability to listen to the interlocutor
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills - Excellent speaking and writing skills
  • Good sense of humor - Good sense of humor
  • Multitasking - Ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time
  • Organizational skills - Organizational skills
  • Positive attitude - Positive thinking
  • Problem-solving skills - Problem-solving skills
  • Quick learning skills - Rapid learning
  • Resourcefulness - Resourcefulness, resourcefulness
  • Risk taking - Willingness to take risks
  • Sales Ability - Ability to work in the field of sales
  • Strategic thinking - Strategic thinking
  • Strong analytical thinking
  • Time management skills - Ability to manage time
  • Willingness to learn - Willingness to learn

Sample and sample resume in English with translation

Today many programmers are looking for work abroad. So, as an example, consider the resume of a programmer in the gaming industry.

James blake

123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94122

Home: 000-000-0000 | Cell: 000-000-0000

[email protected]

Professional Summary

Extremely efficient Game Programmer seeking a position in which my creative skills and programming knowledge can be used as an asset to the company.

Core Qualifications

  • Experience in all aspects of game development from writing to designing and programming
  • Great understanding of all types of programming languages ​​that are used in game development
  • Work ethic and determination needed to focus and accomplish the task at hand
  • Ability to work as part of a team to meet a common goal
  • Great capacity for learning and implementing new types of programming
  • Great analytical and problem solving skills


Game programmer
8/1/2010 - Present
Welsh Developers
Indianapolis, IN

  • Write code to determine the mechanics and gameplay of the new software
  • Program many aspects of video games such as graphics sound interface scripts etc.
  • Research the statistics relating to the game to determine type of the gameplay to use
  • Oversee the testing of the game to determine whether it is up to standards

Game programmer
12/1/2005 – 8/1/2010
ChildÕs Play Inc.
Chicago, IL

  • Develop and program games and gaming systems for children
  • Work with game designers and developers to release the most beneficial games for kids


Bachelor "s Degree
2000 – 2005
Programming University of Illinois
Chicago, IL

  • Knowledge of C ++, C, and other programming languages
  • Specific platform experience (PlayStation, Xbox)
  • Good understanding of game industry
  • Highly organized
  • Good communication and teamwork skills
  • Work to deadlines
  • Creative approach to work

James blake

123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94122

Home: 000-000-0000 | Mobile: 000-000-0000

[email protected]

Professional goal

A qualified game programmer is looking for a job at a company where my creative skills and coding knowledge will come in handy.


  • Experience in all aspects of game development from writing to design and programming
  • Excellent understanding of all types of programming languages ​​that are used in game development
  • Work ethic and ability to focus and get things done
  • Ability to work in a team towards a common goal
  • Great potential for learning and implementing new types of programming
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills


Game programmer
August 2010 - present
Welsh Developers

  • Writing code to define mechanics and gameplay for new software
  • Programming various aspects of video games, such as graphic and sound scripts in the interface, etc.
  • Examining statistics related to the game to determine the type of gameplay
  • Monitoring game testing for standards compliance
  • Development and programming of games and play systems for children
  • Working with game designers and developers to create useful games for kids

A resume in English, like in Russian, can be written in several ways. There are templates, but there are quite a few of them, and there is no standard form. However, some general rules is still there.

Personal information

Any resume usually starts with this section. This usually includes the following:

  • The name and, if it is impossible to determine the gender by name, then the appeal: Miss, Mrs, Mr.
  • Age (Born on 10 Dec 1980). It is better to write the month in letters, because foreigners usually change the day and month in places, and the date "12/10/1980" can be understood as October 12. Month names in English are capitalized.
  • Country of residence (Currently reside in Russia).
  • Contact information: email address, phone number, name in Skype or other messenger - depending on how you prefer to contact potential colleagues.

It is not worth indicating marital status and the presence / absence of children, as well as attaching a photo - if necessary, you will be asked about it.


In this section, you need to indicate your universities with faculties, courses, postgraduate studies, internships, etc. You can find the name of your university in English on its website, if available. If not, then you can try to translate it yourself - even if you are mistaken, it is unlikely that foreigners will meticulously check it.

A section on education might look something like this:

Higher education: Moscow State Open University, Economics department, graduate (2000-2005).
Higher education: Moscow State Open University, Faculty of Economics, graduate.

Postgraduate education: Moscow State Open University, Economics department, PhD (2005-2007).
Postgraduate studies: Moscow State Open University, Faculty of Economics, Ph.D.

Qualification courses: Accountant courses in Moscow Accounting College, started in 2009 and keep studying in present time.
Refresher courses: courses for accountants at the Moscow Accounting College, from 2009 to the present.

Work practice: financial director assistant in Romashka LTD, September-November 2005.
Industrial practice: Assistant Director for Finance at Romashka LLC, from September to November 2005.


This section will receive the closest attention, and here you need to indicate all those skills that you think are suitable for the position you want to take. Here are some typical phrases you can use:

I "ve been working as a programmer since 1995 - I have been working as a programmer since 1995.
In this phrase, the emphasis is on the fact that you are engaged in programming all the time, and did not work for a while and stopped.

I worked as a creative director for 2 years - I worked as an artistic director for 2 years.
From this phrase it becomes clear that you have some work experience, but this is not your main occupation.

I "m quite familiar with such software as ... - I am quite familiar with such programs as ...

My daily output is - My daily output (for writers and translators).

Known languages: - I speak languages:

Working experience

Here you will need to list all of your previous jobs and positions you have held. The positions in this list will be almost the same, and will look something like this:

Was in charge of writing program codes for mobile applications.
(My responsibilities included writing code for mobile applications)

Worked as a freelance photographer, providing the company with car photos.
(He worked as a freelance photographer, supplying the company with pictures of cars).

Was the head of translating department.
(Was the head of the translation department).

The section with previous jobs is usually written last.

Example 1

Personal information
Name: Andrew Pronin
Date of birth: 17 Sep 1980
Currently reside in Novosibirsk, Russia
Phone number:
Skype (MSN):

Novosibirsk State University, Telecommunications department, graduate (1998-2003)
Programming courses in Novosibirsk Business College (2002-2004)

Working skills
C ++, Perl, Java, MySQL, PHP - professional level.
Windows, Linux, Unix - professional level.
Local network and server administration - advanced level.

Working experience
2005 - today
Head of the programming department, 6 subordinates.
Managing the team of programmers and analysts, supervising the development and testing of Internet applications.

Developing of software architecture and various PHP and Java PC applications.

Example 2

Moscow State University, foreign languages ​​department, graduate (1998-2003)
Moscow State University, foreign languages ​​department, postgraduate studies, PhD (2003-2005)
Courses of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, Moscow Interpretation Center, (2004-2006)

Known languages ​​and certificates
Russian - mother tongue
English - native speaker level, TOEFL certificate
French - advanced level, DAFL certificate B4.

Working skills
Written translation (Eng Ru, Fr Ru) - professional level
Consecutive interpretation (Eng Ru, Fr Ru) - professional level
Simultaneous interpretation (Eng Ru) - advanced level
Specialized oil and gas terminology (Eng) - advanced level

Working experience
Russian Oil & Gas LTD
2004 - present time
Translator and Interpreter

Romashka Publishing house
Books translator

GoTrans Translation agency

Comments (1)

Brian blair

When I grow up, I want to be a cat.

Evgeny Vyazov
Andrey Rudakov
Vladimir Matveev

Do you want to get a job in an international company or are you looking for a job abroad?

Vlad Konstantinov

abstract artist.

Nikita Danilin

Sorri fo may veri bad literal translate: D

Nina shubert

apparently Vlad did not catch your sarcasm :)

Vlad Konstantinov

yes, where can I catch such subtleties)

Artyom Tsetkhalin

Looking for a job abroad and can't write your resume in English - learn English. Who will take it there without knowing English? On the first screen, you will fall

Leonid Nekrasov

Semyon, running a pen along the sheet

Rostya Rubashke

the translator gives such a translation)

Alyona shilova

"Known languages ​​and certificates
Russian - mother tongue "
Good article, you can rely on it

Nikita Zhukovsky

and what is wrong with you. Mother tongue refers to a person "s first language. The language one grew up with.

Nikita Zhukovsky

check out what amused you to tears first. And then write.

We will not claim that knowledge of English will raise your salary. But the statistics of the site on this score is as follows: in Russia, the average salary in vacancies where the requirements include knowledge of the language is 30-40% higher than the average salary in vacancies without this requirement.

Of course, compulsory English is more common in job vacancies of a certain level - for executives or in international companies. But HR managers advise to have a resume in two languages, even if you are not looking for a job abroad: often English is a filter by which candidates who have good growth prospects in the company are identified.

Therefore, it does not hurt to tighten your tongue before making a leap up the career ladder. Start simple - a resume. Maria Mikhailova, a methodologist and teacher at the Alibra School *, helped to figure out how to translate it into English correctly.

You can create a resume without mistakes at a free master class in Moscow, which is arranged by Alibra. They will also talk about the specifics of business communication in employment - this lesson will help those who are serious about their career.

Profile: "About me"

It is better to start English resumes with a section that in English can be called a "profile". In fact, this is a squeeze from your entire resume of three to four sentences.

Here you need to say who you are and why you are applying for this vacancy. For example, “A lawyer with 5 years of experience with the Russian, US and UK copyright”. Briefly explain why you were attracted to the job and accompany it with a listing of your core skills.

What words will help here? Everything related to your professionalism, knowledge, experience and intentions. Experienced, dedicated, qualified, proficient, enhanced, striving for, eager to, focused on. This short section has one goal - to "sell" the resume to the HR department employee so that the study of the CV arouses maximum interest in him.

Work Experience and Achievements - work experience and achievements

In no case should this section be translated from Russian into English verbatim. Direct translation of constructions like "my job was ..." or "I was solving problems ..." will turn a resume into a poorly written essay for a sixth grader.

Your task is to retell the main theses contained in the Russian text in organic English. To do this, it is best to use simple sentence constructs and action words - words that indicate the actions you performed.

For example, instead of “I had to make interviews with large amount of people” write simply “Interviewed people”. Instead of “My responsibility involved planning and making decisions in ...” write “Planned and made decisions in ...”.

Here are some words to help describe your experience: advised, created, managed, researched, arranged, promoted, distributed, trained, supervised.

You can demonstrate a high level of English using professional terminology. Include one or the other specific term in your resume, but before that, carefully check if it turned out to be a tracing paper from Russian, which has a different meaning in English or is completely meaningless. A rough example: using a staff manager, or worse, a personal manager instead of an HR manager.

Also, try to avoid clichés - phrases like "achievement of personal and organization goals" and "opportunity to grow" are exactly what the recruiter sees ten times a day.

Skills - skills

Essential skills relevant to your job should be clear to the employer from experience. Additional skills usually indicate knowledge of professional programs, driving skills, and the level of proficiency in foreign languages. By the way, it is not necessary to confirm it by Cambridge or other international exams. For most employers, a certificate of completion of the courses is quite enough: for example, in the Alibra certificate there is a mark on the level of proficiency in vocabulary and grammar a student left school.

More abstract skills, such as team spirit or advanced communication skills, should only be listed if you have something to support them. For example, communication skills can coexist with frequent participation in industrial exhibitions, and leadership can be reinforced by active participation in sports competitions for a varsity team.

Words that may come in handy here: meeting deadlines, working independently, data handling, analytical and problem-solving skills, communication (written and oral).

Hobby - hobby

Some employers pay attention to what a person does in his free time, and thus assess the degree of his socialization, character traits or other qualities.

We understand that not everyone can boast that they are busy with something impressive at their leisure. But this is not required of you. Just indicate any socially approved occupation if you have anything to do with it. We played basketball at the institute - excellent. Traveling from time to time - great! Love Charles Dickens's books - almost perfect!

Unlike in Russia, in Europe and the United States, it is customary to indicate the contacts of past employers directly in the resume so that the recruiter has the opportunity to contact them even before the invitation for an interview.

If your resume turned out to be more than one or two A4 sheets without taking into account the "profile" and the cover letter, then you definitely wrote too much. Simplify the text and remove insignificant details to the last. Leaving only the essentials on your resume will focus the recruiter's attention on your greatest strengths.

Do not rush to send your resume right away: force yourself to wait at least a day to check it again with a fresh mind.

Better yet, submit your resume to an English teacher for review. If you live in Moscow, sign up for a free resume writing workshop in English at Alibra School to learn how to write the perfect resume to use when looking for a job.

Sign up for a master class!

* The material was prepared in cooperation with the Alibra School of foreign languages ​​(Alibra School).